The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Throughout this manual, the following notes are used to alert you to safety
ATTENTION: Identifi es informat ion about practices or
circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property
damage, or economi c loss.
Important: Identifies information th at i s c riti cal for s uc cess ful a ppl ic ati on and
understanding of the product.
The thick black bar shown on the outside margin of this page will be used
throughout this instruction manual to signify new or revised text or figures.
ATTENTION: The drive ma y contain hig h voltages t hat can cause
injury or death. Remove all power from the drive, and then verify
power has been removed before installing or removing a
PROFIB US module. Failure to observe these preca utions co u ld
result i n s e vere bodily injury o r loss of life.
ATTENTION: Only qualified electrical personnel familiar with
drive and power products an d the associated machinery sho ul d
plan or implement the install at ion, start u p, conf i gu ration, and
subsequent mainten ance of the product using a PROF IB US
module. Read and und er stand th is manual in its entirety before
proceeding. Failure to observe these precautions could result
bodily injury and/or damage to equipment.
ATTENTION: DPI host prod uct s mus t no t be dir ec t l y con ne ct ed
together via RECBL-xxx cables. Unpredictable behavior due to
timing and other internal procedures can result if two or more
devices are connect ed in this manner. Failure to observe this
precaution could result bodily injury and/or damage to equipment.
ATTENTION: If the PROFIBUS module is transmitting control
I/O to the drive, the drive ma y fa ul t when you reset the module.
Determine how your drive will respond before re setting an module.
Failure to observe this pre caution could result bodily inju ry
and/or damage to equipment.
ATTENTION: Comm Flt Action (parameter 9) and Idle Flt Action
(parameter 10) let you determ i ne t he action of the module and
connected drive if co m m uni cations are disrupted. By def aul t ,
these parameters fault the dri v e. You can set these parameters
so that the drive continues to run. Precautions should be taken to
ensure that the settings of these parameters do not create a
hazard of injury or equipm ent damage. Failure to observe th i s
precaution could result bodily injury and/or damage to equipment.
ATTENTION: When a system is configured for the first time, there
may be unintended or incorrect machine motion. Disconnect the
motor from the machine or process during initial system test i ng.
Failure to observe this pre caution could result bodily inju ry
and/or damage to equipm ent.
PROFIBUS is a trademark of the PROFIBUS Trade Organization.
Windows, Windows N T, and Microsoft are trademarks of Micr osoft Corporation.
Reliance, SP600, VS Utilities, DP I , and SLC are trademarks of Rockwell
Table 8.5 – Event Codes and Descriptions................................................. 8-7
PROFIBUS Communications Module
This manual provides information about the PROFIBUS
Communications module (RECOMM-PBUS) and using it with
SP600 drives. It is i ntended for qualifi ed elec trical per sonnel fa miliar
with installing, programming, and maintaining AC drives and
The PROFIBUS module is an embedded communication option
for DPI AC drives, such as the SP600 drive. The module is
mounted in the drive and receives its required power from the drive.
The module can be used with other products that implement DPI, a
peripheral communication interface. Refer to the documentation for
your product for specific information about how it works with the
1.1PROFIBUS Module Features
The PROFIBUS module features the following:
• Switches that enable you set a node address before applying
power to the drive. Alternati vely , you ca n disable the sw itches and
use parameters to configure this feature.
• A number of configurati on to ols tha t ca n be used to configure the
module and conn ected d riv e. The tools inclu de the L CD Op era tor
Interface Module (OIM) on the drive and VS Utilities software.
• Status indicators that report the status of the drive
communications, module, and network. They are visible both
when the cover is opened and when it is closed.
• I/O, including Logic Command/Reference and up to four pairs of
Datalinks, that may be configured for your application using a
• Explicit messages that are supported using the Parameter
• User-defined fault ac tions that determine how the modu le and the
drive respond to communication disruptions on the network and
controllers in idle mode.
