Rockwell Automation RECOMM-DNET User Manual

DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
Instruction Manual
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.
circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic los s.
Identifies information ab out practices or
Important:Identifies inf ormation that is cri tic al for successful app lication and
understanding of the product.
injury or death. Remove all power from the drive, and then verify power has been removed before installing or rem ovi ng a
DeviceNet adapter. Failure to observe these precautions coul d result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
drive and power products and the associ a t ed machinery should plan or implement the in st all at i on, st art up, configuration, and subsequent mainten ance of the product using a DeviceNet adapter. Read and understand this manual in its entirety before proceeding. Failure to observe these pr ecautions could result bodily injur y and/or damage to equip m ent.
together via RECBL-x xx cables. Un pre di ct able behavior d ue t o timing and other internal procedures can resu l t if two or m or e devices are connected in this manner. Failure to observe this precaution could result bodily injury and/or damage to equipment.
to the drive, the drive may fault when you reset the adapter. Determine how your drive will respond before resetting an adapter . Fail ure to observe t his precaut i on could result bodily injury and/ or damage to equipme nt .
Flt Action (34) let you determine the action of the adapter and connected drive if communic at ions are disrupted. By default, these parameters fault the dri ve. You can set these param eters so that the drive continues to run. Precautions should be taken to ensure that the setti ngs of these parameters do not create a hazard of injur y or equipment damage. Failure to observe this precaution could result bodily injury and/or damage to equipment.
may be unintended or incorrect machine motion. Disconnect the motor from the machine or process during initial system testing. Fail ure to observe t his precaut i on could result bodily injury and/ or damage to equipme nt .
The drive may contain high voltages that can cause
Only qualified electr ic al personnel familiar with
DPI host products must not be directly connected
If the DeviceNet adapter is tra nsmitting contr ol I/O
Comm Flt Action (10), Idle Flt Action (11), and Pe er
When a system is configured for the first time, the re
DeviceNet is a trademark of the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association. Windows, Windows NT, and Microsoft are tradem arks of Microsoft Corporation. RSLinx, RSLogic, and RSN et Worx are tradem arks of Rockwell Software. Reliance, SP600, VS Utilities, DPI, SLC, and PLC5 are trademarks of Rockwell Automation.
©2001 Rockwell Automation. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 DeviceNet Adapter Features......................................... 1-1
1.2 Related Documentation.................................................1-2
1.3 Conventions Used in This Manual.................................1-3
1.4 Getting Assistance from Reliance Electric..................... 1-3
Chapter 2 Getting Started
2.1 DeviceNet Adapter Components................................... 2-1
2.2 Required Equipment......................................................2-2
2.3 Installation Checklist ......................................................2-3
Chapter 3 Installing the DeviceNet Adapter
3.1 Preparing for an Installation........................................... 3-1
3.2 Commissioning the DeviceNet Adapter.........................3-1
3.3 Connecting the Adapter to the Network......................... 3-3
3.4 Connecting the Adapter to the Drive..............................3-4
3.5 Applying Power.............................................................. 3-5
Chapter 4 Configuring the DeviceNet Adapter
4.1 Configuration Tools........................................................ 4-1
4.2 Using the LCD OIM to Configure the Adapter............... 4-2
4.3 Using RSNetWorx for DeviceNet...................................4-2
4.3.1 Setting Up RSLinx for RSNetWorx for DeviceNet4-2
4.3.2 Going Online with RSNetWorx for DeviceNet ..... 4-4
4.3.3 Creating an Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) File..... 4-5
4.3.4 Accessing and Editing Parameters...................... 4-6
4.4 Setting the Node Address.............................................. 4-7
4.5 Setting the Data Rate....................................................4-8
4.6 Setting the I/O Configuration .........................................4-8
4.7 Selecting Master-Slave or Peer-to-Peer........................ 4-9
4.7.1 Setting a Master-Slave Hierarchy........................4-9
4.7.2 Setting an Adapter To Transmit Peer-to-Peer
Data................................................................... 4-10
4.7.3 Setting an Adapter To Receive Peer-to-Peer
Data................................................................... 4-12
