Rockwell Automation RSBizWare User Manual

Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014
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FactoryTalk, FactoryTalk Activation, FactoryTalk Diagnostics, FactoryTalk Directory, FactoryTalk Live Data, FactoryTalk Metrics, FactoryTalk Services Platform, FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, FactoryTalk VantagePoint, FactoryTalk ProductionCentre, Report Expert, Rockwell, Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, and RSBizWare are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
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This product is warranted in accordance with the product license. The product’s performance may be affected by system configuration, the application being performed, operator control, maintenance, and other related factors. Rockwell Automation is not responsible for these intervening factors. The instructions in this document do not cover all the details or variations in the equipment, procedure, or process described, nor do they provide directions for meeting every possible contingency during installation, operation, or maintenance. This product’s implementation may vary among users.
This document is current as of the time of release of the product; however, the accompanying software may have changed since the release. Rockwell Automation, Inc. reserves the right to change any information contained in this document or the software at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to obtain the most current information available from Rockwell when installing or using this product.
Welcome to RSBizWare
RSBizWare prerequisites
Installing RSBizWare
Chapter 1

Table of Contents

Intended audience ....................................................................................... 11
The RSBizWare architecture .................................................................... 12
FactoryTalk Administration Console ............................................... 14
Service Console ....................................................................................... 15
Security Services Manager .................................................................... 15
RSBizWare databases (SQL Server or Oracle) ............................... 15
Information Services Manager ............................................................ 16
Report Schedule Manager .................................................................... 16
Configuration Console ......................................................................... 16
Web-based client .................................................................................... 16
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Configuration Server ........... 17
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager .................................................... 17
Metrics Server Manager ........................................................................ 17
Where can I go for help? ............................................................................ 18
Chapter 2
Hardware and software requirements .................................................... 19
Running RSBizWare in a distributed environment ............................ 19
RSBizWare product dependencies .......................................................... 19
Chapter 3
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 3
Clean installation: supported installation scenarios ........................... 22
Installation and configuration checklist ........................................... 23
Step 1: Install Internet Information Services (IIS) ........................ 25
Step 2: Install SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1 .............................. 32
Verify the configuration of SQL Server....................................... 39
Step 3: Install FactoryTalk Services Platform ................................. 42
Step 4: Install FactoryTalk Activation .............................................. 44
Step 5: Configure FactoryTalk Activation ...................................... 45
Step 6: Install RSLinx Enterprise ....................................................... 45
Step 7: Create an RSBizWare SQL Server database ...................... 46
Step 8: Create an RSBizWare SQL Server database user ............. 47
Step 9: Install SQL Server 2012 Native Client ............................... 51
Step 10: Configure the ODBC data source ..................................... 52
Repair the connection to SQL Server .......................................... 57
Table of Contents
Migrating RSBizWare
Step 11: Verify if the local computer is added to the FactoryTalk
Administration Console ....................................................................... 59
Step 12: Configure FactoryTalk groups and users ......................... 60
Configure Windows-linked FactoryTalk users ......................... 60
Configure FactoryTalk users ......................................................... 64
Step 13: Install RSBizWare ................................................................. 66
Step 14: Register the Security Services Manager............................. 68
Step 15: Register the Information Services Manager..................... 69
Step 16: Associate Metrics Server Manager with Information
Services Manager .................................................................................... 73
Configure user-defined summarization fields (flex-fields) ..... 76
Step 17: Assign activations to RSBizWare servers ......................... 79
Step 18: Assign client activations to users ........................................ 81
Step 19: Assign application privileges to users ................................ 82
FactoryTalk Historian and FactoryTalk Metrics privileges ... 84
Step 20: Register FactoryTalk Transaction Manager .................... 85
Step 21: Define FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
configurations ......................................................................................... 87
Step 22: Register FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
configurations ......................................................................................... 91
Step 23: Configure SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) ........ 95
Step 24: Verify the SSRS configuration ............................................ 98
Step 25: Install and configure Report Expert ............................... 100
Step 26: Configure the FTMetricsEditors group ........................ 103
Step 27: Verify the Report Expert installation ............................. 105
Congratulations! ................................................................................. 106
Removing RSBizWare ............................................................................. 107
4 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014
Chapter 4