1.2Related Documentation
Refer to the following related publications as necessary for more
information. All of the publications are available from or
• D2-3485SP600 AC Drive User Manual
• D2-3501SP600 AC Drive User Manual (6SB401 Series)
• D2-3488VS Utilities Getting Results Manual
Online help installed with the software
• 1747-6.2SLC 500 Modular Hardware Style Installation and
Operation Manual
• 1747-6.15SLC 500 and MicroLogix 1000 Instruction Set
Documentation about the sc ann er, SST-PFB-SLC User’s Guide,
Versi on 2.0 3, can be obt ained online at
1.3Getting Assistance from Reliance
If you have any questions or problems with the products described
in this instruction manual, contact your loca l R eli anc e El ectric sales
For technical assistance, call 1-800-726-8112. Before calling,
please review the troub leshoo ting ch apter in th is man ual and check
the Reliance drives website for additional information. When you
call this number, you will be asked for the drive model number and
this instruction manual number.
PROFIBUS Communications Module
Getting Started
This chapter provides:
• A description of the PROFIBUS module components
• A list of parts shipped with the module
• A list of user-supplied parts required for installing the module
• An installation checklist
2.1PROFIBUS Module Components
Status IndicatorsThree LEDs to indicate the status of the
DPI ConnectorA 20-pin, single-row shrouded male
Node Address
Getting Started
connected drive, module, and network.
Refer to chapter 8 for more information
about the LEDs.
header. An Internal Interface cable
connects to this connector and a
connector on the drive.
A 9-pin, female D-Sub connector.
Switches to set the node address.
Figure 2.1 – Components of the PROFIBUS Module
2.2Required Equipment
Table 2.1 lists the equipment shipped with the PROFIBUS module.
When you unpack the module, verify that the package includes all
of these items.
Table 2.1 – Equipment Shipped with the PROFIBUS Module
Item Description
A 2.54 cm (1 in) and a 15.24 c m (6 in) Inte rnal Interf ace cabl e (only
one cable is needed to connect the module to the drive)
One grounding wrist strap
One floppy disc with GSD file
PROFIBUS Module User Manual (D2-3479)
Table 2.2 lists user-supplied equipment also required to install and
configure the PROFIBUS module.
Table 2.2 – Required User-Supplied Equipment
Item Description
Small flathead screwdriver
One 9-pin, male D-Sub PROFIBUS connector.
Note: PROFIBUS connectors are available from a variety of
sources and in various sizes. As such, there may be mechanical
limitations that prohibit the use of some connectors. Phoenix
Subcon Plus M1 (Part # 2761826) or ERNI PROFIBUS vertical
(Node Part # 103658 and Termination Part # 103659) are
recommended for use with SP600 drives.
Configuration tool, such as:
• VS Utilities
• with RECOMM-232 Serial Converter
PROFIBUS configuratio n soft wa re
Controller configuration software
PROFIBUS Communications Module
2.3Installation Checklist
This section is designed to help experienced users start using the
PROFIBUS module. If you are unsure about how to complete a
step, refer to the referenced chapter.
StepActionRefer to:
1Review the safety precautions for the
2Verify that the drive is properly installed.
3Commission the module.
Set a unique node address using the
switches on the module. If desired, you can
disable the switches and use parameter
settings instead.
4Install the module.
Verify that the drive is not powered. Then,
connect the module to the network using a
PROFIBUS cable and to the drive using the
Internal Interface cable. Use the captive
screws to secure and ground the module to
the drive.
5Apply power to the module.
Apply power to the drive. The module
receives power from the drive. The status
indicators should be green. If they flash red,
there is a problem. Refer to chapter 8,
Troubleshooting the PROFIBUS Module and
6Configure the module for your
Set the parameters for the following features
as required by your application:
• Node address.
• I/O configuration.
• Fault actions.
7Apply power to the PROFIBUS master a nd
other devices on the network.
Verify that the master and network are
installed and functi oni ng in acc ord anc e with
PROFIBUS standards, an d then apply power
to them.
this manual
SP600 AC
Drive User
Chapter 3,
Installing the
Chapter 3,
Installing the
Chapter 3,
Installing the
Chapter 4,
Getting Started
StepActionRefer to:
8Configure the scanner to communicate
with the module.
Use a network tool for PROFIBUS to
configure the master on the network.
9Create a ladder logic program.
Use a programming tool to create a ladder
logic program that enables you to do the
• Control the module and connected drive.
• Monitor or configure the dri ve using Explic it
Chapter 5,
Chapter 6,
Using I/O
Chapter 7,
Using Explicit
PROFIBUS Communications Module
Installing the
Chapter 3 provides instructions for installing the PROFIBUS module
in an SP600 drive.