4.8 Selecting COS, Cyclic, or Polled I/O............................4-15
4.8.1 Using COS (Change of State)Data Exchange...4-15
4.9 Setting a Fault Action...................................................4-17
4.9.1 Changing the Fault Action................................. 4-17
4.9.2 Setting the Fault Configuration Parameters...... 4-18
4.10Resetting the Adapter..................................................4-19
4.11Viewing the Adapter Configuration.............................. 4-20
Chapter 5 Configuring the Scanner
5.1 Configuring a Simple Network: An Example..................5-1
5.2 Setting Up the Scan List ................................................5-2
5.3 Mapping the Drive Data in the Scanner.........................5-6
5.3.1 Mapping the Input I/O..........................................5-6
5.3.2 Mapping the Output I/O .......................................5-7
5.4 Saving the Configuration................................................5-8
Chapter 6 Using I/O Messaging
6.1 About I/O Messaging .....................................................6-1
6.2 Understanding the I/O Image.........................................6-2
6.3 Using Logic Command/Status .......................................6-4
6.4 Using Reference/Feedback ...........................................6-4
6.5 Using Datalinks..............................................................6-4
6.5.1 Rules for Using Datalinks ....................................6-4
6.5.2 32-Bit Parameters Using 16-Bit Datalinks ...........6-5
6.6 Sample Ladder Logic Programs ....................................6-6
6.6.1 Sample ControlLogix Ladder Logic Program....... 6-7
6.6.2 Sample PLC-5 Ladder Logic Program.................6-9
6.6.3 Sample SLC Ladder Logic Program..................6-11
Chapter 7 Using Explicit Messaging
7.1 About Explicit Messaging................................... ..... ......7-1
7.2 Formatting Explicit Messages for a ControlLogix
7.3 Formatting Explicit Messages for a PLC or SLC
7.4 Running Explicit Messages............................................7-7
7.5 ControlLogix Example....................................................7-8
7.6 PLC-5 Example............................................................7-10
7.7 SLC Example...............................................................7-12
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting the DeviceNet Adapter and Network
8.1 Understanding the Status Indicators..............................8-1
8.1.1 DRIVE Status Indicator........................................8-2
8.1.2 MS Status Indicator.............................................8-3
8.1.3 NET A Status Indicator........................................8-4
8.2 Adapter Diagnostic Items...............................................8-5
8.3 Viewing and Clearing Events........................................8-7
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
Appendix A
Technical Specifications .....................................................A-1
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
DeviceNet Adapter Parameters...........................................B-1
DeviceNet Objects...............................................................C-1
Logic Command/Status Words ............................................D-1
Master-Slave I/O Configuration............................................E-1
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 – Components of the DeviceNet Adapter..................................2-1
Figure 3.1 – Setting the Node Address.......................................................3-2
Figure 3.2 – Setting the Data Rate.............................................................3-2
Figure 3.3 – Connecting a 5-Pin Linear Plug to the Cable..........................3-3
Figure 3.4 – DPI Ports and Internal Interface Cables.................................3-4
Figure 3.5 – Mounting and Grounding the DeviceNet Adapter...................3-5
Figure 4.1 – Accessing the DeviceNet Parameters using the LCD OIM.....4-2
Figure 4.2 – Configure Drivers Dialog Box with a Configured Driver..........4-3
Figure 4.3 – Sample DeviceNet Network (Graph View)..............................4-4
Figure 4.4 – EDS Wizard Screen................................................................4-6
Figure 4.5 – Sample SP600 Drive Dialog Box (Drive Parameters Tab) .....4-7
Figure 4.6 – DeviceNet Node Address Screen on an LCD OIM.................4-7
Figure 4.7 – DeviceNet Data Rate Screen on an LCD OIM........................4-8
Figure 4.8 – I/O Configuration Screen on an LCD OIM..............................4-8
Figure 4.9 – Master-Slave Input Screen on an LCD OIM...........................4-9
Figure 4.10 – Master-Slave Output Screen on an LCD OIM....................4-10
Figure 4.11 – Peer Out Enable Screen on an LCD OIM...........................4-10
Figure 4.12 – Peer A Output Screen on an LCD OIM...............................4-11
Figure 4.13 – Peer B Output Screen on an LCD OIM...............................4-11
Figure 4.14 – Min Peer TX Time and Peer Out Skip Screens on an
