Seca CC100 PREMIUM System Manual

Edition FZ201009
SYSTEM MANUAL Radio fire alarm system SeCa CC100 PREMIUM
1. CC100 PREMIUM radio fire alarm control panel ............................................................................. 4
1.1 Versions ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Function ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Operation and display elements .......................................................................................... 4
1.4 Installing the control panel ................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Switching on the CC100P radio fire alarm control panel (initialization) ...................................... 5
1.6 Configuration menu ........................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Function keys ................................................................................................................... 9
1.8 System registration ......................................................................................................... 10
1.9 General reset for a system component ............................................................................... 11
1.10 Commissioning .............................................................................................................. 11
2 Model 100 PREMIUM radio repeater ......................................................................................... 13
2.1 Function ......................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Operation and display elements ........................................................................................ 13
2.3 Installing the 100 PREMIUM radio repeater ......................................................................... 13
2.4 Turning on the model 100P radio telephone dialler (initialization) .......................................... 14
2.5 Assigning the system components ..................................................................................... 14
3 Model 100 PREMIUM radio control module ................................................................................ 14
3.1 Function ......................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Operation and display elements ........................................................................................ 14
3.3 Addressing / connecting the relay: .................................................................................... 14
3.4 Installing the 100 PREMIUM radio control module ................................................................ 15
3.5 Turning on the model 100P radio control module (initialization)............................................. 16
3.6 Assignment of detector events to the relay contacts ............................................................ 16
3.7 Expanding the 100P radio control module to 4 or 6 relay contacts ......................................... 16
4 Model S smoke detector with S 100 PREMIUM radio module ....................................................... 17
4.1 Function ......................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Operation and display elements ........................................................................................ 17
4.3 Installing the model S 100P or SAB 100P radio smoke detector ............................................. 17
4.4 Initialization.................................................................................................................... 17
5 Temperature detector with 01 100 PREMIUM radio module ......................................................... 18
5.1 Function ......................................................................................................................... 18
5.2 Operation and display elements ........................................................................................ 18
5.3 Installing the 01 100P radio temperature detector ............................................................... 18
5.4 Initialization.................................................................................................................... 18
6 100 PREMIUM radio push-button alarm .................................................................................... 19
6.1 Function ......................................................................................................................... 19
6.2 Operation and display elements ........................................................................................ 19
6.3 Installing the 100P push button alarm ................................................................................ 19
6.4 Turning the device on (initialization) .................................................................................. 19
7 MIDI 100 PREMIUM radio siren and flasher ............................................................................... 20
7.1 Function ......................................................................................................................... 20
7.2 Configuration .................................................................................................................. 20
7.3 Installing the 100P MIDI ................................................................................................... 20
7.4 Turning the device on (initialization) .................................................................................. 20
8 Medium / Large 100 PREMIUM radio telephone dialler ................................................................ 21
8.1 Function ......................................................................................................................... 21
8.2 Operation and display elements ........................................................................................ 21
8.3 Installing the radio telephone dialler .................................................................................. 21
8.4 Turning on the radio telephone dialler (initialization) ............................................................ 21
8.5 Configuring the radio telephone dialler ............................................................................... 22
8.6 Call service ..................................................................................................................... 24
8.7 Resetting all system and line parameters ........................................................................... 25
9 Events and their signals ......................................................................................................... 25
9.1 Missing status reports ...................................................................................................... 25
9.2 Malfunction due to outside signals ..................................................................................... 25
9.3 Battery malfunction ......................................................................................................... 26
9.4 No status from repeater ................................................................................................... 26
9.5 Power failure .................................................................................................................. 26
9.6 Start-up ......................................................................................................................... 26
9.7 Tampering ...................................................................................................................... 26
9.8 Alarm ............................................................................................................................ 27
SeCa CC100 PREMIUM system manual
Fundamentals for the authorized professional installer
9.9 Signalling alarms from other detectors ............................................................................... 27
10 Operational statuses ............................................................................................................ 28
10.1 Monitored operation ....................................................................................................... 28
10.2 Unmonitored operation ................................................................................................... 28
10.3 Service operation .......................................................................................................... 28
11 Radio module status information ........................................................................................... 29
12 Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................................... 29
12.1 Technical data ............................................................................................................... 29
12.2 Conformity ................................................................................................................... 29
1. CC100 PREMIUM radio fire alarm control panel
1.1 Versions
The CC100 PREMIUM radio fire alarm control panel is available in three models:
1. a version with an integrated power adaptor,
2. a version with a plug-in power unit, and
3. a version for the installer. In all versions, the functionality is identical. The only difference is in the energy supply. Versions 1 and 2 differ only in that they are supplied with power though an internal and external power adaptor (plug-in power unit). Version 3 is developed specially for installers and comes without a power supply. It is in­tended for surveying buildings to test their suitability for radio technology. This work is made easier by the absence of a power supply. It is not suitable for permanent operation, because the batteries have only about a 35-hour operating capacity (without relays).