3.1Preparing for an Installation
Before installing the PROFIBUS module, verify that you have all
required equipment. Refer to chapter 2, Getting Started.
3.2Commissioning the Module
To commission the module, you must set a unique node address.
(Refer to the Glossary for details about node addresses.)
Important: New settings are recognized only when power is
applied to the module. If you change a setting, cycle
ATTENTION:The PROFIBUS module contains
ESD- (Electrostatic Discharge) sensitive parts that
Step 1.Set the node address switches as shown in figure 3.1.
Installing the PROFIBUS Module
can be damaged if you do not follow ESD control
procedures. Static c ontrol precau tions are re quired
when handling the m odule. Failure to obse rve these
precautions could result in damage to equipment.
00 - 99Node address used by the module if switches are
enabled. The default switch setting is 05.
Important:If the address switch is set to “00”, the
module will use the setting of P-DP Addr Cfg
(module parameter 3) for the node address. Refer
to chapter 4, Configuring the PROFIBUS Module.
Figure 3.1 – Setting the Node Address
3.3Connecting the Module to the
ATTENTION:The drive may contain high voltages
that can cause injury of death. Remove all power
from the drive, and then verify power has been
removed before i nstalling or rem oving a PROFIBUS
module. Failure to observe these precautions could
result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
Step 1.Remove power from the drive.
Step 2.Use static control precautions.
Step 3.Route the PROFIBUS cable through the bottom of the
SP600 drive. (See figure 3.6.)
Step 4.Connect a PROFIBUS connector to the cable. (See
figures 3.2 and 3.3.)
Note: PROFIBUS connectors are available from a variety
of sources and in various sizes. As such, there may be
mechanical limitations that prohibit the use of some
connectors. Phoenix Subcon Plus M 1 (Part # 27618 26) or
ERNI PROFIBUS vertical (Node Part # 103658 and
Termination Part # 103659 connectors) are
recommended for use with SP600 and other Reliance
Electric DPI-based drives.
PROFIBUS Communications Module
ERNI Connector
Phoenix Subcon Plus 1M Connector
Figure 3.2 – ERNI and Phoenix Subcon Connectors
Figure 3.3 – Network Wiring Diagram
Only use cable that conforms to PROFIBUS cable standards.
Belden #3079A PROFIBUS cable or equivalent is recommended.
Step 5.Connect the PROFIBUS cab le to th e m odu le , an d s ecu re
it with the two screws on the connector. (See figure 3.5.)
Note: The screws on some conne ctors tie the PROFIBUS
cable ground/shield to the metal of the socket. In some
cases, PROFIBUS will not operate correctly without this
3.4Terminating the Network
The first and last node on the PROFIBUS network needs to be
terminated by using a PROFIBUS connector with terminating
Some connector manufacturers offer standard terminating
connectors, such as the yellow ERNI PROFIBUS termination
vertical connector (Part # 103659). Standard PROFIBUS node
connectors, such as the Phoe nix Subc on Plus M1 (Part #27618 26),
can be configured as a terminating connector by adding resistors
(see figure 3.4.)
Figure 3.4 – Phoenix Subcon Plus M1 Connection for Terminating Resistors
PROFIBUS Communications Module
3.5Connecting the Module to the Drive
Step 1.Remove power from the drive.
Step 2.Use static control precautions.
Step 3.Connect the Internal Interface cable to the DPI po rt on the
drive and then to the DPI connector on the module.
SP600 Drive
1-20 HP
Installing the PROFIBUS Module
15.24 cm (6 in) Internal Interface cable
DPI connector
PROFIBUS connecto r
Retaining screws
2.54 cm (1 in) Internal Interface cable
Figure 3.5 – DPI Ports and Internal Interface Cables
SP600 AC Drive
Frame 2 and Larger
Step 4.For 1-20 HP SP600 drives, fold the Internal Interface
cable behind the module and mount the module on the
drive using the four captive screws. See figure 3.6.
For frame 2 and larger SP600 drives, mount the module
on the drive using the four captive screws to secure and
ground it to the drive.
Important:All screws must be tightened since the module is
grounded through a screw. The recommended
tightening torque is 0.9 N-m (8 in-lb).