LCD OIM ............................................................................4-11
Figure 4.15 – Peer Input Enable Screen on an LCD OIM.........................4-12
Figure 4.16 – Peer Node to Input Screen on an LCD OIM.......................4-12
Figure 4.17 – Peer A Input Screen on an LCD OIM.................................4-12
Figure 4.18 – Peer B Input Screen on an LCD OIM.................................4-13
Figure 4.19 – Peer Logic Command Mask Screen on an LCD OIM.........4-13
Figure 4.20 – Peer Reference Adjust Screen on an LCD OIM.................4-14
Figure 4.21 – Minimum Peer Receiving Time Screen on an LCD OIM....4-14
Figure 4.22 – Peer Fault Action Screen on an LCD OIM..........................4-15
Figure 4.23 – I/O Configuration Screens on an LCD OIM........................4-16
Figure 4.24 – COS Status Mask Configuration Screen on an LCD OIM..4-16 Figure 4.25 – COS Fdbk Change Configuration Screen on an LCD OIM.4-16
Figure 4.26 – Fault Action Screens on an LCD OIM.................................4-18
Figure 4.27 – Reset Screen on an LCD OIM............................................4-19
Figure 5.1 – Sample DeviceNet Network....................................................5-1
Figure 5.2 – Configuration View (Graph Tab).............................................5-2
Figure 5.3 – Scanlist Page in the Scanner Module Dialog Box..................5-3
Figure 5.4 – Edit I/O Parameters Dialog Box..............................................5-3
Figure 5.5 – Input Page on the Scanner Module Dialog Box......................5-6
Figure 5.6 – Output Page on the Scanner Module Dialog Box...................5-7
Figure 6.1 – Sample I/O Image with All I/O Enabled...................................6-2
Figure 6.2 – Sample I/O Image with Only Logic/Reference and Datalink B
Enabled ..................................................................................6-3
Figure 6.3 – Sample ControlLogix Ladder Logic Program..........................6-7
Figure 6.4 – Sample ControlLogix Ladder Logic Program
Figure 6.5 – Sample PLC-5 Ladder Logic Program....................................6-9
Figure 6.6 – Sample PLC-5 Ladder Logic Program (continued)...............6-10
Figure 6.7 – Sample SLC Ladder Logic Program.....................................6-11
Figure 6.8 – Sample SLC Ladder Logic Program (continued)..................6-12
Figure 7.1 – ControlLogix Message Format in RSLogix 5000....................7-2
Figure 7.2 – PLC Explicit Message Format.................................................7-4
Figure 7.3 – SLC Explicit Message Format.................................................7-4
Figure 7.4 – Explicit Message Process.......................................................7-7
Figure 7.5 – Data Format for a Read and Write Parameter (1 of 2)............7-8
Figure 7.6 – Data Format for a Read and Write Parameter (2 of 2)............7-9
Figure 7.7 – Sample ControlLogix Ladder Logic Program..........................7-9
Figure 7.8 – Sample PLC-5 Ladder Logic Program..................................7-11
Figure 7.9 – Sample SLC Ladder Logic Program.....................................7-13
Figure 8.1 – Status Indicators (location on drive may vary)........................8-1
Figure 8.2 – VIewing and Clearing Events Using an LCD OIM...................8-7
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
List of Tables
Table 2.2 – Equipment Shipped with the DeviceNet Adapter..................... 2-2
Table 2.3 – Required User-Supplied Equipment........................................ 2-2
Table 4.1 – Configuration Tools.................................................................. 4-1
Table 4.2 – Procedure for Setting Up RSLinx for RSNetworx for DeviceNet 4-3 Table 4.3 – Viewing Devices on the DeviceNet Network using RSNetWorx. 4-4
Table 4.4 – Procedure for Creating an EDS File........................................ 4-5
Table 4.5 – Procedure to Access and Edit Parameters Using RSNetWorx 4-6
Table 4.6 – Selections for Drive Response to Communication Fault........4-17
Table 4.7 – Fault Configuration Parameters............................................. 4-18
Table 4.8 – Adapter Configuration Status Parameters ............................ 4-20
Table 5.1 – Host Products Using 16-Bit Reference/Feedback & Datalinks 5-4 Table 5.2 – Host Products Using 32-Bit Reference/Feedback &Datalinks. 5-5
Table 5.3 – Scan Rates.............................................................................. 5-5
Table 5.4 – Scanner Module Memory Locations ........................................5-7
Table 5.5 – Scanner Module Memory Locations ........................................5-8
Table 6.1 – Tags for the Sample ControlLogix Program.............................6-7
Table 6.2 – Control File for Block Transfers...............................................6-9
Table 7.1 – ControlLogix Message Requests and Responses...................7-3
Table 7.2 – Number of Transaction Blocks Reserved for Explicit Messaging 7-5
Table 7.3 – PLC / SLC Explicit Message Requests.................................... 7-5
