Commande SP200 AC
Guide de mise en route Quick Start
Frequenzumrichter SP200
Inverter SP200
Guida di avviamento rapido
Inversor CA SP200
Guia de Inicialização Rápida
Guía rápida del variador de
velocidad para motores de
corriente alterna SP200
Manuel d’utilisation
Manuale delle instruzioni
Manual de Instruções
Manual de instrucciones
Instruction Manual
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Throughout this manual, the following notes are used to alert you to safety
ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances
that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or
economic loss.
Important:Identifies information that is critical for successful application and
understanding of the product.
ATTENTION: Only qualified personnel familiar with the construction
and operation of this equipment and the hazards involved should
install, adjust, operate, and/or service this equipment. Read and
understand this document in its entirety before proceeding. Fail ure to
observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of
ATTENTION: After disconnecting input power, wait three minutes to
insure that DC bus capacitors are discharged. Failure to observe this
precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
ATTENTION: The user is responsible for conforming with all
applicable local and national codes. Failure to observe this precaution
could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
ATTENTION: Checking the direction of motor rotation requires
rotating parts and/or electrical circuits to be exposed. Stay clear if the
motor must be running. Disconnect, lockout, and tag the power source
if contact must be made. Failure to observe this precaution could result
in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
SP200 and Reliance are trademarks of Rockwell Automation.
L’information contenue dans le présent manuel est susceptible d’être modifiée sans
Tout au long du manuel, les remarques suivantes sont utilisées pour attirer l’attention
de l’utilisateur sur un problème de sécurité :
ATTENTION : Ceci identifie des renseignements concernant des
usages ou des situations pouvant provoquer des dommages corporels
ou entraîner la mort, causer des dégâts matériels ou une perte d’ordre
Important : Ceci identifie des renseignements critiques à la réussite de l’application et
de la compréhension du produit.
ATTENTION : Seul du personnel qualifié et familiarisé avec la
fabrication et le fonctionnement de ce matériel et les risques qu’il
comporte doit procéder à l’’installation, au réglage, au fonctionnement
et/ou à l’entretien de ce matériel. Il est impératif de lire et de bien
assimiler ce document dans son intégralité avant de procéder à une
opération quelconque. Tout défaut d’observation de ces précautions
peut entraîner de graves dommages corporels ou même la mor t.
ATTENTION : Après coupure de l’alimentation électrique, attendre 3 minutes pour s’assurer que les condensateurs du bus
d’alimentation en courant continu se sont déchargés. Tout défaut
d’observation de ces précautions peut entraîner de grav es dommages
corporels ou même la mort .
ATTENTION : L’utilisateur est responsable du respect des normes
locales et/ou nationales en vigueur. Tout défaut d’observation de ces
précautions peut entraîner de graves dommages corporels ou même
la mort.
ATTENTION : La vérification du sens de rotation du moteur exige
d’exposer les parties tournantes et/ou les circuits électriques. Rester
à l’écart si le moteur doit tourner. Couper la source d’alimentation,
l’isoler et l’étiqueter s’il faut établir un contact. Tout défaut d’observation
de ces précautions peut entraîner de graves dommages corporels ou
même la mort.
SP200 et Reliance sont des marques de commerce de Rockwell Automation.
Die in diesem Handbuch enthaltenen Angaben können ohne vorherige Ankündigung
geändert werden.
In diesem Handbuch werden die folgenden Hinweise verwendet, um auf Sicherheitsaspekte aufmerksam zu machen.
ACHTUNG: Kennzeichnet Angaben zu Arbeitsweisen und Umständen, die zu V erletzungen oder gar zum Tode, sowie zu Sachschäden
oder wirtschaftlichen Verlusten führen können.
Wichtig:Kennzeichnet Angaben, die für den erfolgreichen Betrieb und das Verstehen
des Produkts notwendig sind.
ACHTUNG: Die Montage und die Einstellungen sowie der Betrieb
und/oder die Wartung dieser Anlage sollen ausschließlich durch
qualifiziertes Personal, das mit der Bauweise und dem Betrieb dieser
Anlage und den damit verbundenen Gefahren vertraut ist, erfolgen.
Vor weiteren Schritten ist darauf zu achten, daß das Bedienerhandbuch vollständig gelesen und verstanden worden ist. Die Nichteinhaltung dieser Sicherheitsmaßnahme kann schwere oder tödliche
Körperverletzungen zur Folge haben.
ACHTUNG: Nach Abschaltung der Stromzufuhr 3 Minuten warten,
um die Entladung der Gleichstrom-Buskondensatoren
sicherzustellen. Die Nichteinhaltung dieser Sicherheitsmaßnahme
kann schwere oder tödliche Körperverletzungen zur Folge haben.
