MK --
Microphone Capsules
CMC --
Microphone Amplifiers
User Guide
Colette Modular System
Colette Modular System
page System Overview 2 CMC -- Microphone Amplifiers 3
Phantom Powering 5 Technical Specifications 7 Notes on Electromagnetic Compatibility 7 Block Diagram 8
MK -- Microphone Capsules 9
Capsule Selection 9 Attaching a Capsule 9 Basic Characteristics of Transducers 10 Suggested Capsules for Specific Applications 11 Pressure Transducers 12 Boundary Layer Microphones 13
Pressure Gradient Transducers 14 Specifications for Complete Microphones 21 Care and Maintenance 22 Possible Problems 22 Warranty 24
SCHOEPS GmbH · Spitalstr. 20 · D-76227 Karlsruhe (Durlach) · Tel: +49 721 943 20-0 · Fax: +49 721 943 2050 ·
System Overview (Extract)
Colette Modular System
inline filters
. . .
20 capsules in all
Active Tube
(special version)
Active Cable
balanced unbalanced
TR 200 KCg Active Table Stand
Active Tube
LP 40 U
low-pass filter
Active Accessories
CMC 6, P12 / P48
CMC 3, P12
CMC 5, P48
LC 60, LC 120
low-cut filters
elastic suspension with Active Cable
e.g. VMS 5 U
microphone preamplifier with M/S matrix
MDZ 10, MDZ 20
CMC 4, T12
SCHOEPS GmbH · Spitalstr. 20 · D-76227 Karlsruhe (Durlach) · Tel: +49 721 943 20-0 · Fax: +49 721 943 2050 ·
CMC -- Microphone Amplifiers
Microphone Amplifiers
Dear customer:
Thank you for choosing SCHOEPS CMC (”Colette”) Series microphones. This is the most extensive and diverse modular microphone system in the world, offering the highest pos­sible professional sound quality in an extremely wide range of practical configurations. A system overview is shown on page 2.
Colette Modular System
A condenser microphone is formed by the combination of two main components: a cap­sule and a microphone amplifier:
The capsule is the component which converts sound waves into a varying electrical voltage. It determines the directionality and, for the most part, the sound quality of the microphone. The amplifier is the other main component, with the circuitry needed to accept external powering, polarize (charge) the capacitive capsule, obtain the audio signal from it, and convert that signal to one which is balanced and low-impedance.
Microphones of the Colette Series are mod­ular: Any type of CMC microphone amplifier can be used with any type of Colette capsule. Approximately 20 different capsule types (MK --) are available for wide-ranging applications, and several types of amplifier (CMC --) are available for various powering and connection schemes.
In addition, the practical value of a Colette Series microphone is greatly enhanced by Colette ”Active Accessories” – special goose­necks, ultra-thin cables or narrow extension tubes which allow the capsule to be separated some distance from its amplifier and placed unobtrusively, as if it were a miniature micro­phone. Colette Active Cables are often used to help conceal microphones for film and video production, while Colette Active Extension Tubes have become a mainstay of concert
amplification, recording and broadcasting. The active circuitry in these accessories converts the audio signal to lower impedance directly at the capsule, so that there is no loss of sound quality:
In the following pages you will find technical information, application hints and advice con­cerning the care and maintenance of these microphones. We begin by considering the CMC amplifier and how to power and connect SCHOEPS condenser microphones; the second part of this manual concerns the capsules of the Colette Series. For information on acces­sories (including Active Accessories), please see our main catalog or visit
CMC -- Microphone Amplifiers
...are distinguished by: – flat frequency response – low noise and distortion – balanced, symmetrical, very low-impedance
– ability to be used with very long cables
(e.g. several hundred meters)
– versions for various powering schemes
Several standard versions are available. All feature a symmetrical, class-A output stage which uses neither coupling conden sers nor an output transformer. This leads to a low output impedance, insensitivity to electrical interfer­ence, low distortion and light weight.