1.2 Function
This is a state-of-the-art radio fire alarm control panel with special project planning, commissioning and service functions, as well as an additional PC interface for easy design, operation and maintenance of the system. The following system components can be logged in at the control panel:
1. Radio repeater (cascadable in threes),
2. Radio hazard detector (smoke, temperature and push-button), as well as
3. Radio signalling devices (sirens, flashers, telephone diallers for remote signalling). In addition, integration of interface and control modules allows operation of signal generators and actua­tors, along with connection to wired systems.
1.3 Operation and display elements
Programming keys P1 to P6 (double assignment)
Not assigned P 1 Alarm group 1 Not assigned P 2 Alarm group 2 Relays P 3 Alarm group 3 PIN code P 4 Alarm group 4 System parameters P 5 Alarm group 5 Radio telephone dialler P 6 Alarm group 6
To protect against unintentional activation, the pro­gramming keys are recessed. They are used for system component registration and for configura­tion. With a short press on the key, the display shows the next free address for registering a system component, and the LED for the corresponding group blinks. Pressing the key longer, until the LED goes out, puts you into the configuration menu. Both modes can be left by pressing the key again.
Function keys
Pressing F1 through F4 brings up the functions necessary for operation and service (see their correspond­ing sections in this manual).
Display and LEDs Display: In status monitoring mode, the display shuts itself off after 10 minutes of inaction. Pressing the F3 function key turns it on for about 10 seconds. LED for system component status (upper part of display): When an event arrives, the corresponding status LED lights up (Detector = malfunctions including power failure, Battery = battery replacement and Radio = status report breakdown). Pressing function key F3 activates the display to show the event’s system component address as well as that of the group displayed by the LED.
LED for status sensors
Function keys F1 to F4 (from right to left)
LED for control panel status
SeCa CC100 PREMIUM system manual
Fundamentals for the authorized professional installer
1.4 Installing the control panel
CC100P radio fire alarm control panel with integrated power adaptor
Please use VDE-tested connecting clamps for the power connection from the control panel to the supply line. The separator and additional short circuit protection in the building installation must conform to EN60950 / VDE 0805. The installation must be performed only by qualified electricians in observance of applicable regulations.
1. First place the batteries for the emergency power supply into the battery compartment, making
sure to observe the correct polarity. Then connect the battery compartment to the battery clip. Note: When the control panel is first connected to the power supply, the emergency power function is initialized. To shut it off then, release the battery clip.
2. Before connecting the control panel to the supply line, cut the power to the supply line and secure
it against unintentional reactivation.
3. Connect the connector wires to the control panel and the 230V AC power supply to their respective
connecting clamps.
4. Use the included screws and anchors for installing the control panel. Install the lower screws first,
and then the upper ones.
5. Then turn the 230V AC power supply back on.
CC100P radio fire alarm control panel with plug-in power unit The installation is done as described above, but there is no connection to the power supply line. There­fore the installation doesn’t need to be done by a professional electrician. Simply connect the plug-in power unit to the connector socket after you have connected the emergency power batteries and have installed the control panel.
1.5 Turning on the CC100P radio fire alarm control panel (initialization)
After power is connected, the device undergoes a self-test and then the green Power LED and the red Check Off LED light up to indicate that there is no sensor status monitoring; the number 100 appears in the display.
1.6 Configuration menu
P 1 and P 2 – not assigned
P 3 – Relays (events and assignment)
Three relays can be controlled through the adjacent events. The display shows the first number of the events, and the second shows the assigned relay. Choose the event with the F4 and the relay with the F3 key.
Fig.: Events for relays
(factory default 0 – no relay assigned)
Assignment of the DSUB-15 plug (relay connector cable)
Contact assignment
Note: The assignment of the cable colour to the con­tacts is included with the connector cable (item No.