ACHTUNG: Der Bediener trägt die Verantwortung dafür, daß alle
geltenden örtlichen und nationalen Vorschriften eingehalten werden.
Die Nichteinhaltung dieser Sicherheitsmaßnahme kann schwere oder
tödliche Körperverletzungen zur Folge haben.
ACHTUNG: Zur Überprüfung der Laufrichtung des Motors müssen
die Drehteile und/oder die Schaltkreise freigelegt werden. Solange
der Motor läuft, ist Abstand zu halten. Wenn die Berührung der Anlage
notwendig ist, vorher Stromzufuhr trennen, sperren und die Stromquelle kennzeichnen. Die Nichteinhaltung dieser Sicherheitsmaßnahme kann schwere oder tödliche Körperverletzungen zur Folge
SP200 und Reliance sind Warenzeichen Rockwell Automation.
Le informazioni contenute in questo manuale possono cambiare senza preavviso.
In tutto il manuale si trovano le seguenti note di avvertimento per la sicurezza
ATTENZIONE: identif ica informazioni su modi di operare o
circostanze che possono causare infortuni personali o la morte,
danni a beni di proprietà o perdita economica.
Importante: identifica informazioni cruciali per la comprensione e l’uso appropriato del
ATTENZIONE: l’installazione, la regolazione, l’operazione e/o la
manutenzione di questo dispositivo devono essere eseguite solamente da personale qualificato a conoscenza della struttura e del
funzionamento del prodotto e dei relativi pericoli. Prima di procedere,
leggere e capire per intero questo manuale. L ’inosservanza di questa
precauzione può causare gravi infortuni personali o la morte.
ATTENZIONE: dopo aver scollegato la potenza di ingresso, attendere 3 minuti affinché i condensatori C.C. del bus si scarichino.
L’inosservanza di questa precauzione può causare gravi infortuni
personali o la morte.
ATTENZIONE: è responsabilità dell’utente conformarsi ad ogni
norma locale e nazionale dispositiva in materia. L’inosservanza di
questa precauzione può causare gravi infortuni personali o la morte.
ATTENZIONE: per il controllo della direzione della rotazione del
motore le parti rotanti del motore e/o i circuiti elettrici devono essere esposti. Mantenere le distanze se il motore deve stare in moto.
Scollegare, bloccare ed etichettare la sorgente di alimentazione se è
necessario stabilire il contatto. L’inosservanza di questa precauzione
può causare gravi infortuni personali o la morte.
SP200 e Reliance sono marchi di Rockwell Automation.
As informações contidas neste manual estão sujeitas a mudanças sem aviso prévio.
Através deste manual, as seguintes notas são usadas para alertar sobre as
considerações de segurança:
ATENÇÃO: Identifica informações sobre práticas ou circunstâncias
que podem resultar em morte ou ferimentos pessoais, dano de
propriedade ou perda financeira.
Importante: Identifica a informação que é essencial para a aplicação bem-sucedida e
o entendimento do produto.
ATENÇÃO: Somente pessoal qualificado e familiarizado com a
construção e operação destes equipamentos e os perigos envolvidos
deve instalar, ajustar, operar e/ou reparar este equipamento. Leia e
entenda todo este documento antes de continuar. Se esta precaução
não for observada pode resultar em lesão corporal grave ou morte.
AT ENÇÃO: Após desconectar a força de entrada, aguarde 3 minutos
para garantir que os capacitores de barramento CC estejam
descarregados. Se esta precaução não for observada pode resultar
em lesão corporal grave ou morte.
ATENÇÃO: O usuário é responsável pela conformidade com todos
os regulamentos locais e nacionais aplicáveis. Se esta precaução não
for observada pode resultar em lesão corporal grave ou morte.
AT ENÇÃO: A verificação da direção da rotação do motor requer a
exposição das peças em rotação e/ou circuitos elétricos. Não fique
perto do motor se ele estiver funcionando. Desconecte, bloqueie e
identifique a fonte de energia se for preciso tocar no motor. Se esta
precaução não for observada pode resultar em lesão corporal grave
ou morte.
La información incluida en esta manual está sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso.
Las siguientes notas se utilizan a través del manual para llamar su atención hacia
ciertos aspectos relacionados con su seguridad:
ATENCIÓN: Indica información referente a prácticas o circunstancias
que pueden ocasionar lesiones personales o la muerte, daños a la
propiedad o pérdidas económicas.
