Rockwell Automation SP120 User Manual [en, es]

SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation Manual
115 VAC, Single-Phase 230 VAC, Single-Phase or Three-Phase 460 VAC, Three-Phase
Manual de instalación y operación del variador de CA SP120
115V CA, monofásico 230V CA, monofásico o trifásico 460V CA, trifásico
0.2 a 3.7 kW (0.25 a 5.0 HP)
Inversor SP120 CA
Manual de instalação e operação
115 VCA, monofásico 230 VCA, monofásico ou trifásico 460 VCA, trifásico 0,2 a 3,7 kW (0,25 a 5,0 HP)
Instruction Manual Manual de instrucciones
Manual de Instrução
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Throughout this manual, the following notes are used to alert you to safety considerations:
ATTENTION:Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.
Important: Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.
The thick black bar shown on the outside margin of this page will be used throughout this instruction manual to signify new or revised text or figures.
ATTENTION: The SP120 AC drive contains high voltage DC bus capacitors which take time to discharge after removal of input power . Bef ore working on the drive, wait fiv e minutes f or capacitors to
discharge to safe voltage levels. Darkened display LEDs are not an indication that capacitors have discharged to safe voltage lev els. F ailure to observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
ATTENTION: This drive generates dangerous electrical voltages and controls potenti ally dangerous rotating mechanical parts. Disregarding the guidelines provided in this manual may result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
ATTENTION: Only personnel familiar with the drive and associated machinery should plan or implement the installation, start-up and subsequent maintenance of the system. F ailure to comply may result in bodily injury and/or damage to the equipment.
ATTENTION: This drive contains ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) sensitiv e parts and assemblies. Static control precautions are required when installing, testing, servicing or repairing this assembly. Component damage may result if ESD control procedures are not followed. Failure to observe this precaution could result in damage to the equipment.
ATTENTION: The drive is intended to be installed with a fixed ground connection. The protective ground only offers protection for the drive , not against personal injury. According to EN 50178, it is not recommended to use the SP120 drive on protective fault current switches as, due to a possible DC component (rectifier load), the sensitivity of the safety switch will be reduced in the event of a failure. If unavoidable, only type B RCDs should be used. As a precautionary measure, the EN 50178 regulations should be observed. Failure to observe this precaution c ould result in se v ere bo dily injury or loss of life.
ATTENTION: An incorrectly applied or installed drive can result in component damage or reduction in product life. Wiring or application errors such as undersizing the motor, supplying an incorrect or an inadequate AC supply, or excessive ambient temperatures may result in system malfunction. Failure to observe this precaution could result in damage to the equipment.
ATTENTION: To prevent any injuries or damage, do not touch any components located within the
housing – either with your hands or with any other objects – if input voltage is applied or if the DC bus capacitors are not discharged. Do not carry out any work on the wiring or check any signals if input voltage is applied.
ATTENTION: Ensure that the input voltage corresponds to the voltage indicated on the product nameplate. Environmental influences such as high temper atures and high relative humidity are to be avoided as well as dust, dirt, and corrosive gases. The mounting location should be well v entilated and not exposed to direct sunlight. Install the device upright on a non-flammable, vertical wall. Failure to observe this precaution could result in damage to the equipment.
ATTENTION: The drive start/stop and enable control circuitry includes solid-state components. If hazards due to accidental contact with moving machninery or unintentiojnal flow of liquid, gas, or solids exist, an additional hardwired stop circuit is required to remov e AC input power to the drive . Failure to observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
ATTENTION: All the pertinent safety regulations, e.g. accident prevention regulations, professional association regulations, EN, VDE regulations etc., must be observed. As these regulations are implemented differently in diff erent countries, the user mus t observe the regulations that apply f or his particular country. Failure to observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
Reliance is a trademark of Rockwell Automation.
©2000 Rockwell International Corporation
La información de este manual está sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso. Las siguientes notas se utilizan en todo el manual para llamar la atención del lector hacia ciertos aspectos relacionados
con su seguridad:
ATENCIÓN: Indica información referente a prácticas o circunstancias que pueden causar lesiones o la muerte, daños a bienes o pérdidas económicas.
Importante: Identifica información esencial para el uso correcto del producto y la comprensión adecuada del mismo.
ATENCIÓN: El variador de CA S P120 co ntiene ca pacit ores de b us de CC de alta te nsión que req uieren tiempo para descarg arse después de descon ectar la pote ncia de ent rada. Antes de trabaj ar en el v ariador, espere cinco minutos para que los capacitores se descarguen a niveles seguros de tensión. Si las luces
Reliance es una marca registrada de Rockwell Automation.
indicadoras de la pantalla se oscurecen no signi fica que los capacitores se h an descargado a nivele s seguros de tensión. De no observarse esta precaución, pueden sufrirse lesiones corporales graves o la muerte.
ATENCIÓN: Este variador gene ra tension es eléctricas pel igrosas y controla partes me cánicas gira torias potencialmente peligrosas. La desatención a los lineamientos proporcionados en este manual puede ocasionar lesiones corporales graves o la muerte.
ATENCIÓN: Únicamente el personal familiarizado con el variador y la maquinaria relacionada deberá planificar o realiza r la instalación, el arr anque y el mantenimiento ul terior del sistema. De lo cont rario, pueden sufrirse lesiones corporales y/o daño al equipo.
ATENCIÓN: Este variador contiene partes y conjuntos sensibles a ESD (Descarga Electrostática). Al instalar, probar, dar mantenimiento o reparar este conjunto es necesario tomar ciertas precauciones de control. Si no se s iguen los p rocedi mient os de contro l d e ESD, pued en oca siona rse da ños a l compo nen te. El no seguir estas precauciones puede dar como resultado daño al equipo.