4100080). Please note that the colour indicators for technical reasons may differ. Important: Use only the contacts indicated here, because otherwise the control panel can be destroyed!
P 4 – PIN
Here an individual PIN can be entered; the factory default setting is 1111. The PIN prevents unauthor­ized access and for certain functions is requested several times (such as when deleting). To make the configuration easier, an entered PIN works for 10 min. after the most recent activity (keystroke). Modifi­cations are made with the function keys F3 (setting the number) and F4 (confirming the number and changing to the next place). The PIN query can be deactivated though setting ―0000‖ (until the next gen­eral reset).
Alarm Group 1
1_ _0
Alarm Group 2
2_ _0
Alarm Group 3
3_ _0
Alarm Group 4
4_ _0
Alarm Group 5
5_ _0
Alarm Group 6
6_ _0
Sensor malfunction
7_ _0
Control panel malfunction
8_ _0
not assigned
No display
not assigned
No display
Collective alarm
11_ _0
Collective failure
12_ _0
Operating mode: 0-static, 1­pulsed
13_ _0
Relay A B
Relay 1
Contact 1
Contact 6
Contact 11
Relay 2
Contact 4
Contact 3
Contact 2
Relay 3
Contact 15
Contact 10
Contact 5
SeCa CC100 PREMIUM system manual
Fundamentals for the authorized professional installer
P 5 – System parameters
System parameter
Status reports
1 = 100
1 = high
Fuzzy logic
factory default
System key
Status reports indirect
factory default
System stability
Detector horns (global)
0-1 0 0 = off
0-3 1 1 = on
Memory sound event
see below
Not assigned
Heterogeneous system
factory default
Not assigned
Reset maintenance in­terval
0-400 days
Automatic commission­ing with topology build
Parameter 1: Status reports Sets the maximum time period in which the status of all system components is checked (battery re­placement, operation, radio connection). Setting 1 corresponds to 100 sec., setting 2 to 200 sec., etc. (Tolerance until display: max. 15 sec., factory default setting: 300s according to EN54-25). Attention: Watch out for the effects of Parameter 2. It can also change the time period!
Parameter 2: Sensitivity Depends on the settings for building data and the desired notification time. The value set tells how many status report failures (radio connection only) should trigger a signal to the CC100P control panel.
Parameter 3: Fuzzy logic Special functions: These settings are made only at the factory.
Parameter 4: System key Upon registration, each control panel, and the system components that belong to it, receive a number that is unique to the system and is set here. Keep in mind that this number must be different for sepa­rate systems in the same range, because otherwise malfunctions will result.
Parameter 5: Status reports, indirect These settings are made only at the factory.
Parameter 6: System stability Display of absent status reports: 6_00 indicates a failure without outside signals, and 6‾ˉ00 a failure due to them. Change the display using F1, reset by pressing F1 and F3 at the same time until the PIN is re­quested; then enter the PIN.
Parameter 7: Detector horn All hazard detectors with an internal horn can be configured here, such that they can be turned on when alarms are received from other detectors. When the horn is turned on (setting 1), all detectors of the same group (alarm line) acoustically signal the alarm situation from other detectors. A MIDI 100 PREMIUM radio siren and flasher can additionally be configured so as to signal the alarm independently of the group (see Configuration of the MIDI 100 PREMIUM in this system manual). If the horn is shut off (setting 0 = factory default setting), only the detector that senses the alarm signals it acoustically. Additionally, the MIDI 100 PREMIUM can signal this visually with a flasher (depending on the settings). The control panel signals every event acoustically, regardless of this setting.
The system parameter settings are reserved for the authorised professional installer. Unpro­fessional alterations to the factory default set­tings can lead to errors or to unintentional op­erations! Please keep in mind that errors caused by im­proper settings are not covered by the legal warranty. In the P5 menu, use the function key F4 to change between system parameters, and F3 to set the value.
Fig.: Overview of system parameters
at factory default settings
Note: At commissioning, the setting will always be assigned (globally) to all detectors. An individual set­ting can be made only with the CC100 PREMIUM Assistant software. The MIDI 100 PREMIUM’s visual sig­nal (flash) cannot be turned off. When there is an alarm, it flashes – depending on the setting – with or independently from the affected group (alarm line).
