Important User InformationBecause of the va riety of uses for the products described in this publi-
cation, those responsible for the application and use of this control
equipment must satisf y themselves that all necessary steps have been
taken to assure that each application and use meets all performance
and safety requirement s, including any applicable laws, regulations,
codes and standards.
The illustrations, charts, sample programs and layout examples
shown in this guide are intended solely for ex am p le. Si nce there are
many variables and requirements associated with any particular
installati on, Alle n-Bradley does not assume responsibility or liability
(to include intellectual property liability) for actual use based upon
the examples shown in this publication.
Allen-Bradley publ ication SGI- 1.1, Safety Guideline s for the Appli ca-tion, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Control (available
from your local Allen-Bradle y of fice) describes s ome i mpo rt ant
differences bet ween solid-state equipment and electromechanical
devices which should be taken into consideration when applying
products such as those described in this publication.
Reproduction of the contents of this copyrighted publication, in
whole or in part, without written permission of Allen-Bradley
Company, Inc., is prohibited.
Throughout this manual we use notes to make you aware of safety
consideration s:
A TTENTION: Identifies infor mation about practi ces
or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or
Attention helps you to:
•identify a hazard
•avoid the hazard
•recognize the consequences
Important: Identifies information that is critical for successful appli-
cation and understand ing of the pro duct.
ControlNet is a trademark of ControlNet International.
Data Highway Plus, DH+ and PLC-5 are trademarks and PLC-2 and PLC-3 are registered trademarks of Allen-Bradley Company,
death, property damage, or economic loss.
Read this preface to familiarize yourself with the rest of the manual.
This preface covers the following topics:
•why you should use this manual
•who should use this manual
•what reference material and previous exposure you should have
•what you receive with this package
•what terms and conventions you should know before you begin
the first chapter
Why You Should Use This
Reference Material and
Previous Exposure
What You Receive with This
You should use this manual if you:
•want to build a driver for the 1784-KTCX card that is specific to
your computer operatin g syste m.
You should have the following background and materials:
•ControlNet Network System Overview (Pub. 1786-2.12)
•Contr olNet Cable System Planning and Installation Manual
(Pub. 1786-6.2.1)
•the programming manual for the tar get programmable
•the hardware reference ma nua l for the host personal computer or
•a comprehensive knowledge of Contr olNet network operations
and functions.
With this package you should receive:
•one Dual-Port Interface Specifications Reference M an u al
(Publication 1784-6.2.4).
•software license
Publication 1784-6.2.4 - September 1997
What You Receive with This
As you read this manual, you need to know that:
This:Refers to this:
KTCX card1784-KTCX card
BABase address of the KTCX card as installed.
DP ADDRThe dual-port address. I t i s lo cated at 03000h
(3000:0000h) beyond the installed address of
the KT module.
DP ADDR :0800h to :0806hMemory-mapped hardware addresses.
hhex code
host Personal computer or wo rkstation of driver.
nodeThe point at which devices interface with the
sending no de (also originating node )The (originating) nod e sending the com mand
or message.
receiving nodeThe node sending the reply to the command.
local networkThe netwo rk containi ng the origin ating node.
PCCCProgrammable Controller Communication
LSAPLink Service Access Point
on-link nodeA node on the local network.
Publication 1784-6.2.4 - September 1997
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your local Allen-Brad ley representative.
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If you find a problem with this manual, please notify us of it on the
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What This Chapter CoversT o build a driver that handles all the conditions of your system, you
must be familiar with:
•ControlNet Networ k Enviro nment
•Hardware and Software Interface of the KTCX Card
•Data Flow From Application to KTCX Dual-port Interface to
•KTCX Card Requirements and Operating S tat es
ControlNet Network
Read the following sections be fo re building your driver:
•The ControlNet System Overv iew
•Node Addressing and Node Table
•Control and Configuration of Programmable Controllers
•Off-l ink Messaging
The ControlNet System Overview
ControlNet networks allow you to combine the benefits of several
networks into one. I/O, PLC interloc king, peer-to- pe er messaging,
and programming can all be handled on the same link. The
ControlNet network's 99 nodes, redundant media, high throughput
and determinism, allow your netwo rk to handle large distributive
processes, large amounts of remote and analog data, and high-spe ed
discrete remote and analog data.