ATENCIÓN: El variador está diseñ ado pa ra ins talars e con una conexión fija a tie rra. L a tierr a pr otectora sólo ofrece protección para el variador, no contra lesiones personales. De acuerdo a la EN 50178, no se recomienda el uso del v a riador SP120 en los inte rruptores pro tectore s de co rriente de f allo y a que , debid o a un componente posible de CC (carga del rectificador), la sensibilidad del interruptor de seguridad se reducirá en caso de un fallo . Si es inevitab le, sólo se debe u sar el tipo B RCD . Como una medi da precautoria, se deben observar los reglamentos de la EN50178. De no observarse esta precaución, pueden sufrirse lesiones corporales graves o la muerte.
ATENCIÓN: Un variador utiliz ado o instalad o en f orma incorrecta puede oc asionar daños al componente o reducir la vida ú til de l product o . Los e rrores de insta lación de condu ctores eléc tricos o de aplicac ión tale s como el uso de u n mot or de me nor ta maño, un sum inist ro de alime ntaci ón de CA incorre cto o inad ecuad o, o temperaturas a mbiente excesiv as pueden ocasionar un mal funcionamiento del sis tema. El no seguir estas precauciones puede dar como resultado daño al equipo.
ATENCIÓN: Para evitar cualquier lesión o daño, no toque ningún componente localizado dentro del alojamiento - con sus manos o con cualquier otro objeto- si la tensión de entrada está aplicada o si los capacitores de bus de CC no es tán descar gados . No lle v e a cabo nin gún traba jo en el cab lead o o v erifique alguna señal si la tensión de entrada está aplicada.
ATENCIÓN: Asegúrese que la tensión de entrada corresponde a la tensión indicada en la placa de identificación del producto. Se deben evitar las influencias ambientales como las temperaturas altas y la humedad relativ a alta así como el po lv o , la suci edad y los gas es corrosiv os . La ubicac ión de montaj e debe estar bien ventilada y no estar expuesta a los rayos directos del sol. Instale el dispositivo con la parte superior orientada hacia arriba, en un a pared vertical no inflam able. El no se guir estas precauc iones puede dar como resultado daño al equipo.
ATENCIÓN: Los circuitos de arranque/parada y de control de habilitación del variador incluyen a los componentes de estado sólido. Si existe algún riesgo debido al contacto accidental con la maquinaria en movimiento o al flujo accidental de líquido, gas o sólidos, será necesario contar adicionalmente con un circuito alambrad o para parad a a fin de eliminar la po tencia de entrad a de CA al variado r. De no observarse esta precaución, pueden sufrirse lesiones corporales graves o la muerte.
ATENCIÓN: Se deben observar todos los reglamentos de seguridad pertinentes, por ejemplo los
reglamentos de prevención de accidentes, los reglamentos de la asociación profesional, la EN, los reglamentos VDE, etc. Como estos reglamentos se implementan en f orma diferente en los diferentes paíse s, el usuario debe observar los reglamentos que aplican para su país particular. De no observarse esta precaución, pueden sufrirse lesiones corporales graves o la muerte.
As informações contidas neste manual estão sujeitas a alterações sem aviso prévio. As notas seguintes são usadas neste manual para alertá-lo sobre considerações relativas à segurança:
ATENÇÃO: Identifica informações sobre práticas ou circunstâncias que podem resultar em lesões pessoais ou morte, dano de propriedade ou perda financeira.
Importante: Identifica a informação que é essencial para uma aplicação bem-sucedida e o entendimento do
Importante: A linha preta, na margem externa, será usada no manual para indicar modificações ou
informações novas.
ATENÇÃO: O inversor SP120 possui capacitores de barramento CC de alta tensão que demoram para descarregar após a remoç ão da a limen tação de e ntr ada. Ag uarde c inco m in utos antes de tr aba lhar co m o
inverso r para q ue os c apacitore s desc arreguem a nív eis s eguros d e tensão. LEDs de ex ibição escurec idos não são uma indicação de que os capacitores estejam descarregados a níveis seguros de tensão. A não observância desta precaução pode resultar em lesão corporal grave ou morte. ATENÇÃO: Este inversor gera tens ões elétricas perigosas e controla peças mecânicas rotativ as que podem ser potencialmente p erigosas . Se as orientaçõe s dadas ne ste ma nual f orem ignorada s poderá res ultar em lesão corporal grave ou morte.
ATENÇÃO: Somente o pessoal que estiver familiarizado com o inversor e maquinário relacionado deve planejar ou implementar a instalação, start-up (partida) e manutenção subseqüente do sistema. Caso contrário, poderá resultar em lesão pessoal e/ou dano nos equipamentos. ATENÇÃO: Este inversor possui pe ças e conjuntos sensíveis à ESD (Electrost ati c Di sc ha rge – D es ca rga Eletrostática). As precauções de controle estático são necessárias durante a instalação, testes, serviços de manutenção ou re paros deste conjunto . Se os procedimento s de controle de ESD não f orem obedecidos , poderá hav er dano s no s co mp onentes. A não observância desta prec au çã o pod erá res ul tar em danos no equipamento.
A TENÇÃO: O inversor foi projetado para ser instalado com um aterramento fixo. O terra protetor oferece
proteção para o in verso r e não contra le são pessoal . De acordo com o EN5017 8, não se recome nda o uso do inversor SP120 em chaves de corrente com proteção contra falhas uma vez que, devido ao provável componente CC (carga do retifica dor), a sen sibil idade da cha v e de s egura nça se rá reduzi da no e v e nto de uma falha. Se não for possível e vitar seu uso, somente o tipo B RCD dev e ser utilizado. Como uma medida de precaução, devem-se observar os regulamentos EN 50178. A inobservância desta precaução pode resultar em lesão corporal grave ou morte.