Internal Interface cable
folded behind the module
and in front of the drive.
SP600 Drive
1-20 HP
SP600 Drive
Frame 2 and Lar
Figure 3.6 – Mounting and Grounding the PROFIBUS Module
PROFIBUS Communications Module
3.6Applying Power
ATTENTION:Unpredictabl e ope ration ma y occur if
parameter settings and switch settings are not
compatible with your application. Verify that settings
are compatible w ith your application befo re applying
power to the drive. Failure to observe these
precautions could result in sev ere bodil y inj ury or
loss of life.
Step 1.Verify that the module will have a unique address on the
Step 2.Close the door or reinstall the cover on the drive. The
Step 3.Apply power to the drive. The module receives its power
Step 4.If the node address switches are set to “00,” use a
Step 5.Apply power to the master device and other devices on
network. If a new address is needed, reset its switches
(refer to section 3.2, Commissioning the Module).
status indicators can be viewed on the front of the drive
after power has been applied.
from the connected drive. When you apply power to the
product, the status indicators should be green after an
initialization. If the status indicators are red, there is a
problem. Refer to chapter 8, Troubleshooting the
PROFIBUS Module and Network.
configuration tool to set the node address parameters in
the module (refer to chapter 4, Configuring the
the network.
Installing the PROFIBUS Module
PROFIBUS Communications Module
Configuring the
Chapter 4 provides instructions and information for setting the
parameters in the module.
For a complete list of parameters, refer to Appendix B, PROFIBUS
Module Parameters. For defini tio ns of term s in this chap ter, refer to
the Glossary.
4.1Configuration Tools
The PROFIBUS module st ores p arame ters and othe r info rmatio n in
its own non-volatile memory. Therefore, you must access the
module to view and edi t it s p arameters. Table 4.1 l is ts the tools that
can be used to access the module parameters.
Table 4.1 – Configuration Tools
ToolR efer to:
VS Utilities SoftwareVS Utilities online help
LCD OIMSection 4.2
Configuring the PROFIBUS Module
4.2Using the LCD OIM to Configure the
Use the procedure in figure 4.1 to access the parameters on the
PROFIBUS module using the LCD OIM. If you are unfamiliar with
the operation of the LCD OIM, refer to the SP600 AC Drive User
Manual (D2-3485 or D2-3501) for more information.
P0: SP600
Main Menu
Device Select
Use to highlight
Device Select icon
P0: SP600
Device: Port 0
Use to select
Figure 4.1 – Accessing the PROFIBUS Parameters Using the LCD OIM
4.3Setting the Node Address
If the node address switches are set to “00”, the value of module
parameter 3 (P-DP Addr Cfg) determines the node address.
Step 1.Set the value of parameter 3 (P-DP Addr Cfg) to a unique
node address as shown in figure 4.2.
Port 5 Device
Parameter #: 3
P-DP Addr Cfg
0 <> 126
Default = 01
Main Menu
parameters using the
same techniques as for
drive parameters.
Figure 4.2 – PROFIBUS Node Address Screen on an LCD OIM
Step 2.Reset the module. Refer to section 4.5.2, Resetting the
PROFIBUS Communications Module
4.4Setting the I/O Configuration
The I/O configuration determines the type of data sent to the drive.
Logic Command/Status, Reference/Feedback, and Datalinks may
be enabled or disabled.
Step 1.Set the bits in module parameter 11 (DPI I/O Config) as
shown in figure 4.3. A “1” enables the I/O. A “0” disables
it. Bit 0 is the right-most bit. In figure 4.3, it is highlighted
and equals “1.”
Port 5 Device
Parameter #: 11
DPI I/O Config
Figure 4.3 – I/O Configuration Screen on an LCD OIM
0Logic Command/Reference
1Datalink A
2Datalink B
3Datalink C
4Datalink D
5 - 16 Not Used
Step 2.If Logic Command/Reference is enabled (default),
configure the parameters in the drive to accept the Logic
Command and Reference from the module. For example,
set Speed Ref A Sel (SP600 drive parameter 90) to
“Network” so that the drive uses the Reference from the
network. Also, verify that Logic Source Sel (drive
parameter 89) is config ured to “Netwo rk” so tha t the d r ive
uses the logic command from the network.
