Keypad Programming Instructions for the Profile Series LK
he LK Keypad Lock can support 100 users.
Each user is assigned a User Number in addition to the code used for entry.
• SofLink™Plus applications software must be used with (G1-PA & G1-TA) controller for programming
• The Master Code is always User “01”. The Master Code assigns the Emergency and Supervisory Codes.
It is also used for programming. Users are deleted through the Master Programming Code only
• Emergency code is a 10 second unlock time and will override a thrown deadbolt on a mortise lock
• Emergency Code is at User number (location) “02”
The Supervisory Code is at User number “03”
• The Supervisory Code allows temporary lock out of selected users, changes duration of unlock time, requests
infrared interrogation output, and may add additional User Codes
• The User Codes are entered at user number “04” or higher. User numbers do not have to be used or entered
Note: All User Codes must be followed by an asterisk ( * ).
• The “Lock Out” user is location dependent - all users above the chosen user number location are locked out of
the keypad. To ensure that all users except Master, Emergency and Supervisor are locked out, program this
user at user number location “04”.
To Begin Programming:
The Lock Controller is preset at the factory with Master Code 1234.
Entering 1234*will unlock the lock allowing the lever handle to retract the latchbolt.
Note: The Master Code must be changed (i.e., "Forced Change") prior to adding users.
Initial Set-Up Procedures
• The following are typical procedures to be used when setting up your Profile Series LK lock:
• If a mistake is made during any of the procedures, depress the “*” key several times until the yellow LED goes out
• If no keystroke is made in a 30 sec. timeframe, the programming up to that point will default and you will have
to start over
Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission of SARGENT Manufacturing is prohibited.
Keypad Programming Instructions for the Profile Series LK Lock
LK Programming (100 Users)
To determine programming steps for your lock:
• If your controller has an LK label,, use the programming below.
• If your controller has a "G1.5" label and a keypad, refer to Section 3;
• If your controller has a "G1.5" label and no keypad refer to Section 4.
• If your label has a G1-LU, G1-PK, G1-PA, G1-TU, G1-TP or G1-TA; refer to
Keypad Programming Instructions A7716 at
Change the Master Code
99# 1234*Yellow LED blinks
50# 1#Yellow LED blinks
New Master Code*Yellow LED blinks quickly
New Master Code*Yellow LED blinks slowly
*Yellow LED goes out (If solid, see note)
This example uses the Factory Default 1234*
It is recommended not to use the factory default master code.
To Enter the Emergency Code
99# Master Code*Yellow LED blinks
50# 02#Yellow LED blinks
Emergency (1-6 digits)*Yellow LED blinks quickly
Emergency (1-6 digits)*Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)
*Yellow LED goes out
Emergency Code defaults to a 10 second unlock time and will override a thrown deadbolt on a mortise lock.
To Enter or Change the Supervisor Code
99# Master Code*Yellow LED blinks
50# 1# 03#Yellow LED blinks
Supervisory (1-6 digits)*Yellow LED blinks quickly
Supervisory (1-6 digits)*Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)
*Yellow LED goes out
Enter A User Code
99# Master Code* or Supervisory Code*Yellow LED blinks
50# 1# (User Number 04-100)#Yellow LED blinks
User Code (1-6 digits)*Yellow LED blinks quickly
User Code (1-6 digits)*Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)
*Yellow LED goes out
Enter A Passage (Maintained) Code
99# Master Code*Yellow LED blinks
50# 0# (User Number 04-100)#Yellow LED blinks
User Code (1-6 digits)*Yellow LED blinks quickly
User Code (1-6 digits)*Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)
*Yellow LED goes out
Enter a Lock Out User Code
99# Master Code*Yellow LED blinks
50# 3# (User Number 04-100)#Yellow LED blinks
User Code*Yellow LED blinks quickly
User Code*Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)
*Yellow LED goes out
The “Lock Out” user is location dependent— all users above the chosen user number location are locked out of the
keypad. To ensure that all users except Master, Supervisor and Emergency are locked out, program this user at
user number location “04”.
Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission of SARGENT Manufacturing is prohibited.
Keypad Programming Instructions for the Profile Series LK Lock
Enter A One Time User Code
99# Master Code* or Supervisory Code*Yellow LED blinks
50# 5# (User Number 04-100)#Yellow LED blinks
User Code (1-6 digits)*Yellow LED blinks quickly
ser Code (1-6 digits)*Yellow LED blinks slowly
(If solid, see note)
*Yellow LED goes out
To Deactivate/Reactivate “Beep” With Key Stroke
9# Supervisory or Master Code*Yellow LED blinks
30# 0# 0# (Off) (1# = On)Yellow LED blinks
*Yellow LED blinks quickly
*Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)
*Yellow LED goes out
Note: If turning beep off, not audible on last two steps.
Reset Master Code back to factory default (1234) and retains all other User codes
99# Master Code*Yellow LED blinks
40# 00000# 00000#Yellow LED blinks
*Yellow LED blinks quickly
*Yellow LED blinks very fast for 10 sec., then slow
*Yellow LED goes out
If the Master Code is not known, factory assistance will be required. Call 1-800-810-9473.
To Clear the Entire Memory
99# Master Code*Yellow LED blinks
46# 00000# 00000#Yellow LED blinks
*Yellow LED blinks quickly
* Yellow LED goes solid and begins to blink
*Yellow LED goes out (If solid, see note)
This deletes ALL Codes, including Master, Emergency and Supervisory. The Master Code is set back to 1234*,
Sets Unlock Time to 5 seconds. If the Master Code is not known, factory assistance will be required to clear the
memory. Call 1-800-810-9473.
To Program Door Name into Keypad
99# Master Code*Yellow LED blinks
43# Door Name (up to 5 digits)#Yellow LED blinks
0#Yellow LED blinks quickly
*Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)
*Yellow LED goes out
To Interrogate Transaction Log
99# Supervisory or Master Code*Yellow LED blinks
70# 0# 0# Yellow LED blinks
*Yellow LED blinks quickly
*Yellow LED goes out (If solid, see note)
For additional information, see “Transaction Log”.
Door Name 5666
Note: Seq. # 0 is the
programming request
to output the entries.
Sequence numbers
1-9 are the actual
Hold an infrared printer up to the infrared LED (as
shown). An HP82240B Infrared Printer can be used to
download information from the keypad to a printout.
When done printing, the green LED will turn off and the yellow LED will blink slowly.
* Yellow LED goes out