2 General description .................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Power supply ............................................................................................................................................ 6
2.6 Alarm Indication on the display ................................................................................................................ 8
2.7 Real time clock ......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.8 Service connector..................................................................................................................................... 8
3 User configurable settings and functions ................................................................................................ 8
4.4 HOLD function ........................................................................................................................................ 13
4.5 Internal menu ......................................................................................................................................... 13
4.6 Frequently used settings ........................................................................................................................ 18
4.6.1 Unit system ............................................................................................................................ 18
4.6.2 Date and time ......................................................................................................................... 18
4.6.3 Select the calculated parameter for a probe input .................................................................. 18
4.6.4 Select which probe and/or parameters are shown on the display .......................................... 18
4.6.5 Set input 1 or 2 for a digital or analog probe .......................................................................... 19
4.7 Practical advice for measuring humidity ................................................................................................. 19
5 Using the HP23 functions ........................................................................................................................ 19
5.1 Data capture ........................................................................................................................................... 19
5.1.1 Capturing data ........................................................................................................................ 19
5.1.2 Viewing the captured data ...................................................................................................... 20
5.2 Data logging ........................................................................................................................................... 21
5.2.1 Logging data .......................................................................................................................... 21
5.2.2 Viewing the recorded data ...................................................................................................... 21
5.3 Calibrator function .................................................................................................................................. 22
5.3.1 Connecting a device to the HP23 ........................................................................................... 22
5.3.2 Reading measurement data ................................................................................................... 23
5.3.3 About the HP23 calibration and adjustment procedures ........................................................ 23
5.3.4 Calibration against a reference environment .......................................................................... 23
5.3.5 Calibration against a reference HygroClip 2 probe or other device ........................................ 24
5.3.6 Adjustment of humidity and temperature ................................................................................ 24
5.4 Aw Mode (HP23-AW) ............................................................................................................................. 25
5.4.1 Enabling the Aw Mode and selecting the measurement function ........................................... 25
8 Technical data ........................................................................................................................................... 33
This manual is valid for the HP23 with firmware version 2.x, where 2.x can be 2.0, 2.1 etc. Changes to the last
digit of the version number reflect minor firmware changes that do not affect the manner in which the
instrument should be operated.
1 Overview
The HP23 is a multifunction hand-held indicator with data logging capability. The HP23 can be used in many
different applications such as the spot check measurement of HVAC install at io ns and manufacturing
processes, the measurement of seeds, phar mace ut i cal pow ders and other mat eria ls in bul k, the meas urem ent
of paper stacks and rolls, etc. The HP23 is also a calibrator that can be used to read and adjust other
instruments from ROTRONIC that are based on the AirChip 3000 technology.
Each of the two probe inputs can be configured to accept either a digital HygroClip 2 humidity-temperature
probes (factory default) or an analog probe measuring any signal such as barometric pressure, air velocity, etc
(user configuration). The HP23 has a real time clock to keep track of the date and time when recording data
and is powered with either a standard 9 V alkaline battery or with a rechargeable battery.
The HP23 features two distinct operating modes:
► Standard Mode: in this mode the HP23 can be used as a general purpose indicator, as a data logger or
as a calibrator for verifying and adjusting other instruments from ROTRONIC. The standard mode offers the
following functionality (availability of some of the functions depends on the HP23 model):
Display of Measured and Calculated Values
o Relative humidity and temperature data measured by up to two HygroClip 2 digital probes
o Calculated humidity parameter such as dew / frost point or other, for up to two HygroClip 2
oDifference between the values measured by two probes (the probes must be of the same type:
digital or analog)
oUp to two user defined calculations such as the difference between the temperature and the dew
point measured by a probe, the average of the temperature measured by two probes, etc.
oAny parameter measured by up to two analog probes (user defined)
Manual Data Capture
oTo facilitate the spot checking of humidity and temperature conditions, the HP23 features eight
data bins (non-volatile memory) each capable of retaining up to 250 humidity temperature values
measured by a HygroClip 2 probe (analog probe data is not recorded). Each record is stamped
for date and time. The data bins can be given a user defined name.
oProbe selection, bin selection, data capture and data viewing are done from the keypad.