CMC amplifiers are electrically active com ­po nents which require operating current. This will most often be supplied by the inputs of a mixer, preamplifier (such as the SCHOEPS VMS 5U shown on page 2) or recorder that has suitable microphone powering built in. Otherwise, a stand-alone microphone power supply of proper type can be used.
Standard Versions
Four standard models of CMC amplifier are offered to fit the specific type(s) of microphone
MK-- CMC--
Active Accessories
powering which the user expects to encounter. Variants of these types are also available, offer­ing different output levels and/or extended frequency range. Each amplifier works only with the specific type and voltage(s) of power ing for which it is designed.
Please note: The two amplifiers in a stereo pair
of CMC microphones should be of the same type. For critical applications, pairs of capsules can be selected at the factory for pre cisely matched sensitivity and frequency response. (A small extra fee is charged for this service.)
Most modern, solid-state professional micro ­phones use a standardized powering scheme known as ”phantom powering,” and most recording equipment offers a 48-Volt supply for such microphones. Some equipment, how­ever, provides a 12-Volt supply for phantom powering, or can be readily modified to provide such a supply. The SCHOEPS CMC 6 amplifier series can work with either voltage, switching its circuitry automatically to the corresponding mode of operation. It maintains the same level of performance in either mode, while drawing only the necessary amount of current from the phantom supply.
Note that the CMC 6 is designed to work with standard 12-Volt or standard 48-Volt phantom powering, but it is not a ”12-to-48 Volt” microphone. Any input to which it is connected must implement one of those two standard phantom powering methods. Not only must the supply voltage meet the stan­dard; the resistors must be correct as well.
For applications in which it is certain that only 48-Volt or only 12-Volt phantom powering will be used, the CMC 5 and CMC 3 (respec ­tively) remain available at slightly lower cost. The CMC 6 offers greater flexibility in powering as well as superior immunity to radio-frequency interference; it is also the only amplifier model which can be delivered in the special ”xt” ver­sion (see description under ”Special Versions” below).
From an audio standpoint, the most signifi­cant difference between the CMC 6 and the CMC 3 or 5 is the response at the very lowest audio frequencies: The standard version of the
CMC 6 has a 12 dB/octave rolloff below 20 Hz as a protection against infrasonics, while the stan dard version of the CMC 3 or 5 has a 6 dB/ octave rolloff below 30 Hz. Any CMC amplifier can be specially ordered, or modified after delivery, for any desired rolloff frequency within reason; please see the description of the CMC ”linear” version for further details.
In general if a 48-Volt microphone is con­nected to 12-Volt phantom powering, no dam­age will occur but the microphone will not work properly. On the other hand a CMC 3 could be powered safely and effectively by a 48-Volt phantom supply if it can provide 11 mA per microphone. But that current exceeds what is required for standard 48-Volt phantom power­ing, and unfortunately many existing supplies do not even meet the standard. Therefore this mode of operation should not normally be relied upon.
In the realm of film and video sound an older system called ”parallel powering” or ”T” powering (”Ton ader spei sung”) at 12 ± 1 Volts is sometimes still used, particularly with Nagra tape recorders; the CMC 4 amplifier model works with that system. See Fig. 3, p. 6 for a schematic diagram; since this method of pow­ering has been in decline for some time now, it is not described in detail in this manual. Please contact your SCHOEPS dealer or SCHOEPS GmbH with any questions concerning its use.
Special Versions
CMC 6 U”xt” – the 40 kHz version
This variant is indicated by the letters ”xt” engraved on the output socket. When an ”xt” amplifier is used with any axially-addressed Colette capsule, the response range of the microphone will extend beyond 40 kHz. The response above 10 kHz will also be elevated slightly. Specific frequency response curves can be seen in our main catalog or on our Web site, .
CMC “+5 dB”
The sensitivity of a microphone with this ampli ­fier variant is 5 dB above the normal type, while the equivalent noise level is somewhat
GmbH · Spitalstr. 20 · D-76227 Karlsruhe (Durlach) · Tel: +49 721 943 20-0 · Fax: +49 721 943 2050 ·
Types of Microphone Amplifiers
Microphone Amplifiers
greater. The increased output levels can help to raise a microphone's signal above the input noise level of the equipment to which it is connected, especially when sound levels are low to moderate. However, the overload limit of that equipment, and of the microphone itself, will also be reached 5 dB sooner.