Parameter 8: Service Maintenance to the system is done according to applicable standards and regulations. It is recommended that it be done at least once a year. Setting to setting 1 provides a reminder after 400 days through an acoustic signal, which sounds approximately every 40 seconds if maintenance is due. The display shows SE_1. The signal can be shut off temporarily by setting the value to 0. The maintenance interval (pa­rameter SE) is reset after maintenance has been performed. For alarm testing the sensors without the CC100 PREMIUM Assistant software, set value 2 (visual only) or 3 (visual and acoustic), the Test On LED glows at this setting. If the alarms are acknowledged at the control panel, they are not forwarded.
Parameter 9: Memory sound event The control panel can be notified approximately every 45 seconds when event reports, such as for mal­functions or alarms, have been acknowledged. This can be done by an acoustic signal or additionally by a visual display. (See Point 1 ―Display and LEDs‖.) The following settings are possible: Setting 0 - no signal Setting 1 - acoustic and visual signal Setting 2 - no acoustic signalling but only visual, radio malfunctions are automatically reset as soon as they have ended. Setting 3 - (factory default) acoustic and visual signal for expired alarms, sensor and battery malfunc­tions (no acoustic signal for radio malfunctions that are reset automatically).
Parameter 10: unassigned
Parameter 11: Heterogeneous system These settings are made only at the factory.
Parameter 12: unassigned
Parameter SE: Maintenance interval Display of SE_0 = within maintenance interval, and SE_1 = expired maintenance interval (400 days). Pressing the F3 key shows the time elapsed since the previous service. Press F1 and F3 simultaneously to reset the maintenance interval to its original value of 0. Entering the PIN one last time confirms the proc­ess.
Parameter 14: Automatic commissioning Pressing F1 and F2 starts automatic commissioning, transferring the set parameters. Detectors with too weak a signal during commissioning are automatically integrated through repeaters. If commissioning is successful, the display shows ―P3‖. After unsuccessful commissioning, F0 to F15 are displayed. Confirm this result by pressing F1. If commissioning is not successful, the error code (F0 to F16) is displayed, along with the detector or repeater that caused the termination. An error code between F5 and F9 indicates an error caused by a repeater (communication problems due to a weak signal). The other error codes indi­cate errors due to communication problems between the control panel and repeaters on one end, and the other system components on the other. Note: Be aware that commissioning is also terminated if the set minimum signal strengths are not reached. To change them, you need the CC100 PREMIUM Assistant software.
SeCa CC100 PREMIUM system manual
Fundamentals for the authorized professional installer
P 6 – controlling the radio telephone dialler
Alarm Group 1
Alarm Group 2
Alarm Group 3
Alarm Group 4
Alarm Group 5
Alarm Group 6
System component malfunction
Control panel malfunction
Collective alarm
Collective failure
Note: Event forwarding through the dialler to a corresponding call number must be set at the dialler (see Configuring the radio telephone dialler).
1.7 Function keys
Pressing F1 through F4 brings up the special functions necessary for operation and service. Pressing two keys at the same time, and the length of time they are pressed, brings up the functions detailed below:
Status and signal strength System components F3 Scrolling with the F3 key brings up the addresses of all registered system components. The glowing LED shows each one’s group and — if available the status for malfunctions. The addresses contain strokes that indicate the status within the radio network (two dashes e.g. ―7=01 for sensors and signalling de­vices, three dashes 9 01 for the 100 PREMIUM radio repeater) and the signal strength prefixed at commissioning. If there is not enough signal strength for commissioning, a stroke is shown at that place (- = 01). A commissioning value can be missing due to preset topology that has not been measured. For that reason, this approach is not recommended.
Collective-call feature (all LED groups off) F2+F3 All detectors with activated horns (see Parameter 7) are called. This type of calling is suitable for check­ing mute switching of system components, because only system components with activated horns re­spond. When the control panel is in normal operating mode (no address on the display and all LED groups off), press F2+F3 until the display shows FF and a revolving zero as a symbol of the calling process. In monitored operation, the call duration is a maximum of 25 sec., and in unmonitored operation 120 sec. (regardless of the chosen settings or topology) for individual detectors. With the radio siren/flasher of the MIDI 100 PREMIUM, the flasher activates if the siren is muted. Pressing F2+F3 again ends the call. If the call does not end, after about three minutes the horns turn themselves off autonomously (time out), and the flashers will change their interval from 2 to 8 seconds. The flasher can be stopped only by a new call with the OFF signal. Attention: Pressing the keys alternately turns the collective-call feature either on or off. The display shows a right-rotating zero (OFF) or a left-rotating zero (ON). If a call is ended improperly, the next call can send an OFF or ON signal. In that case, repeat the process!
