Digital Consoles Multi-Channel Recording
Live Mi xing C onsole
48 Mixing Ch/18 Bus/8 Matrix, awa rd-winn ing digi tal mix ing
Mixing Console
Rack-mou ntable c onsole with the same engine as
the M-40 0.
Ultima te record ing solu tion for u se with REAC
Powerful and Compact Digital Mixing System
Roland Systems Group, a member of the worldwide group of Roland companies, is dedicated to the support of audio and video
professionals demanding excellence in both performance and system design. Through the development and support of video and audio
products, we endeavor to improve workflow and maximize creative possibilities.
V-LINK is a technology designed for realtime audio and video integration. Using V-LINK, musicians can “play” video from their electronic
instrument. Roland provides an integrated Audio and Visual solution.
All spec ifications and a ppearances ar e subjec t to change wi thout notice.
All trade marks and logos a re the prope rty of their resp ective compani es.
Fugue ©1999-2010 Kyoto Software Research, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyri ght 2010 Roland Co rporation. All ri ght reserved.
Printed in Japan. JUN. 2010 RAM-20008 M-PD

Powerful, Compact Mixing
An innovative console that fits anywhere.
Easy to operate. Incredible sound.
Roland introduced the modern V-Mixing System to the world in 2007. The V-Mixing System incorporates several
models of V-Mixer Live Mixing Consoles, Digital Snakes for advanced digital audio transmission, the M-48
Personal Mixing System and the SONAR REAC Recording System for multi-channel recording. The V-Mixing
System has been embraced the world over because of its high-quality sound, powerful features, extensibility and
ease of operation. V-Mixing Systems are currently in use in live venues, touring and production, television and
radio broadcasting/recording, as well as concert halls, educational institutions and houses of worship.
The M-300 V-Mixer expands the number of V-Mixing System applications with a compact, highly portable chassis
useable in any type of situation. The M-300 builds on the core V-Mixer feature set to represent the highest levels of
performance at a breakthrough price.
Introducing the M-300 V-Mixer.
32 mixing channels, L/C/R outputs, 8 AUX buses, 4 Matrices
4-band PEQ and dynamics on all channels
11 different built-in multi-effects/ PEQ and delay on all outputs
24bit AD/DA for high-quality sound
Remotely controllable from a PC
Record to /playback from USB flash memory
Perfectly integrates with the Digital Snake for simple and high-quality audio transmission, distribution, splits and merging
Construct a flexible and powerful system by adding the Personal Mixing System, multi-channel recording and
other REAC components.
Live Events Mobile
Live Events Mobile
Broadcast Installation
Broadcast Installation