The product that you have purchased contains a rechargeable Ni-MH battery. This battery is recyclable.
At the end of its useful life, under various state and local laws, it may be illegal to dispose of the battery
into the municipal waste system.
Check with your local solid waste officials for details concerning recycling options or proper disposal.
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which
case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
This manual is subject to change without notification.
Precaution Statements
Follow these safety, servicing and ESD precautions to prevent damage and to protect against potential hazards such as
electrical shock.
1-1 Safety Precautions
1. Be sure that all built-in protective devices are
replaced. Restore any missing protective shields.
2. When reinstalling the chassis and its assemblies,
be sure to restore all protective devices, including
nonmetallic control knobs and compartment
3. Make sure there are no cabinet openings through
which people - particularly children - might insert
fingers and contact dangerous voltages.
Such openings include excessively wide cabinet
ventilation slots and improperly fitted covers and
4. Design Alteration Warning:
Never alter or add to the mechanical or electrical
design of the SECR. Unauthorized alterations
might create a safety hazard. Also, any design
changes or additions will void the manufacturer’s
5. Components, parts and wiring that appear to have
overheated or that are otherwise damaged should
be replaced with parts that meet the original
specifications. Always determine the cause of
damage or over- heating, and correct any potential
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.
Dispose used batteries according to the manufacturer’s
6. Observe the original lead dress, especially near the
following areas : sharp edges, and especially the
AC and high voltage supplies. Always inspect
for pinched, out-of-place, or frayed wiring. Do not
change the spacing between comp-onents and the
printed circuit board. Check the AC power cord
for damage. Make sure that leads and
components do not touch thermally hot parts.
7. Product Safety Notice:
Some electrical and mechanical parts have special
safety-related characteristics which might not be
obvious from visual inspection. These safety
features and the protection they give might be lost
if the replacement component differs from the
original - even if the replacement is rated for
higher voltage, wattage, etc.
Components that are critical for safety are
indicated in the circuit diagram by shading, (
). Use replacement components that have
or (
the same ratings, especially for flame resistance
and dielectric strength specifications. A
replacement part that does not have the same
safety characteristics as the original might create
shock, fire or other hazards.
ll y a danger d’explosion s’il y a remplacement incorrect
de la batterie.
Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type
ou d’un type équivalent recommandé par le constructeur.
Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément aux
instructions du fabricant.
SAFETY NOTICE : "For pluggable equipment, the socket-outlet shall be installed near
the equipement and shall be easily accessible."
1-2 Servicing Precautions
WARNING: First read the-Safety Precautions-section of this manual. If some unforeseen circumstance creates a
conflict between the servicing and safety precautions, always follow the safety precautions.
WARNING: An electrolytic capacitor installed with the wrong polarity might explode.
1. Servicing precautions are printed on the cabinet.
Follow them.
2. Always unplug the units AC power cord from the
AC power source before attempting to:
(a) Remove or reinstall any component or assembly
(b) Disconnect an electrical plug or connector
(c) Connect a test component in parallel with an
electrolytic capacitor
3. Some components are raised above the printed
circuit board for safety. An insulation tube or
tape is sometimes used. The internal wiring is
sometimes clamped to prevent contact with
thermally hot components. Reinstall all such
elements to their original position.
4. After servicing, always check that the screws,
components and wiring have been correctly
reinstalled. Make sure that the portion around the
serviced part has not been damaged.
5. Check the insulation between the blades of the AC
plug and accessible conductive parts
(examples : metal panels and input terminals).
6. Insulation Checking Procedure:
Disconnect the power cord from the AC source and
turn the power switch ON. Connect an insulation
resistance meter (500V) to the blades of AC plug.
The insulation resistance between each blade of the
AC plug and accessible conductive parts (see
above) should be greater than 1 megohm.
7. Never defeat any of the B+ voltage interlocks.
Do not apply AC power to the unit (or any of its
assemblies) unless all solid-state heat sinks are
correctly installed.
