Roland VS-540i, VS-640i, VS-300i, VersaWorks VS-540i, VersaWorks VS-640i User Manual

This document describes the characteristics of special color inks (white ink and metallic silver ink) used with VS-640i/540i/300i, important notes, maintenance, and printing method using these inks. For other matters, refer to Setup Guide and User's Manual of your printer.
When you use metallic silver ink and white ink, be sure to read this rst.
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Thank you very much for purchasing this product.
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Unauthorized copying or transferal, in whole or in part, of this manual is prohibited. The contents of this operation manual and the specifications of this product are subject to change without notice. The operation manual and the product have been prepared and tested as much as possible. If you find any misprint
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Roland DG Corp. assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage which may occur through use of
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Copyright and property of this Software and this manual belong to Roland DG Corp. No part of this publica­tion may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any from or by any means, electron­ic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
VersaWorks is a registered trademark of Roland DG Corp.
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Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, PostScript 3, and Illustrator are either registered trademarks or trade­marks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. ©2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
PANTONE® Colors displayed in the software application or in the user documentation may not match PANTONE-identied standards. Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color. PAN­TONE® and other Pantone trademarks are the property of Pantone LLC. © Pantone LLC, 2012.
Pantone is the copyright owner of color data and/or software which are licensed to Roland DG Corp. to dis­tribute for use only in combination with Roland VersaWorks. PANTONE Color Data and/or Software shall not be copied onto another disk or into memory unless as part of the execution of Roland VersaWorks.
Other company names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
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Contents ........................................................................................................1
Chapter 1 Getting Started ...................................................................................3
1-1 What This Document Assumes and Related Manuals ............................4
What This Document Assumes ....................................................................................................4
Related Manuals ............................................................................................................................... 4
VersaWorks Online ...........................................................................................................................4
1-2 Before Starting Operations .....................................................................5
Important: Characteristics of Inks and Important Notes.................................................... 5
1-3 Important Notes on Printing ....................................................................6
Using the Middle Pinch Rollers in Printing and Cutting ..................................................... 6
Important Notes on Using Media Take-up System .............................................................. 6
Important Notes in Using Transparent Media ........................................................................ 6
Precautions When Using an Optional Dryer ........................................................................... 7
Chapter 2 Getting Ready .....................................................................................9
2-1 Preparing VersaWorks ..........................................................................10
Starting VersaWorks .......................................................................................................................10
Creating a Folder for Saving PS Files .......................................................................................10
2-2 Printer Preparations .............................................................................. 11
Making the Printer Settings and Loading Media ................................................................11
2-3 Creating Printing Data ...........................................................................12
Basic Approach for Creating Printing Data ...........................................................................12
Creating Data for Printing ...........................................................................................................12
Blend Print and Layered Print (Metallic Silver and CMYKLcLmLk) ................................18
Chapter 3 Printing ..............................................................................................21
3-1 Introduction ...........................................................................................22
Before You Start Printing ..............................................................................................................22
Medias ................................................................................................................................................22
Print Modes.......................................................................................................................................22
3-2 Print Job Setting : Equipped with White & Silver ..................................24
Printing Only with Metallic Silver Ink ......................................................................................24
Blend Print (Metallic Silver + CMYKLcLm)..............................................................................26
Layered Print (Metallic Silver CMYKLcLm) ........................................................................28
Layered Print (CMYKLcLm Metallic Silver) .........................................................................30
Printing Only with White Ink ......................................................................................................32
Printing with White and CMYKLcLm Ink ................................................................................34
Printing with While, Metallic Silver, and CMYKLcLm Ink ..................................................37
