publication may be transmitted, transcribed, reproduced, stored in any
retrieval system or translated into any language or computer language in
any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, magnetic, optical,
chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of
ScanSoft Inc., 9 Centennial Drive, Peabody, Massachusetts 01960. Printed
in the United States.
The software described in this book is furnished under license and may be
used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.
IMPORTANT NOTICESScanSoft provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind,
either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties
of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Some states or
jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in
certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you.
ScanSoft reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes
from time to time in the content hereof with-out obligation of ScanSoft to
notify any person of such revision or changes.
Apple Computer, Inc. makes no warranties whatsoever, either express or
implied regarding this product, including warranties with respect to its
merchantability or its fitness for any particular purpose.
TRADEMARKS AND CREDITSTextBridge is a registered trademark and Smart Zones and Instant Access
OCR, are trademarks, of ScanSoft, Inc.
Apple, the Apple logo, AppleScript, Macintosh, and OneScanner are
trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
Excel, Word, and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corp.
ScanSoft Inc. welcomes you to TextBridge® Pro 8.5 for
TextBridge Pro incorporates powerful optical characterrecognition (OCR) technology and an easy-to-use interface so
you can quickly convert paper documents into fully-editable text
files, complete with the original layouts.
Files produced by TextBridge Pro are compatible with a variety of
word processing, desktop publishing, data base, and spreadsheet
Before going on to find out more about TextBridge Pro, please
read this preface as it describes these important items:
NoteThis manual should provide all the information you need to
This user’s guide includes introductory, procedural, and tutorial
information designed primarily for non-technical users. However,
you should be familiar with the management and operation of
your Macintosh computer.
operate TextBridge Professional Edition. However, ScanSoft
invites your comments about the information provided here.
Please make sure to register your software, and provide any
comments to ScanSoft as directed.
TextBridge Professional Edition User's Guideix
Organization of this manual
This manual is designed both as a training tool and a reference
tool. It includes practical tips and techniques, troubleshooting
and error correction, sample documents, and AppleScript
information. It is organized as follows:
◆ Chapter 1, “Introduction,” discusses TextBridge Pro features and
benefits, lists the supported scanners, lists the supported output
text formats, and discusses the AppleGuide online Help system.
◆ Chapter 2, “Installation,” provides step-by-step instructions to
install TextBridge Pro software and link it with your scanner or
other input device. This chapter also provides information about
System Configuration and System Requirements. If you want to
get started immediately, go directly to this chapter for full
installation instructions.
◆ Chapter 3, "TextBridge Pro Tools," provides a complete reference
to menus, commands, toolbars, and other components of
TextBridge Pro’s user interface.
procedures to process paper documents and online page images to
usable text files on your Macintosh. It describes how to use
TextBridge Pro in both automatic and interactive modes.
xTextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide
◆ Chapter 5, “Tutorials,” walks you through several practice
sessions designed to provide a firm basis on which to learn and
use the important features of TextBridge Pro.
◆ Chapter 6, “Tips and Techniques,” provides practical suggestions
for getting the best performance from TextBridge Pro.
◆ Appendix A, “Troubleshooting and Error Correction,” lists the
error messages that can be generated during TextBridge Pro
operation and suggests ways for correcting the errors.
◆ Appendix B, “Sample Documents,” describes the online sample
documents that are provided with TextBridge Pro.
◆ Appendix C, “Apple Script Interface,” describes the Apple events
supported by TextBridge Pro and explains how to use them in
◆ The “Glossary of Terms” defines words, phrases, and concepts
used in TextBridge Pro documentation.
◆ The “Index” provides a comprehensive index for quickly locating
the information you need.
Documentation conventions
As described in Table P–1, TextBridge Pro documentation uses
certain graphical elements and formatting to emphasize
information and denote meaning in text.
Table P–1. Documentation Conventions
boldIntroduces a new term, or the first use of an
italicDenotes titles of other manuals or books. Also
monospaceDenotes examples, menu text, actual file names
“ ” (quotes)Denotes titles of chapters and sections in this
important term in a chapter; also sometimes
used to denote strong in-line emphasis.
used to denote generic representations of file
name entries in examples, for example,
or messages that appear on the computer
xiiTextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide
Introduces tips that provide useful information
about a procedural step or system function.