ATENÇÃO: A instalação ou aplicação indevida do inversor pode resultar em danos aos componentes ou redução da vida útil do p r odu to. Erros de apli ca ção ou fiação, tai s c om o o s ub dim en si ona mento do motor, suprimento de alimentação incorreta ou indevida de CA, ou temperaturas ambientes excessivas podem resultar no funcioname nto inde vido do siste ma. A inobservância desta pre caução poderá resultar em dano no equipamento. ATENÇÃO: Para evitar lesões ou danos, não toque em nenhum dos componentes localizados no interior da caixa – nem com a s mãos nem com objetos – se a tensão de entrad a estiver aplicada ou se os capacitores de barramento C C não estiv erem des carregados . Não f aça nen hum trabal ho na fiaçã o nem v erifique sina is quando a tensão de entrada estiver aplicada. ATENÇÃO: Certifique-se de que a tensão de entrada corresponde à tensão indicada na placa de identificação do produto . D e vem -se e vitar a s influên cias amb ientais , tais com o temper atur as e umid ade relativa elevadas, poeira, sujeira e gases corrosivos. O local de montagem deve ser bem ventilado, sem exposição di reta à luz do sol. Instale o dispositiv o v erticalmente sobre um a parede ve rtical e não inflamáv el. A inobservância desta precaução poderá resultar em danos no equipamento.
ATENÇÃO: O circuito de capacitação de controle e partida/par ada do inversor inclui com ponentes de estado sólido. Se ho uver riscos de vi do ao con tato acidental com o mo v im ento do m aqu iná rio o u flu xo i nde se jad o de líquido, gá s ou sóli dos, é necessário um circu ito de parada adicional com fio s pa ra remover a potênci a de entrada CA ao inversor. A inobservância desta precaução pode resultar em lesão corporal g rave ou morte. A TENÇÃO: T odos os regulamentos d e segurança pertinentes , como os regula mentos de pre venção co ntra acidentes, regulam entos de associações prof issionais, EN, regulamento s VDE, etc., dev em ser observados. Uma vez que estes regulamentos são implementados de forma diversa em diferentes países, o usuário deve observar o s regula mentos que se apli cam ao seu paí s em questão . A inobs ervância desta pre caução pode resultar em lesão corporal grave ou morte.
Reliance é uma marca registrada da Rockwell Automation.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Conventions Used in This Manual...................................................................1-1
1.2 Model Number Description .............................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Receiving Your New Drive............................................................................... 1-2
1.3.1 Unpacking the Drive..............................................................................1-2
1.3.2 Inspecting the Drive ..................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .. 1-2
1.3.3 Storage and Operating Conditions........................................................ 1-2
1.4 Drive Nameplate Label ....................................................................................1-3
1.5 Drive Features.................................................................................................1-4
Chapter 2 Installing and Wiring the Drive
2.1 Minimum Airflow Clearances...........................................................................2-1
2.2 Mounting the Drive .......... ............................................. ....... ...... ......................2-2
2.3 Terminal Block Locations ................................................................................2-2
2.4 Wiring Power to the Drive................................................................................2-3
2.4.1 Power Terminal Block Descriptions.......................................................2-4
2.4.2 Power Terminal Block Wiring Specifications......................................... 2-4
2.4.3 Branch Circuit Protection Devices......................................................... 2-5
2.4.4 Input Power Conditioning......................................................................2-5
2.4.5 Motor Protection.................................................................................... 2-6
2.4.6 Grounding the Drive..............................................................................2-6
2.5 Wiring the Control Terminal Block...................................................................2-7
2.6 Programmable Digital Input Functions
(Control terminal block inputs 1 through 5).................................................... 2-11
Chapter 3 Parameters and Programming
3.1 Programming the Drive Using the Keypad ...................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Programming Examples........................................................................ 3-3
3.2 Parameter Descriptions ...................................................................................3-7
3.2.1 D Group - Display and Diagnostic Parameters (Read Only).................3-7
3.2.2 F Group – Basic Function Parameters..................................................3-8
3.2.3 A Group – Advanced Function Parameters...........................................3-9
3.2.4 b Group – Advanced Control and Protection Parameters................... 3-16
3.2.5 C Group – Intelligent I/O and Communication Parameters.................3-19
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting the Drive
4.1 How To Clear a Fault....................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Drive Fault Descriptions ..................................................................................4-1
4.3 Possible Drive Problems and Corrective Actions ............................................ 4-3
4.4 Other Displays on the Keypad.........................................................................4-4
Appendix A Technical Specifications...........................................................................................A-1
Appendix B PID Loop Block Diagram ..........................................................................................B-1
Appendix C CE Compliance.........................................................................................................C-1
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 – Model Number Structure ......................................................................1-1
Figure 1.2 – SP120 Drive Nameplate Label .............................................................1-3
Figure 1.3 – Drive Features...................................................................................... 1-4
Figure 2.1 – Minimum Airflow Clearances................................................................ 2-1
Figure 2.2 – Terminal Block Locations .....................................................................2-2
Figure 2.3 – Power Wiring Block Diagram................................................................2-3
Figure 2.4 – Power Terminal Block...........................................................................2-4
Figure 2.5 – Grounding the Drive .............................................................................2-6
Figure 2.6 – Typical Control Terminal Connections..................................................2-7
Figure 2.7 – Control Terminal Block and Fault Relay Terminal Block ......................2-8
Figure 3.1 – Programming Overview........................................................................ 3-2
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
List of Tables
Table 2.1 – Power Terminal Block Wiring Specifications .........................................2-4
Table 2.2 – Branch Circuit Protection.......................................................................2-5
Table 2.3 – AC Line Rectors and DC Chokes ..........................................................2-5
Table 2.4 – Control Terminal and Fault Relay Terminal Descriptions ......................2-8
Table 2.5 – Programmable Digital Input Functions.................................................2-12
Table 3.1 – Keypad Functions.................................................................................. 3-1
Table 3.2 – LED Functions .......................................................................................3-2
Table 4.1 – Drive Faults............................................................................................4-1
Table 4.2 – Drive Problems ......................................................................................4-3
Table 4.3 – Other Displays on the Keypad............................................................... 4-4
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
This chapter describes the SP120 AC drive and how to identify it based on its model number. It also provides receiving information and a description of the drive nameplate and other features.