The KTCX card connects the host to a ControlNet network environment. The KTCX card's KT Emulation allows unscheduled messaging and programming to be handled on the ControlNet network.
Unscheduled messa ges are performed during the unsc heduled time in
the network update interval and are non-deterministic. The traffic
load of your scheduled messaging determines how much time is
available for unsche duled messaging. More information on unscheduled messages can be found in the ControlNet Network System Over-view (1786-2.9).
Figure 1.1 outlines the configuration of a t ypical ControlNet network
Publication 1784-6.2.4 - September 1997
1-2Over view of the K TCX Car d Envi ronm ent
Figure 1.1
ControlNet Network Overview
ControlNet Network
Host PC with
ISA/EISA Bus Interface
ControlNet Taps: 1786-TPR
KTCX Ca rd
1771 ACN
I/O Adapters
ControlNet Tap
ControlNet Tap
ControlNet Tap
ControlNet Tap
1794 ACN
Flex I/O Adapters
PLC-5C Processors
Node Addressing and Node Table
The KTCX does not maintain an active node table. However, to
accommodate existing applications the KTCX emulates an active
node table. All nodes will appear to be act ive when the KTCX is
online whether they a re active or not. Thi s is to allow ol d applic ations
to communicate with the KTCX card. The operatin g states described
in the emulated node table are defined as follows:
Puiblication 1784-6.2.4 - September 1997
Card Network StateNode Table Entry Status
LonelyThe node’s entry is it s address. Ever ything else
reads 0xFF.
Listen-onlyThe node’s entry is its address. Everything else
reads 0xFF.
On-lineAll entries are initialized to the next node
address. For example, 0x02 points to node
0x03. Node 0x03 points to node 0x04. Node
0x04 points to node 0x05 and so on.
Overview of the KTCX C ard Environment1-3
Control and Configuration of Programmable Logic Controllers
To configure a programmable controller, you must refer to the applicable processor manua l that came with the programmable controller.
This processor manual, along with the controller’s programming
manual, shows you how to control and program your devic e.
Off-link Messaging
The KTCX does not support off-link connections within the
ControlNet network envi ronment.
Data Flow: Application to
Dual-port Interface to
Data Flow
To control and monitor devices properly, the host application
program(s) must communicate correctly with the other node(s) on the
network. Data flows to and from the host application as shown in the
directional pathwa ys in Figure 1.2.
Figure 1.2
Data Flow through KTCX Card Dual-port Interface
Host Application
FlagsStatusSend Mailbox Receive MailboxNode Table
Data Flow
Publication 1784-6.2.4 - September 1997
1-4Over view of the K TCX Car d Envi ronm ent
Reserved Sections for System Memory and Mailboxes
The KTCX card reserves sections of the dual-port’s 2K memory to
use as “mailboxes.” These mailboxes hold an d transf er packets of
data, commands, and status inf or mation for both the KTCX card and
the application running on the host.
Important: You cannot mix 8-bit and 16-bit cards within a 64K
segment boundary. That is, a Series A card cannot be placed in the
same segment range of D000:000 - DFFF:0000 or C000:0000 CFFF:0000. The eight bit card may not work. Two cards (one 8-bit
and one 16-bit) can be placed with one in the C000:0000 CFFF:0000 range and one in the D000:0000 - DFFF:0000 range.
KTCX Card RequirementsThis section describe s the requirements and operating state s of the
KTCX card:
•the KTCX card's selected hardwa re interrupt and address
•the KTCX card's selected I/ O addre ss
•the “segment:offset” notation as it appli es to the base address
•the KTCX's initial state memory configuration
•the KTCX's operating sta tes
Selected Hardware Interrupt
The KTCX card can generate a hardware interrupt to the host PC or
workstation to sig nal that it has received a packet of data. The card is
set to be polled by defa u lt. Th e K TCX card must be configured
through the application to generate an interrupt. Refer to the
1784-KTCX Installation Manual (Pub. 1784-5.20) for more information about available ad dresse s. Interrupts support ed by the KTCX
card are 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, and 15.
Selected I/O Address
The 1784-KTCX Installation Manual (Pub. 1784-5.20) describes the
establishment of the I/O address. Make sure the current setting does
not conflict with an othe r card on the host. If interrupts are used, refer
to the example code in Appendix A.