Migration: supported migration scenarios ......................................... 110
Migration checklist ............................................................................. 112
Step 1: Back up your FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
configuration ........................................................................................ 115
Step 2: Back up your RSBizWare SQL Server database ............. 118
Step 3: Keep your database users for reference ............................. 121
Table of Contents
Step 4: Keep your ODBC data source configuration for reference 123 Step 5: Keep your FactoryTalk Administration Console
configuration for reference ............................................................... 124
Step 6: Install Internet Information Services (IIS) ..................... 126
Step 7: Install SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1 ........................... 132
Step 8: Install FactoryTalk Services Platform .............................. 138
Step 9: Install FactoryTalk Activation ........................................... 139
Step 10: Configure FactoryTalk Activation ................................. 140
Step 11: Install RSLinx Enterprise .................................................. 140
Step 12: Restore your RSBizWare SQL Server database ........... 141
Step 13: Recreate your RSBizWare SQL Server database user . 144
Step 14: Install SQL Server 2012 Native Client.......................... 148
Step 15: Recreate the ODBC data source ..................................... 150
Repair the connection to SQL Server ....................................... 154
Step 16: Verify if the local computer is added to the FactoryTalk
Administration Console .................................................................... 156
Step 17: Recreate your applications ................................................ 157
Step 18: Add a local Administrator account as a Windows-linked user 158
Step 19: Recreate your users ............................................................. 162
Step 20: Install RSBizWare .............................................................. 164
Step 21: Register the Security Services Manager.......................... 166
Step 22: Register the Information Services Manager.................. 167
Step 23: Associate Metrics Server Manager with Information
Services Manager ................................................................................. 171
Step 24: Assign activations to RSBizWare servers ...................... 172
Step 25: Assign client activations to users ..................................... 175
Step 26: Assign application privileges to users ............................. 176
FactoryTalk Historian and FactoryTalk Metrics privileges 178 Step 27: Restore your FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
configuration ........................................................................................ 179
Step 28: Register the configuration in the RSBizWare SQL
Server database ..................................................................................... 181
Step 29: Update your FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
configuration ........................................................................................ 183
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 5
Table of Contents
Upgrading RSBizWare on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
Administering RSBizWare servers
Controlling access to your RSBizWare system
Step 30: Register FactoryTalk Transaction Manager ................. 187
Step 31: Register the configuration in the Service Console ...... 188
Step 32: Configure SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) ..... 191
Step 33: Verify the SSRS configuration ......................................... 193
Step 34: Install and configure Report Expert ............................... 196
Step 35: Configure the FTMetricsEditors group ........................ 200
Step 36: Verify the Report Expert installation ............................. 201
Step 37: Start your FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
configuration ........................................................................................ 202
Congratulations! ................................................................................. 204
Chapter 5
-installation tasks
Configuring Internet Explorer trusted sites ....................................... 205
Installing RSBizWare Sample Data ..................................................... 205
Chapter 6
Preparing for the upgrade ....................................................................... 208
Upgrading FactoryTalk Services Platform ......................................... 209
Upgrading the RSBizWare suite ........................................................... 210
Chapter 7
Starting and stopping RSBizWare servers .......................................... 211
Managing Information Services Manager scheduled items ............ 212
Managing Information Services Manager external data sources ... 212 Handling temporary database connection loss in the Information
Services Manager ...................................................................................... 214
The Metrics Server Manager settings file ............................................ 216
Chapter 8
Software activation options ................................................................... 222
Server activations for FactoryTalk Metrics ................................... 222
Server activations for FactoryTalk Historian Classic ................. 223
Client activations for FactoryTalk Metrics .................................. 224
Client activations for FactoryTalk Historian Classic ................ 226
Example: FactoryTalk Metrics activation ..................................... 227
Example: FactoryTalk Historian Classic activation ................... 229
FactoryTalk Historian for Batch activation options .................. 230
6 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014
Table of Contents
Managing user access
Reporting diagnostic messages
Advanced topics
Database tips
Managing FactoryTalk user groups and users .................................... 231
Configuring FactoryTalk user groups ............................................ 231
Configuring Windows-linked user groups ................................... 233
Updating the Service Console with users and groups changes . 235
Chapter 9
data collection
Assigning application privileges to groups .................................... 237
Assigning object permissions to users and groups ....................... 238
Configuring default object permissions ................................... 238
Configuring custom object permissions ................................... 242
Chapter 10
Types of control connectors for the data collection ......................... 243
Types of enterprise connectors for the data collection .................... 244