Introduces information of note about the
current subject.
TextBridge Pro provides a comprehensive set of documents
designed to help you in fully learning and operating the product.
In addition to this User’s Guide, refer to the following
documentation for more information:
◆ReadMe—After you install TextBridge Pro, please read the online
ReadMe document, which automatically appears in the
TextBridge Pro Folder:
Simply double-click the ReadMe icon to view important, up-todate information that is not in the standard documentation set.
◆ReadMe—Support—The online Support document provides
customer support information for TextBridge Pro:
☞ TextBridge Pro works with a number of popular desktop
scanners. Refer to the scanner manufacturer’s documentation for
information on your scanner.
If you should experience problems with TextBridge Pro that you
cannot resolve, consult Appendix A, "Troubleshooting and Error
Correction," for a list of error messages and ways to correct them.
If you cannot resolve a problem on your own using the
documentation and software, refer to the following Web site:
The ScanSoft web site provides a link to TextBridge pages,
including Frequently Asked Questions, and technical information
bulletins. Please refer to the ReadMe–Support document on your
installation CD-ROM or in the TextBridge Pro Folder for more
information about Customer Support.
xivTextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide
Welcome to ScanSoft’s TextBridge® Professional Edition, the
premier OCR software for Macintosh®.
OCR stands for optical character recognition, the capability
to recognize paper documents and output formatted, fullyeditable data (text and graphics) to a word processor,
spreadsheet, or web browser format. OCR can also recognize online page images from fax modems, scanners, and other sources.
In addition to OCR, TextBridge Pro offers advanced capabilities
such as interactive training and full documentrecomposition.
TextBridge Pro combines ScanSoft’s industry-leading document
recognition technology (DocuRT™) with a familiar, easy-to-use
Macintosh interface. Figure 1–1 shows the main window of
TextBridge Pro.
Figure 1–1. Main window
TextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide1–1
Using ScanSoft’s latest document recognition technology,
TextBridge Pro is the first and only OCR software that can produce a fully-editable electronic document that retains the original
document layout, complete with text and pictures (Figure 1–2).
Original document
Recomposed document
in word processor
Figure 1–2. TextBridge Pro document recomposition
Whether you need to capture a simple one-page office document, a
spreadsheet, or a long transcript, TextBridge Pro can save you
valuable time and effort.
1–2TextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide
Productivity features unique to TextBridge Pro
TextBridge Professional Edition is the first and only desktop
document recognition software product to offer these major
◆ Instant Access OCR™. You can run TextBridge Pro from within
virtually any Macintosh text application. It then automatically
pastes recognized document data (text and pictures) directly into
the host application’s open document.
◆ Dynamic Training. For difficult documents, such as faxes or
multi-generation photocopies, TextBridge Pro enables you to
interact with the OCR process to view and accept (or correct) its
recognition decisions; thus training it to improve recognition
accuracy as the job progresses.
◆ Document recomposition. TextBridge Pro is the first and only
desktop document recognition software product to offer true
document recomposition. When you specify output to Microsoft
Word™ or WordPerfect® format, TextBridge Pro can retain the
original document layout in fully-editable form, even for pages
containing tables and pictures.
◆ With the Smart Zones™ feature, you can manually identify line
art and other graphics and have TextBridge Pro place them in
their original position in the electronic output document.
Other TextBridge Pro features
In addition to the ground-breaking features listed in the previous
section, TextBridge Pro provides these other productivity
◆ Broad scanner support. TextBridge Pro supports virtually all
popular desktop scanners using the TWAIN device interface
standard, Adobe Photoshop Import Plug-ins, or ISIS scanner
◆ Image processing. TextBridge Pro provides the widest support
of images from a variety of sources. Specifically, the program
imports and recognizes on-line document images in TIFF and
PICT formats originating from fax modems and other sources.
◆ Deferred processing. TextBridge Pro enables you to scan all
pages of a document to TIFF or PICT image files, then later
queue up the image files for document recognition.
◆ AppleScript interface. With AppleScript, you can run
TextBridge Pro from scripts, without using the keyboard or
mouse. Thus, you can automate repetitive tasks, such as
detecting and recognizing fax files as they are received on your
system. TextBridge Pro is fully scriptable and recordable. It not
only responds to Apple events, but also allows you to write your
own scripts by recording the events as they occur.