Puiblication 1784-6.2.4 - September 1997
Overview of the KTCX C ard Environment1-5
Selected Base Address
The KTCX dual-port is 16K in size. See the 1784-KTCX Installation
Manual (Pub. 1784-5.20) for a ll the available dual-port and I/O
addresses and their respe ctive settings. The KT Emulation dual-port
location is the same as the 1784-KT. For example: if the dual-port
address is at 0D000h, then the KT Emulation dual -port address starts
at 0D300h.
Segment:Offset Notation and Base Address
The KTCX card’s dual-port emulation interface is 2048 bytes RAM
and 7 bytes that mimic the KT’s 7 bytes of memory-mapped hardware. The dua l-port RAM contains all the host-accessible memory,
registers, and flags.
The address of this dual-por t RAM is 300h:0 in beyond the host base
address at which you install the KTCX card. Refer to Table 1.A for
examples of how to calculate a dual-port address from the base
address. You will find the complete list of possible installation
addresses for KT modules in the 1784-KTCX Installation Manual
Table 1.A“Segment:Offset” Notation for Dual-port Addresses
If you install the
KTCX card at:
C000:0000hC300:0000hC300:0000h to C300:0806h
D400:0000hD700:0000hD700:0000h to D700:0806h
The dual-port RAM
starts at:
The valid range of dual-port
addresses is:
Important: Since a c hange in the segment a ddress doe s not aff ect the
offset addresses, we refer only to the offset addresses throughout this
Publication 1784-6.2.4 - September 1997
1-6Over view of the K TCX Car d Envi ronm ent
Operating StatesThe KTCX card has five operating states: r eset, off-line, lonely,
listen-only and on-line.
The card is on the network and waiting for start-up procedure to be
placed on-line.
The initial state of the KTCX card at start-up must be off-line. In the
off-line mode, the KTCX card is not on the ControlNet network a nd
can neither send nor receive messages nor build the node table.
T o properly close the host applica tion and shut down the host, you
must take the KTCX car d off l ine . For a det ailed explanati on, see the
section in Chapter 2 “Taking the KTCX Card Off-Line.”
This node is the only active node on the network.
The node is on the networ k and l istening for network parameters from
the keeper node to bring it on-lin e.
The KTCX card is on the network, available to other nodes and able
to send and receive messages. The host appl ication must select the
KTCX card and specify the node address to place it on-line.
The KT alive flag's value transi tions depend on the state of the card.
The states and transiti ons are defined by the following table:
KTCX States and Transitions
0KT emulation has not been initiated or the card is off-line.
Writing to the flag will not change the value.
4Communications are being initiated. The card has detected the
star t-up s tring and will now transition to state 3.
3The card has gone into listen-only mode and is now waiting for
the keeper node to bring it on-line. This byte will continue to
rewrite itself ever y 10ms.
2The card is now on-lin e and is ready for PCCC (Prog rammable
Controller Communication Commands) messaging. This byte
will continue to rewrite itself every 10ms.
Puiblication 1784-6.2.4 - September 1997
Overview of the KTCX C ard Environment1-7
AThe initialization code (C3,...,0) has been placed in the dual-port and
offset 802h is set to 1.
BKT emulation is placing the card in listen-only mode. The card is now
waiting for the keeper to bring it on-line.
CThe KT_alive flag is continually being written with a 3 every 10 ms.
DThe card is transitioning to the on-line state and the KT_alive flag is
being set to 2.
EThe KT_ alive flag is continually being written with a 2 every 10 ms.
FThe card has gone into listen-only due to a network reset command.
GThe card has detected a new initialization string and is going back to
its initialization state.
If the alive flag does not change value, then the KTCX card has been
taken off -line or the card has not been initialize d. Figure 1.3 provide s
a state diagram for a further descript ion of the states and transitions.
Figure 1.3
Explanation of KTCX Alive States and Transitions
Important: The card will transition from the listen-only or on-line
states to the lonely state wheneve r the node becomes the only active
node on the network. The card will also trans ition to listen-only or
on-line when it is in the lonely state if it is joined by another active
node on the network.
Publication 1784-6.2.4 - September 1997
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