Unregistering FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configurations 245 Starting and stopping FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
configurations ............................................................................................ 248
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................... 249
Chapter 11
Types of diagnostic messages ................................................................. 251
Ways of logging diagnostic messages .................................................... 252
Configuring server log files ..................................................................... 252
Viewing diagnostic logs ........................................................................... 255
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 7
Appendix A
Remote connection to an RSBizWare server ..................................... 257
Registering the Excel Add-in ................................................................. 258
Appendix B
Maintaining frequently used RSBizWare tables and indexes ........ 261
Using Oracle with RSBizWare ............................................................. 262
Recommended database settings ..................................................... 263
Creating tablespaces ...................................................................... 263
Configuring the database user .................................................... 263
Creating a Net Configuration connection .............................. 264
Configuring the Oracle ODBC data source ........................... 265
Table of Contents
Data compression
Application notes for FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
Tuning the Oracle database for FactoryTalk Historian Classic 265
Improving the performance of your RSBizWare Oracle
database 265
Preparing to run the Oracle database ........................................ 267
Appendix C
Benefits of using the data compression ............................................... 269
How the data compression works ........................................................ 270
Compression ratio .................................................................................... 271
Viewing compressed data ........................................................................ 271
Preparing the SQL Server uncompress view ................................. 272
Querying the SQL Server uncompress view ................................. 273
Data compression considerations ......................................................... 274
Appendix D
Setting the real-time clock in a ControlLogix processor using
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager ...................................................... 278
In the processor ................................................................................... 279
In the database ..................................................................................... 279
In FactoryTalk Transaction Manager ............................................ 281
Getting date/time information from a ControlLogix processor to a
database ....................................................................................................... 281
In RSLogix 5000.................................................................................. 281
In FactoryTalk Transaction Manager ............................................ 282
Special considerations for a distributed Microsoft COM+
application .................................................................................................. 283
Enabling network COM+ access for COM+ connectors in
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager ...................................................... 284
Configuring the Oracle 10g Instant Client for FactoryTalk
Transaction Manager .............................................................................. 284
Configuring FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Connectivity to
SQL Server using Windows authentication ...................................... 285
Configuring the SQL Server authentication ................................ 285
Configuring the Windows-only authentication .......................... 286
Configuring FactoryTalk Transaction Manager for connections
with SQL Server .................................................................................. 287
8 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014
Table of Contents
Data types supported by SQL Server ................................................... 289
Behaviors when setting substitution options for FactoryTalk data
points ........................................................................................................... 289
Resolving IP address to host name issues ............................................ 290
Removing a Configuration Server computer from FactoryTalk
Transaction Manager .............................................................................. 291
Starting and stopping FactoryTalk Transaction Manager services
manually ..................................................................................................... 292
Considerations for distributed configurations .................................. 293
Considerations for copying and pasting FactoryTalk data points 294
Windows Event Viewer tips .................................................................. 296
Running RSLinx Classic as a service .................................................... 296
Data block support ................................................................................... 297
Sending data blocks from FactoryTalk Transaction Manager to a
stored procedure .................................................................................. 297
Sending data blocks from multiple rows in a table using Integer data 299 Sending data blocks from one row in a table using Integer data 301
Sybase values .............................................................................................. 303
Int64 Signed/Unsigned in the Expression Editor ............................ 303
Int64 Signed/Unsigned as an output parameter in a stored
procedure .................................................................................................... 303
Substituting values for a data point ...................................................... 304
Verifying BigInt data types after FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
update .......................................................................................................... 304
Restoring default dialog box sizes ......................................................... 304
Miscellaneous ............................................................................................ 305
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 9
Table of Contents
10 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014