Refer to Appendix A for specifications and mounting dimensions for the SP120 line filter modules.
1.1 Conventions Used in This Manual
To help differentiate parameter names and parameter settings from other text the following conventions will be used:
Parameter numbers and names are shown in the following way:
d01 [
Parameter settings for inputs and outputs are shown with the setting number
followed by the alpha description in {braces}. For example, 18{RS}.
1.2 Model Number Description
Figure 1.1 below describes the SP120 AC drive model numbering structure. Note that not all combinations can be configured as a drive. Refer to Appendix A,
for more information.
S12 = SP120 Voltage Rating
1 = 115 VAC ( 2 = 230 VAC ( 4 = 460 VAC (
Enclosure Type 0 = protected chassis IP20
Output Current 1P4 = 1.4 A (0.25 HP (0.2 kW) @ 230 V) 5P0 = 5.0 A (1.5 HP 1.1 kW) @ 230 V) 1P5 = 1.5 A (0.5 HP (0.4 kW) @ 460 V) 5P5 = 5.5 A (3 HP (0.4 kW) @ 460 V) 2P5 = 2.5 A (1 HP (0.75 kW) @ 460 V) 7P1 = 7.1 A (2.0 HP (1.5 kW) @ 230 V) 2P6 = 2.6 A (0.5 HP (0.4 kW) @ 230 V) 8P6 = 8.6 A (5 HP (3.7 kW) @ 460 V) 3P0 = 3.0 A (0.75 HP (0.55 kW) @ 230 V) 010 = 10 A (3.0 HP (0.4 kW) @ 230 V) 3P8 = 3.8 A (2 HP (1.5 kW) @ 460 V) 015 = 15 A (5.0 HP 3.7 kW) @ 230 V) 4P0 = 4.0 A (1.0 HP (0.75 kW) @ 230 V)
L = Keypad D = DeviceNet
1φ or 3φ 3φ
S12 - 2 0 1P4 L U
U = 60 Hz (Default)
Figure 1.1 – Model Number Structure
1.3 Receiving Your New Drive
It is your responsibility to thoroughly inspect the equipment before accepting shipment from the freight company. Check the item(s) received against your purchase order. If any items are obviously damaged, do not accept delivery until the freight agent notes the damage on the freight bill.
1.3.1 Unpacking the Drive
Remove all packing material, wedges, or braces from within and around the drive. Remove all packing material from the heat sink. Leave the debris cover in place on the top of the drive.
If you find any concealed damage during unpacking, notify the freight agent. Also, leave the shipping container intact and have the freight agent make a visual inspection of the equipment to verify damage.
1.3.2 Inspecting the Drive
After unpacking, check the item(s) nameplate catalog number against your purchase order. An explanation of the model numbering system for the SP120 drive is provided in Figure 1.1 as an aid for nameplate interpretation.
Important: Before you install and start up your SP120 drive, inspect for mechanical
integrity. Look closely for loose parts, wires and connections.
1.3.3 Storage and Operating Conditions
Follow these recommendations to prolong drive life and performance:
Store within an ambient temperature range of –25
Store within a relative humidity range of 20 to 90%, non-condensing.
Avoid storing or operating the drive where it could be exposed to a corrosive
Protect from moisture and direct sunlight.
Operate within an ambient temperature range of –10
Important: To operate the drive between 40
Reduce the carrier frequency to 2 kHz
Reduce the output current to 80% of the drives rated current
Remove the debris cover from the top of the drive
C to 70 oC.
C to 40 oC.
C and 50 oC, make the following
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
1.4 Drive Nameplate Label
Figure 1.2 depicts a typical SP120 drive nameplate label.
Model Number
Serial Number
Enclosure Rating
Figure 1.2 – SP120 Drive Nameplate Label
Important: The IP20 enclosure rating applies only when the SP120 AC drive is wired
for 3-phase input power. The drive is not IP20 rated when wired for single-phase input power.
1.5 Drive Features
control panel
heat sink
front cover
RS-422 serial interface
PE connection (M4 screw)
control terminals
To wire the power terminals and fault indication relay, loosen the screw and open the control unit.
fault indication relay terminals
RS-422 serial interface
terminal cover
power terminals
Figure 1.3 – Drive Features
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
Installing and Wiring the Drive
ATTENTION:The installation, commissioning and maintenance of these
drives may only be carried out by experienced personnel who are
thoroughly familiar with the functioning of the equipment and the entire machine. Failure to observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
ATTENTION:The devices feature DC-bus capacitors that are energized even when the input supply is switched off. For this reason wait at least 5 minutes after switching off the input supply before you open the device and start working on it. T ake care that you do not touch any live parts. Failure to observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of lif e.