3-3 Print Job Setting : Equipped with Silver Only ........................................41
Printing Only with Metallic Silver Ink ......................................................................................41
Blend Print (Metallic Silver + CMYKLcLmLk) .........................................................................43
Layered Print (Metallic Silver CMYKLcLmLk) ...................................................................45
3-4 Print Job Setting : Equipped with White Only .......................................47
Printing Only with White Ink ......................................................................................................47
Printing with White and CMYKLcLmLk Ink ............................................................................48
3-5 Starting the Print Operation ..................................................................51
Starting the Print Operation .......................................................................................................51
Printing a Metallic Color Chart (Equipped with Silver) .....................................................52
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Copyright © 2013 Roland DG Corporation
Chapter 4 Advanced ..........................................................................................55
4-1 Performing Metallic Texture Printing: Equipped with Silver ...................56
What is Metallic Texture Printing? ............................................................................................56
Printing a Metallic Texture Chart...............................................................................................56
Create The Metallic Texture Printing Data .............................................................................58
Performing Metallic Texture Printing ......................................................................................61
4-2 Maintenance .........................................................................................62
Message for Ink Circulation ........................................................................................................62
When Dot Drop-out Etc. Cannot be Corrected ....................................................................62
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Chapter 1
Getting Started
1-1 What This Document Assumes and Related Manuals .............4
What This Document Assumes ...................................................4
Related Manuals ..........................................................................4
VersaWorks Online ......................................................................4
1-2 Before Starting Operations ......................................................5
Important: Characteristics of Inks and Important Notes ..............5
1-3 Important Notes on Printing .....................................................6
Using the Middle Pinch Rollers in Printing and Cutting ...............6
Important Notes on Using Media Take-up System ......................6
Important Notes in Using Transparent Media ..............................6
Precautions When Using an Optional Dryer ................................7
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Chapter 1 Getting Started Chapter 1 Getting Started
1-1 What This Document Assumes and Related Manuals
What This Document Assumes
Before performing any operations described in this guide, make sure that all the following preparations have been complete.
Hardware setup, such as the assembly and installation of VS-640i/540i/300i (hereinafter, the printer) Installing VersaWorks on your computer, and connecting the computer to the printer via a network.
Related Manuals
Read the following documentation for information about setting up this machine and VersaWorks.
Setup Guide
This manual describes details about how to make the printer ready for use and where it should be installed. Be sure to read this manual.
User's Manual
This manual describes operation methods in detail. After you've read the Setup Guide, be sure to read this manual.
Roland VersaWorks Quick Start Guide
Chapter 1 of this manual, "Setting for VersaWorks," provides you with in­structions necessary to perform printing with VersaWorks, including how to install the software. Be sure to read this chapter following the above User's Manual. You are also recommended to read Chapter 2, "Getting Started," to become familiar with how to use this program.
VersaWorks Online
This document describes the important notes to use the metallic silver ink and the white ink as well as the basic printing method using these inks. You can get the latest information about Roland VersaWorks and the information on printing methods requiring more complex settings by viewing VersaWorks Online. If you want to learn more about the features of Roland VersaWorks, or if you want to use metallic silver ink and the white ink more eectively, be sure to visit VersaWorks Online. URL :
VersaWorks Online can be displayed by clicking [Help] - [VersaWorks Online] from the main menu.
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1-2 Before Starting Operations
*If equipped with both Metallic Silver ink and White ink, Lk (Light Black) ink is not used. Ignore
"Lk" in this manual.
Important: Characteristics of Inks and Important Notes
The usage and handling of white ink and metallic silver ink involve some important considerations that do not apply to ink of other colors. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the inks before you use them.
White Ink and Metallic Silver Ink Precipitate.
If they are allowed to stand, the precipitates in them may solidify and cause clogging of the print heads or other malfunction. Be sure to observe the cautions in this manual.
Maintenance Must be Performed.
Always keep the main power switched on. If the main power is switched o, the automatic maintenance
function stops working, and it may result in malfunction.
We recommend that you operate the printer at least once a week. If the printer is left unused for a long period of time, ink precipitation may occur, causing unstable ink
discharge, which may result in dot drop-out, etc. In such cases, the precipitated and solidied ink needs to be cleared.
P. 62, "When Dot Drop-out Etc. Cannot be Corrected"
Drying Inks
After output, allow the ink to dry suciently. Note that white ink and metallic silver ink in particular require
printing at a high density, and so are more dicult to dry than CMYKLcLMLk inks.
We recommend to use an optional dryer.
P. 7, "Precautions When Using an Optional Dryer"
We Strongly Recommend Lamination.
