Samsung ACE 66988 User Manual

International Travel Guide
Samsung ACE™
How to stay connected around the world
Stay conn ected whil e you travel around the world with your Samsun g ACE™ smartphone. B ell gives you access to voice coverage in over 180 countries, including the availabilit y of wireless data access in more than 100 countries. Just follow these steps to ensure you can roam wher ever your busine ss or pers onal tr avel takes you.
Preparing for your trip
1. Visit b to confirm t he voice and/or data cov erag e availability (whi ch includes email and browser access) in the country you are visiting, as well as t he roaming rat es.
2. Familiarize yourself wit h your Sam sung ACE smartphone. In order to stay connecte d while travelling, you may need to manually select GSM mode on your smartphone when you arrive at your de stination.
3. Also, don’t forget to bring your charger and elec tric al adapter wit h you.
Note: If you are travelling to the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, or Mexico, please call Customer Care at least 48 hours prior to your dep arture to have your ser vice enabled in th ese countrie s.
Arriving at your destination
When you turn on your Samsung ACE smartphone, the default service mode is set to CDMA. If you are travelling to a country with GSM service, you will need to c hange the mod e. Here is how to sel ect it:
Select Start Go to International Usage
The options are:
- Int’l GSM
Selec t Int’l GSM Selec t Apply Confirm selection by t yping “yes”
By pressing OK your Samsung ACE smartphone will power off and restart in the mode that you have selec ted. Once the s erv ice mod e has been changed from CDMA to GSM, it i s important t o note th at it must be chan ged ba ck to CDMA when you return from your trip.
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