Importante: Indica información esencial para el uso correcto del producto y la
comprensión adecuada del mismo.
ATENCIÓN: Únicamente el personal familiarizado con la estructura
y funcionamiento de este equipo –así como con los riesgos implícitos–
deberá instalar, ajustar, operar y/o dar servicio a este equipo. Lea y
entienda este documento en su totalidad antes de proseguir con el
uso del producto. De no observarse esta precaución, pueden sufrirse
lesiones corporales graves o la muerte.
AT ENCIÓN: Después de desconectar la corriente de entrada, espere
3 minutos para asegurarse de que los condensadores del de corriente
continua (CC) no estén cargados. De no observarse esta precaución,
pueden sufrirse lesiones corporales graves o la muerte.
AT ENCI ÓN: El usuario es responsable de cumplir con todos los
códigos locales y nacionales aplicables. De no observarse esta
precaución, pueden sufrirse lesiones corporales graves o la muerte.
AT ENCI ÓN: Para poder verificar la dirección de rotación del motor
es necesario descubrir partes giratorias y/o circuitos eléctricos. Apártese en caso de que el motor deba estar en marcha. Desconecte,
apague y señale con una etiqueta la fuente de energía, en caso de
que deba hacerse contacto. De no observarse esta precaución, pueden sufrirse lesiones corporales graves o la muerte.
SP200 y Reliance son marcas comerciales de Rockwell Automation.
está diseñada para proporcionarle información básica acerca del variador de
following page, a manual in the requested language will be sent to you when it is available.
Le guide de mise en route SP200 Quick Start est conçu pour fournir l'information de base
concernant le variateur de vitesse SP200. Il est prévu à l'usage des personnes possédant de
l'expérience en matière d'installation et de fonctionnement de tels produits.
Le manuel d'utilisation du var iate ur SP2 00 (D 2-340 8) four nit d es rens eignements détaillés au
sujet de l'installation, du câblage, de la programmation et du dépannage du variateur. Le
manuel d'utili sat i on D2 - 34 08 n 'e s t act ue ll e me nt d isp on i ble q u'e n an g l ais. Toutefois, si vous
indiquez la langue de votre choix sur le formulaire de la page suivante, un manuel vous sera
expédié dans la langue demandée dès lors qu'il sera disponible.
Die Kurzanleitung SP200 enthält die wesentlichsten Angaben für den Frequenzumrichter SP200
und richtet sich an Bediener, die bereits Erfahrung mit der Montage und dem Betrieb von Antrieben
Das Bedienerhandbuch Frequenzumrichter SP200 (D2-3408) liefert detaillierte Angaben zu
Montage, Verdrahtung, Programmierung und Fehlersuche. Das Bedienerhandbuch D2-3408 liegt
gegenwärtig nur auf Englisch vor. Sollten Sie dieses jedoch in einer der auf der nächsten Seite
angeführten Sprachen benötigen, so kreuzen Sie bitte die entsprechende Sprache an, und Sie
erhalten das Handbuch in der gewünschten Sprache, sobald es verfügbar ist.
La guida di avviamento rapido dell’SP200 ha lo scopo di fornire informazioni di base sull’inverter
SP200. La guida si rivolge ad utenti esperti nell’installazione e nell’uso degli inverter.
Il Manuale delle istruzioni sull’inverter SP200 (D2-3408) fornisce informazioni dettagliate
sull’installazione, i collegamenti elettrici e la diagnostica dell’inverter. Al momento il manuale delle
istruzioni è disponibile solo in Inglese. Tuttavia, se sul modulo a pagina seguente ci indicherete la
vostra lingua preferita, una copia del manuale in detta lingua vi verrà spedito quando sarà
O SP200 Quick Start é projetado para fornecer informações bá si c as s o br e o Inversor CA SP200. É
projetado para os usuários experientes na instalação e operação de inversores.
O manual de instrução do Inversor CA SP200 (D2-3408) fornece informações detalhadas com
relação à instalação, fiação, programação e solução de problemas do inversor. Atualmente, o
manual de instrução D2-3408 só está disponível em inglês. Contudo, se você indicar a sua opção
de idiomas no formulário da página seguinte, lhe enviaremos um manual no idioma solicitado,
quando estiver disponível.
velocidad para motores de corriente alterna SP200. La guía está orientada a los usuarios con
experiencia en la instalación y funcionamiento de reguladores de velocidad variable.