Depending on conditions, the weatherability of metallic silver ink and white ink may be inferior to that of CMYKLcLmLk inks. Therefore, laminating is strongly recommended.
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Chapter 1 Getting Started
1-3 Important Notes on Printing
*If equipped with both Metallic Silver ink and White ink, Lk (Light Black) ink is not used. Ignore
"Lk" in this manual.
Using the Middle Pinch Rollers in Printing and Cutting
Since metallic silver ink and white ink are dicult to dry, the middle pinch rollers will smudge the printed surface when printing and cutting are performed. Thus, when you perform printing and cutting using metal­lic silver ink and/or white ink, secure the media in place using only two pinch rollers on the right and the left. However, some types of the media may partially oat and it may cause bad eect on printing, feeding and/ or cutting. Use the media after conrmation of the nature of your media.
Important Notes on Using Media Take-up System
Since metallic silver ink and white ink are dicult to dry, if you use the media take-up system (at your option), media and/or the printed surface may be smudged depending on the type of media you use. If you use the media take-up system leaving the middle pinch rollers removed, some types of the media may not be taken up normally and/or cause bad eect on printing, feeding and/or cutting quality as well as partial oat of the media. Be sure to use the media take-up system on conrmation of the nature and compatibility of your media.
Important Notes in Using Transparent Media
Loading Transparent Media
Set the [EDGE DETECTION] menu item to "DISABLE". Transparent media cannot be loaded unless this set-
ting is made.
Ensure a margin of at least 75 mm from the leading edge of the media to the printing- or cutting-start
Important Notes On The Amount Of Media Remaining
When you use transparent media, the presence of media cannot be detected. In such cases, printing opera-
tion does not stop when the media runs out, and there is a chance that the platen or the like may become soiled with ink or that ink may get inside and damage the machine.
If media runs out while printing is in progress, immediately press
to stop printing.
Using The Middle Pinch Rollers
The middle pinch rollers scratch media slightly, and on transparent media such scratches can be very notice­able. Also, the middle pinch rollers will smudge the printed surface when transparent media is pulled back after printing. When you use transparent media, secure the media in place using only two pinch rollers on the right and the left.
Automatic Crop-mark Detection
Automatic crop-mark detection may not be possible for some media, such as transparent media. In such cases, perform alignment manually.
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Chapter 1 Getting Started
1-3 Important Notes on Printing
Precautions When Using an Optional Dryer
Use an Optional Dryer We Recommend.
Contact your authorized Roland DG Corp. dealer for recommended dryer models.
Select “ENABLE” in the [OPTION DRYER] Menu.
This setting is required to operate the printer together with an optional dryer.
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Chapter 2
Getting Ready
2-1 Preparing VersaWorks ...........................................................10
Starting VersaWorks ..................................................................10
Creating a Folder for Saving PS Files .......................................10
2-2 Printer Preparations ............................................................... 11
Making the Printer Settings and Loading Media ........................11
2-3 Creating Printing Data ...........................................................12
Basic Approach for Creating Printing Data ................................12
Creating Data for Printing ..........................................................12
Blend Print and Layered Print (Metallic Silver and CMYKLcLmLk) ...
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Chapter 2 Getting Ready Chapter 2 Getting Ready
2-1 Preparing VersaWorks
Starting VersaWorks
On the computer you are using, start VersaWorks. For information on how to start the program, see the Roland VersaWorks Quick Start Guide. After starting the program, go to the upper left of the main screen and check to make sure that "Model (or Nickname) of Your Printer" is displayed, and that "Status" is set to "Ready to Print."
Creating a Folder for Saving PS Files
Before you actually print an image you draw using application software such as Adobe Illustrator, it is necessar y to save the image as a PS le(s). And then, you can print the image by loading the PS le(s) on VersaWorks. Because of this, you should create a folder for saving PS les in advance. It is recommended to locate the folder in the root directory on your computer's local disk.
Open [Computer] ( or [My Computer]), and then open [Local Disk (C:)].
Create a new folder.
Click [File] , [Create New], and then [Folder], or click "New Folder" from the menu.