Intended audience

Chapter 1

Welcome to RSBizWare

RSBizWare is a suite of tools and services aimed at increasing your manufacturing floor effectiveness and profitability with solutions that target scheduling, performance analysis and improvement, and data acquisition and integration.
With the RSBizWare suite of tools you can:
Improve gross margins and net profit without adding capacity
or increasing your order volume.
Gain a higher return on your investments in enterprise
resource planning, customer relationship management, supply
chain management, and shop-floor automation.
Predict delivery dates accurately.
See the impact of change so you can respond proactively.
This document is designed to help you understand the components that make up the RSBizWare suite of products. It also describes the steps required to install and configure the RSBizWare software properly and the options you have when deploying the RSBizWare software in your enterprise.
This document is intended for the following types of users of the RSBizWare software:
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 11
Database / network administrators
Create and maintain system databases and network resources,
including logon accounts.
They should be familiar with:
Chapter 1 Welcome to RSBizWare

The RSBizWare architecture

Microsoft Windows operating systems.
User accounts and security in the enterprise.
Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Enterprise Manager.
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).
RSBizWare administrators
Install and configure the RSBizWare system so that it is ready
for use for the end users.
They should be familiar with:
Microsoft Windows operating systems.
User accounts and security in the RSBizWare system.
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).
Control system architecture, plant model (physical layout),
and data model.
If connecting to external databases, the RSBizWare
administrators should be also familiar with the location and structure (schema) of those databases.
The RSBizWare architecture is highly scalable. You can install the entire system on a single computer, or you can distribute services across several computers on a network. For example, you may choose to install the administrative and data collection services on a server-class computer in a secured room, while the client software is installed on several computers throughout your enterprise.
The RSBizWare architecture has been optimized for performance and ease of administration. This leads to a system in which each functional application (e.g., FactoryTalk Metrics) is not always contained in a single software component. In many cases, a functional application may reside in several of the software components that make up the RSBizWare architecture.
12 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014
Welcome to RSBizWare Chapter 1
To understand this relationship, you need to understand the RSBizWare software architecture as shown in the following diagrams.
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 13
Chapter 1 Welcome to RSBizWare

FactoryTalk Administration Console

The FactoryTalk Administration Console is a stand-alone tool that allows you to configure and manage FactoryTalk-enabled applications. You must install at least one instance of the FactoryTalk Administration Console. You will use the FactoryTalk Administration Console to:
Create and configure application, area, and data server
elements in the FactoryTalk Directory.
Set up redundancy for OPC data servers.
Configure client computers to recognize the location of a
FactoryTalk Directory server.
Configure options for routing and logging system-wide
diagnostic messages.
14 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014
Welcome to RSBizWare Chapter 1
Windows administrator.