El manual de instrucciones (D2-3408) del variador de velocidad para motores de corriente alterna
SP200 ofrece información detallada acerca de la instalació n, cableado, programación,
identificación y solución de fallos del variador. Actualmente, el manual de instrucciones D2-3408 se
encuentra disponible sólo en inglés. Sin embargo, si usted indica el idioma de su preferencia en el
formulario que aparece en la siguiente página, se le enviará un manual en el idioma solicitado tan
pronto como esté disponible.
The SP200 Quick Start is intended to provide basic information about the SP200 AC Drive. It is
Guía rápida SP200
intended for users experienced in installing and operating drives.
The SP200 AC Drive instruction manual (D2-3408) provides detailed information regarding drive
installation, wiring, programming, and troubleshooting. Instruction manual D2-3408 is currently
available in English only. Howev er, if you indicate your choice of languages on the form on the
Demande de Manuel d’utilisation D2-3408 pour le variateur de vitesse SP200
Vormerkung für Bedienerhandbuch D2-3408 für den Wech selstromantrieb SP200
Solicitud de manual de instrucciones D2-3408 del variador de velocidad para motores de corriente alterna SP200
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Request for SP200 AC Drive Instruction Manual D2-3408
Richiesta del manuale D2-3408 con le istruzioni sull’inverter SP200
Solicitação para o Manual D2-3408 de Instrução do SP200 AC
Reliance Electric CompanyRGA - Attn:Annie Brown25001 Tungsten RoadCleveland, OH 44117USA
Fax: 216.266.7120
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Drive Identification
2OK (green) / Fault (red) LED
3Control Signal Ter m inal Block
4Motor Output Terminal Block
6Bottom Finger Guard
7Optional Local Keypad
8Top Finger Guard
9AC Input Power Terminal Block
A1 = Single Channel Analog
B1 = Preset Speed
C1 = Dual Channel Analog
Output Current (Horsepower)
1P3 = 1.3 A (0.5 HP)
2P0 = 2.0 A (1.0 HP)
2P3 = 2.3 A (0.5 HP)
3P5 = 3.5 A (2.0 HP)
4P2 = 4.2 A (1.0 HP)
6P0 = 6.0 A (1.5 HP)
7P0 = 7.0 A (2.0 HP)
Technical Specifications
AC Input
The input voltage range has a tolerance of ±10%, 47 to 63 Hz.
Recommended fuse type: UL Class J or CC, 600 V, time delay.
Device must meet UL 489 for UL purposes.
15 or 16
15 or 16
15 or 16
3 or 4
Control Inputs
• Rated voltage: 10 VDC to 24 VDC (±10%)
• Load (each): 10 mA minimum, 20 mA maximum
• Maximum allowable off-state leakage current: 1.5 V / 2.0 mA
Speed Reference Input
• Analog input impedance: 0 to 10 V: ≥100 kΩ
4 to 20 mA input: ~250 Ω
Loss (W)
Relay Output
• Rated current and voltage: 0.5 A maximum at 125 VAC
1.0 A maximum at 30 VDC
Operating Performance
• Input frequency resolution: 0.4% analog, 0.1 Hz digital
• Output frequency resolution: 0.1%
• Output voltage regulation: 3%
• Power dip control ride through time: 100 msec minimum
Ambient Conditions
• Operating temperature: 0 to 50
• Storage temperature: -40
C (32° F to 122° F)
C to 85° C (-40° F to 185° F)
• Humidity: 0 to 95% non-condensing
• Elevation: 1000 meters (3300 ft) maximum without derating. For every 91.4 meters
(300 ft) above 1000 meters, derate the current by 1%. Above 3000 meters,
(10,000 ft), consult your Reliance Electric Sales Office.
SP200 AC Drive Quick Start Guide
Standards and Approvals
• UL508C
• CSA22.2
• EN50178, EN60204-1 for Low Voltage Directive
• EN50081-1, EN50082-2, parts of EN61800-3 for EMC
Mounting and Clearanc e Dimensions
• Top and bottom clearance is 38.1 mm [1.5 in].
• Side clearance is 25.4 mm [1.0 in] on the right if installation/removal of the
keypad is required.
Mounting and Clearance Dimensions
Wiring AC Power and Control Terminals
The following Attention statements apply to the wiring diagram on the facing page:
ATTENTION: This equipment is at line voltage when AC power is
connected. Disconnect and lockout all ung rounded conductors of the
AC power line before working on the unit. Failure to observe this
precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
ATTENTION: Many local and national electrical codes require that an
input disconnect be provided in the incoming power lines. Failure to
observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of
ATTENTION: Many local and national electrical codes require that
upstream branch protection be provided to protect input power wiring.
Failure to observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury
or loss of life.