Single call F4 Set the desired address of the detector that is to call by scrolling in the display using the F3 key, then immediately press F4 until the display shows the detector address at the left, and at the right a rotating zero to indicate the calling process. Maximum call duration is 25 sec. The detector responds intermit­tently with a short (activated horn) or long uninterrupted melody (deactivated horn). This function is suitable for testing the horn settings and for identifying individual detectors.
List of indirect system components (repeater address in display) F2+F3 To receive the assignment of the system components to their respective repeater, use F3 to scroll to the desired repeater address (e.g., 9 01), and then immediately press F2 and F3 briefly. You can use F3 to call up all assigned addresses. To get the normal display back, use F1 to delete these addresses one after the other.
First press F3 to determine the dialler model (choices: 0 for no dialler, 2 for medium or 4 for large). Then order the events to the dialler’s input lines as follows: In the display the first number shows the event and the second shows the assigned input line of the dialler. Choose the event with the F4 key and the input line with the F3 key.
Fig.: Events for dialler without an assigned line (factory default setting).
Mute switching during an alarm F2 If an alarm is signalled acoustically, you can use F2 to shut it off temporarily for about 3 minutes, in o r­der to determine the cause. All actions are reset within 20 sec. (max. 36 sec.), the display remains and the Sound Off LED blinks. After that time has expired, the actions are enabled again within 30 sec. Note: If during that time an alarm from another sensor is received, mute switching is cancelled.
Confirm an event F1 Malfunctions or alarms can be confirmed through F1 (version 60 and above). Their associated signals to the control panel are reset immediately, and those to the other system components are reset after about 20 sec. (max. 36 sec.). Note: A dialler-forwarded alarm that has already been triggered at the time of confirmation can no longer be reset.
Deleting individual addresses (approx. 10 sec.) F1 Set the desired address of the detector that is to delete by scrolling in the display using the F3 key, then immediately press F1 until the LED group and address stop blinking. Entering the PIN one last time con­firms the process.
General reset (approx. 10 sec.) F1+F3 Press F1 and F3 until all group LEDs stop blinking. Entering the PIN one last time confirms the process. If all settings are reset to factory default, only the system key and the data in event memory remain.
Other functions In addition to those mentioned above, the following functions can be performed only with the CC100 PREMIUM Assistant software:
Configuring dual detector dependency (four pairs) Determining minimum signal strengths for automatic topology build-up Individual detector horn settings Restart function for subsequent commissioning of individual system components. Measuring battery voltage and the current signal strength of all or individual system compo-
Visualizing and printing various logs and topologies Signal strength charts (values for the system components to all repeaters and to the control
Integrated analyser function
1.8 System registration
Registering the system components
1. Before you do the registrations, go into configuration menu P5 and set the system parameter 8 to
the value of 3 (visual and acoustic alarm testing). This prevents an unintentionally sent test alarm from triggering a collective alarm.
2. Register the system components under their respective groups, therefore briefly press the corre-
sponding programming key, and the next free address will be shown.
3. Then briefly press twice the programming key of the radio module on the participant to be regis-
4. Successful registration will be indicated at the control panel by a long glow of the corresponding
group’s LED and by the appearance of the received radio signal in the display.
5. After about 10 sec., the group’s LED shut off, and the control panel is ready to register more sys-
tem components.
Registration errors: Failed registration can have various causes. The following are common mistakes that you should rule out:
The registration mode was not activated at the control panel. The radio module has already been logged on and is addressed. Do a general reset of the radio
module and log in again. When in doubt, you can use the CC100 PREMIUM Assistant software to read out the data (see Chapter 11, Radio module status information).
The login has occurred immediately after the voltage was applied. Previously addressed radio
modules are in receiver mode for the first 30 seconds after the voltage is applied. Meanwhile, all other functions are locked, so a login or test alarm is not possible. Wait 30 sec. and then repeat the process.
The system component has no power (battery not connected or drained, etc.).
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