Name the created new folder.
Here you name the folder "MT_print", for example.
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2-2 Printer Preparations
Making the Printer Settings and Loading Media
When Using Transparent Media
When you're using transparent media, make the necessary printing settings on the printer and load the media accordingly.
In the menu of the printer, set [EDGE DETECTION] to "DISABLE."
Load media (transparent media or transparent media with adhesive) into the printer.
When the media warps or partially oats, ensure a margin of about 200 mm from the leading edge of the
media to the printing- or cutting-start location.
Be sure to use the media clamps when you load media.
When Using Media Other Than Transparent Media
Load the media using the method described in the User's Manual of your printer.
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Chapter 2 Getting Ready
2-3 Creating Printing Data
Basic Approach for Creating Printing Data
When Using Metallic Silver Ink
You can create the printing data according to the two methods below.
Specify the spot color so as to use only the metallic silver ink.
Apply the spot color named "RDG_MetallicSilver" to the areas you want to print using the metallic silver ink.
Use the exclusive metallic color special colors library.
From the exclusive metallic color special colors library, select the metallic color to be used which is the
combination color of CMYK LcLmLk ink and metallic silver ink.
When Using White Ink
Specify the spot color named "RDG_WHITE" to the areas you want to print using the white ink.
Creating Data for Printing
Create the data for printing using the metallic silver ink or the white ink. The program used to create the printing data is Adobe Illustrator CS6, in this section. For detailed information on drawing methods and how to work with palettes, refer to the documentation or online help for Adobe Illustrator CS6. If you are using another version of Adobe Illustrator, operations may be somewhat dierent from those explained here.
Open the exclusive swatch library.
At the swatch palette menu, select [Open Swatch Library], then [Other Libraries].
The "Open" window appears. The swatch palette is displayed by going to the menu, selecting [Window], and then selecting [Swatch].
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Chapter 2 Getting Ready
2-3 Creating Printing Data
Open folders in the order of [Computer] (or [My Computer]) → [OS (C:) ( or [Local Disk (C:)]) ] → [Program Files] → [Roland VersaWorks] → [Swatch] → [Illustrator], then select "Roland"
Depending on the settings of your computer, the extension ".ai" might not be shown.
Click [Open].
The swatch library containing "RDG_MetallicSilver" and "RDG_WHITE" is displayed.
Open the same folders as in step , and then select "Roland Metallic Color System"
Depending on the settings of your computer, the extension ".ai" might not be shown.
Click [Open].
The swatch library is displayed which is containing the "metallic color" created by mixing the metallic silver ink and CMYKLcLmLk ink.
By saving the ".ai" le selected in steps and into the folder below, you can register each swatch library to the Adobe Illustrator's library. Once the registration is performed, you can open the library directly from the swatch palette menu, eliminating the need to search the le every time you start Adobe Illustrator. C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS6\Presets\(language abbreviation)\Swatches
* "C" is the name of your computer's local disk.
*The language abbreviation diers depending on the language used.
*Depending on the Illustrator used, "\Preset\Swatch" may be used instead of "\Presets\(language
abbreviation)\Swatch" is "\Preset\Swatch."
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2-3 Creating Printing Data
Chapter 2 Getting Ready Chapter 2 Getting Ready
Create the illustration, and specify the spot color that matches the color you want to print.
Create the illustration.
Be sure to draw the illustration in the CMYK mode.
Specify each spot color that matches the color you want to print.
Desired ink or color Spot color name
Metallic silver ink RDG_MetallicSilver
White ink RDG_WHITE
Metallic color (Metallic silver/CMYKLcLmLk com­bination color)
RVW-MT-Silver, RVW-MT-Bronze, RVW-
Using the metallic silver ink, you can perform the blend print and the layered print by combining the ink with the CMYKLcLmLk ink.
P. 18, "Blend Print and Layered Print (Metallic Silver and CMYKLcLmLk)"
From the metallic color special colors library (Roland
Metallic Color System Library), specify the color such
as "RVW-MT-Bronze" for the areas where you want to
use metallic color
Specify " RDG_MetallicSilver " for the areas
where you want to use metallic silver ink.
