Samsung Verizon Galaxy Note 5 Get To Know

Volume Buttons
SIM Card
S Pen slot
Rear Camera
USB/Charger Port
Get to Know Your Phone
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Setting Up Your Phone
About Your Phone
NOTE: Devices and software are constantly evolving—the screen images and icons you see here are for reference only.
Your phone comes with the SIM card pre-installed.
Charge the Phone
Before turning on your phone, charge it fully.
Your phone comes with an Adaptive Fast Charging charger and a USB cable. Plug the smaller end of the cable into the USB/Charger port on your phone and the other end into the charger. Then plug the charger into an electrical outlet to charge the phone.
WARNING! Please use only an approved charging accessory to charge your phone. Improper handling of the charging port, as well as the use of an incompatible charger, may cause damage to your device and void the warranty.
NOTE: For fastest charging times, use the Adaptive Fast Charging charger that came with your phone. This charger provides faster charging only when connected to devices that have Adaptive Fast Charging.
Turning Your Phone On / Off
To turn your phone on, press and hold the
Power/Lock button.
To turn your phone off, press and hold the
Power/Lock button and follow the instructions.
Locking / Unlocking the Screen
To turn on your screen, press the Power/Lock button. Then swipe your finger across the screen to unlock it.
To turn off your screen and prevent accidental key presses, press the Power/Lock button.
Using Your Phone
*Recent Apps and Back light up when navigating through the device.
Home Screen Mode
You can select one of the two modes: Easy and Standard. Instructions in this guide are written based on Standard mode.
Standard mode—Standard experience for users who are familiar with Android
Easy mode—Simplified and easier experience for the first time smartphone user
1. g g From the Hom e screen, ta p
Apps g Settings g Easy mode.
2. Choose th e mode you wan t to use and
tap Done.
Easy modeStandard mode
From your computer, visit
Download a User Guide from
or call (888) 987-HELP (4357) to order a copy.
User Guide
Managing Your Account
Your Wireles s Device a nd Thir d-Par ty Ser vices
Verizon Wi reless i s the mob ile carr ier asso ciated w ith thi s wirele ss device, b ut many s ervic es and fe ature s offer ed thro ugh th is wirel ess device ar e provid ed by or in co njunc tion wit h third p artie s. Veriz on Wireles s is not res ponsib le for you r use of th is wirele ss devic e or any non–Verizon Wireless applications, services and products, including any pers onal inf ormat ion you ch oose to us e, subm it or shar e with others . Specif ic thir d-par ty ter ms and co nditio ns, term s of use, a nd privac y policie s shall ap ply. Pleas e review c arefu lly all ap plicab le terms and c ondit ions and p olicies p rior to us ing thi s wireles s device and any ass ociate d applic ation , produc t or ser vice.
Hearing Aid Compatibility Information
This phon e has bee n tested a nd rate d for use wi th hear ing aids f or some of th e wirele ss techn ologie s that it u ses. How ever, the re may be some new er wire less tech nolog ies used i n this ph one tha t have not been te sted yet f or use wi th hear ing aids . It is impo rtan t to try the diff erent fe ature s of this p hone th oroug hly and i n diffe rent locatio ns, usin g your hea ring ai d or cochl ear impl ant, to d eterm ine if you hear a ny inte rferi ng noise . Consu lt your se rvice p rovide r or the man ufact urer of t his pho ne for in format ion on he aring ai d compati bilit y. If you have q uesti ons abou t retu rn or exch ange policies , consul t your ser vice pr ovide r or phone r etaile r.
Additional Information
My Verizon Mobile App
Manage your account, track your usage, edit account information, pay your bill and more.
Customer Service
Call (800) 922-0204. Follow us @VZWSupport.
International Travel
For features and rates when traveling outside the US, visit
Learning More
The Help app gives you tips, videos
and other information on how to use your phone, including:
Making Calls
Voice Mail
Sending Texts
Getting Apps
Taking Photos
Accessibility Settings
Using Your S Pen
Express yourself. Write and draw directly into emails or the calendar, as well as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF documents. Capture your ideas in S Note and even write a note on the back of a picture.
Air command: Slide the S Pen from its slot to see an onscreen Air command toolbar that lets you quickly turn on frequently used apps or actions.
Action memo: Quickly link short notes to apps like Phone, Contacts, and Messages.
Smart select: Instantly outline and crop anything on the screen and freely edit or share with others using a variety of apps.
Screen write: Capture a screen image and write or draw on it.
S Note: Create content using various options.
Add shortcuts: Select an app or function to open or turn on using Air command.
Advanced Calling
You can make High- Definitio n Voice and Video Calls , and surf t he web while you ta lk on the phon e, when you ad d Advanced Cal ling to your line. To lear n how, visit .
Copying Content from Your Old Phone
For help tra nsferrin g contact s, photos an d other con tent from yo ur old phone, v isit
S Pen
The S Pen™ enables fast and precise input providing the most natural writing experience.
S Pen Button
To remove the S Pen, push the S Pen inward.
WARNING! Be sure to insert your S Pen with the nib pointed inward. Inserting the S Pen the wrong way can cause it to become stuck and can damage the pen and your phone.
©2016 Verizon Wireless. All Rights Reserved. Samsung and Galaxy Note are trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Android, Google, the Google logo and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. Screen images simulated. Appearance of device may vary.
Printed in Korea
Using Your Phone