Service Console

Security Services Manager

RSBizWare databases (SQL Server or Oracle)

View system-wide diagnostic messages.
Create and configure system groups and users.
The Service Console is the center of the RSBizWare architecture. The Service Console is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that provides administrative functions for RSBizWare services. The Service Console is capable of accessing and controlling RSBizWare services that are running on computers across a TCP/IP network or on the local computer. It supports the tasks of server administration, activation and privilege assignment, and any custom functionality specific to the RSBizWare service that is being managed.
The Service Console requests access to the Windows Service Control Manager with the SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS Access Right. Because of this the Windows user who logs into the Service Console is required to be a
The Security Services Manager is the primary Windows service with which the Service Console interacts when performing its administration functions. RSBizWare application servers, such as the Information Services Manager, are registered with the Security Services Manager as part of the initial configuration process. There is generally a single Security Services Manager running in an enterprise.
The FactoryTalk Historian Classic and FactoryTalk Metrics applications require a single database for permanent storage. Although they share the same database, each application uses unique tables to support its core functions.
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 15
The RSBizWare database can be:
A Microsoft SQL Server database.
Chapter 1 Welcome to RSBizWare

Information Services Manager

Report Schedule Manager

Configuration Console

Web-based client

If you plan to use a Microsoft SQL Server database, SQL
Server 2008 R2 and any required service packs can be installed
from the DVD included with the software.
An Oracle database.
If you plan to use an Oracle database, the Oracle database
software must be installed on a computer that is accessible to
the computers that will host the RSBizWare applications.
The Information Services Manager is a Windows service that provides all FactoryTalk Historian Classic and Metrics Server Manager functionality, including FactoryTalk Historian Classic time-series data configuration and storage, and FactoryTalk Metrics performance parameter data configuration and storage.
The Report Schedule Manager is a user application that runs, minimized, in the system tray. The Report Schedule Manager controls the execution of reports that have been scheduled by a Configuration Console and logs diagnostic results. Typically, the Report Schedule Manager is on the computer where the Information Services Manager is installed.
The Configuration Console provides FactoryTalk Historian Classic and FactoryTalk Metrics client functionality, including the ability to configure the plant model, shift patterns, FactoryTalk Historian Classic time-series data collection, and FactoryTalk Metrics performance parameters, and to create and/or view RSBizWare reports. The Configuration Console also provides FactoryTalk Historian for Batch add-on functionality.
Web-based clients such as Microsoft Internet Explorer provide the ability to connect to the Information Services Manager and view RSBizWare reports without having the RSBizWare software installed on the client computer; instead, the Information Services
16 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014
Welcome to RSBizWare Chapter 1

FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Configuration Server

FactoryTalk Transaction Manager

Metrics Server Manager

Manager hosts a special Web page, the Quick Web Home Page, to give users view-only access to RSBizWare reports stored on the server.
The FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Configuration Server is a Windows service that runs continuously to provide a single interface to the configuration files (.dat files) that make up FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. The Configuration Server simplifies access to configuration files by filtering all changes to the files and interfacing with other FactoryTalk Transaction Manager services. A collection of all changes that affect a configuration can be recorded in an audit trail.
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager is an industrial transaction manager that provides a bidirectional link from control systems to enterprise databases. In the RSBizWare suite, FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Lite is an embedded component that is used by FactoryTalk Historian Classic and FactoryTalk Metrics as the underlying data acquisition engine.
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 17
The Metrics Server Manager—also referred to as the FactoryTalk Metrics Enterprise Connection—is a Windows service that resides between FactoryTalk Transaction Manager and the RSBizWare database in order to provide an optimized engine for FactoryTalk Metrics calculations. All FactoryTalk Transaction Manager transactions that are created for FactoryTalk Metrics data collection send data to the Metrics Server Manager, not directly to the database.
The Metrics Server Manager performs the following functions:
Manages all timers, counters, and formulas defined in the
FactoryTalk Metrics application.
Summarizes raw control system data.
Chapter 1 Welcome to RSBizWare

Where can I go for help?