◆ Output text formats. TextBridge Pro supports a number of
output text formats, including word processor, spreadsheet,
desktop publishing, HTML, and database formats.
◆ Preview with manual zoning. TextBridge Pro provides a set of
tools for previewing page images before processing them. In
preview mode, you can manually identify areas of page images to
be processed, capturing only the data you need. With TextBridge
Pro’s exclusive Smart Zones™ feature, you can identify graphics
on the page image and still have the program perform document
1–4TextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide
☞ Smart Zones are especially useful for line art or halftones
that also contain text. TextBridge Pro cannot always
automatically detect such graphics and might therefore try to
process them as text.
◆ Zone Templates (re-usable). After you create a set of zones in
the preview window, TextBridge Pro enables saving and
reloading of these zone templates for subsequent jobs.
◆ Dynamic Training Data (re-usable). After you interactively
train TextBridge Pro during OCR, you can save the training data.
Later, you can reload this training file for documents of the same
type to assure the highest recognition accuracy without having to
repeat the training.
◆ Custom Dictionaries. To further improve recognition accuracy,
you can create specialized word lists (scientific terminology,
proper names, acronyms, and so on) in ASCII files and load them
into TextBridge Pro. A custom dictionary aids in recognition of
documents containing that terminology.
◆ Two-sided document processing. If your scanner has a sheet
feeder, you can scan the fronts (odd-numbered pages) of the
document first, then flip the stack and scan the reverse (evennumbered pages). When scanning and recognition are complete,
TextBridge Pro automatically collates the pages in the correct
With this feature set, you can import virtually any paper
document or on-line page image to your computer. TextBridge Pro
assures you of the highest degree of OCR accuracy and provides
the output in fully editable form for use in a variety of text
Documents TextBridge Pro can recognize
TextBridge Pro includes a number of advances developed by
ScanSoft and by the famed Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
(PARC) where modern computer interfaces were born.
Consequently, the program provides the most accurate OCR and
format retention results on the widest range of documents:
◆ documents printed on typewriters, phototypesetters, and impact,
ink-jet, dot-matrix, and laser printers
◆ photocopied, degraded, or dirty documents
◆ documents with single- or multiple-column layouts
◆ documents containing halftone photos and color artwork
◆ on-line single- or multiple-page images from fax modems and
other sources
◆ hardcopy faxes
◆ documents with point sizes ranging from 5-point to 72-point type
in practically any typeface
☞ To obtain the highest recognition accuracy for documents with
type smaller than 8-points, it is recommended that you provide
TextBridge Pro with page images scanned at 400 dots per inch
◆ documents composed in English, French, Italian, German, or
☞ TextBridge Pro versions shipped in international markets can
recognize an even greater number of languages.
1–6TextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide
TextBridge Pro can convert recognized text to a number of word
processing and other formats for both Macintosh and PC
Ami ProMicrosoft Excel
dBaseMicrosoft Word (RTF)
DisplayWrite (DCA-RFT)MultiMate
Formatted ASCIIPCL/PostScript
FrameMakerWordPerfect 1.0
HTMLWordPerfect 3.1
Interleaf (ILF)WordPerfect DOS 5.x
Lotus 1-2-3WriteNow
MacWrite 4.x, 5.0WYSIWYG Text
☞ Microsoft Word (RTF) format is also accepted by a number of
other applications, including ClarisWorks® and Adobe
PageMaker®. See the documentation for your particular application for more information about importing files in RTF format.
Two of these formats are text-only.
Note This list is subject to change. Refer to the on-line ReadMe for the
latest information available when this document was published or
visit our website at for ongoing updates and
related information.
Formatted ASCII puts a carriage return at the end of each
paragraph and wraps text continually within it. This format does
not retain any font information such as bold or italic.
WYSIWYG Text attempts to look as much like the original
document as possible without retaining any font information. It
uses spaces to delimit columns and a carriage return at the end of
every line.
To maintain the “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” characteristics of
the document, use a fixed-width font such as Courier. This format
is most useful for documents that you do not intend to edit or
tables and numeric data.