Table 7.4 – PLC / SLC Explicit Message Responses................................. 7-6
Table 7.5 – Tags for the Sample Explicit Messaging Program...................7-9
Table 7.6 – Request Data for Read of Drive Parameter 101.................... 7-10
Table 7.7 – Response Data for Read of Drive Parameter 101.................7-10
Table 7.8 – Request Data for Write to Drive Parameter 101....................7-10
Table 7.9 – Response Data for Write to Drive Parameter 101................. 7-10
Table 7.10 – Request Data for Read of Drive Parameter 101.................. 7-12
Table 7.11 – Response Data for Read of Drive Parameter 101............... 7-12
Table 7.12 – Request Data for Write to Drive Parameter 101..................7-12
Table 7.13 – Response Data for Write to Drive Parameter 101 ............... 7-12
Table 8.1 – DRIVE Status Indicator: State Definitions................................8-2
Table 8.2 – MS Status Indicator: State Definitions .....................................8-3
Table 8.3 – NET A Status Indicator: State Definitions................................8-4
Table 8.4 – Diagnostic Items Accessed Using VS Utilities ........................ 8-5
Table 8.5 – Event Codes and Descriptions ................................................8-7
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
This manual pr ovides information about the DeviceNet adapter (RECOMM-DNET) and using it with SP600 drives. The adapter is mounted in t he SP600 drive and receives its required power from the drive and from the DeviceNet network.
The DeviceNet adapter can be used with other products that implement DPI. DPI is a peripheral communication inter face. Refer to the documentation for your product for specific information about how it works with the adapter.
This manual is intended for qualified electrical personnel familiar with installing, programming, and maintaining AC drives and DeviceNet networks.
1.1 DeviceNet Adapter Features
The DeviceNet adapter features the following:
Switches that enable you to set a node addres s and netw ork dat a
rate before applying power to the SP600 drive. Alternatively, you can disable the switches and use parameters to configure these features.
A number of configuration tools that can be used to configure the
adapter and connected drive. The tools include the Operator Interface Module (OIM) on the drive, network software such as RSNetWorx for DeviceNet, or drive-configuration software such as VS Utilities.
Status indicators that report the status of the drive
communications, adapter, and network. They are visible both when the cover is opened and when it is closed.
I/O, including Logic Command/Reference and up to four pairs of
Datalinks, that may be configured for your application using a parameter.
Explicit and UCMM (Un connecte d Me ssage Ma nag er) messag es
are supported. Multiple data exchange methods, including polled, cyclic, and
change of state (COS), that can be used to tr ansmit data betw een the network and adapter.
Master-slave or peer-to-peer hierarchies that can be set up so
that the adapter and connected SP600 drive transmit data to and from either a scanner or another SP600 drive on the network.
User-defined fault actions that determine how the adapter and
SP600 drive respond to communication disruptions on the network and controllers in idle mode.
Faulted node recovery is supported. You can configure a device
even when it is faulted on the network if you have a configuration tool that uses faulted node recovery and have set the data rate switch to “PGM” (Program). With the PGM setting, the adapter uses parameter settings for the data rate and node address instead of switch settings.
1.2 Related Documentation
Refer to the following related publications as necessary for more information. All of the publications are available from
D2-3485 SP600 AC Drive User Manual
D2-3488 VS Utilities Getting Results Manual
Online help installed with the software
DN-2.5 DeviceNet Produ c t Overview
DN-6.7.2 DeviceNet Cable System Planning and
Installat ion Manual
DN-6.5.16 DeviceNet Starter Kit
1756-5.66 ControlLogix DeviceNet Scanner
Installat ion Instructions
9399-WAB32GR Getting Results with RSLinx
Online help installed with the software
9399-RL53GR RSLogix 5 Getting Results Guide
Online help installed with the software
9399-RL50GR RSLogix 500 Getting Results Guide
Online help installed with the software
9399-RLD300GR RSLogix 5000 Getting Results Guide
Online help installed with the software
9399-DNETGR RSNetWorx for DeviceNet Getting Results
Guide Online help installed with the software
1747-5.8 DeviceNet Scanner Module Installation
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
1747-6.5.2 DeviceNet Scanner Module Configuration
1747-5.8 DeviceNet Scanner Module Installation
1771-6.5.118 DeviceNet Scanner Module Configuration
1.3 Conventions Used in This Manual
The following conventions are used throughout this manual:
Menu commands are shown in bo ld type face and follow the
Menu > Command
For example, if you read “ the File menu and then click the Open command.
