Samsung Linux RFS User Manual

Linux RFS v1.3.0 Porting Guide
May 20-2008, Version 1.13
Copyright notice
Copyright 200 8 Flash Software Group, Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd..
All rights reserved.
Restrictions on Use and Transfer
All software and documents of RFS are commercial software. Therefore, you must install, use, redistribute, modify and purchase only in accordance with the
terms of the license agreement you entered into with Flash Software Group, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this softwa re must display the following acknowledgement:
“This product includes RFS written by Flash Software Group, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.”
Contact Information:
Flash Software Group
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd Address: San #16 BanWol- Dong, Hwasung-City,
Gyeonggi-Do, Korea, 445-701
I Linux RFS v1.3.0 Porting Guide
This document is a porting guide of RFS developed by Flash Software Group, M emory Division, Samsung Electronics. It describes Linux RFS porting procedure to user's target platform.
This document is RFS Porting Guide. This document explains the definition, architecture, system requirement, and porting tutorial of RFS. This document also provides the features and API of each module that a user should know well to port RFS. Combine the above two paragraphs for one into a meaningful one
This document is for Project Manager, Project Leader, Applicatio n Programmers,
Definitions and Acronyms
FTL (Flash
Translation Layer)
IDE Integrated Development Environment
CRAMFS Compressed ROM File System
RFS Robust FAT File System VFS Virtual File System XSR eXtended Sector Remapper
MTD Memory Technology Device
LLD Low Level Device Driver
Sector The file system performs read/write operations in a
Page NAND flash memory is partitioned into fixed-sized
Block NAND flash memory is partitioned into fixed-sized
NAND flash device NAND flash device is a device that contains NAND flash
NAND flash memory NAND-type flash memory
Deferred Check
OneNAND Samsung NAND flash device that includes NAND flash
A software module which maps between logical addresses and physical addresses when accessing to flash memory
512-byte unit called sector. pages. A page is (512+16) bytes or (2048 + 64) bytes. blocks. A block is 16K bytes or 128K bytes. memory or NAND flash controller. The method that can increase time and device
operation performance. Every operation function of LLD defers the check routine to the next operation.
memory and NAND flash controller.
II Linux RFS v1.3.0 Porting Guide
Related Documents
- RFS v1.3.0 Programmer’s Guide, Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd.
- LinuStoreII Utility Guide, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- LinuStoreII Porting Guide, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Date Comment Author
0.1 2006.01.05 Initial Flash Software Group
0.8 2006.01.13 1st draft Flash Software Group
1.4 2006.02.13 Release Thomas
1.5 2006.03.16 Release Amit
1.6 2006.03.23 Release Amit
1.7 2006.04.19 RFS1.2.1 release Amit
1.8 2006.05.10 DPM porting added Seung-Jin Jung
1.9 2006.09.27 NLS added Ha-Young Kim
1.10 2006-09-29 H/W int added Kyu-Hyung Kim
1.11 2006.12.26 Review comments Vishu Kumar
1.12 2007.03.19 SAM factor modifications Seung-Jin Jung
1.13 2008-05-20 Change version to 1.3.0
Hayoung Kim
Delete sections about xsr
III Linux RFS v1.3.0 Porting Guide
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .........................................................................................1
1.1 Overview........................................................................................1
1.2 Features.........................................................................................1
1.3 Architecture....................................................................................1
2 Prerequisites ........................................................................................4
2.1 Host Environment..............................................................................4
2.2 Software Environment ........................................................................4
2.2.1 Directory Structure of Linux RFS Package............................................4
2.2.2 Source Files List ..........................................................................5
2.2.3 RFS Memory Usage .......................................................................6
2.3 Hardware Environment .......................................................................6
3 Porting Linux RFS...................................................................................7
3.1 Porting Overview ..............................................................................7
3.2 Porting Procedure .............................................................................7
3.2.1 Installation of Linux RFS Sources ......................................................7
3.2.2 Kernel Configuration for RFS ...........................................................8
3.2.3 Building Linux Kernel and RFS Kernel Module .......................................9
3.3 Using the NLS (Native Language Support) ............................................... 12
3.3.1 Kernel Configuration for NLS......................................................... 12
3.3.2 Mounting RFS with codepage......................................................... 14
Appendix................................................................................................. 16
IV Linux RFS v1.3.0 Porting Guide
Table 1 Host System Requirements.........................................................................4
Table 2 RFS Static Memory Usage (in bytes) ..............................................................6
Table 3 Hardware information of OMAP2420..............................................................6
V Linux RFS v1.3.0 Porting Guide
Figure 1-1 Linux RFS Architecture ..........................................................................2
Figure 2-1 Directory Structure of Linux RFS Package....................................................4
Figure 2-2 Linux RFS Source Files (Annotated on the Source Tree) ...................................5
Figure 3-1 Linux RFS Porting Procedure....................................................................7
Figure 3-2 Main screen of Kernel menu ....................................................................8
Figure 3-3 File system screen of Kernel menu............................................................9
Figure 3-6 Code maturity level............................................................................ 10
Figure 3-7 CRMAFS OPTION Settings...................................................................... 11
Figure 3-9 RFS Filesystem configuration for VFAT...................................................... 12
Figure 3-10 NLS(Native Language Support) configuration............................................. 13
Figure 3-11 RFS Filesystem configuration for FAT16................................................... 14
VI Linux RFS v1.3.0 Porting Guide
+ 18 hidden pages