8. Always connect an instrument’s ground lead to the
instrument chassis ground before connecting the
positive lead ; always remove the instrument’s
ground lead last.
1-3 Precautions for Electrostatically Sensitive Devices (ESDs)
1. Some semiconductor (solid state) devices are easily
damaged by static electricity. Such components
are called Electrostatically Sensitive Devices
(ESDs); examples include integrated circuits and
some field-effect transistors. The following
techniques will reduce the occurrence of component
damage caused by static electricity.
2. Immediately before handling any semiconductor
components or assemblies, drain the electrostatic
charge from your body by touching a known earth
ground. Alternatively, wear a discharging wriststrap device. (Be sure to remove it prior to applying
power - this is an electric shock precaution.)
3. After removing an ESD-equipped assembly, place
it on a conductive surface such as aluminum foil to
prevent accumulation of electrostatic charge.
4. Do not use freon-propelled chemicals. These can
generate electrical charges that damage ESDs.
5. Use only a grounded-tip soldering iron when
soldering or unsoldering ESDs.
6. Use only an anti-static solder removal device.
Many solder removal devices are not rated as antistatic; these can accumulate sufficient electrical
charge to damage ESDs.
7. Do not remove a replacement ESD from its
protective package until you are ready to install it.
Most replacement ESDs are packaged with leads
that are electrically shorted together by conductive
foam, aluminum foil or other conductive materials.
8. Immediately before removing the protective
material from the leads of a replacement ESD,
touch the protective material to the chassis or
circuit assembly into which the device will be
9. Minimize body motions when handling unpackaged
replacement ESDs. Motions such as brushing
clothes together, or lifting a foot from a carpeted
floor can generate enough static electricity to
damage an ESD.
REGISTER CONTROL .................................................................................................... 7
2 Cash Drawer Ports
LAN port
1-USB slot
2-DB9 Male Coms ports
2-RJ45 Coms Ports
(for keyboard etc)
Customer display
with rotating pole
LCD with angled
display for Optimum
A screen saver is
programmed to protect
the display, removed
at the touch of a
This screen saver can
be customised if
SD Card slot for
service tasks
USB slot for
backing up and
restoring of files
Magnetic Dallas key
for employee sign on
(Keys Optional)
Power switch turns
the register off and
Card expansion
slot for program
MCR (Card
Reader) is an
optional extra and
can be used for
clerk sign on and
check opening
-8- Sam4s SPS500
Register Control
The SPS5xx is a Systems Register, with the capabilities of linking into a network of multiple terminals
and operating varying peripheral devices as the example layout shows below.
Sam4s SPS500 -9-
Register Control
Control Lock
- Turn the control lock to the REG position to operate the register.
Mode Operation
OFF The Register is in-operable
REG Used for normal registration
Used to Read register reports and perform other
manager functions
Z Used to Read and Reset register reports.
P Used to Program the register settings
Use for tests and special service mode settings.
This position is not marked on the control lock.
Control Keys
- There are two sets of keys that can be used to access the following control lock positions.
C All Positions
- The following password codes are available
Password Purpose
No Password Or
User Defined
Report Passwords can be set in S-mode – System
options for each reporting period.
The password will be prompted for as the report is selected.
-10- Sam4s SPS500
The Manager Password can be set in S-mode – Password.
Function keys can be programmed to prompt for a manager
password when pressed. This prompt will not appear if the
operator using the function is flagged as a Manager.
In addition this code can be entered prior to pressing an
employee key, and program mode can be accessed without
previous knowledge of the employee sign on codes.
Register Control
Paper installation - Single Printer Model
The single station printer uses an 80mm by 80mm thermal roll, which is fitted as shown.
- The printer cover is opened by pulling the Orange Cap Lever forwards
- The paper roll is inserted into the printer, with the leading edge of the paper over the printer.
- The printer cover is then closed and the paper locked in place.