Parameters will be referenced as follows:
Parameter Name ( Parameter Number) For example: DPI Port (1)
Select File > Open
,” you should c lick
1.4 Getting Assistance from Reliance Electric
If you have any questions or problems with the products described in this instruction manual, contact your local Reliance Electric sales office. For technical assistance, call 1-800-726-8112.
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
Getting Started
This chapter provides:
• A description of the DeviceNet adapter’s components
• A list of parts shipped with the adapter
• A list of user-supplied parts required for installing the adapter
• An installation checklist
2.1 DeviceNet Adapter Components
Status Indicators
DPI Connector A 20-pin, single-row shrouded male
DeviceNet Connec tor A 5- pi n co nne ctor to which a 5-pin lin ear
Node Address Switches Switches for setting the node address.
Data Rate Switch
Figure 2.1 – Components of the DeviceNet Adapter
Getting Started
Three LEDs that indicate the status of the connected drive, adapter, and network. Refer to Chapter 8, Troubleshooting.
header. An Internal Interface cable is connected to this connector and a connector on the drive. See table 2.2.
plug can be connected.
Switch for setting the DeviceNet data rate at which the adapter communicates.
2.2 Required Equipment
Table 2.2 lists the equipment shipped with the DeviceNet adapter. When you unpack the adapter, verify that the package includes all of these it ems.
Table 2.2 – Equipment Shipped with the DeviceNet Adapter
Item Description
DeviceNet adapter
2.54 cm (1 in) and 15.24 cm (6 in) Internal Interface cables (Only one cable is needed to connect the adapter to the drive)
Five-pin linear DeviceNet plug (connected to the DeviceNet connector on the adapter)
Grounding wrist strap DeviceNet Adapter User Manual (D23478)
Table 2.3 lists user-supplied equipment also required to install and configure the DeviceNet adapter.
Table 2.3 – Required User-Supplied Equipment
Item Description
A small flathead screwdriver DeviceNet cable
• Thin cable with an outside diameter of 6.9 mm (0.27 in.) is recommended
Configuration tool, such as:
• VS Utilities
• RSNetWorx for DeviceNet
• Serial Converter
Computer with a DeviceNet communications adapter installed (such as 1784-PCD, 1784-PCID, 1784-PCIDS, or 177-KFD)
Controller configuration software (examples: RSLogix5, RSLogix500, or RSLogix 5000)
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
2.3 Installation Checklist
This section is designed to help experienced users start using the DeviceNet adapter. If you are unsure how to complete a step, refer to the referenced chapter.
Step Action Refer to
❒ ❒
Review the safety precautions for the adapter.
Verify that the SP600 drive is properly installed.
Commission the adapter.
Set a unique node address and the appropriate data rate using the swit che s o n the adapter. If desired, you can disable the switches and use parameter settings instead.
Install the adapter.
Verify that the SP600 drive and DeviceNet network are not powered. Then, connect the adapter to the network using a DeviceNet cable and to the drive using the Internal Interface cable. Use the captive screws to secure and ground the ada pter to the drive.
Apply power to the adapter.
The adapter receives power from the drive and network. Apply power to the network and to the drive. The status indicators should be gre en. If they fla sh re d, there is a problem. Refer to Chapter 8, Troubleshooting.
Configure the adapter for your application.
Set the parameters for the following features as required by your application:
• Node address and data rate (if the Data Rate switch is set to “PGM”).
• I/O configuration.
• Change of State, Cyclic, or polled I/O data exchange.
• Master-slave or peer-to-peer hierarchy.
• Fault actions.
Throughout this manual
SP600 AC Drive User Manual
Chapter 3, Installing the DeviceNet Adapter
Chapter 3, Installing the DeviceNet Adapter
Chapter 3, Installing the DeviceNet Adapter
Chapter 4, Configuring the DeviceNet Adapter
Getting Started
Step Action Refer to
Apply power to the DeviceNet master and other devices on the network.