Data Logging
oThe HP23 can automatically record up to 10,000 humidity-temperature value pairs measured by
a single HygroClip 2 probe or up to 10,000 values measured by a single 1-channel analog
probe. Each record is stamped for date and time. The calculated parameter (HygroClip 2 probe
only) cannot be recorded. When recording data from two probes at the same time, the recording
capacity per probe is cut in half.
oThe HP23 features two data logging mode: start-stop (recording ends when the memory is full)
and loop (when the memory is full, the oldest record is dumped to make room for a new record)
oExcept for the log file format, all log settings can be selected from the keypad. Data logging can
oThe HW4 software is required to download and view the recorded data
Calibrator function:
The HP23 can be used as a calibrator for all of the ROTRONIC HygroClip 2 devices (probe,
transmitter or other) and allows to do the following:
o Display the measurement data from the device on the HP23.
o 1-point humidity and/or temperature adjustment of the device connected to one of the HP23
probe inputs against the HygroClip 2 probe connected to second probe input of the HP23
(reference probe).
o1-point or multi-point humidity adjustment as well as a 1-point or 2-point temperature adjustment:
against a known reference environment.
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► Aw Mode: this specialized mode is available only with model HP23-AW and is used for measuring the
water activity (Aw) of product samples and materials in bulk such as powders, seeds, etc. When set to operate
in the water activity mode, the HP23 automatically displays humidity as Aw (1.000 a
Mode offers the following options:
= 100 %RH). The Aw
Accelerated water activity measurement (AwQuick):permits measuring the water activity of
most products in typically 5 minutes. The measurement starts simultaneously for both probe inputs
and is ended automatically.
Conventional water activity measurement (AwE): the measurement starts simultaneously
for both probe inputs. The HP23 automatically detects full equilibrium conditions and ends the
measurement at that time.
Data logging and probe adjustment are available in the water activity mode, but when using these functions
humidity is shown as %RH as opposed to a
The HP23 is available with a wide assortment of HygroClip 2 humidity-temperature probes to meet almost any
requirement. The HygroClip 2 probes feature well proven, durable sensors. Digital signal processing ensures
consistent product performanc e and also faci lita tes the task of field mai ntenance with features such as
potentiometer free – digit al cal i br atio n.
Depending on the probe model, the HP23 can measure conditions within the range of 0 to 100 %RH and -100
to 200°C (-148 to 392°F). The temperature operating range of the HP23 electronics is limited to -10…60°C.
The ability for the user to easily update both the HP23 and HygroClip 2 probe firmware means that the
indicator and probes can be kept up-to-date regarding any future functionality improvement.
. The other standard mode functions are not available.
Most of the HP23 settings can be configured directly from the keypad. However, some of the settings and
access to some of the functions requires connecting the HP23 to the USB port of a PC running the HW4
software version 3.0 or higher. For instructions see the following H W4 manual: E-M-HW4v3-F2-012
2.2 Power supply
The HP23 uses either a standard 9V alkaline battery (factory default) or a 9V rechargeable Ni-MH battery
(user configuration).
The rechargeable battery is charged either by connecting the service connector to a USB port or by plugging a
battery charger (part number AC1212) to the service connector. The typical charge current is 17 mA.
Important: the HP23 is shipped with a regular 9V battery and is factory preset with the battery charge
function turned off. If you plan on using a rechargeable battery, you should turn on the battery charge function
(see Function Menu – Settings). Before using a regular battery again, be sure to turn off the battery charge
function. Trying to charge a regular battery may cause the battery to burst and may damage the instrument.
With the default display refresh rate is 1 second the probes are permanently powered. To conserve battery
power, the display refresh rate can be set from the HP23 keypad to one of the following: 10 sec, 1 min or 10
min. (MENU > Device Settings > DataUpdate). The autonomy of the HP23 with a fully charged battery
depends on factors such as the display backlight, the number of probes, the display refresh rate, the functions
being used, etc. As an indication, the typical current consumption is as follows: 6.5mA with 1 probe and 20mA
with 1 probe + backlight.