Paper installation - Dual Printer Model
The dual station printer uses a 44mm by 80mm thermal roll, which is fitted as shown.
- The printer cover is opened by pushing the Orange Cap Lever backwards
- The paper roll is inserted into the printer, with the leading edge of the paper over the printer.
- The printer cover is then closed and the paper locked in place
- The printer cover is opened by pushing the Orange Cap Lever backwards
- The paper roll is inserted into the printer, with a large leading edge of the paper over the printer.
- The printer cover is then closed and the paper locked in place
- The remaining paper is wound onto the spool, and the spool dropped into the holding grooves.
Sam4s SPS500 -11-
Register Control
The Cash Register can be supplied with either keyboard type as shown below
Flat Keyboard Example
Stroke Keyboard Example
-12- Sam4s SPS500
Register Control
Default Screen
Main Screen
Twenty four keys
are display on the
main screen.
Keys can be PLUs,
Screens or
A total of 200
different screens
can be utilised
Message Line:
Displays Error
Messages, Clerk
Identification and
The sale is
displayed here.
If more than
one screen of
items is sold a
scroll bar is
Custom Screen Layouts
The register screens can be customised as required, with a variety of items, functions, button shapes,
sizes and colours as per the examples below.
Transaction Screen Size
The number of columns, and the size of the sales area can be customised, with the functions shown
either left or right depending on the operator signed on. The functions can also be displayed as either
four columns (as shown above) or one of the variations below.
2 Columns 1 Column No Columns
Button Sizes and Graphics
The button sizes, colours and images can be customised as shown.
Sam4s SPS500 -13-
Register Control
Display Message
Message Explanation
Amount Required This operation requires an amount entry.
Bad Value The number entered is incorrect for the task being performed.
The buffer for soft check, hard check, or buffered receipt has reached capacity.
For hard checks, the operator must press the SERVICE key to print the items
Buffer Full
Buffer Empty
and clear the buffer. In a soft check environment, this message will appear
when the check has reached capacity
require the sale to be finalised with the option of printing a bill if required.
An operation has been attempted where no information exists, for example the
attempt to transfer a check which contains no information etc.
(maximum lines stored). The register will
Bad Command The key sequence entered is not a valid operation.
Cash Declaration Required
Cash-In-Drawer Exceeded The programmed Cash-In-Drawer limit has been exceeded.
Check# Assigned Auto
Check# Required
Condiment Required This PLU has been programmed to require a condiment entry.
CRC Error An error has occurred in the check sum while transferring data in IRC mode.
Duplicate This check already exists, this may also apply to secret code programming.
Destination This operation is set for compulsory entry of one of the ten destination keys.
Enter Employee Code A registration has been attempted without entering the employee number.
Enter Employee # The employee is required to sign on before performing a task.
Enter Guest Count
Enter Seat# Seat number entry is required before the operation can continue.
Enter Table# Table number entry is required to open a guest check, or begin a sale.
Destination register is busy
command from the P.C. or clear using the S-mode menu – Memory clear
Cash declaration has been programmed as compulsory, and must first be
performed before reports can be printed
The operator has attempted to open a new guest check by assigning a check
number. The register has been set to generate its own check numbers.
This register has been programmed to force check number entry to begin a
transaction. An existing guest check must be recalled, or a new one started.
The operator must enter the number of guests when opening a guest check, or
beginning a sale.
(pre poll memory is in use). Requires a clear
Entry Required The function selected requires a numeric entry, i.e. an open percent
Error General error message, indicating mis-operation
Error Jam The Receipt or Journal printer is jammed, remove the paper jam.
Table Number In Use
Halo Over
Illegal Key Sequence The operator has used an illegal key sequence.
In Use
Inactive The key pressed is inactive, also appears if Void Mode has been disabled.
Input Qty Quantity input is required for a condiment
Kitchen Printer Failure
Manager Required This operation requires the manager password or a manager employee.