Verify that the master and network are installed and functi oning in accordanc e with DeviceNet st andards, a nd then apply p ower to them.
Configure the scanner to communicate with the adapter.
Use a network tool such as RSNetWorx for DeviceNet to configure the scanner on the network. Make sure to:
• Set up the scan list.
• Map the adapter data to the scan list.
• Save your DeviceNet configu ra tion to the scanner and a file.
Create a ladder logic program.
Use a programming tool such as RSLogix to create a ladder logic program that enables you to do the following:
• Control the adapter and connected drive.
• Monitor or configure the drive using Explicit Messages.
Device N et Cable System Planning and Installation Manual
Chapter 5, Configuring the Scanner
Chapter 6, Using I/O Messaging
Chapter 7, Using Explicit Messaging
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
Installing the
DeviceNet Adapter
Chapter 3 provides instructions for installing the DeviceNet adapter in an SP600 drive.
3.1 Preparing for an Installation
Before installing the DeviceNet ada pter:
• Read the DN-2.5, and the
Installation Manual
provide information on selecting cables, setting up a network, and network basics.
• Verify that you have all required equipment. R efer to chapter 2, Getting Started.
3.2 Commissioning the DeviceNet Adapter
DeviceNet Product O verview Manual
DeviceNet Cable System Planning and
, Publication DN-6.7.2. These manuals will
, Publication
To commission the adapter, you must set a unique node address and the data rate that is used b y the net work. (Ref er to the Glossary for details about data rates and node addresses.)
Step 1. Set the node address switches as shown in figure 3.1.
Installing the DeviceNet Adapter
New settings are recognized o nly when po wer is appli ed to the adapter. If you change a setting, cycle power.
ESD- (Electrostatic Discharge) sensitive parts that
can be damaged if you do not follow ESD control procedures. Static con trol p recaut ions are r equired when handling the ada pter. F ailure to obs erve these precautions could result in damage to equipment.
The DeviceNet adapter contains
Tens Digit
Ones Digit
Setting Description
0-63 Node address used by the adapter if switches are
enabled. The default switch setting is 63. Node address 63 is also the default address used by all uncommissioned devices. Do not use this address as the final adapter addr ess.
If the Data Rate switch is set to “PGM” (Program), the adapter will use the setting of DN Addr Cfg (3) for the node address. The default parameter setting is 63. Refer to chapter 4, Configuring the Devic eNet Adap ter.
64-99 Do not use. The adapter does not recognize these
Figure 3.1 – Setting the Node Address
Step 2. Set the data rate switch as shown in figure 3.2
Setting Description
Auto The adapter is set to the data rate used by other
network devices. Another device on the network must be set to a data rate.
125 K
The adapter is set to the respective data rate. 250 K 500 K
PGM The adapter uses the setting of DN Rate Cfg (5) for
the data rate. Refer to chapter 4, Conf iguring the
DeviceNet Adapter.
Figure 3.2 – Setting the Data Rate
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
3.3 Connecting the Adapter to the Network
that can cause injury or death. Remove all power
Step 1. Remove power from the network and drive. Step 2. Use static control precautions. Step 3. Connect a DeviceNet cable to the network, and route it
Step 4. Connect a 5-pin linear plug to the DeviceNet cable. Refer
from the drive, and then verify power has been removed before installing or removing a DeviceNet adapter. F ailure to observe thes e precautio ns could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
through the bottom of the SP600 drive. DeviceNet thin cable with an outside diameter of 6.9 mm (0.27 in.) is recommended. (See figure 3.5.)
Maximum cable length depends on data rate. Refer to
data rate
to figure 3.3.
Note that a 10-pin linear plug is not supported. Use the 5-pin linear plug shipped with the adapter.
5 4 3 2 1
The drive may contain high voltages
in the Glossary.
Red White
Bare Blue Black
Terminal Color Signal Function
5 Red V+ Power Supply 4 White CAN_H Signal High 3 Bare SHIELD Shield 2 Blue CAN_L Signal Low 1BlackV– Common
Figure 3.3 – Connecting a 5-Pin Linear Plug to the Cable
Step 5. Connect the DeviceNet cable to the adapter and secure it
with the two screws (see figure 3.4).