ATTENTION: If the distribution system capacity exceeds the drive’s
maximum symmetrical fault short-circuit current of 100,000 amps,
additional impedance must be added to the AC line supplying the drive
to limit available current in the event of a fault. F ail ure to observe this
precaution could result in damage to, or destruction of, the equi pment.
AT TENTION:The user must provide an external, hardwired
emergency stop circuit outside of the SP200 drive circuitry . This circuit
must disable the system in case of improper operation. Uncontrolled
machine operation may result if this procedure is not followed.F ailure
to observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss
of life.
ATTENTION: If 2-wire control is selected, the drive will immediately
run when powered up in the presence of a forward or rev erse run
command. Failure to observe this precaution could result in severe
bodily injury or loss of life.
ATTENTION: The 4-pin circular connector (located directly above the
control terminals) may increase to a hazardous voltage level if the
control shield terminal (terminal 1) is left ungrounded. Failure to
observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of
SP200 AC Drive Quick Start Guide
(16 AWG) wire.
(12 AWG) wire.
(26 AWG) to 1.5 mm
Power Terminal Information
• The terminal blocks accept up to 4 mm
• The recommended tightening torque is 1.35 Nm (12 in-lb).
Control Terminal Information
• The terminal block is isolated from input power.
• Control wires should be shielded and routed separately from the power wires.
• The terminal block accepts 0.14 mm
• The maximum control wire length is 30 meters (100 ft).
Wiring AC Power and Control Terminals
Motor Cable Recommendations
Drive-to-Motor Cable Distance
The cable distance between the drive and motor is limited f or t he f oll owing tw o reasons:
1.Long drive-to-motor cables can produce peak voltages that can damage motors
having an electrical insulation system less than that of MG-1 (1600 V). The use of
output line reactors can affect the limit. Use the table on the following page to
determine the maximum distance that may be applied with a non MG-1 motor (for
example, a motor with an insulation of 1000 V peak).
2.Long drive-to-motor cables also produce current that is capacitively coupled to
ground. This can cause the drive to fault and misrepresent the cause. The use of
output line reactors and cable shields or conduit can affect the limit. Use the table
on the followi ng page to det ermine the maximum distance under which the SP200
drive may be applied.
Both of the limitations described above must be considered for your installation. The
smaller of these two numbers will dictate your final limit.
Drive-to-Motor Wire Type
The type of wire that is recommended to be used between the drive and motor is
dependent on the environment in which it is used. The use of wire with PVC (PolyVinyl
Chloride) insulation is restricted to certain conditions. A common example of this wire
type is THHN. In these conditions where PVC is not recommended, XLPE (Cross
Linked PolyEth y lene) is recommended. An example of this wire type is XHHW-2. The
action of pulling wire through 90° bends in conduit removes some of the wire’s
insulation. For this reason, extra care should be taken during this process and a wire
with above average insulation thickness should be chosen.
Recommended Wire Type(s)
When using wire with PVC type insulation, standard 15mil thickness is adequate
under normal conditions; however, when multiple motor’s wires are run in the same
conduit for more than 50 ft (15m), and the voltage is greater than 240V + 10%, 20 mil
or greater thickness is recommended.
1In display mode, the UP ARROW key increments the local speed reference.
In program mode, this key increments the parameter number or parameter
2The PROGRAM key toggles between display and program modes. The
PROGRAM LED (5) turns on when the drive is in program mode.
3In display mode, the ENTER key increments to the next display parameter.
In program mode, this key toggles between the parameter number and
parameter value.
4The RUN LED turns on when the drive is running in either the foward or
reverse direction. The RU N LED flashes while the drive is changing
5The PROGRAM LED turns on when the drive is in program mode.
6In display mode, the DOWN ARROW key decrements the local speed
In program mode, this ke y decrements the par ameter number or parameter
7The STOP key issues stop and fault rese t commands to the drive.
8The START key issues start commands to the drive when P-10 = 1.
9The display shows either a parameter number or a parameter value.