-14- Sam4s SPS500
The system is programmed to allow only one check number per table, and an
attempt has been made to use the same table number twice.
The amount entered exceeds the programmed HALO i.e. the task exceeds the
maximum amount allowed.
This guest check or clerk number is already open elsewhere in the system. This
is also applicable when the floating clerk system is activated and the operator
is in use on another terminal.
The kitchen printer has failed to respond. Printing has been re-routed to the
designated back-up printer
Register Control
Message Explanation
Memory Full Memory is full, whilst attempting a register sale. Finalise the current sale.
Negative The register has been programmed not to allow negative sales.
No Check # This message appears when the system cannot find the guest check number.
No Data The PLU entered during stock entry does not exist, enter a valid code.
The employee currently signed on is not assigned to a drawer, and is not
No Drawer
Non add# required This operation requires the entry of a Non-Add number
Not Discountable The preceding entry is not discountable or item does not allow discounting.
Not Programmed This key has not been programmed
Not Ready Remote printer is not ready for printing tasks, check the printer status.
Not Zero
Off Line IRC communications have gone off line, check the cable network.
Open Drawer
P/Bal Required This register has been programmed to require a previous balance entry.
Paper End
Range Over The number entered is out of range.
allowed to perform cash sales, or the drawer is no longer attached and is
required in order to continue.
The number entered is not a valid PLU. This message will also appear if a PLU
number “built” using modifier keys recalls an invalid PLU number.
Displayed when trying to delete a PLU that still has sales counts and stock
amounts. The PLU must first be reset and cleared from all Z Mode reports.
The register has been programmed not to operate with the cash drawer open,
close the cash drawer.
The guest check printer has reached the end of the form, or the
Receipt/Journal paper is at, or near, the end of its roll.
Single Item This PLU has been set as a single item PLU and cannot be used within a sale.
Subtotal Required The Subtotal key must be depressed before continuing.
The register procedure attempted is not allowed, due to the fact a program
code has not been set.
System Error
Tray Subtotal Required
Waste Required
Wrong Employee
Sign Off Required In order to complete this sequence the operator must sign off
Zero Amount The register has been programmed not to allow zero sales.
Price Level Mismatch
Override Not Allowed
For example, opening of a check or clerk, where the service mode system
option has not be set to determine the register storing the sales data,
correctly enter the required program codes.
This prompt appears while in a Tray Subtotal transaction. The operator must
first press the Tray Subtotal key before pressing any tender keys.
The operator is in the middle of a waste operation and must depress the
Waste key in order to complete the operation.
The employee attempting to open this guest check is not the person who
started the sale. Also appears when attempting to sign on a new employee
without first signing the current employee off, if overlap employee is not
programmed. Enter the correct employee code.
The price level attempted in the sale is not allocated to the PLU, check the
price levels set against the PLU.
The clerk has attempted a manual numeric entry such as manual PLU price,
but has been disallowed within the system settings program option.
Wrong Sequence The attempted key sequence is incorrect
Sam4s SPS500 -15-
Register Control
Message Explanation
Wrong Command The attempted command sequence is invalid for this operation
Wrong File Number
Wrong Itemiser
Under Tender Not Allowed
Over Tender Not Allowed
Check Tracking Error
Using The check or clerk number is in use on another register.
PLU Not Allowed The PLU has been programmed as disallowed in this key sequence
Condiment PLU Not Allowed An attempt to sell a condiment PLU without first selling the main product
Non Condiment PLU Not
Function Key Not Allowed The function key attempted is not allowed as part of this key sequence.
This Key Is Not Allowed An invalid key press has been attempted
The file number accessed is incorrect, for example when sending program IRC.
This may be printed if two file sizes are not identical.
An attempt has been made to print a report for sales totals that do not exist,
E.g. an attempt to print a Z2 report when only Z1 has memory.