CMC ”linear”
CMC microphone amplifiers normally have a rolloff in response below 30 Hz (20 Hz in the CMC 6) to guard against infrasonic distur­bances from various sources such as vibration and air motion. However, when using pressure (omnidirectional) transducers, particularly with digital recording, it can be desirable to pick up frequencies even lower than 20 - 30 Hz. The special technology of the CMC microphone amplifiers makes this possible; on request we can deliver microphone amplifiers with response extending as low as 3 Hz.
For live recording, however, some caution is advised with respect to infrasonics. Since pressure transducers can pick up very low fre­quencies, ventilation systems in large spaces (churches, concert halls) or traffic rumble can create a problem. With pressure gradient trans ­ducers the risk is even greater. They are far less sensitive to very low frequency sound, but respond much more strongly to low-frequency mechanical stimuli such as air currents and solid-borne noise. Such signals may be below the audible range, but they can overload pre­amp inputs, particularly those that have undersized input transformers.
Phantom Powering (DIN EN 61938)
(formerly DIN 45 596)
”Phantom” powering is a standard method of providing the operating current for a micro­phone's circuitry through ordinary two-conduc­tor shielded cable. Precisely equal DC flows in both modulation leads, making it ”invisible” and harmless to most balanced microphones that don't require such powering (e.g. most dynamic microphones, including ribbons). Exceptions are quite rare. The only likely cases in which standard phantom powering will en -
danger a balanced microphone (e.g. a ribbon) are if a microphone cable, con nector or adapter is defective or wired in a non-standard way, such that one modulation lead of the micro­phone is shorted to ground at DC while the powering is on. If a microphone is connected to such a cable with the powering turned on, impulse current will flow through its coil or ribbon, possibly causing damage.
Fig. 1 shows the only valid 48 V and 12 V phan tom powering circuit (abbreviations: P48 and P12) that can be realized with resistors as opposed to a center-tapped input transformer. This illustration is based on the international standard document EN 61938, ratified in
1997. Our microphones are developed and tested with power supplies that con form to the requirements of this standard. Proper oper­ation with non-standard power supplies can­not be guaranteed. Circuit arrangements that deviate from the standard can cause opera­tional problems (i.e. distortion or even gaps in the signal), particularly at high sound pressure levels or in the presence of strong wind noise. Such problems may often seem to defy analysis until their real cause is discovered.
The permissible tolerance of the feed resistor values as such is ±20%. However, the differ­ence between the resistors of any one pair should be less than 0.4% (i.e. 27 Ohms for 48-Volt phantom powering with 6.8 kOhm). This close matching is necessary to maintain adequate common mode rejection. It will also prevent significant DC from flowing through the primary of the input transformer (if one is present) and causing distortion or reduced dynamic range.
A microphone designed for 48-Volt phan­tom powering could draw as much as 10 mA according to the standard. A SCHOEPS CMC 5 or CMC 6 will draw about 4 mA even when Active Accessories are used; this falls well within the limit set by the prevailing standard. There are certain commercially available power supplies, preamplifiers, and mixing desks – mostly older, but some more recent – which fail to meet this standard and hence may not be able to power SCHOEPS microphones ade­quately. Where doubt exists, equipment should
SCHOEPS GmbH · Spitalstr. 20 · D-76227 Karlsruhe (Durlach) · Tel: +49 721 943 20-0 · Fax: +49 721 943 2050 ·
Phantom Powering
Microphone Amplifiers
SCHOEPS GmbH · Spitalstr. 20 · D-76227 Karlsruhe (Durlach) · Tel: +49 721 943 20-0 · Fax: +49 721 943 2050 ·
Phantom Powering
Microphone Amplifiers
If possible, an unbalanced input should be bal­anced with a high-quality microphone input transformer. That will also allow the signal leads from the microphone to be balanced, for best rejection of interference.