Creates FactoryTalk Metrics Workcell History records in the
RSBizWare database.
Creates FactoryTalk Metrics Event History records in the
RSBizWare database.
Consult the following resources for additional information about the product:
Release notes
The release notes contain current information about the
product, including hardware and software requirements, new
features, known and fixed anomalies.
User guides
The product user guides will help you understand how to use
the RSBizWare products.
Online help
The online help provides general information and step-by-step
procedures for working with the product.
Rockwell Automation Support Center
The support center provides a variety of services, such as
trainings, webinars, and online support that will improve your
experience using the RSBizWare suite.
18 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014

Hardware and software requirements

Running RSBizWare in a distributed environment

RSBizWare product dependencies

Chapter 2

RSBizWare prerequisites

In this chapter you will learn about the following:
Hardware and software requirements (page 19)
Running RSBizWare in a distributed environment (page 19)
RSBizWare product dependencies (page 19)
For up-to-date information on hardware and software requirements of the RSBizWare suite, refer to the RSBizWare Release Notes, available on the RSBizWare installation DVD.
If you plan to run RSBizWare clients outside your company network, you may need to open a port on your corporate firewall so that external RSBizWare clients can connect to an RSBizWare server. For information on opening a port on your corporate firewall, see "Remote connection to the RSBizWare server (page
Software media from Rockwell Automation bear a Coordinated Product Release (CPR) code (i.e., CPR#) to identify compatibility with other Rockwell Automation applications. The FactoryTalk Services Platform and all of the FactoryTalk-enabled software products participating in the same automation system must be part of the same CPR. When running multiple software applications from Rockwell Automation, you are advised to confirm the compatibility of the versions before proceeding with installation.
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 19
Chapter 2 RSBizWare prerequisites
The following RSBizWare products are dependent on the FactoryTalk Services Platform:
FactoryTalk Historian Classic
FactoryTalk Metrics
The following RSBizWare products depend on the RSBizWare Platform features:
FactoryTalk Historian Classic
FactoryTalk Metrics
FactoryTalk Historian for Batch
FactoryTalk Web Services (FTWS)
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Datapoint Migration Tool
The following RSBizWare products are dependent on FactoryTalk Transaction Manager:
FactoryTalk Historian Classic
FactoryTalk Metrics
20 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014
Chapter 3

Installing RSBizWare

In this chapter you will learn how to perform a clean installation and then configure the RSBizWare software on your computer.
The RSBizWare suite consists of the following components:
FactoryTalk Historian Classic
FactoryTalk Metrics
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager
The installation can be performed on:
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1
You should avoid running the RSBizWare installation from a network DVD image. During the installation, the computer will reboot and the installation may resume before the remote network drives are mounted, which will result in an installation error. If you have an image of the RSBizWare installation DVD on a remote network drive, it is recommended that you first copy the installation directories from the DVD to a temporary location on your computer’s hard drive and run the installation from the hard drive. You can delete the temporary copy of the DVD image from the hard drive after the installation is complete.
If you encounter problems during RSBizWare installation and you need to call support, make sure that you have access to the log file created during installation. This file is named RSBizWareX_YY_ZZ.log, where X corresponds to the major version number, YY to the minor version number, and ZZ to the
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 21
Chapter 3 Installing RSBizWare

Clean installation: supported installation scenarios

patch number. It is usually located in the \Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp folder, where username
is the name of the installing user. However, this location can vary depending on the value of the %TEMP% environment variable. This file contains information that can help the support identify the cause of your installation problem.
To perform a clean installation of RSBizWare and Report Expert, choose either of the following scenarios:
All-in-one installation
22 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014