ATTENTION:Do not apply input voltage to the output terminals U/T1, V/T2 and W/T3 as drive damage could occur.
ATTENTION:Contact the motor or machine manufacturers if standard motors with frequencies greater than 60 Hz will be used in your application. Failure to observe this precaution could result in damage to equipment.
This chapter describes how to mount the SP120 drive and its external components. Also shown are the locations and methods of wiring the power terminal block and the control terminal block.
2.1 Minimum Airflow Clearances
The drive should be installed using the minimum airflow clearances shown in figure
100 mm (3.94 in)
30 mm (1.18 in)
SP120 Drive
30 mm (1.18 in)
100 mm (3.94 in)
Air Circulation
Installing and Wiring the Drive
Figure 2.1 – Minimum Airflow Clearances
2.2 Mounting the Drive
Mount the drive on a flat, vertical, and level surface. The drive must be mounted vertically (top up) for proper heat dissipation. Refer to Appendix A for drive mounting dimensions.
Install the drive with four (4) M4 x .07 (8-32) screws. Torque the mounting screws to
1.2 Nm (11 lb/in). Ensure that debris cover is in place when installing the drive to prevent filings, cable
insulation and dust from entering the drive.
2.3 Terminal Block Locations
Figure 2.2 shows the locations of the power, control, and fault relay terminal blocks.
L 5 4 3 2 1 P24
Control terminal block
Control Terminal Block
L1 N/L3
Power terminal block, AA01 - AA03 ratings only
S12-201P4LU / 202P6LU / 203P0LU
L1 N/L3
Power terminal block, all ratings except AA01 -AA03
All other model numbers S12-20015LU only - L1, L2, L3
Not Used
* *
Power Terminal Block
Figure 2.2 – Terminal Block Locations
* Not used
Fault relay terminal block
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
F ault Relay Terminal Block
2.4 Wiring Power to the Drive
ATTENTION:Ensure that the input voltage corresponds to the voltage
indicated on the product nameplate. Failure to observe this precaution
could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life. ATTENTION:In normal operation apply the START/STOP commands
via the control terminals or the control panel and not by disconnecting and reapplying input power to the drive or motor contactor. If it is necessary to use this method for starting and stopping, or if frequent cycling of power is unavoidable, make certain it does not occur more than once every five minutes. Do not install any capacitors or suppressors to the drive output terminals. Failure to observe this precaution could result in damege to equipment.
ATTENTION:Exercise particular caution if automatic restart is activated. To prev ent injuries caused by automatic restarting of the drive following a power failure, install a switching component at the input that is deactivated in the event of a power f ailure and that may only be manually switched on again on return of the power supply (e.g., contactor, etc.). Failure to observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of lif e.
ATTENTION:If the distribution system capacity exceeds the drive’s maximum symmetrical fault short-circuit current of 5,000 amps, additional impedance must be added to the AC line supplying the drive to limit available current in the event of a fault. Failure to observe this precaution could resu lt in dam age to the equi pme nt.
Input power supply
Disconnect Device
Optional Filter
L1 L2 N/L3
SP120 AC Drive
Figure 2.3 – Power Wiring Block Diagram
3 Phase Motor
DC Bus
Installing and Wiring the Drive
2.4.1 Power Terminal Block Descriptions
Figure 2.4 provides descriptions of the power terminal block.
L1 N/L3
AA01 - AA03 Power terminal block
Not Used
* *
All ratings except AA01 - AA03 Power terminal block
* Not used
Terminal Description
L1, L2, N/L3 Connection to incoming power.
For single phase input applications, connect the AC input power to input terminals L1 and N/L3.
U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 Motor connections.
Use star or delta connection of the motor in accordance with the rated voltage.
+1 +
DC Bus connections. Use these connections for an optional DC brake chopper.
Connection for DC bus reactor. These terminals are connected by a copper bridge. For applications requiring a DC bus reactor, remove the bridge prior to installing the reactor. Refer to figure 2.3.
Protective earth ground connection. Refer to figure 2.3.
Figure 2.4 – Power Termion al Block
L1 N/L3
U/T1V/T2 W/T3
All other model numbers S12-20015LU only - L1, L2, L3
2.4.2 Power Terminal Block Wiring Specifications
The following table lists the terminal block wiring specifications for SP120 drives.
