Express II is equipped with 8 universal inputs,
configurable as dry contact, pulse count, 0-5V
or 4-20mA analog, or temperature inputs.
Easy-to-install expansion cards let you
increase your monitoring capacity by an additional 32 universal input channels. Each
input, whether standard-installed or expanded, is fully programmable and complete with a
two-color LED to indicate the alarm status
Express II also features built-in AC power
monitoring and a built-in microphone for
sound level monitoring.
The system works over standard phone
lines to deliver recorded alarm messages to
up to 48 phone numbers.
Call progress detection ensures that crucial
alarm calls go through, with no wasted time
on busy-signals or unanswered calls.
Alarm-specific dialing and phone list
features allow you to customize the dialout
process. The digital display indicates
current alarm status and phone activity.
The standard local serial port allows
Express II to print alarm activity to a local
Digital speech technology allows you to
record your voice for both dialout alarm
messages and an ID message. When Express
II dials out for an alarm, the system recites
your personalized voice messages.
This feature is especially useful for service
personnel when the system has been
expanded with many inputs.
Your creativity and Express II’s flexibility
enable you to have extensive monitoring
capacity without confusion or worry.
All recorded voice messages are stored in
nonvolatile memory.
Express II: A comprehensive package of monitoring and
control features offering powerful expansion options.
You can customize the Express II system for your specific
needs. Add inputs and outputs as your application
grows. Easy to install, program and expand.
Express II: the first and last monitoring and control
system you need to buy.