TextBridge Pro also includes a markup format called XDOC.
XDOC can be used for conversion to third-party formats.
TextBridge Pro supports virtually all popular desktop scanners
using the TWAIN device interface standard, Adobe PhotoshopImport Plug-ins, or ISIS scanner drivers. However, ScanSoft
does not provide any type of scanner driver with TextBridge Pro.
If your scanner does not come with a scanner driver, please
contact the scanner manufacturer.
TWAIN is a non-proprietary standard for acquiring data from a
scanner or modem. ScanSoft supplies the TWAIN source
manager, but not the TWAIN source for a particular scanner.
TextBridge works with any TWAIN-compliant scanner that
connects to a Macintosh and produces binary (black-and-white)
images in a supported size and resolution.
1–8TextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide
Many scanners come with an Adobe Photoshop Import Plug-in to
drive the scanner. TextBridge works with any properly installed
Photoshop Import Plug-in.
TextBridge Pro also works with ISIS (Image and Scanner
Interface Standard) drivers from Pixel Translations Inc. However,
ScanSoft does not provide these drivers with TextBridge Pro.
TextBridge Pro is designed to be easy to learn and use. However,
if you need assistance, the program provides a complete AppleGuide on-line Help system as well as Balloon Help.
While running TextBridge Pro, you can access the TextBridgePro Guide by selecting it from the Help menu:
On the TextBridge Pro Guide window, click Topics to display a
list of general categories (Figure 1–3); click Index to see a list of
keywords; click Look For to search for help.
Figure 1–3. TextBridge Pro Guide
Once a Guide window is displayed for a particular topic
(Figure 1–4), you can do the following:
◆ Read the text or do the step described in the Guide window, then
click the right arrow at the bottom of the window to go to the next
step. (To see the previous window, click the left arrow.)
◆ You can move the TextBridge Pro Help window if it covers what
you want to see.
◆ To shrink the Help window, click the box at the upper-right
corner of the window. Click the box again to expand the window.
◆ Click the Huh? button at the bottom of the Help window to see
related instructions.
◆ Click any text that appears in boldface within the Help text to
see other related information and definitions of unfamiliar words.
◆ If the instructions that appear in the Help window are not the
ones you need, click the Topics button on the left-hand side of the
window to return to the list of Help topics.
Click to return to Topics
1–10TextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide
Click to go to
the next step
Figure 1–4. TextBridge Pro Guide panel
TextBridge Pro also supports Balloon Help. To display Balloon
Help, choose Show Balloons from the Help menu.
To install TextBridge Pro, go to Chapter 2.
If you want to study TextBridge Pro in more detail, Chapter 3
provides a complete reference to the user interface including
window areas, menus, commands, and tools.
If you are ready to use TextBridge Pro, see Chapter 4, which
provides step-by-step procedures to complete the many tasks you
can perform with the program.
If you would like to practice with TextBridge Pro before applying
it to your documents, please see Chapter 5 which provides
tutorials and sample documents.
After you have gained some experience with the program, see
Chapter 6 which provides many useful tips and techniques to get
the most out of TextBridge Pro.
If you have any problems while using TextBridge Pro, refer to
Appendix A which provides a list of error messages,
troubleshooting tips, and possible error solutions.
Appendix B shows the sample documents you will use while you
are practicing with TextBridge Pro.
Appendix C provides information about the TextBridge Pro
AppleScript interface.
This chapter describes the TextBridge Professional Edition software installation procedures. Specifically, it covers these topics:
◆ System configuration and performance
◆ Installing and testing your scanner
◆ Installing TextBridge Pro Software
◆ De-installing TextBridge Pro Software
It is recommended that you read through the first two sections
before proceeding with software installation. However, if you are
ready to begin software installation, please turn to page 2–3.
TextBridge Pro operates under System 7.1 or higher. It requires a
Macintosh with a 68030, 68040, PowerPC, G3 or iMac CPU, and
at least twenty-one megabytes (21Mb) of disk space for full
installation, or five megabytes (5Mb) for minimum installation.
Also, to run TextBridge Pro, your Macintosh must have at least
ten megabytes (10Mb) of memory (RAM), 12Mb are
recommended. You can configure your Macintosh with virtual
memory in addition to your built-in RAM, which enables you to
run with as little as 5Mb of built-in RAM. However, this is not
recommended as performance will be significantly slower.