The parameter numbers are preceded by either a “P-” or a “d-”.
d-00 Command Frequency0.1 Hz 0 - 240.0x x x
d-01 Output Frequency0.1 Hz 0 - 240.0x x x
d-02 Output Current0.1 A 0 - 200 (% of rated current)x x x
d-03 Bus Voltage1 V0 - 1000x x x
d-04 Fault CodeAnnn alphanumeric codex x x
d-05 Input Statusdecimal 0000 - 7111x x x
d-06 Drive Ratingdecimalx x x
d-07 Firmware VersionAnnn alphanumeric codex x x
d-08 Analog Input 1 Units0.1 % 0 - 110.0 xx
d-09 Analog Input 2 Units0.1 % 0 - 110.0 x
Program Parameters
(Parameters that can be programmed only while the drive
No.NameDefaultRangeA B C
Group 0: Protection
P-00Minimum Speed *0 Hz 0 - Maximum Speedx x x
P-01Maximum Speed *60 Hz Minimum Speed - 240x x x
P-02Motor Overload Currentx.x A 20% - 200% of drive’s rated current x x x
P-03Reverse Disable *00 = reverse enabled
P-04 Auto Restart Attempts00 - 10x x x
P-05Current Limit150 % 10% - 150% of drive’s rated current x x x
Group 1: Digital Input / Output
P-10Start Control *21 = keypad control
P-11Configurable Input *2 (A) 0 = function loss (P-10 ≠ 3)x
is stopped are indicated by an asterisk *)
Units /Model
1 = reverse disabled
2 = 2-wire control
3 = 3-wire control
1 (B) 1 = disabledx
0 (C) 1 = presetx
1 = reverse run (2-wire)x
2 = jog (P-10 ≠ 1)
2 = jog (P-10 ≠ 1 or 3)
3 = alternate spd ref selectx x
3 = alt spd ref select (P-10 ≠ 3)x
4 = n.c. coast-to-stopx x
4 = n.c. coast-to-stop (P-10 ≠ 3)
5 = secondary accel/decel x x
5 = sec accel/decel (P-10 ≠ 3)
x x x
x x
Drive Parameters
SP200 AC Drive Quick Start Guide
analog input 2
1 = no fault/auto restartingx x x
2 = runx x x
3 = at frequencyx x x
4 = above frequencyx x x
5 = above currentx x x
0 = preset speeds
1 = keypad
2 = Internal / Jog Frequency (P-40)
3 = analog input 2
4 = Process Operation (P-29)
0 = preset speeds
1 = keypad
2 = Internal / Jog Frequency (P-40)
3 = analog input 2
1 = keypad
2 = Internal / Jog Frequency (P-40)
and analog input 2
1 = multiply Process Ref (P-28)
2 = PI control
3 = inverted PI control
1 = coast-to-rest
2 = DC injection
Program Parameters
Units /Model
is stopped are indicated by an asterisk *)
(Parameters that can be programmed only while the drive
Deceleration Time 15.0 sec 0 - 600.0x x x
Deceleration Time 210.0 sec 0 - 600.0x x x
No.NameDefaultRangeA B C
P-12 Configurable Output00 = no faultx x x
P-13Configurable Output Level0.00 - 999.9 (only when P-12 = 4 or 5) x x x
P-29Process Operation00 = add Process Ref (P-28) and
Group 3: Dynamic Control
P-30Acceleration Time 15.0 sec 0 - 600.0x x x
P-32Acceleration Time 210.0 sec 0 - 600.0x x x
P-34Stop Control00 = ramp-to-rest
DC Brake Current50 % 10 - 150x x x
P-36DC Brake Time at Stop0.5 sec 0 - 20.0x x x
x x x
0 - 230 or 0 - 460x x x
Group 5: V / Hz
460 V
P-50Base Voltage230 V /
P-51Base Frequency60 Hz 0 - 240x x x
P-53Breakpoint Frequency0 Hz 0 - 240x x x
P-52Breakpoint Voltage0 V0 - 230 or 0 - 460x x x
P-55Auto Torque Boost3.0 % 0 - 10x x x
P-54Boost Voltage11 / 23 V 0 - 46 or 0 - 92x x x
Group 6: Utility
Program Parameters
Units /Model
is stopped are indicated by an asterisk *)
(Parameters that can be programmed only while the drive
No.NameDefaultRangeA B C
P-37Avoidance Frequency 0.0 Hz 0 - 240.0x x x
P-38Avoidance Frequency Band 0.0 Hz 0 - 30.0 x x x
Group 4: Fixed Speeds
P-41Preset Speed 12.5 Hz 0 - 240.0x
P-42Preset Speed 25.0 Hz 0 - 240.0x
P-43Preset Speed 310.0 Hz 0 - 240.0x
P-44Preset Speed 420.0 Hz 0 - 240.0x
P-45Preset Speed 530.0 Hz 0 - 240.0x
P-46Preset Speed 640.0 Hz 0 - 240.0x
P-47Preset Speed 750.0 Hz 0 - 240.0x
P-40Internal / Jog Frequency60.0 Hz 0 - 240.0x x x
P-48Preset Speed 860.0 Hz 0 - 240.0x
P-61Program PasswordOFF OFF / ON ; entering 257 toggles
P-60Reset to Defaults *00 - 1; entering 1 performs a resetx x x
the setting
P-63Units at Analog Max00 - 9999; scales d-08 and d-09
P-62Units at Base Frequency00 - 9999; scales d-00 and d-01
P-64Carrier Frequency2 kHz 2 - 8x x x
Drive Parameters
Compliance with EU Requirements
The SP200 drive is CE-marked for Low Voltage (LV) Directive 73/23/EEC and all
applicable standards when installed as described within the Low Voltage section that
follows. It also has been tested to meet Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive
89/336/EEC when installed as described within the Electromagnetic Compatibility
section that follows. Contact the Rockwell AutoFax service in the United States at
216-646-7777 (or your local Rockwell A utomation office if out side the U .S.) for copies of
the Declaration of Conformity (DOC).