An attempt to pay the sale with a value less than the Subtotal has been made
against a tender key. Tender the exact amount or more than Subtotal
An attempt to pay the sale with a value greater than the subtotal has been
made against a tender key. Tender the exact amount or less than Subtotal
An attempt to use 1 of the 4 check files failed, either the service mode option
has not been set for which register stores the check data, or within Reg the
check was opened using one check file type and stored on another type.
The last PLU sold, was programmed to enforce the sale of a condiment PLU,
and the next product was not a condiment-flagged item.
X/Time Required The X/Time function is required during the current key sequence.
Invalid Authority Level The employee authority levels for the current operation is disallowed.
Time In Required
Sign On Required The register requires the entry of an employee number.
Memory Not Allocated The file attempted to be utilised has no corresponding memory allocation.
This Emp Rpt Must Be Cleared The employee report must be reset within the Z mode position
Error Status The program status of the attempted function or item is incorrect.
Error Value The value entered is not acceptable for this procedure.
Error System Option
Error Employee
Error Table No The table number entered is not valid, enter an alternative table number
Promo Not Allowed The promotion key has been disallowed for the current product or procedure
Waste Not Allowed The wastage function key is not allowed during the current operation.
Decimal Entry Not Allowed An attempt has been made to use the decimal key incorrectly
Split Pricing Not Allowed
The register has enforced time clock entry before sales are made. The time
clock entry must be completed before sales can be made.
The programmed system options are set incorrectly for the attempted
procedure. For example a check or clerk access has been attempted and the
register storing the data has not been set within the service mode options.
The employee number settings are incorrect for the attempted procedure, or
an attempt to change the employee mid operation has been made.
The multiplication key has the ability to carry out fractional entries, for split
pricing, this feature is not allowed during this current operation
Void Mode Is Deactivated Access to the void mode has been restricted in the program system options.
Tendering Is Not Allowed
Job Code Required An employee must be linked to a job code to use the time clock feature
Job Code Change not allowed The employee using the time clock is not allowed to change jobs.
Push Button Entry Required Employees must push a button and not use a code to sign on.
-16- Sam4s SPS500
Sale finalization using a tender key has been attempted however the procedure
is disallowed during the current operation.
Register Control
Message Explanation
Employee Code Not Linked Sign on by code is set and the attempted employee code is not programmed
Tendering is not Allowed It is not possible to enter a monies amount tendered at this stage
Over Regular hours per Week Clocked in employee has logged hours worked greater than week value set
Must <= Line# Per Transact
Must >= Line# Per Soft Check
No Stock PLU
Linked Status Required This requires the item is set with a Status Group and Group option
Return to X Mode The current procedure requires completing, return to X mode.
Local Printer Required This procedure requires the programming of a printer
Check Network Setting The Register to Register (IRC) network options are not running.
Set Date & Time deactivated The option to program the date and time has been disabled within program
Employee Should Be Different
Transfer Not Allowed The attempt to transfer a check or clerk balance is not allowed
Req Gallonage Amount The product is a gallonage product and requires the entry in gallonage
Available Only In Check The operation is only available when a check number is open and in use.
Split This Item Is Not Possible
An attempt to enter the number of lines per check greater than the number
of lines per transaction has been made during memory allocation
An attempt to enter the number of lines per transaction less than the
number of lines per check has been made during memory allocation
The product selected for stock maintenance has not been defined as an
inventory PLU within the PLU status group settings.
The employee needed to complete the sequence can not be the same as the
signed on employee code, enter another code.
Split pricing or split bill procedure has been attempted against a product,
this option has been disallowed.
Function Key Not Included The function key selected is not allowed within this operation.
Error Post Tender
No Tracking Data In This Reg
No Time Keep Data In This Reg
Multiplication Limit Exceed The value entered is greater than the programmed multiplication max limit.
Tab Of Field 2 Too Big The tab value in setting of non PLU’s (price inclusive barcodes) is wrong
Non PLU Code Range Over The value entered in setting of non PLU’s (price inclusive barcodes) is wrong
Misc Tend Required The miscellaneous tender function key is required as the next key sequence.
