Samsung yePP VY-S100, VY-S100H, VY-S100S User Manual

TTS Function MP3 file playback Function to control play speed [±60%] Long time recording function VOR [Voice Operating Record] function Function to select MIC/Recording mode Removable Storage Device
Instructions ................................................................................................
(MP3 Folder Selection Status)
Customizing Options (MP3 Folder Selection Status)
EQ Mode ..........................................................................................................................
Intro Scan Function ........................................................................................................34
Repeat Mode ..................................................................................................................34
LCD LIGHT ......................................................................................................................35
Beep Mode ......................................................................................................................35
Menu Setup
(Recording Folder Selection Status)
Customizing Options
(Recording Folder Selection Status) ..........................................37
Voice Recording Mode ....................................................................................................37
Microphone Mode............................................................................................................37
VOR Function ..................................................................................................................38
External Device Connection ............................................................................................
Book Mark Function ........................................................................................................39
Adjusting the Speed of Play ............................................................................................39
Loop Repeat Setup..........................................................................................40
Troubleshooting ..............................................................................................41
Customer Support
Avoid subjecting the main unit to severe impact or falling it at high place.
Do not let any foreign matter spill into the device.
Do not expose to chemicals such as benzene and thinners.
Remove batteries when the device is left unused for a long period of time.
Do not store in dusty areas. Do not try to disassemble and
repair the device yourself.
UUssiinngg EEaarrpphhoonneess
FFoollllooww TTrraaffffiicc SSaaffeettyy IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
Do not use the earphones while driving an automobile or riding a bicycle.
It’s not only dangerous, but also against the law.
To avoid injury, do not listen at high volumes when walking down the street, especially when
crossing intersections.
PPrrootteecctt yyoouurr eeaarrss
Do not turn up the volume too high.
Doctors warn against prolonged exposure to high volume.
Stop using the device or turn the volume down if you have ringing in your ears.
AAmmbbiieenntt ooppeerraattiinngg ccoonnddiittiioonnss
EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
Ambient temperature:
5°C ~ 35°C (41°F ~ 95°F)
Humidity : 10 ~ 75%
Follow local guidelines for waste disposal when discarding packages, batteries, and old
electronic appliances.
The packaging materials consist of Paper and PS.
No other unnecessary material is used for the packaging.
Please note that we will not be responsible for any damage due to loss of recorded data or stored data which is attributable to failure, repair or other causes.
OOuuttppuutt MMoonniittoorriinngg ooff EExxtteerrnnaall DDeevviicceess
When you connect your Voice yepp to an external device, you can monitor the output of the device and select a specific track for recording at an accurate level by setting up the Monitor function.
AAuuttoo PPoowweerr--OOffff FFuunnccttiioonn
The power is automatically turned off when the product is not in use for longer than 3 minutes.
MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ooff RReeccoorrddiinngg FFoollddeerrss
You can record in five separate voice folders (A, B, C, D and E). MP3 files can only be played when saved in the MP3 folder.
IInnttrroo SSccaann FFuunnccttiioonn
You can quickly search through many recordings by scanning each recording for 10 seconds.
VVooiiccee EEddiittiinngg aanndd EE--mmaaiilliinngg FFuunnccttiioonnss
When connected to a PC you can edit recordings and send using the Voice yepp player program.
VVOORR ((VVooiiccee OOppeerraattiinngg RReeccoorrdd)) FFuunnccttiioonn
You can set the product to activate when a sound or voice is detected.
RReeppeeaatteedd PPllaayy FFuunnccttiioonn
You can select specific tracks for repeated play.
13 hours and 35 minutes
11 hours and 15 minutes 2 hours and 10 minutes
27 hours and 10 minutes 22 hours and 30 minutes
4 hours and 25 minutes
54 hours and 30 minutes 45 hours and 25 minutes
8 hours and 55 minutes
LP (Long Play)
SP (Standard Play)
HQ (High Quality)
Output Port (to connect with the earphones)
Input Port (to connect with an external microphone or external devices)
Menu Button
Record Switch
Volume Buttons
Hold Switch
USB Cable Connection Port
Built-In Speaker
Battery Cover
LP 01
00:00: 25
Recording Folder indicator
VOR Recording indicator
Book Mark indicator
Recording Time or Play Time indicator (hour, minute, second)
Recording Number indicator
Remaining Battery Power indicator
Repeated Play indicator
Loop Repeat indicator
Recording indicator
Display Recording mode
USB Cable
External Microphone
TTS Program/
Installation CD
Battery x 2
User Manual
Hand Strap
Connection Cable
for External Devices
Design of accessories is subject to change for improvement without notice.
Recording with a Telephone
1. Slide the battery cover in the direction of the arrow.
2. Lift up the battery cover, insert the batteries with its poles in the correct position and close the cover.
Recordings will not be deleted when changing batteries.
Battery life may significantly vary depending on the type and duration of
play and volume.
Recording (SP mode)
Voice Recording
Earphone Play
(based on VOL 10)
Earphone Play
(based on VOL 10)
10hrs 10hrs
MP3 Mode
You can record telephone conversations in your Voice yepp.
Connect your Voice yepp to a telephone as shown in the picture using the telephone cable, adapter and connection cable for external devices. Connection to digital devices such as mobile phones is not supported. (Use of an additional ear microphone is recommended)
Telephone Cable
Adapter for Tele phone Recording
Telephone Connection Cable
Connection Cable for External Devices
TToo AAccttiivvaattee RReeccoorrddiinngg
SSlliiddee tthhee RREECC sswwiittcchh iinn tthhee ddiirreeccttiioonn ooff tthhee aarrrrooww dduurriinngg aa tteelleepphhoonnee ccoonnvveerrssaattiioonn..
Recording will commence.
Pushing the REC switch in the direction of the arrow when the power is off may take a while to activate recording.
TToo EEnndd RReeccoorrddiinngg
SSlliiddee tthhee RREECC sswwiittcchh iinn tthhee ooppppoossiittee ddiirreeccttiioonn tthhaatt yyoouu hhaadd ppuusshheedd ffoorr rreeccoorrddiinngg..
Recording will stop and be automatically saved.
The quality of the recorded sound may vary depending on the type of telephone and the voice of the other party.
Connect it using the correct ends of the USB cable.
IBM compatible with Pentium or greater that supports the USB port
USB Connection Port
External Microphone
USB Connection Port
SSoouunndd CCaarrdd IInnppuutt PPoorrtt Connect it when recording using the Voice yepp program on your PC.
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg VVooiiccee yyeepppp ttoo aa PPCC
When the installation CD is inserted in the CD-ROM drive, the CD will run automatically and the following display will appear.
[[VVooiiccee yyeepppp ppllaayyeerr 22000044]]
When the CD does not run automatically:
Open ‘My Computer’ in the desktop window, open the CD-ROM drive, and double click on Autorun.exe.
To delete the Voice
yepp program:
Remove the program using
Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel in the Settings menu.
Select the language you want to use.
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