Conformity of the SP200 drive to EU directives does not guarantee that the entire
system will conform. For EMC, many other factors can affect the total installation, and
only direct measurements can verify total conformity. It is the responsibility of the
machine manufacturer (or end user, if the machine is being modified or used beyond
manufacturer’s specifications) to comply.
Low Voltage Directive 72/23/EEC
• Follow all general precautions and ATTENTION statements throughout this manual.
• Provide an earth ground connection to the PE terminal.
• Install in a protective enclosure which restricts access to IP 20 rated devices as
required by your national and local codes and regulatory agencies.
• Install the SP200 drive and Input Mains Filter (see the table below) in a t ypical IEC or
NEMA metal (shielded) enclosure as shown in the figure on the following page.
Adhere to maximum motor cable lengths as specified on page 7 (≤ 25 m).
• Keep all input power , output po wer , and control signal wiring, both inside and outside
enclosure, physically separate from one another.
SP200 Mains Filters
Filter Model Number
(D2-3420) for filter dimensions and weights.
• Connect the enclosure to the SP200 PE input (top) terminal.
• Connect the enclosure to earth ground.
• Use shielded cable with a ground conductor or individual conductors in grounded
metal conduit for motor power wiring on the output side of the drive, both inside and
outside the enclosure, all the way to the motor. Bring the shield as close to the output
power terminals as possible. Connect the motor cable ground and shield to the
ground terminal on the output (bottom) side of the SP200 drive. Connect the
opposite end of the motor cable ground conductor and shield to the motor housing.
• Use shielded cable or grounded metal conduit for control wiring both inside and
outside the enclosure, all the way to the control source. Bring the shield as close to
the control terminals as possible. Connect the shield to the SP200 shield/common
(terminal 1) and to the PE terminal on the input side (top) of the SP200 drive. Also
connect the opposite end of the shield to the common of the device that is controlling
the SP200 drive.
• Use EMC-tested 360 degree cable clamps to connect the motor and control shields
to the enclosure cable exit point(s) and to the motor housing. Contact points must be
clean and free of paint or nonconductive coating.
• Make certain all ground connections provide a low impedance path for high
frequency signals.
Drive Model
Filter Model Number
SP200 AC Drive Quick Start Guide
Grounding, Control, and Motor Connections
Compliance with EU Requirements
Fault Codes and Troubleshooting
• If no fault condition exists , the LED will be green.
• If a fault condition exists, the LED will be continuously red when a local keypad is
connected, or flashing red when a local keypad is not connected.
• All faults can be reset by cycling the reset control input, pressing the stop key, or
cycling power, except as noted in Corrective Action in the table below.
Excessive driven load. - Verify P-02 is set correctly.
- Operating environment
is too hot.
- Fan is blocked or not
- Excessive driven load.
- Shaft rotation blocked.
- Excessive driven load.
- Output wiring is
incorrect or shorted.
Bad connection from
keypad to drive.
Phase V
Phase W
Phase U - V - Verify output wiring is
Phase U - W
Phase V - W
Internal processor error. Cycle power. If fault persists,
- 3-wire: Verify Start and Jog
inputs are not both ON.
- 2-wire: Verify that only one
input (Forward, Reverse, or
Jog) is on.
Verify STOP (Function Loss)
input is ON before attempting
to start drive.
Check input line to verify
voltage is within operating
- Check input line to verify
voltage is within operating
- Increase decel time.
- Reduce the load.
- Verify the ambi ent
temperature is < 50
- Verify clearance above/
below drive.
- Check for fan obstruction.
Replace fan if required.
- Reduce the carrier
frequency (P-64).
- Reduce the load.
- Check for obstructions to
shaft rotation or reduce
excessive load.
Increase accel / decel time.