Same Check Track Required
Not Scaleable PLU Registration of a PLU not set as scalable has been made
EJ Buffer Full The electronic journal is full. A Z reset electronic journal report is required.
Must Be Start<=End In Range When entering a range, the end of the range must be greater than the start
Range Overlap The range entry for reporting or programming is incorrect.
Final End Should Be 9 Or 99
Not PLU The key selected for the sequence is the incorrect type, re-select a PLU key
The post tender operation allows the calculation of change for a paid sale.
This feature has been disabled or operated incorrectly.
An attempt to clear the check tracking sales data has been made from a
register which is not set within the service options to store the check data.
An attempt to clear the employee time keeping data has been made from a
register which is not set within the service options to store time clock data.
The register has four check tracking files, the opening and closing of the
balance should be carried out using check type function key. An attempt has
been made to open a balance on one check type key and closed on another.
The ending value has been entered incorrectly, re-enter with either a
9 or 99
Sam4s SPS500 -17-
Register Control
Message Explanation
Surcharge Not Allowed The sale has been restricted preventing the addition of a surcharge
Decimal Entry Required The current sequence requires the entry of a decimal amount
System Reg# Required
Training Emp File# Required
Time In/Out Reg# Required
The current operation cannot be completed until the register which holds
clerk / check tracking data has been set in S mode system options
The attempt to print a training report, or access clerk training is not possible
unless the training clerk settings have been allocated within the program
The time in / out function can not be operated until the service mode
settings have been programmed to set the register storing time clock sales
Check Tracking Reg# Required
Electronic Journal Inactive The electronic journal cannot be printed unless activated within the P mode.
Cheque Endorsement Required
EFT Cancelled Cancel has been pressed on the EFT unit, select another method of payment.
Card error The EFT is not operating, there is a problem with the card
Printer Off Line The printer is powered off or out of paper, correct the problem and retry
KV Off Line An attempt to display the sale on a kitchen video has failed, re-check settings
No Relocatable Key The function is not re-programmable as it is a fixed key
Dallas key Compulsory The register is set to force an employee sign on with magnetic Dallas key.
Enforce Actual Inventory The actual stock quantity is compulsory during this operation
Authority Level Not Linked The employee currently signed on is not set with the correct authority options
Stock Is Not Zero The stock of the current product is not zero, the procedure is not allowed.
Incorrect Code The value entered is not correct for the operation, re-enter the correct value.
Soft Check Only This function can only be used if the memory is set for soft check tracking.
Inactive PLU The PLU selected has been programmed as inactive.
Multiple Disc Not Allowed The current system settings disallow more than one discount per transaction.
New Check Opened
No More Split Tender Allowed The system has prohibited the partial payment of a sale value
The check tracking function can not be operated until the service mode
settings have been programmed for the register storing the check tracking
The cheque key has been programmed to force endorsement printing to an
external printer, the cheque endorsement function must be pressed
The system has opened a new check number. It is possible to use either the
New check or check # function keys to create a new check
Check Pole Display The pole display connection has failed, re-check the connection
Not Allowed With Open Orders
Now Polling! The register is currently connected to the computer
Void Promo First
Multiple Receipts Not Allowed The system has been set to disallow printing of multiple post sale receipts
Mix And Match Error
Clerk Interrupt Error
Check Opened No Data The check number entered has no sales data
No Clerk Buffer In This Reg
Not Allowed With Open Clerks
Not Allowed The attempted sequence is invalid or has been disallowed within the P mode.
-18- Sam4s SPS500
The system program options have been set to prevent reporting when an
open balance exists, close all balances before attempting the report
The sale consists of a promotion item, in order to void the selected product
you must first void the promotional item
The product sold has an incorrect mix and match link, or the linked mix and
match number has not been programmed
The clerk interrupt program options are incorrectly set, or an invalid register
operation has been attempted
The clerk sales data are held on another register within the network as set
within the service options.
