Easy installation
of your sagEm
frEEsat+ rEcordEr
Bringing you easy HD
1. Connecting the box
to the TV and the
Satellite Dish
Step 1 – Plug the satellite dish cables into the
SAT input connectors on the back of the box
Please note: To be able to watch a channel
and record another one at the same time,
you have to plug 2 SAT dish cables into the 2
SAT input connectors . Please speak to your
installer for further information
Step 2 – Plug the scart or HDMI cable into
the back of your box
Step 3 – Connect the scart or HDMI cable
into the back of your television
Step 4 – Connect the power cable into the
12V connector on the receiver and then plug
into the wall socket
1 Step 1
1 Step 2-3
1 Step 4
2. Connecting to your Home
Cinema Equipment
Step 1 – Your Sagem freesat recorder can be
connected to your home cinema system. Use
the audio connections at the rear to connect
2 Step 1