Table 2.1 – Power Terminal Block Wiring Specifications
S12-101P4LU M4 5.3 – 1.3 (10 – 16) 1.3 – 1.2 (11.5 – 10.6) S12-102P6LU
S12-104P0LU S12-201P4LU
S12-202P6LU S12-203P0LU M3.5 2.1 – 1.3 (14 – 16) 0.9 – 0.8 (8.0 – 7.0) S12-204P0LU M4 5.3 – 1.3 (10 – 16) 1.3 – 1.2 (11. 5 – 10.6) S12-205P0LU
S12-207P1LU S12-20010LU
S12-20015LU M4 5.3 – 3.3 (10 – 12) 1.3 – 1.2 (11.5 – 10.6) S12-401P5LU
S12-402P5LU S12-403P8LU S12-405P5LU
S12-408P6LU M4 5.3 – 2.1 (10 – 14) 1.3 – 1.2 (11. 5 – 10.6)
M4 5.3 – 2.1 (10 – 14) 1.3 – 1.2 (11.5 – 10.6)
M3.5 2.1 – 0.75 (14 – 18) 0.9 – 0.8 (8.0 – 7.0)
M4 5.3 – 2.1 (10 – 14) 1.3 – 1.2 (11.5 – 10.6)
M4 5.3 – 1.3 (10 – 16) 1.3 – 1.2 (11.5 – 10.6)
Max/Min Wire Size mm
Max/Min Torque
Nm (in/lb)
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
2.4.3 Branch Circuit Protection Devices
The following table shows the minimum recommended values for the branch circuit protection devices:
Table 2.2 – Branch Circuit Protection
Fuse Rating (Class J) Circuit Breaker Type
Model Single-Phase Three-Phase Single-Phase Three-Phase
S12-101P4LU 10A N/A 140M-D8N-C10 S12-102P6LU 15 A N/A 140M-D8N-C16 S12-104P0LU 20 A N/A 140M-D8N-C25 S12-201P4LU 10 A 10 A 140M-D8N-C10 140M-D8N-B40 S12-202P6LU 10 A 10 A 140M-D8N-C10 140M-D8N-B63 S12-203P0LU 10 A 10 A 140M-D8N-C10 140M-D8N-B63 S12-204P0LU 15 A 15 A 140M-D8N-C16 140M-D8N-C10 S12-205P0LU 15 A 15 A 140M-D8N-C16 140M-D8N-C10 S12-207P1LU 20 A 15 A 140M-D8N-C16 140M-D8N-C16 S12-20010LU 30 A 20 A 140M-D8N-C25 140M-D8N-C16 S12-20015LU N/A 30 A N/A 140M-D8N-C25 S12-401P5LU N/A 3 A N/A 140M-D8N-B25 S12-402P5LU N/A 6 A N/A 140M-D8N-B40 S12-403P8LU N/A 10 A N/A 140M-D8N-B63 S12-405P5LU N/A 10 A N/A 140M-D8N-C10 S12-408P6LU N/A 15 A N/A 140M-D8N-C16
2.4.4 Input Power Conditioning
The drive is suitable for connection to input power within the rated voltage of the drive (see specifications). The power factor of the input power supply must not exceed .99. Compensation systems must ensure that overcompensation does not occur at any time.
If the drive must be installed in any of the following conditions, a 3% impedance input line reactor must be used:
line has intermittent noise spikes in excess of 2000 V
frequent voltage dips occur
the drive is operated on a generator
line has power factor correction capacitors
several drives are linked via a short common power supply bus bar
Installing and Wiring the Drive
Drive HP
S12-x01P4xx 0.25 RL-00201 12 2RB003 20 S12-x01P5xx 0.50 RL-00202 20 2RB003 20 S12-x02P5xx 1.0 RL-00201 12 4RB002 12 S12-x02P6xx 0.50 RL-00204 6 4RB002 12 S12-x03P0xx 0.75 RL-00401 3 4RB002 12 S12-x03P8xx 2.0 RL-00402 6.5 4RB003 15 S12-x04P0xx 1.0 RL-00401 3 9RB003 7.5 S12-x05P0xx 1.5 RL-00801 1.5 9RB003 7.5 S12-x05P5xx 3.0 RL-00402 6.5 9RB004 11.5 S12-x07P1xx 2.0 RL-00801 1.5 12RB003 4 S12-x08P6xx 5.0 RL-00802 3.0 12RB004 15 S12-x0010xx 3.0 RL-01201 1.25 18RB003 2.75 S12-x0015xx 5.0 RL-01801 0.8 25RB04 1.75
2.4.5 Motor Protection
Table 2.3 – AC Line Reactors and DC Chokes
AC Line Reactors DC Chokes
MTE Part No. mH MTE Part No. mH
SP120 drives feature electronic overload protection to monitor the motor current. In the case of multi-motor operation, thermal contacts or positive temperature coefficient (PTC) resistors must be used for each motor. In the case of motor lead lengths greater than 50 meters (165 feet), motor reactors should be used.
2.4.6 Grounding the Drive
ATTENTION:The SP120 drive has a high leakage current and must be
permanently hard wired to ground. Failure to observe this precaution
Ground the drive by connecting a ground wire from the drive’s input grounding terminal (labeled PE ) uninterrupted to earth ground. Be sure to separate the
drive’s grounding pole from those of other electrical machinery. If multiple drives are used, make certain each drive is grounded separately (see figure 2.5).
could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
SP120 DriveSP120 DriveSP120 DriveSP120 Drive
SP120 Drive
SP120 Drive
Protective Earth Ground
Protective Earth Ground
Figure 2.5 – Grounding the Drive
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
2.5 Wiring the Control Terminal Block
ATTENTION:Control terminals are isolated, but not tied to earth ground.
If terminal (L) on the control terminal block is not grounded, exposed
Ensure that the following requirements are met when wiring the control terminal block:
Run all signal wiring in either a shielded cable or separate metal conduit.
Do not exceed control wiring length of 20 meters (65.6 feet).
Use 0.75 mm
0.5-0.6 Nm (4.4-5.3 in lb).
Use 18 AWG to 28 AWG (0.75 to 0.14 mm
wire for all other signal connections. Torque all connections to 0.2 to 0.25 Nm (1.77 to 2.21 in lb).
conductors, shields or metal conductors can be at hazardous voltage levels. Failure to observe this precaution could result in severe bodiy injury or loss of life.
(18 AWG) wire for the alarm relay. Torque the mounting screws to
), twisted pair, shielded, or 3-conductor
Avoid crossing the power lines or motor lines with the control wires. If they must
cross, ensure that they cross at right angles (90
If using transistor outputs 11 or 12 with an inductive load such as a relay, install a
recovery diode parallel to the relay, as shown in figure 2.6, to prevent damage to the output.
Figure 2.6 shows typical control terminal connections.