If such an arrangement is not possible, how­ever, a CMC microphone may be operated in unbalanced mode by taking the signal from pin 2 via a coupling condenser with a value as shown in Figure 2 above. The signal from pin 3 must be left unconnected; do not short it to ground. This ”unbalancing act” must occur between the power supply and the preamplifier input, however, since naturally all three pins of the microphone must still connect to its phantom or parallel power supply.
+ phase
- phase
2 (4)
3 (5)
P48: US= 48 V ± 4 V; RS= 6,8 kW*, I
= 10 mA
P12: U
= 12V ± 1V; RS= 680 W*, I
= 15 mA
+ phase
- phase
2 (4)
3 (5)
* see note in the text concerning tolerances
with XLR-5 (stereo microphones)
Fig. 2
To add phantom powering to a balanced, grounded, transformerless input, capa ­citors must be inserted into the signal lines and polariza­tion resistors provided as shown.
Fig. 1
Input with transformer (or balanced, floating trans­formerless input)
XLR-3 connector
* recommended values:
C: 100
F, 63V; R: 22kΩ, 1%
** Tolerance ca. 5%; precise
matching is not critical.
Fig. 3
Parallel powering; with parallel powering there is low-impedance DC across pins 2 and 3. This can damage dynamic microphones, especially ribbons.
z.B. 10 kOhm
be checked to verify its suitability for profes­sional work with SCHOEPS microphones. On page 8 a method is described for checking a phantom supply quickly and easily.
For P12 the standard allows a current of 15 mA. A SCHOEPS CMC 3 will draw 11 mA while a CMC 6 needs 8 mA at 12 Volts.
Fig. 2 shows a bal an ced but groun ded am ­pli fier in put. In this case eit her a trans for mer (see fig. 1) or ad di tio nal ca pa ci tors ha ve to be in ser ted in the au dio li ne.
Unbalanced Operation
Unbalanced operation of CMC microphone amplifiers is not recommended; both noise and vulnerability to interference will be increased.
SCHOEPS GmbH · Spitalstr. 20 · D-76227 Karlsruhe (Durlach) · Tel: +49 721 943 20-0 · Fax: +49 721 943 2050 ·
Technical Specifications, Electromagnetic Compatibility
Microphone Amplifiers
Amplifier type Powering Current Impedance Low-cut
consumption frequency (-3 dB)
CMC 6U / 6Uxt: 12 V phantom 8 mA 25 Ohms 20 Hz
48 V phantom 4 mA 35 Ohms 20 Hz
(automatic switchover) CMC 5U: 48 V phantom 4 mA 35 Ohms 30 Hz CMC 3U: 12 V phantom 11 mA 20 Ohms 30 Hz CMC 4U: 12 V parallel 9 mA 13 Ohms 30 Hz
Polarity: Increasing sound pressure on the microphone's 0° axis produces a positive-going voltage
at pin 2. Maximum output voltage: 1 V (at 1 kHz and 1 kOhm load resistance) Minimum recommended load resistance: 600 Ohms (A load resistance below this value will par-
ticularly reduce the maximum output level.) The other technical specifications depend on the choice of capsule – see page 12 ff. Length: 116 mm (incl. 3 mm capsule thread) Diameter: 20 mm Weight: 65 – 68 g, depending on type Surface finish: matte gray (g) or nickel (ni)
electromagnetic fields. This is particularly true for CMC 6 amplifiers made since 2004; they can be recognized by the gold-colored shield plate in their output connector.
Due to the wide dynamic range of studio microphones, the smallest signal amplitudes are in the microvolt (1/1,000,000 Volt) range. Cable shielding and the grounding scheme of the preamp or mixer input are also crucial. Thus no microphone can ever be immune to all possible disturbances under all circumstances. But the following suggestions can help to reduce the likelihood of picking up noise:
1) Keep both the microphone and the cable
away from sources of interference such as
monitors, digital equipment (computers),
RF emitters (mobile phones), power trans-
formers, power lines, SCR dimmers, switch-
ing power supplies etc.
