Samsung UN40EH5000 User Manual

• Full HD 1080p
• Clear Motion Rate 120
The power and fun of an LED TV within reach.
The new 5 series will take your breath away. Every image can be seen in amazing clarity with deep blacks and pure whites. The realistic details of every image will remain intact even for those images that move quickly across the TV screen. The slim prole design provides an immersive viewing experience.
40" Class (40.0" Diagonal) LED HDTV with 1080p Resolution
• Full HD 1080p
• Clear Motion Rate 120
• Wide Color Enhancer Plus
• 10W x 2
• Dolby® Digital Plus/Dolby® Pulse
• SRS TheaterSound HD™
• HDMI®: 2
• USB: 1
• Component in: 1
• Digital audio output: 1 optical
• ConnectShare™ Movie
TV without stand: 36.5" x 21.7" x 3.7" TV with stand: 36.5" x 23.9" x 9.0"
UN40EH5000 40" Class (40.0" Diagonal) LED HDTV with 1080p Resolution
Full HD 1080p: With twice the resolution of
standard HD TVs, Samsung TVs deliver images that are guaranteed to amaze and bring pleasure to your home entertainment experience. The realistic texture of Full HD images invites you to enjoy a viewing experience that redefines reality.
Clear Motio n Rate (CMR): A compr ehens ive
mea sure of a TV 's ability t o displ ay images in motion. The h igher the CMR, the be tter. Samsung achiev es high C MR num bers based on panel processin g adv ance ment s. Se e the pict ure qua lity diff erence for yours elf.
Wide Color Enhancer Plus: Allows you to see
pict ure color the way the director originally inten ded, brought to life on your scr een to bring you exce ptional ly vibrant, yet nat ural­look ing images and depict s subtle details and tones.
10 watt s x 2 audio pow er stereo b roadcast reception : Support s multi-channel sound
(MTS) and second audio pr ogram (SAP) w ith 181-channel capa city.
Dolby® Digit al Plus/Dolby® Pulse: An adv anced
surr ound sound audio processin g feature desi gned to opt imize the T V’s sound quality when v iewin g and listen ing to Inte rnet mov ies, Inte rnet music and other c ontent played back fro m wired or w ireless mobile phones, PCs and ta blet devi ces.
SRS T heaterS ound HD™: A high-def inition
audi o experience that delive rs surround sound multi -channel content, using built-in TV speakers to significantly enhance bot h the depth and dime nsion of aud io right t hrough the TV. Enjoy a simulated surround sou nd experience!
HDMI ®: 2
HDMI ® (High-Definition Multimed ia Interface) is a convenient, high- quality s ingle cable di gital audi o/vide o interfac e for connecting t he TV to a dig ital cable box, satel lite box , DVD/Blu -ray Disc® Player, PC computers, PC port able devices, new generation tablet s and devices featuring the HDMI® out put.
USB: 1
Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an indu stry sta ndard for co nnecting a variety of computer, audio and video dev ices to the TV. USB movie capability allows the streamin g of video f rom storage dev ices, ca meras, camcorder s and USB drives.
Component in: 1
Dig ital audio output : 1 optical
ConnectShare™ Movie: Have movies and pictur es
on a USB drive? Now easi ly view that content right on the T V. Just plug th e drive in to the USB po rt and you a re ready for a big scr een exper ience.
TV w ithout stand: 36 .5" x 21.7" x 3.7" TV w ithout stand weight: 19.8 lbs TV w ith stand: 36.5" x 23.9" x 9.0" TV w ith stand weight: 24.3 lbs
Dimensions : 43.5" x 25 .2" x 6.5" Weight: 29.8 l bs
1-year parts and 1-year labor wa rranty (90- days parts and labor for commer cial use), wit h in-home service, backed by Samsung toll-free support .
UN4 0EH500 0FXZ A
©2012 Samsu ng Electr onics Amer ica, Inc. All r ights reser ved. Samsun g is a regi stered trade mark of Samsung El ectronic s Co., Ltd.
Des ign and spe cif icat ions are s ubjec t to chan ge wit hout not ice. Non- metr ic weig hts and m easur ement s are appr oxim ate. HDM I, the HD MI logo a nd High -Def initi on Multi media I nterf ace ar e trad emark s or reg ister ed trade marks o f HDMI Lic ensin g LLC.
Conne ctShar e is a trademark of S amsung E lect roni cs Co., L td.
All o ther pr oduct an d brand na mes are t radem arks or r egist ered trad emark s of the ir respe ctiv e owner s.
Scr een imag es are s imulate d.