Saba IMPRESSIONS User Manual

Data Sheet
Saba Impressions
 Relevant, more accurate feedback from
multiple points of view improves productivity and job satisfaction
 Fosters a culture of high performance by
encouraging engagement in performance processes and interaction with peers
 The use of social technologies attracts and
retains high-value talent
 Real-time feedback enables performance
issues to be addressed immediately
 Quick and simple to use
 Real-time, relevant feedback from across the
social network
 Anyone can submit feedback, regardless
of reporting structure or participation in a performance cycle
 Share fun/interactive “nuggets” as well as
 Ability to make the process business-relevant
by incorporating informal feedback directly into formal performance reviews
Once-a-year performance feedback is too little, too late. Performance feedback solely gathered from the manager is often seen as low value and even worse, as a source of frustration and disengagement. With Saba Impressions, Saba is tackling this problem head-on by harnessing an enterprise’s social network to gather more relevant performance feedback for employees.
Saba Impressions augments Saba’s performance management capabilities by delivering the real-time feedback from the social network that is critical to rapid performance improvement. As quick and simple to use as Twitter, Saba Impressions enables individuals across the organization to submit feedback on any other individual, regardless of reporting structure or participation in a performance cycle. And unlike social feedback from stand­alone tools, the feedback from Saba Impressions can be used immediately to make course corrections in development planning, or throughout the cycle to better inform formal processes such as performance and succession decisions.
Impressions can be collected
via the My Saba homepage,
or imbedded as part of your
The Future of Performance Feedback Is Social
Today’s workers, especially Generation Y talent that has grown up with digital communication, expect to be given the tools to connect and share with their peers. Yet most performance management processes have remained unchanged, relying upon performance feedback that comes once a year from the manager, and rarely includes feedback from peers or other points of view. These processes are now so out-of-touch that some have declared the formal performance review dead. But the problem is not the review itself, it is the barriers to open communication that make the review such a limited view of an individual’s true performance and value to
employee portal.
Data Sheet n Saba Impressions
the organization. Saba Impressions removes these barriers by enabling employees, regardless of reporting relationships, to provide feedback at any time.
Designed for Quick Feedback
Saba Impressions enables the easy submission of feedback from across the social network at any time. Employees simply choose a person, record a quick comment, and can assign a number of “nuggets” to share with the individual to rate how useful the interaction was. Organizations can enable the sharing of unlimited nuggets or can restrict the number that can be given by any one individual to enable the highest performers to emerge. The comments and nuggets are then shared instantly with the employee, making real-time feedback a reality.
Making Social Technologies Business Relevant
As exciting as social networking technologies are, they often have a fatal flaw — business relevancy. Stand-alone technologies, both general social networking tools as well
as those designed specifically for performance feedback, simply aren’t linked closely enough with the existing formal processes to make them useful in a business context. But since Saba Impressions is delivered as part of our unified people management suite, business relevancy is never an issue. Only Saba is able to both harness the informal feedback and surface it directly within formal processes. With Saba, the impressions gathered throughout the cycle can even be assigned a formal value within the performance review. Impressions can also better inform succession and compensation decisions and enable performance feedback to be acted on immediately via development planning and learning assignments.
Saba is at the forefront of change as informal and social processes grow in popularity, harnessing them to increase user satisfaction and adoption and make employees more effective. Saba Impressions is another proof point of Saba’s ability to make social processes business-relevant by delivering them as a unified part of our collaborative people management platform.
Saba n Power Up Your People
Saba is the premier provider of people systems that enable today’s people-driven enterprises. By combining learning, people management and collaboration technologies, Saba delivers solutions that help mobilize and engage people to drive new strategies and initiatives, align and connect people to accelerate the ow of business, and cultivate individual and collective knowhow to achieve exceptional results.
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Saba 2400 Bridge P arkw ay, Redwood Shor es, CA 94 065 -1166 USA (+1) 877.SABA.101 or (+1) 650.779.2791 www. saba .com
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