2) Use only high-quality cables with a high
degree of shield coverage.
3) Keep all cables as short as possible.
4) Dress audio cables away from power cables.
If they must cross, it should be at right angles.
5) At the preamp or mixer input, the shield of
the microphone cable should connect to
chassis ground in the shortest way possible.
If necessary, this coupling can be capacitive.
Simultaneous Connection to Multiple Inputs
If one microphone must be connected to mul­tiple inputs simultaneously, an active micro phone splitter should be used in order to preserve the loading and powering conditions for the microphone, and to prevent interference.
Maximum Cable Length
Cable lengths of several hundred meters are possible; Colette Series microphones are some ­times used with cables as long as 500 m (over 1/4 mile!). But the practical limit depends on the electrical capacitance of the cable, which is sometimes an unknown quantity. The lower this capacitance is per unit length, the longer the cable can be. All SCHOEPS cables have very low capacitance (100 pF/m between the conductors).
The main risks with excessively long micro­phone cables are losses at high frequencies due to cable capacitance, reduced ability to handle very high sound pressure levels, and increased likelihood of picking up interference.
No tes on Electromagnetic Compatibility
SCHOEPS CMC microphone amplifiers are virtually immune to magnetic, electric and
SCHOEPS GmbH · Spitalstr. 20 · D-76227 Karlsruhe (Durlach) · Tel: +49 721 943 20-0 · Fax: +49 721 943 2050 ·
Block Diagram of the CMC 3, 5, 6 Microphone Amplifiers
Microphone Amplifiers
MK --
MK --
EMI filter
e.g. cable KC -- or
tube RC --
Active Accessories:
Center contact ( )
Inner ring (0 V)
Middle ring (+60 V)
Outer ring (+6,2 V)
Microphone Amplifier
CMC --
= +48 V
= 6.8 kΩ
= 6.8 kΩ
Preampli -
or mixing
+Phase: An excursion of the diaphragm towards the back electrode (posi-
tive pressure phase) leads to a positive signal at this pin.
*matched pair; see page 5
** Here are three simple methods for verifying correct phantom powering.
These measurements should be made at an unused input. Reduce the
channel gain to protect loudspeakers, etc. If microphones are connected
to other inputs at the same time, no substantial difference should occur
in the results.
1. Measure the open-circuit voltage between ground (pin 1) and either
pin 2 or pin 3 of the XLR input. Given the permitted tolerances, this
voltage should be between 44 and 52 VDC for P48, and between 11
and 13 VDC for P12. Then, measure the short-circuit current between
ground (pin 1) and either pin 2 or pin 3 of the XLR input. Given the per-
mitted tolerances, this current should be between 5.9 and 8.5 mA DC
for P48, and between 15 and 21 mA DC for P12.
Pin 1: screen (GND)
Pin 2: +phase
Pin 3: –phase
Bottom view
(as the pins are seen)
Note: Well-designed phantom power supplies must tolerate at least a
temporary short circuit without damage; an unbalanced connection
(which is occasionally necessary) would cause the same current to be
drawn. To be safe, however, don't leave the short circuit in place longer
than necessary.
2) Measure the DC voltages on the modulation leads with a microphone
connected, e.g. by opening the connector shell of the cable. The two
voltages (from pin 2 and pin 3 to pin 1) must be identical. With a CMC 5
or CMC 6 and a 48-Volt supply, they should be about 34 Volts (mini-
mum = 30 Volts). For P12 this is 8.3 Volts (minimum 7.3 Volts) with a
CMC 3, and 9 Volts (minimum 8 Volts) with a CMC 6.
3) For P48, use a SCHOEPS PHS 48 tester. Plug it in to the XLR input socket;
if the LED glows and stays lit, all is well.
Nominal voltage gain: stan-
dard CMC amplifier: -2 dB,
”+5 dB” version: +3 dB.
+ 16 hidden pages