Specify " RDG_WHITE " for the areas
where you want to use white ink.
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2-3 Creating Printing Data
Create the PS (PostScript) le.
Select [Print] from the [File] menu.
Select [Roland VW].
When a nickname is set, or when more than one printer is connected, select “Roland VW_(the nick­name of the printer used for output).”
Click [Setup].
Click [Continue].
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2-3 Creating Printing Data
Chapter 2 Getting Ready Chapter 2 Getting Ready
Turn on the [Print to le] option.
Click [Preferences].
Click [Advanced] in the [Layout] tab.
Click the down arrow to the right of the
[Paper Size] box, and then click [PostScript Custom Page Size] from the list that ap-
For "Custom Page Size Dimensions,"
enter the values in the "Width" and "Height" elds.
Enter values for the same size as the illustration you created in step
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2-3 Creating Printing Data
Click [OK] three times to close the "PostScript Custom Page Size Denition," "Roland
VersaWorks Advanced Options," and "Printing Preferences" dialog boxes.
The "Print" dialog box returns.
Click [Print].
Click [Print].
Specify the destination and le name
for saving.
Example: " C:\MT_print " for the folder to save to, and " " as the le name
Click [Save].
The image is saved as a PS le.
Open the folder you saved to and make sure the le has been created.
Assign the name you want. It may be a good idea to assign a
name that indicates that the le uses white and metallic silver ink.
Select the folder you created in "Creating a Folder for Saving PS Files" on page 10.
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2-3 Creating Printing Data
Chapter 2 Getting Ready Chapter 2 Getting Ready
Blend Print and Layered Print (Metallic Silver and CMYKLcLmLk)
*If equipped with both Metallic Silver ink and White ink, Lk (Light Black) ink is not used. Ignore
"Lk" in this manual.
The blend print and the layer print are printing methods in which the metallic silver ink is combined with the CMYKLcLmLk ink. Both methods enable metallic printing which cannot be available only with the CMYKLcLmLk ink. The blend print and the layer print are dierent from each other in terms of how to print. They are dier­ent also in the metallic impression of CMYKLcLmLk. You can select the blend print or layer print in [Mode] of the print setting. You can select either print mode according to your preference.
P. 26, "Blend Print (Metallic Silver + CMYKLcLm)"
P. 28, "Layered Print (Metallic Silver CMYKLcLm)"
P. 30, "Layered Print (CMYKLcLm Metallic Silver)"
P. 43, "Blend Print (Metallic Silver + CMYKLcLmLk)"
P. 45, "Layered Print (Metallic Silver CMYKLcLmLk)"
* When you perform "Printing with White, Metallic Silver, and CMYKLcLm Ink" (page 37), the printing method
is limited to the blend print.
Blend Print
(Image of printing method)
In performing the blend print or the layered print, you can specify the colors from the metallic color special colors library. However, if you specify the metallic colors with the same names
for the blend print and the layered print, the tones of the colors are dierent between them. We recommend that you check the tones of the colors by performing the test printing
or printing out the Metallic Color Chart. Seeing the metallic color chart for the layered print, you may feel a slight inconsistency between the names and the tones of the colors. This is because the colors listed in the Metallic Color Chart are named based on those for the blend print.
P. 52, "Printing a Metallic Color Chart (Equipped with Silver)"
The metallic silver ink and the CMYKLcLmLk ink are blended to be a single layer for printing.
Metallic Silver and CMYKLcLmLk
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2-3 Creating Printing Data
Layered Print
(Image of printing method)
The metallic silver ink and the CMYKLcLmLk ink are separated into the differ­ent layers and printed in that order. (Metallic silver ink CMYKLcLmLk ink)
Metallic Silver
Metallic Silver
The metallic silver ink and the CMYKLcLmLk ink are separated into the differ­ent layers and printed in that order. (CMYKLcLmLk ink Metallic silver ink)
The printed image is to be seen from this side (the printed surface of
the nished results).
The printed image is to be seen from this side (the opposite side of the printed
surface of the nished
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+ 47 hidden pages