The procedure can not be completed whilst there are sales against a clerk,
finalise all outstanding, then print the report
Register Control
Message Explanation
Device Open Error The device is unable to open due to an error.
Password Error The Password entered is incorrect.
Nothing Selected No selection had been made.
Invalid SD Card The SD card being used is the wrong format or is not working correctly.
Reset Report? This is shown after a report with an option of Yes or No clearing prompt.
Choose IRC Reporting IRC reporting has to be selected for the desired report to be printed
Please Check Sd Card The SD card may be full or not inserted correctly
MCR Required Magnetic card reader required.
File Not Found The requested file has not been found.
Out of Stock The item is set to only allow a sale if stock present, and there is no stock.
Under Minimum Stock The item is below the preset minimum stock value set in the register.
Delivery not Opened
Please Check USB The USB did not read, power off/on the register to recognise the device.
Invalid USB The USB is recognised but deemed invalid
The delivery selected, is not in an open status, use the delivery key to open
the customer details.
Print Check First The Print Check bill must be produced before continuing
Cover Open Close the printer cover
Paper Near End Paper Roll is running low
TPH Temperature is High The printer thermal head is too hot, allow the printer to cool
Auto Cutter Jam The printer is jammed
Printer Buffer Full The printer can not receive any further data, check transmission
Mode Change Error Turn the mode switch back to the original position
Restore Dallas Key The signed on employee has removed the Dallas key, replace key on lock
Modification not allowed Condiment or PLU item adjustments are not allowed as the order has printed.
The various methods of signing into the register are shown below. When the register is signed off, the
message line displays: SIGN ON REQUIRED, and when an employee signs on the name is shown in the
top of the display area.
Sign On by Employee Key
- Enter the employee number and press the
Employee Key.
Sign On by Push Button Key
- Press or touch the EMPLOYEE key.
Sign On by Dallas Key
- Place the key on the lock to sign on.
Sign On by Employee Card
Employee Name
- Swipe the employee card.
Sign Off
- Enter “0” on the numeric keyboard and press
EMPLOYEE key, or
- Push the EMPLOYEE button, or
- Remove the key, or
- Swipe the employee card
The message line displays: SIGN ON REQUIRED.
Training Employee
The register allows an employee to be designated as
a Training employee.
This employee once signed on can trade without
affecting the totalisers.
- A single employee can be signed on in training
- Sign on with the training employee as above
The message **TRAINING** will optionally
appear on the display as shown
(Other employees can continue with live operations.)
Sam4s SPS500 -23-
Employee Operation
The register allows employees to clock into the system for wages, and job costing calculations.
Clock In
- Enter the employee clock in code and press
or touch the CLK IN/OUT function key to
display the clock in/out window:
- Touch the job code button
Touch OK to complete the clock in
Note: Depending upon system programming, the
employee may sign on with their employee number,
or their employee clock in code
Clock Out
For Break
- Enter the employee clock in code and press
or touch the CLK IN/OUT function to display
the clock in/out window:
- Touch the OUT FOR BRK key.
- Touch OK to complete the clock out.
For Day
- Enter the employee clock in code and press
or touch the CLK IN/OUT function to display
the clock in/out
- Touch the OUT key.
- Touch OK to complete the clock out.
Time Clock Edit
If an employee forgets to clock in or out,
authorized persons can use the time clock edit
function to correct or add time clock entries.
- Turn the key lock to the X position.
- Touch the TIME CLOCK EDIT option.
- Select the period to be edited, X/Z (DAILY)
EDIT, or periodic edits, if they are used.
- Enter the Employee #, touch OK.
- Touch the field to be corrected, and then enter
the correct time and touch OK. Use the
PAGE UP / PAGE DOWN to display records.
- When corrections are completed, touch SAVE
to exit.
-24- Sam4s SPS500
+ 58 hidden pages
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