IMPORTANT: Only one frequency source may be connected at a time. If more than one reference is connected at the same time, an undetermined frequency reference will result. To improve noise immunity, the control terminal block common (terminal L) must be connected to ground terminal/protective earth.
External Power
1-2k Ohm Pot.
Internal Power
5 L
Frequency Reference
Fault Relay
230V AC
Installing and Wiring the Drive
Figure 2.6 – Typical Control Terminal Connections
Figure 2.7 and table 2.4 provide descriptions of the drive control terminals and fault relay terminals.
L 5 4 3 2 1 P24
Fault relay
Control T erminal Block
Control Terminal Block
ATTENTION:Do not jumper or short circuit terminals H and L or P24 and L. Failure to observe this precaution could result in damage to, or
Table 2.4 – Control Terminal and Fault Relay Terminal Descriptions
destruction of, the equipment.
Figure 2.7 – Control Terminal Block and Fault Relay Terminal Block
Fault Relay
terminal block
Terminal Block
Terminal Function Description
P24 24 V DC 24 V potential or digital inputs 1-5, max. load 30 mA 1 Programmable Digital Inputs.
26 V max, 5 K input impedance.
Digital inputs 1 – 5 are fully programmable level triggered inputs. An overview of the possible functions can be found in the digital input description table in section 2.6 The inputs are fully programmable with these exceptions:
No two inputs can have the same function
L 0 V 0 V potential for output FM
Only input 5 can be programmed as PTC.
With the exception of the reset setting, which must be NO (active high), all of the inputs can be set as NO (active high) or NC (active open) via parameters C11 [
C15 [ Note: A signal must be applied to the digital inputs for at least
12 msec in order to be read by the drive.
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
Table 2.4 – Control Terminal and Fault Relay Terminal Descriptions
Terminal Function Description
H 10 V Reference Voltage for
Analog Frequency Command
O Voltage Analog Input
Frequency Command (0-10 V)
OI Current Analog Input
Frequency Command (4-20 mA)
L 0 V Reference Potential for
Frequency Comand Inputs
Potentiometer 1 to 2 kOhm
nominal 0-10 V nominal 0-20 mA
Input impedance
10 kOhm
Input OI for 4-20 mA is activated when one of the digital inputs is set to 16{AT} via parameters C01 [
[ The analog input reference can be adjusted using parameters
A11 [
If no digital input is programmed as 16{AT}, the set values are the sum of O and OI.
FM Programmable Analog
This output can be used to monitor the output frequency of the drive (either Analog or Pulse) or the motor current. This output
is programmable using parameter C23 [ Analog or Pulse Output Frequency or Motor Current
Analog Signal Frequency or Current
4-19.6 mA0-9.6 V
Pulse Signal (50% duty cycle) Frequency only
Input impedance
250 Ohm
Installing and Wiring the Drive
T = 4 ms (constant) T = (Variable)
Analog Signal: The relation t/T (duty cycle) changes
proportionally with the frequency or current. The maximum
voltage of 10V (100% duty cycle) is reached when the
maximum frequency or 200% of the rated current is reached.
Parameter b81 [
OUTPUT FM FACTOR] may be used as a scaling
Accuracy: +/- 5% for frequency , +/- 20% for current
Pulse Signal: Frequency = output frequency x b86 [
DISPLAY SCALE FACTOR], but the maximum frequency is 3.6 kHz
(ex. Freq = 60Hz x 60 = 3.6kHz).
Table 2.4 – Control Terminal and Fault Relay Terminal Descriptions
Terminal Function Description
CM2 Reference potential for
outputs 11 and 12 12 Programmable Digital Output 11 Programmable Digital Output
AL0 Fault Relay AL1 AL2
Transistor output, max. 27 Vdc, 50 mA
The outputs can be programmed as either NO (active high) or NC (active open) contacts using parameter C31 [
The following 6 settings may be programmed using parameter
C21 [ 00{RUN} = Motor Running (Signal if output frequency > 0.5 Hz) 01{FA1} = At frequency (Signal when the set frequency is
reached and that frequency is > 0.5Hz)
02{FA2} = Above frequency (Signal if output frequencies >
frequencies set under parameter C42 [
03{OL} = Motor overload (Signal if the motor current exceeds
the value set under C41 [
04{OD} = PID-deviation (Signal if the deviation between the set
value and the actual value returned is greater than the value set under C44 [
available if the PID control A71 [
05{AL} = Fault (Signal if a fault is indicated)
PID ENABLE] is active.
250 VAC, 2.5 A resistive
0.2A inductive 30 VDC, 3.0A resistive
0.7A inductive
Faulted / De-energized State
Parameter C33 [
FAULT RELAY AL1 LOGIC] can be used to invert
min. 100 VAC, 10mA 5 VDC 100 mA
the operation.
C33 C33 = 01 C33 = 00
AL0 - AL1 Open when Faulted
Open when Power Off
AL0 - AL2 Closed when Faulted
Closed when Power Off
Closed when Faulted Open when Power Off
Open when Faulted Closed when Power Off
The fault relay is set with a time delay of approximately 2 sec after the power is switched on.
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
2.6 Programmable Digital Input Functions (Control terminal block inputs 1 through 5)
The function of the digital inputs 1 through 5 are programmed via the corresponding parameters: C01 [ programming guidelines must be followed:
No two inputs can be programmed for the same function.
The PTC input (setting 19) is only programmable on input terminal 5.
The digital inputs can be programmed to respond to NO (Active High) or NC (Active Open) inputs via parameters C11 [
DIGITAL INPUT 1] through C05 [DIGITAL INPUT 5]. The following
ATTENTION:All digital inputs respond to level sensitive commands. Inputs do not require a voltage transition (cycle) after a fault condition is cleared, after input power cycling, or after programming the logic of the digital input.