Installing the DeviceNet Adapter
3.4 Connecting the Adapter to the Drive
Step 1. Remove power from the drive and network. Step 2. Use static control precautions. Step 3. Connect the Internal Interface cable to the DPI port on the
drive and then to the DPI connector on the adapter.
DeviceNet Adapter
SP600 AC Drive 25-40 HP @ 460 V
➀ ➁ ➂ ➃
Figure 3.4 – DPI Ports and Internal Interface Cables
15.24 cm (6 in.) Internal Interface cable DPI Connector DeviceNet cable
2.54 cm (1 in.) Internal Interface cable
SP600 AC Drive 1-20 HP @ 460 V
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
Step 4. Mount the adapter on the drive, using the four captive
screws to secure it in place and ground it to the drive.
On an SP600 drive, tighten the screw in the lower right hole to ground the adapter.
SP600 AC Drive
Figure 3.5 – Mounting and Grounding the DeviceNet Adapter
3.5 Applying Power
you fail to verify th at par ameter s etting s and s wi tch
Step 1. Close the door or reinstall the cover on the drive. The
Step 2. Ensure that the adapter will have a unique address on the
Step 3. Apply power to the network. Step 4. Apply power to the drive. The adapter receives its power
Installing the DeviceNet Adapter
settings are compa tible with y our applica tion. V erify that settings are compatible with your application before applying power to the drive. Failure to observe these precautions could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
status indicators can be viewed on the front of the drive after power has been applied .
network and is set at the correct da ta rate or to autoba ud. If a new data rate or address is needed, reset its switches (refer to section 3.2).
from the connected drive and network. When you apply power to the product and network for the first time, the status indicators should be green after an initialization. If the status indicators are red, there is a problem. Refer to chapter 8, Troubleshooting the DeviceNet Adapter and Network.
Unpredictable ope ration ma y occur if
Step 5. If the data rate switch is set to “PGM,” use a configuration
Step 6. Apply power to the master device (scanner) and other
tool to set the data rate and node address parameters in the adapter (see chapter 4, Configuring the DeviceNet Adapter). If you are using RSNetWorx for DeviceNet, you need to create a point-to-point connection to the drive.
devices on the networ k.
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
Configuring the
DeviceNet Adapter
Chapter 4 provides instructions and information for setting the parameters in the DeviceNet adapter.
For a list of parameters, refer to Appendix B, DeviceNet Adapter Parameters. For definitions of terms in this chapter, refer to the Glossary.
4.1 Configuration Tools
The DeviceNet adapter stores parameters and other information in its own non-volatile memory. Therefore, you must access the adapter to view and edit its parameters. Table 4.1 lists the tools that can be used to access the adapter parameters.
Table 4.1 – Configuration Tools
Tool Refer To:
VS Utilities Software VS Utilities online help LCD OIM Section 4.2 RSNetWorx for DeviceNet Section 4.3
RSNetWorx for DeviceNet (version 2.22.18) and RSLinx (version
2.10.118) were u sed for exam pl es in this manual. Different v e rsio ns of software may differ in appearance and procedures.
Note that explicit messaging can also be used to configure a DeviceNet adapter and drive. Refer to Chapter 7, Using Explicit Messaging.
Configuring the DeviceNet Adapter
4.2 Using the LCD OIM to Configure the Adapter
Use the procedure in figure 4.1 to access the parameters on the DeviceNet adapter using the LCD OIM. If you are unfamiliar with the operation of the LCD OIM, refer to the SP600 AC Drive User Manual (D2-3485) f or mo re information.
3 63
6WRSSHG 3 63 'HYLFH 3RUW
8VH WR VHOHFW 5(&200'1(7
3 5(&200'1(7
Figure 4.1 – Accessing the DeviceNet Parameters using the LCD OIM
4.3 Using RSNetWorx for DeviceNet
RSNetWorx for DeviceNet is a Rockwell Software application that can be used t o set up DeviceNet net wo rks and confi gure c onnec ted devices.
4.3.1 Setting Up RSLinx for RSNetWorx for DeviceNet
To use RSNetWorx for DeviceNet, you must first set up a driver in RSLinx. The driver provides a communications link between the computer and DeviceNet network. See table 4.2 and figure 4.2 for this procedure.