In general, the more memory you can make available to
TextBridge Pro, the better its performance will be, particularly
when processing pages with multiple columns or complex layouts.
TextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide2–1
If you regularly intend to scan multiple-column or landscape
pages of text, pages with complex layouts, or large image files,
you should configure your Macintosh with 12 to 16Mb of RAM.
NoteIf you plan to run TextBridge Pro in Instant Access mode, you
will need enough memory to run both TextBridge Pro and your
word processor or spreadsheet application at the same time.
TextBridge Pro works with many popular desktop scanners.
However, ScanSoft does not provide any scanner drivers with
TextBridge Pro.
TextBridge Pro works with TWAIN-compliant devices that
provide a binary(black and white) image in a supported size and
resolution. ScanSoft provides the TWAIN Source Manager and
installs it as part of TextBridge Pro.
In addition, TextBridge Pro works with Adobe Photoshop Import
Plug-ins provided with some scanners.
TextBridge Pro also works with ISIS drivers (in the form of
Chooser extensions) provided by Pixel Translations, Inc. for use
with many popular scanners. However, ScanSoft does not provide
these drivers as part of TextBridge Pro.
If more than one type of scanner driver is installed for your
particular scanner, you can change from one to another as
Consult the scanner documentation for details about
installing your TWAIN source driver, Adobe Photoshop
Import Plug-in, or ISIS scanner driver.
2–2TextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide
Basic scanner installation steps
The basic steps for installing a scanner are to:
1.Hook up the scanner to the SCSI port or USB port (for USB
Macintoshes) with the correct cable, and power up the scanner
and the Macintosh. Refer to your scanner documentation for
complete instructions.
2.Install the scanner driver on your Macintosh hard disk, as
directed by the scanner documentation.
3.Test the scanner using software tools provided by the
☞ Make sure your scanner runs independently of TextBridge Pro.
After the scanner is functioning, install TextBridge Pro software.
After you have performed the scanner installation, and are sure
that it is functioning, you are ready to install TextBridge Pro
software. This section provides procedures to:
◆ run the software installation program
◆ select a scanner driver
NoteIf you are not using TextBridge Pro with a supported scanner,
you can run the software installation program and ignore the
scanner selection instructions. For example, you might want to
use TextBridge Pro only to recognize image files produced by your
fax modem.
Run the TextBridge Pro Installer
The TextBridge Pro Installer copies TextBridge Pro software to
your hard disk, placing most files in the folder of your choice, and
some selected files in the System Folder.
NoteThe TextBridge Pro Installer will alert you to restart your
Macintosh after completing an installation.
To install TextBridge software, use the following procedure:
1.Disable virus protection software, and remove any
previous versions of TextBridge that are on your system
Some virus checking software interrupts the installation process.
This may cause installation of TextBridge Pro to fail.
Please disable such virus protection utilities directly; do notdisable all extensions by restarting the system with the Shift
key held down; the Installer will be checking for running versions
of certain extensions.
2.Insert the TextBridge Pro CD-ROM into your CD-ROM
The TextBridge Pro folder (Figure 2–1) appears on your desktop.
This folder contains the TextBridge Pro Installer icon, the
ReadMe, and other TextBridge files.
2–4TextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide
Click Continue
to proceed with
Figure 2–1. The TextBridge Pro folder containing the TextBridge
Pro files and the Installer icon
3.Double-click the TextBridge Pro Installer icon:
The TextBridge Professional Splash Screen (Figure 2–2) displays.
Figure 2–2. TextBridge Professional Splash Screen
Read, save, or print the
Release Notes for the latest
information, then Press
Continue to proceed.
4.Press Continue on the Splash Screen.
The next screen to appear shows the online release notes.
Figure 2–3. The Installer’s Display of Online Release Notes
5.Read, save, or print the release notes for the latest
information, then press Continue.
6.Choose an installation option.
You can install all TextBridge Pro software at once by choosing
Easy Install (the default), or you can choose among the various
files and language packs by choosing Custom Install:
Click Easy Install for a full
Click Custom Install to install
selected items
2–6TextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide
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