- Verify output wiring is
Verify keypad is properly
connected to drive.
Adjust values of parameters P-50 through P-54.
- Verify output phase is not
- Verify motor is not damaged.
- Verify motor is not damaged.
Load default parameter values
(P-60 =1), then cycle power. If
fault persists, replace drive.
replace drive.
SP200 AC Drive Quick Start Guide
Identification du variateur
1Plaque d'identification
2Diode électroluminescente : O.K. (vert) / Faute (rouge)
3Bornier de commande
4Bornier de la sortie moteur
5Ventilat eur
6Cache de protection inférieur
7Console de commande et de programmation option
8Cache de protection supérieur
9Bornier d'alimentation 20 ou 30 AC
• Durée des intervalles entre chutes de tension : 100 ms minimum
Conditions ambiantes
• Température de serv ice : 0 à 50° C (32° F à 122° F)
• Température de stockage : -40° C à 85° C (-40° F à 185° F)
• Humidité : 0 à 95%, sans condensation
• Altitude : 1 000 mètres (3 300 pieds) maximum sans de’classement. Pour chaque
incrément de 91,4 mètres (300 pieds) au-dessus de 1 000 mètres, réduire le courant
nominal de 1%. Au-dessus de 3 000 mètres (10 000 pieds), consulter le service
commercial de Reliance Electric.
Guide de mise en route du variateur SP200
Normes et agréments
• UL508C
• CSA22.2
• EN50178, EN60204-1 relativement à la Directive basse tension
• EN50081-1, EN50082-2, parties de EN61800-3 pour les compatibilités
Montage et côtes d'enco mb re men t
Vue latérale
49,1 [1,93]
139,7 [5,5]
138,8 [5,47]
Vue de face
5,2 [0,21]
130,0 [5,12]
72,0 [2,83]
60,0 [2,36]
• Espacement en haut et en bas de 38,1 mm [1,5 po.].
• Espacement latéral de 25,4 mm [1,0 po.] sur la droite si l'installation ou le retrait
de la console de programmation est nécessaire.
Montage et côtes d'encombrement
Câblage des borniers d'alimentation en
courant alternatif (CA) et de commande
Les avertissements suivants s'appliquent au schéma de câblage de la page opposée :
ATTENTION : Cet équipement contient des potentiels élevés lorsque
l'alimentation CA est connectée. Débrancher et isoler tous les
conducteurs de l'alimentation CA non mis à la terre avant d'entre-
prendre un travail sur le variateur. Tout défaut d'observation de ces
précautions peut entraîner de graves dommages corporels ou même
la mort.
ATTENTION : De nombreux codes locaux et nationaux exigent qu'un
interrupteur général soit installé sur l’alimentation secteur avant la
distribution au variateur. Tout défaut d'observation de ces précautions peut entraîner de graves dommages corporels ou même la mort.
ATTENTION : De nombreux codes locaux et nationaux exigent
qu'une protection en amont sur les phases soit fournie pour protéger
l'alimentation du variateur. Tout défaut d'observation de ces précautions peut entraîner de grav es dommages corporels ou même la mort.
ATTENTION : Si la capacité du système de distribution dépasse
l'intensité maximale du courant de court-circuit à défaut symétrique
du variateur, (100 kA), il faut ajouter un l'impédance sur la ligne de
courant alternatif alimentant le variateur pour limiter le courant
disponible en cas de défaut. Tout défaut d'observation de ces
précautions peut entraîner des dégâts matériels ou la destruction
de l'équipement.
ATTENTION : L'utilisateur doit fournir un circuit d'arrêt d'urgence
externe et câblé en dehors des circuits du variateur SP200. Ce circuit
doit pouvoir désactiver le système en cas de fonctionnement anormal.
Un fonctionnement incontrôlé de la machine pourrait survenir si
l’installation d’un tel circuit n’est pas effectuée. Tout défaut d'observation de ces précautions peut entraîner de graves dommages corporels
ou même la mort.
ATTENTION : Si une commande à deux fils est choisie, le variateur
se met immédiatement en marche lorsqu'il est mis sous tension en
présence d'une commande de marche avant ou de marche arrière.
T out défaut d'observation de ces précautions peut entraîner de graves
dommages corporels ou même la mor t .
ATTENTION : La tension du connecteur circulaire à quatre broches
(situé directement au-dessus des borniers de la commande) peut
atteindre un niveau dangereux si la borne de blindage du variateur
(borne 1) n'est pas mise à la masse. Tout déf aut d'observation de ces
précautions peut entraîner de graves dommages corporels ou même
la mort.
Guide de mise en route du variateur SP200
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