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
Table 4.2 – Procedure for Setting Up RSLinx for RSNetworx for DeviceNet
Step Action Icon
1. Start RSLinx, and select
Configure Drivers
Drivers dialog box. See figure 4.2.
Communications >
to display the Configure
Shortcut to RSLinx
2. In the Available Dr iver Types box, select
DeviceNet Drivers
, and then click
Add New
. The DeviceNet Driver Selection dialog box appears.
3. In the Available DeviceNet Drivers list, select the adapter connected to your computer, and then click
. A Driver Confi guration dialog
box appears. Configure the driver for your computer and
network settings, and then click OK. The Configure Drivers dialog box reports the progress of the configuration. Then, the Add New RSLinx Driver dialog box appears.
4. Type a name (if desired), and then click OK. The Configure Drivers dialog box reappears, and the new driver is in the Confi gu r ed Driv ers List.
5. Click
to close the dialog box. Leave
RSLinx running.
Figure 4.2 – Configure Drivers Dialog Box with a Configured Driver
Configuring the DeviceNet Adapter
4.3.2 Going Online with RSNetWorx for DeviceNet
You can view the devices on a De viceNet netw ork by going onlin e. A device may appear as an unrecognized device (node 63 in figure
4.3) if RSNetWorx for DeviceNet does not have an Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) file for it. See table 4.3 for the procedure to view devices.
Table 4.3 – Viewing Devices on the DeviceNet Network using RSNetWorx
Step Action Icon
1. After setting up a driver in RSLinx, start RSNetWorx for DeviceNet.
2. Select
3. Click OK to go online. The devices on the
Network > Online
for Network dialog box appears, RSLinx has multiple drivers configured. Select your DeviceNet network, and click OK. A prompt appears.
network appear in the Configuration View. You can select Graph, Spreadsheet, or Master/Slave views. Figure 4.3 shows a sample network in a Graph view.
. If the Browse
Shortcut to
Figure 4.3 – Sample DeviceNet Network (Graph View)
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
4.3.3 Creating an Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) File
If the adapter and drive appear as an unrecognized device, create an EDS file for it using the procedure in table 4.4.
Table 4.4 – Procedure for Creating an EDS File
Step Action Icon
1. Right-click the “Unrecognized Device” icon , and select EDS Wizard (figure 4.4) appears.
2. Click
3. Select
4. Type a description (if desired), and then click
5. Under Polled, select Input Size and Output Size boxes, and then click from the drive and adapter.
6. Click node. We recommend that you use the icon f or your product. You can change icons by clic king
Change icon
7. Click
8. Click icon represents the SP600 drive and adapter in the Configuration View.
(versions 2.22.18 and earlier) replaces 32-bit values with exponential values. For the EDS file to work in RSNetWorx, you must edit the EDS file, replacing exponential values with 32-bit val ues (typic ally 42 949 67295 ), and then restart RSNetWorx.
Register Device
to display the next step.
Upload EDS
. RSNetWorx will upload the EDS fil e
to display the icon options for the
to view a summary, and then click
again to accept it.
to finish the EDS creation. A new
RSNetWorx for DeviceNet
, and then click
in the menu. The
, type 4 in the
SP600 AC Drive
Configuring the DeviceNet Adapter
Figure 4.4 – EDS Wizard Screen
4.3.4 Accessing and Editing Parameters
Parame ters i n th e d rive and adapter can be edited with RSNetWorx using the procedure in table 4.5. The adapter parameters are appended to the list of drive parameters. In figure 4.5, for example, the drive has 387 parameters, so parameter 388 is the first adapter parameter.
Table 4.5 – Procedure to Access and Edit Parameters Using RSNetWorx
Step Action Icon
1. After creating an EDS file, right-click on the
2. Click the
3. In the Current Value column, double-click a
4. Click
icon for the SP600 drive and adapter and select
Device Parameters
If an EDS Editor message appears, click
to load the parameter values in the
drive to the computer. Parameters are displayed in numerical order
under Par amet er. You can either scroll through the list or select a specif ic group of paramete rs in the Groups box. The available groups and the numbers of the adapter parameters will vary based on the type of drive that is connected to the adapter.
value to edit it.
. The SP600 Drive dialog bo x
tab (figure 4.5).
to save changes to the device.
SP600 AC Drive
DeviceNet Adapter for use with DPI AC Drives
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