Installation and configuration checklist

Installation on two computers
Installing RSBizWare Chapter 3
In order to successfully install and configure your RSBizWare and Report Expert software, follow the steps in the order presented below.
Configuring SQL Server
Step 1: Install Internet Information Services (IIS) (page 25)
Step 2: Install (page 32) or verify the configuration of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1 (page 39)
Setting up your FactoryTalk environment
Step 3: Install FactoryTalk Services Platform (page 42)
Step 4: Install FactoryTalk Activation (page 44)
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 23
Step 5: Configure FactoryTalk Activation (page 45)
Chapter 3 Installing RSBizWare
Step 6: Install RSLinx Enterprise (page 45)
Setting up your RSBizWare SQL Server environment
Step 7: Create an RSBizWare SQL Server database (page 46)
Step 8: Create an RSBizWare SQL Server database user (page 47)
Step 9: Install SQL Server 2012 Native Client (page 51)
Step 10: Configure the ODBC data source (page 52)
Configuring FactoryTalk Administration Console
Step 11: Verify if the local computer is added to the FactoryTalk Administration Console (page 59)
Step 12: Configure FactoryTalk groups and users (page 60)
Installing RSBizWare
Step 13: Install RSBizWare (page 66)
Configuring RSBizWare servers
Step 14: Register the Security Services Manager (page 68)
Step 15: Register the Information Services Manager (page 69)
Step 16: Associate Metrics Server Manager with Information Services Manager (page 73)
Configuring security for RSBizWare
Step 17: Assign activations to RSBizWare servers (page 79)
Step 18: Assign client activations to users (page 81)
24 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014
Installing RSBizWare Chapter 3

Step 1: Install Internet Information Services (IIS)

Step 19: Assign application privileges to users (page 82)
Configuring data collection
Step 20: Register FactoryTalk Transaction Manager (page 85)
Step 21: Define FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configurations (page 87)
Step 22: Register FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configurations (page 91)
Installing and configuring Report Expert
Step 23: Configure SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) (page 95)
Step 24: Verify the SSRS configuration (page 98)
Step 25: Install and configure Report Expert (page 100)
Step 26: Configure the FTMetricsEditors group (page 103)
Step 27: Verify the Report Expert installation (page 105)
Internet Information Services (IIS) are required by Report Expert.
If you have chosen the installation on two computers, perform the
following steps on the Database server computer.
To install Internet Information Services (IIS):
1. On the Start screen, click Server Manager.
The Server Manager window appears.
2. Under Configure this local server, click Add roles and
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 25
The Add Roles and Features Wizard appears.
Chapter 3 Installing RSBizWare
3. Click Next.
The Select installation type page appears.
4. Click Role-based or feature-based installation.
5. Click Next.
The Select destination server page appears.
6. Click Select a server from the server pool.
7. Under Server Pool, select the local server computer (i.e., the
computer on which you are performing these steps).
8. Click Next.
The Select server roles page appears.
9. Click Web Server (IIS).
The Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box appears.
26 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014
Installing RSBizWare Chapter 3
10. Click Add Features.
11. Click Next.
The Select features page appears.
12. Select the following features:
Feature group Individual features
.NET Framework 3.5 Features
.NET Framework 4.5 Features
.NET Framework 3.5 (Includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
.NET Framework 4.5
• ASP.NET 4.5
• WCF Services
HTTP Activation
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 27
Chapter 3 Installing RSBizWare
The Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box appears.
13. Click Add Features.
14. Click Next.
The Web Server Role (IIS) page appears.
15. Click Next.
The Select role services page appears.
28 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014
Web Server
• Common HTTP Features
16. Select the following role services:
Role group Services
Default Document Directory Browsing HTTP Errors Static Content
Request Filtering Windows Authentication
• Application Development
.NET Extensibility 4.5 ASP.NET 4.5 ISAPI Extensions
Installing RSBizWare Chapter 3
ISAPI Filters
Management Tools
IIS Management Console
IIS 6 Management Compatibility
IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
If a dialog box appears listing additional features required, click
Add Features.
17. Click Next.
The Confirm installation selections page appears.
18. Review the list of the features that will be installed.
Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014 29
Chapter 3 Installing RSBizWare
19. Select the Restart the destination server automatically if
required option.
The Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box appears.
20. Click Yes to confirm selecting the option.
30 Rockwell Automation Publication BZWARE-IN001M-EN-P-June 2014
+ 282 hidden pages