Data Sheet
Saba Centra Meeting
Reduce online meeting costs with leading
VoIP capabilities
Meet from anywhere with iPhone and
Web browser clients
Increase meeting effectiveness with an
easy-to-use user interface that mirrors
face-to-face meetings
Reduce total cost-of-ownership with
flexible deployment options: on-premise/private
cloud and OnDemand/public cloud
Eliminate meeting failures with a Web
conferencing architecture proven for
over a decade
Schedule meetings from Microsoft Outlook,
invite using Microsoft Instant Messenger
One-click attendance from an e-mail, calendar
or Microsoft Instant Message invitation
Choose from three clients: Web browser,
iPhone, desktop client
Use Voice-Over-IP, your teleconferencing
vendor of choice, or both
Advanced choreography including
yes/no polling, instant surveys, and laughter/
Integrated multipoint video that switches from
person to person as each speaks
Simple editing of recordings for future playback
Organize meeting recordings and materials —
agendas, minutes, and reference material —
and make easily available to a broad audience
13 supported languages
Saba Centra Meeting supports and streamlines the entire process of
organizing and holding online meetings — before, during, and after the live
online session.
Before Your Online Meeting — Saba Centra Where You Work enables
integration with instant messaging, email, calendaring, and Microsoft
Office applications. This makes it easy for employees to schedule and
attend online meetings with the tools they already use — facilitating user
adoption and streamlining meeting planning. And because Saba Centra
Meeting is so simple and cost-effective for anyone to use, employees are
more likely to employ it for the informal knowledge-sharing meetings that
are so critical to your organization’s competitive advantage.
During Your Online Meeting — The Saba Centra Meeting user interface
replicates the dynamic interaction of on-site meetings with integrated
audio and video conferencing, application sharing with markup, animated
PowerPoint slides, real-time feedback, whiteboards, instant surveys,
and text chat. eMeetings can be recorded, letting people catch up with
meetings they missed.
After Your Online Meeting — After an eMeeting, recordings, minutes, and
reference material can be stored and organized in Saba Centra, making it
easy for those who didn’t attend to review the meeting outcome. Saba Centra
offers SSL encryption for all communications, content, and login around your
online meeting to ensure security. Meetings can also be password-protected
and designated as “private/unlisted.” Saba Centra storage options let you
determine whether, where, and how content is stored.
For over a decade, Saba Centra has helped millions of customers
increase efficiency and reduce costs through better collaboration. Trust
Saba Centra Enterprise Web Conferencing to increase the power of your
people to build competitive advantage.
Saba n Power Up Your People
Saba is the premier provider of people systems that enable today’s people-driven enterprises. By combining learning, people management and collaboration
technologies, Saba delivers solutions that help mobilize and engage people to drive new strategies and initiatives, align and connect people to accelerate the
ow of business, and cultivate individual and collective knowhow to achieve exceptional results.
© 2010 Saba Software, Inc. All rights res erve d. Saba, the Saba logo, Saba Cen tra, and the marks
relatin g to Saba products and serv ices reference d herein are eithe r t radem arks or reg istere d
tradem arks o f Saba Soft ware, In c. or i ts af liates . All other t radema rks ar e the p roper ty of their
respe ctive owne rs.
2400 Bridge P arkw ay, Redwood Shor es, CA 94 065 -1166 USA
(+1) 877.SABA.101 or (+1) 650.779.2791
www. saba .com
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