Rockwell Automation SCD User Manual

User Manual
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Important User Information
Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication, those responsible for the application and use of this control equipment must satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been taken to assure that each application and use meets all performance and safety requirements, including any applicable laws, regulations, codes and standards.
The illustrations, charts, sample programs and layout examples shown in this guide are intended solely for purposes of example. Since there are many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell A utomation Allen-Bradley does not assume responsibility or liability, including intellectual property liability for actual use based upon the examples shown in this publication.
Related Safety Information
You are responsible for the safety of the entire installed control system and for meeting all applicable laws, codes, and safety requirements.
ATTENTION: As the installer of this control system, you must be knowledgeable of other applicable standards pertaining to safety recommendations related to:
• Machine Construction
• General Electrical
• Machine Guarding
• Point of Operation guards, safety light curtains, mechanical guards, and Two hand controls
In addition to local laws and codes, you are responsible for the safety recommendations detailed in all applicable codes and standards including:
• OSHA Regulations
•ANSI Standards
IMPORTANT Rockwell Automation reserves the right to make revisions
to these installation instructions and disclaims liability for all incidental and consequential damages related to the furnishing, performance and use of this material.
SCD Operating Software User Manual
Table of Contents
About this Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Installation of the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Working with Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Diagnosis Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
All specifications subject to change.
IMPORTANT: Save these instructions for
use at a future time.
Generally recognized technical regulations and quality assurance system ISO 9000 are carefully applied during the development and produ ction of Rockwell Automation products.
SCD Software User Manual
About This Documentation
Please read this chapter carefully before working with this documentation and the Safety Configuration & Diagnostic (SCD) software.
Function of This Document
This manua l instruct s the mach ine opera tor’s technic al person nel in the operation of the SCD software for safety devices supplied by Allen-Bradley Guardmaster.
It does not provide instructions on the operation, commissioning and maintenance of the safety devices themselves. Please refer to the doc u m entation encl o sed with the safety devices for information on operation, commissioning and maintenance.
Target Group
This software documentation addresses planners, developers and operators of systems which are to be protected by one or more safety devices supplied by Allen-Bradley Guardmaster.
It also addresses persons who integrate these safety devices into a machine, start it up for the first time, or who are in charge of servicing and maintaining the unit.
ATTENTION helps you
• Identify a hazard
•Avoid a hazard
• Recognize the consequences
IMPORTANT: Identifies information that is especially important for successful application and unders tanding of the product.
Display indicators show the status of the 7-segment display of sender or receiver:
Constant display of the letter F Flashing display of the letter F Alternating display of F and 2
LED symbols denote a flashing LED (upright orientation, 7-segment display, bottom)
Take action...
Instructions for taking action are shown by an arrow. Carefully read and follow the instructions for action.
Note Refer to Notes for special features of the software or of
the device.
Information Depth
This software documentation conta ins information o n the SCD software for safety devices supplied by Allen-Bradley Guardmaster. The manual provides an overview of the basic software functions. Please refer to the online h elp function for more detailed instructions on the configuration and diagnosis of devices.
Planning and using safety devices also require specialized technical skills which are not conveyed in this documentation.
SCD Safety Configuration & Diagnostic software
Symbols and Formats Used
Throughout this manual we use the labels ATTENTION and IMPORTANT to alert you to the following:
Failure to observe may r esult in danger ous operati on
ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices of circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or econ omic loss
Handling the Online Help Function
The SCD software is available with an online help function which provides information on the softwar e fun ctions and which pr o vides a step-by-step description of the indi vidual actions.
The following sections of the documentation can be opened in the list of contents:
Manual on the SCD software in Portable Document Format (PDF)
Operating instructions for the devices supplied by Allen-Bradley Guardmaster Safety Systems in Portable Document Format (PDF)
Online help on the SCD
Online help on device-specific subjects (configuration
The online help function can be opened separately using the command Programs, Allen-Bradley Guardmaster Applications, Help on Allen-Bradley Guardmaster SCD.
Online help on the SCD
Online help on device-s pecific subjects (e.g. configuration
Operating instructions for the devices supplied by Allen-Bradley Guardmaster Safety Systems in Portable Document Format (PDF)
SCD Operating Software User Manual
Safety Configuration & Diagnostic Software
On the documentation
User interface
User interface
Menu, symbol and status bar
Navigation and viewing area
Printer setup
Selecting the language
Keyboard commands
Directory structure of the program
Working with projects
Diagnosis data
Figure 1: List of contents of the online help
Figure 3: T opics found in dialog box
The step-by-step instructions describe th e rel ated pro cedur e in detail.
SCD software
Figure 4: Example of step-by-step instructions
As the SCD is used for the configuration and diagnostics on a number of protective devices from Rockwell Automation, along with the basic description there are device-specific help subjects. From these basic descriptions you can open the device-specific help subjects using the Device-specific subje cts link at the end of a dialog box description.
Figure 5: Device-specific subjects link
The Contents button in the dialog box descriptions and in the step-by-step instructions will always take you back to the list of contents.
The online help function can be opened separately using the command Programs, Allen-Bradley Guardmaster Applications, Help on Allen-Bradley Guardmaster SCD or in the SCD in the menu ?. From one of the SCD dialog boxes, click the Help butto n in the dialog box or press t h e F1 key. T he related description for the dialog box is then displayed automatic ally.
The descriptions in the online help explain the functions and relationships in the dialog boxes. Use the Detailed instructions button in the descriptions to go to the step-by-step instructions of the online help.
Figure 2: Detailed instructions button
If several sets of step-by-step instructions are available, the Topic s found dialog box is opened. Choose there the required topic and click the Display button.
Figure 6: Contents button
Once back in the list of contents and in the appropriate dialog box descriptions, you can also open the operating instruct ions for the desired protective devices.
To do so, you must have the related file in PDF format and Adobe
Acrobat warning is dis p layed.
Reader™ installed on your PC. If this is not the case, a
How to Use this Document
After you have carefully read the above sections, please note the following notes on the document.
If the software is as yet not installed, please read the chapter Installation in this us er manual.
If you are working with the software for the first time, please read the chapter Product descriptio n.
If you are familiar with the software and want to configure devices, please read the chapter Configuration.
If you are familiar with the software and want to perform diagnostics on devices, please read the chapter Diagnostics.
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