All digital inputs can be programmed as NO or NC. However, the start command should be set as NO (active high) and the stop command should be set as NC (active open). If set opposite of this, an inadvertent start or failure to stop could occur should a discrete connection be lost or control wire come loose. If the user chooses to disregard this safety practice - the risk assumed by the user can be reduced by assuring that other safeguards are used to insure proper start and stop operation. Depending on the application: This may include appropriate emergency stops, redundant wiring, electronic guards and/or mechanical guards. Failure to observe this precaution could result in severe bodily injury or loss of lif e.
Installing and Wiring the Drive
Table 2.5 describes the programmable digital input functions.
Table 2.5 – Programmable Digital Input Functions
Setting Function Description
00 {FW} Forward 2-Wire (maintained) Run Forward/Run Reverse settings. 01 {RV} Reverse
02 {CF1} Preset
frequency input
03 {CF2} Preset
frequency input
04 {CF3} Preset
frequency input
05 {CF4} Preset
frequency input
Motor Speed
The preset frequencies may be programmed in two ways:
1. By programming desired preset frequency values via parameters
A21 [
2. By selecting the corresponding digital input setting and entering the desired frequency via parameter F01 [
02 03 04 05
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Preset Speed
Note: If any preset frequency input is active, all other frequency commands will be ignored.
06 {JG} Jog When this input is active, the 00{FW} or 01{RV} inputs will respond to
the frequency programmed via parameter A38 [
accel ramp is NOT active.
09 {2CH}
2 ramp
The stop command is determined by parameter A39 [
Note: The Jog command will not work with 3-wire control.
Input 06 {JG} (NO)
Run CMD (NO)
Motor Speed
2nd Accel/Decel ramp times are activated via this input and programmed via parameter A92 [
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
Table 2.5 – Programmable Digital Input Functions
Setting Function Description
11 {FRS} Coast to Stop The motor voltage will be switched off immediately and the motor will
coast. This function can be programmed to operate in two different modes via parameter b88 [FRS Select].
synchronization of motor speed
0 Hz start
Run (NO)
Input 11 {FRS} (NO)
Motor Speed
Waiting time
Note: The drive will start when 11 {FRS} input is removed without reissuing a start command even if in 3-wire (momentary) control.
12 {EXT} External Fault When this input is active, an E12 fault indication will be issued (e.g. an
input received from thermal contacts). The fault indication will be cleared with a reset 18 {RS}.
Important: After a reset 18{RS} command, the drive will start again if a
start command is active (00{FW}, 01{RV},or 20 {STA}).
Run (NO)
Input 12 {EXT} (NO)
Motor will Coast
Motor Speed
Input 18 {RS} (NO)
Fault relay (AL0-Al2) (NO)
13 {USP} Unintentional
Start Protection on Power Up
This function is designed to guard against unintended starting when input power is removed and then restored. In this case, if a start/run command is issued immediately upon/after power is restored an E13 fault will be issued. A new start command or a reset 18 {RS} command will clear the fault indication.
Power Supply
00{FW} or 01 {RV} (N.O.)
13 {USP}(N.C.)
Fault relay (N.O.)
Motor Speed
Min. 3 Sec
15 {SFT} Program Lock Protects stored parameter values from being overwritten. See
parameter b31 [
PROGRAM LOCK SELECT] for the 4 different levels of
Installing and Wiring the Drive
Table 2.5 – Programmable Digital Input Functions
Setting Function Description
16 {AT} 4-20mA Select Activates input terminal OI for use as a 4-20 mA input. If no input
terminal is programmed for this setting, the factory default input is O (0-10V) and the output frequency will correspond to the value of the inputs to the O and/or OI control inputs. Note: Parameter A01 [
what source the output frequency is commanded.
18 {RS} Reset Used to clear a fault condition. If a 18 {RS} command is given during
operation, the output IGBTs are switched off and the motor will coast.
18 {RS} (NO)
Fault indication
19 {PTC} PTC Input This input can only be programmed to digital input terminal 5 and
the PTC should be referenced to terminal L.
If the PTC resistance exceeds 3k Ohms, the output voltage to the motor will be switched off and an E35 fault code will be issued.
20 {STA} 3-wire run 3-wire (Momentary) control inputs. Both settings 20 {ST A} and 21 {STP} 21 {STP} 3-wire stop 22 {F/R} 3-wire
must be programmed as digital inputs for 3-wire control to function. If 20 {STA} is programmed into any digital input then 2-wire (maintained) control will not function.
Note: 3-wire stop command (21 {STP}) cannot be used to clear a fault.
20{STA} (NO)
21{STP} (NC)
22 {F/R (NO)
Motor Speed
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
Table 2.5 – Programmable Digital Input Functions
Setting Function Description
27 {UP} Remote Control UPThese settings allow digital inputs to increase and decrease the
28 {DWN} Remote Control
commanded frequency for the drive. Parameter A01 [
COMMAND SELECT] must be set to 02 to activate this function. These
inputs will change the value of parameter F01 [ Hz/sec as defined by parameter A04 [
time or Decel time).
27 {UP} (NO)
28 {DWN} (NO) PF01-
[Freq. Command] Motor Speed
31 { OPE} Run Comm and
This setting is used to determine the source of the Run commands.
Source Select
Start command will come from the control terminals only, regardless of the setting of PA02 - [Start Command Select]
Start command will come from the start key on the keypad only regardless of the setting of PA02 - [Start Command Select]
Installing and Wiring the Drive
SP120 AC Drive Installation and Operation
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