WARNING: the display refresh rate setting can affect the data logging function of both the HP23 and probe
2.3 Probe inputs
The HP23 has two probe inputs. Using the HW4 software (Device Manager), each probe input can be
configured to accept one of the following:
oHygroClip 2 humidi ty -temperature digital probe. Any input configured to accept a HygroClip 2 digital probe
can also be used to read and adjust an instrument or device that is based on the AirChip 3000 technology
(use service cable AC2001).
o1-channel analog probe (general):
following requirements: supply voltage: max. 5 VDC, current consumption: max. 10 mA, output signal: 0
to max. 3.3 VDC. The HP23 uses a 12-bit A/D converter to digitize the probe analog signal and can be
configured to measure practically any parameter.
oAnalog pressure probe: this is a special case of analog probe and is subject to the same compatibility
requirements. When analog pressure probe is selected, the HP23 automatically uses the signal from the
probe to calculate any humidity parameter that requires barometric pressure as an input value (example:
mixing ratio).
To be compatible with the HP23 the analog probe must meet the
1: RXD (UART- digital probe)
7: TXD (UART – digital probe)
Document code Unit
Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland
HygroPalm HP23-A / HP23-AW-A hand-held
User Guide
Document title
Instruction Manual
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7 of 37
Pin-Out Diagram
2: GND (digital and power)
3: V+: digital pbe: 3.3 VDC nominal, analog pbe: maximum 5.0 VDC, 10 mA
4: AGND (analog ground)
5: Not used
6: 1-channel analog probe signal : + 0.0 to 3.3 VDC
2.4 Measured parameters
Depending on the configuration of the probe inputs, the HP23 can measure the following:
oHygroClip 2 probe: humidity and temperature. The HC2 probes measure relative humidity with a
oAnalog probe (general): any parameter measured by the probe. The parameter unit must be
specified with the HW4 software (Device Manager).
oAnalog pressure probe: the unit used for barometric pressure is set with the HW4 software > Device
Manager > Unit System.
IN1 capacitive sensor and temperature with a Pt100 RTD.
2.5 Calculated parameters
When a probe input is configured to accept a HygroClip 2 digital probe, the HP23 can calculate any of the
following parameters based on the humidity and temperature values measured by the probe (to select the
calculated parameter, use either the keypad or the HW4 software > Device Manager):
o Dew point (Dp) above and below freezing
o Frost point (Fp) below freezing and dew point above freezing
o Wet bulb temperature (Tw)
o Enthalpy (H)
o Vapor concentr atio n (Dv )
o Specific humidity (Q)
o Mixing ratio by weight (R)
o Vapor concentr atio n at satur ati on (Dv s)
o Vapor partial pressure (E)
o Vapor saturation pressure (Ew)
Note: calculating some of the above parameters requires barometric pressure as an input parameter. When
no pressure probe is connected to the HP23, a fixed barometric pressure value can be specified using either
the keypad or the ROTRONIC HW4 software.
In addition, the HP23 can display the difference between two probes or up to two user defined calculations
such as the difference between the temperature and the dew point measured by a probe, the average of the
temperature measured by two probes, etc. (see Display in this manual)
Depending on the type of alarm, the display shows either a symbol or a text when the HP23 detects an alarm
oOut-of-limits value (defined with the HW4 software for each probe input, includes measured values
and calculated parameter).
o No communication with the probe.
o Display of fixed values when no probe is connected the input. Easily identified humidity and
temperature values can be specified with the HW4 software for each probe input.
o Bad RH sensor or major sensor failure (open or shorted sensor – humidity and temperature)
o Low battery charge
2.7 Real time clock
The HP23 clock keeps track of the date and time and can be adjusted from the keypad. Using the HW4
software, the clock can be synchronized with the PC date and time. The clock does not automatically adjust
for daylight saving time (DST).
2.8 Service connector
The service connector of the HP23 is a USB port. Any standard cable equipped with a mini-USB type
connector at one end can be used to connect the HP23 to a PC running the ROTRONIC HW4 software. See
“Maintenance” for the location of the servi ce conn ect or. The service conne ctor is use d for t he follow ing:
o Configuration of the HP23
o Downloading data recorded on the HP23
o Access to the HygroClip 2 probe functions
o Firmware updates
3 User configurable setti ngs a nd f unctions
The HP23 can be used just as any conventional humidity and temperature indicator. Making use of the HP23
configurable settings and functions is entirely up to the user and the appropriate settings depend on the user
application. We have provided below a short description of the HP23 functions and also indicated the factory
default settings.