Step 3.If you enabled one or more Datalinks (opt ional), confi gure
parameters in the drive to deter mi ne the sou rce and
destination of dat a in the Data link(s). Also, e nsure that the
PROFIBUS module is the only module using the enabled
Step 4.Reset the module. Refer to section 4.5.2, Resetting the
The module is ready to receive I/O from the master (i.e., scanner).
You must now configure the scanner to recognize and transmit I/O
to the module. Refer to chapter 5, Configuring the PROFIBUS
Scanner, for more information.
Configuring the PROFIBUS Module
4.5Setting a Fault Action
ATTENTION:Parameter 9 (Comm Flt Action) and parameter 10 (Id le Fl t Acti on)let you determine the
By default, when communications are disrupted (for example, a
cable is disconnected) or the master is idle, the drive responds by
faulting if it is using I/O from the network. You can configure a
different response to communication disruptions using module
parameter 9 (Comm Flt Action) and a different response to an idle
scanner using parameter 10 (Idle Flt Action).
Set the values of parameter 9 (Comm Flt Action) and parameter 10
(Idle Flt Action) to the de sired r esp onses as sho wn in ta ble 4. 2. Se e
figure 4.4 for sample LCD OIM Fault Action screens.
Table 4.2 – Selections for Drive Response to Communication Fault
0Fault (default)The drive is faulted and stopped (Default).
1StopThe drive is stopped, but not faulted.
2Zero DataThe drive is sent 0 for output data after a
3Hold LastThe drive continues in its present st ate after a
4Send Flt CfgThe drive is sent the data that you set in the
action of the module and connected drive if
communications are disrupted or the scanne r is idle.
By default, these pa rameters fault the driv e. Y ou can
set these param eter s so that the drive continues to
run. Precautions should be taken to en sure that the
settings of these parameters do not create a risk of
injury or equipment damage.
communicat ions disruption. This does not
command a stop.
communicat ions disruption.
fault configuration parameters 13 through 22
(Flt Cfg Logic through Flt Cfg D2 In).
Port 5 Device
Parameter #: 9
Comm Flt Action
Figure 4.4 – Fault Action Screens on an LCD OIM
Changes to these par ameters t ake ef fect immedia tely. A reset is not
Port 5 Devi ce
Parameter #: 10
Idle Flt Action
PROFIBUS Communications Module
4.5.1 Setting the Fault Configuration Parameters
If you set module parameter 9 (Comm Flt Action) or module
parameter 10 (Idle Flt Action) to “Send Flt Cfg,” the values in the
parameters shown in table 4.3 are sent to the drive after a
communications fault and/or idle fault occurs. You must set these
parameters to values required by your application.
Table 4.3 – Fault Configuration Parameters
13Flt Cfg LogicA 16-bit value sent to the drive
14Flt Cfg RefA 32-bit value (0 to 429496 7295)
15 - 22Flt Cfg x1 In or
Flt Cfg x2 In
Changes to these par ameters t ake ef fect immed iately. A reset is not
for Logic Command
sent to the drive as a Reference
or Datalink.
Important: If the drive uses a
16-bit Reference or 16-bit
Datalinks, the most significant
word of the value must be set to
zero (0) or a fault will occur.
Configuring the PROFIBUS Module
4.5.2 Resetting the Module
Changes to swit ch settin gs or some modul e paramet ers req uire that
you reset the module before the new settings take effect. You can
reset the module by cycling power to the drive or by using module
parameter 8 (Reset Module).
ATTENTION: If the module is transmitting control
I/O to the drive, the drive may fault when you reset
Set parameter 8 (Reset Module) to “Reset Module.” See figure 4.5.
the module. Determi ne h ow yo ur dri ve w ill respond
before resetting a connected module. Failure to
observe this precaution could result in bodily injury
or damage to equipment.
Port 5 Device
Parameter #: 8
Reset Module
Reset Module
Figure 4.5 – Reset Screen on an LCD OIM
When you enter 1 (“Reset Module”), the module will be
immediatel y reset. When you enter 2 (“Set Defaults”), the module
will set all module parameters to their factory-default settings. The
value of this parameter will be restored to 0 (“Ready”) after the
module is reset.
0Ready (Default)
1Reset Module
2Set Defaults
PROFIBUS Communications Module
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