3.1 Factory default settings
oConfiguration of the HP23 and probe by the user and access to its functions requires a PC with the
ROTRONIC HW4 software (version 3.0.0 or higher) installed. A standard USB cable with a mini-USB
connector at one end is used to connect the HP23 service connector to a USB port of the PC.
oSettings and functions that can also be accessed from the keypad are marked with the letter K (see also
User defined description
replaced with the HP23 Input Name
Psychrometri c calculation
HP23 setting overrides HC2 probe setting
Refresh interval for the LC display. When set above 1 s, this
Generates fixed humidity and / or temperature value
When enabled, the HP23 settings override the HC2 prob e se tting s
The HP23 setting overrides HC2 probe setting. The HC2 probe
temperature unit for both the HP23 and probe.
The HP23 settings are independent from the HC2 probe settings.
The RH sensor is not tested when the refresh interval for the LC
display is set above 1 sec.
Parameter and scale
The HC2 probe settings have no effect on the HP23
Document code Unit
Rotronic AG
Bassersdorf, Switzerland
HygroPalm HP23-A / HP23-AW-A hand-held
User Guide
Document title
Instruction Manual
Document Type
10 of 37
3.2 Interaction between the HP23 and HygroClip 2 probe functions
It is important to note that when used together, the HP23 indicator and HC2 probe (HygroClip 2) constitute a
2-component system. Each system component has its own microprocessor, firmware and functions. Some of
these functions are unique to each system component. Other functions are found in both components.
The functions and settings of the HP23 indicator and HygroClip 2 probe (HC2) operate together as indicated
Function / Setting HP23 HC2 Notes
Device Name X X
Calculation X X
Data refresh rate X
The device name of the HC2 probe is not displayed by HW4 and is
setting causes the HC2 probe not to be powered in between
display refreshes so as to conserve battery power.
Note: when the HP23 is recording data, the probe is powered as
required by the log interval, regardless of the display refresh
Simulator function X X
Unit system X X
Out-of-limits value
RH sensor test X
Analog outputs X
settings still apply when the probe is used alone
Make sure to use the same humidity symbol and the same
The HC2 probe settings have no effect on the HP23 and out-oflimits values defined at the probe level do not generate a HP23
The LC display has a backlight which can be set to be on all the time or whenever a key is pressed. The
backlight can also be disabled.
Using the HP23 Menu > Device Settings > Display Settings > Mode, the display mode can be changed as
shown below:
o %RH
o Temperature
The display can also be configured to show a trend indicator on each line:
▲: increasing value
▼: decreasing value
In the event of an alarm the symbol [ ! ] appears to the right of the value.
The bottom of the display shows the date and time as well as which probe is currently selected:
from probe 1 are being recorded
o %RH
o Temperature
o Calculated
No date and tim e
The battery charge is shown with a 7-bar icon.
A diskette icon appears when the probe data is being
Both the parameter
and probe can be
changed with the UP
arrow key or the
DOWN arrow key
4.1.2 Difference between Probe 1 and Probe 2 (Delta Probe)
The difference between the humidity, temperature and calculated parameter of two probes connected to the
HP23 (Probe 1 value minus Probe 2 value) can be shown on the display by turning on the DPbe/UCalc option
(HP23 internal menu - accessed from the keypad). The Delta Probe function is similar to a third probe that can
be selected from the keypad with the UP key or with the DOWN key.
Note: This function works only when two probes are connected to the HP23. Delta Probe is also not available
when the HP23 has been configured with the HW4 software to calculate a user defined parameter (see
4.1.3 User defined parameter
Using the HW4 software, the HP23 can be enabled to calculate up to two user defined parameters such as
the difference between the temperature and the dew point measured by a probe, the average of the
temperature measured by two probes, etc.
The user defined parameters can be shown on the display by turning on the DPbe/UCalc option ( HP23
internal menu - accessed from the keypad). For additional explanations and instructions see the following
HW4 manual: E-M-HW4v3-F2-012.
4.2 Keypad
Activates / de-activates HOLD function
key again to go back to the previous submenu or to exit the menu
oChanges the probe being displayed (including delta
probe or user defined parameter, when enabled)
o Changes the data-bin used to capture data
o When the menu is active, use to navigate the menu,
make a selection or change a value
oWhen the menu is active, use to confirm the
selection of a menu item, effect a change of
settings and confirm any change
oIn the HP23 Standard Mode, use to capture the
current %RH and temperature data to one of the 8
data bins