Rockwell Automation 1771-QDC, D17716.5.87 User Manual

Plastic Molding Module
(Cat. No. 1771-QDC)
Clamp and Eject Mode

Important User Information

Because of the variety of uses for this product and because of the differences between solid state products and electromechanical products, those responsible for applying and using this product must satisfy themselves as to the acceptability of each application and use of this product. For more information, refer to publication SGI–1.1 (Safety Guidelines For The Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Control).
The illustrations, charts, and layout examples shown in this manual are intended solely to illustrate the text of this manual. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Allen–Bradley Company cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based upon the illustrative uses and applications.
No patent liability is assumed by Allen–Bradley Company with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment or software described in this text.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of the Allen–Bradley Company is prohibited.
Throughout this manual we make notes to alert you to possible injury to people or damage to equipment under specific circumstances.
ATTENTION: Tells readers where people may be hurt, machinery may be damaged, or economic loss can occur if procedures are not followed properly.
ATTENTION helps you:
- identify a hazard
- avoid the hazard
- recognize the consequences
Important: Identifies information that is especially important for successful application and understanding of the product.
Important: We recommend you frequently backup your application programs on appropriate storage medium to avoid possible data loss.
1993 Allen-Bradley Company
PLC is a registered trademark of Allen-Bradley Company ProSet, PanelView
, Inc.
, Inc.
, and ERC are trademarks of AllenBradley Company
, Inc.

Summary of Changes

Summary of Changes

Summary of Changes
We revised this publication to include changes due to upgrading the 1771-QDC/B module to a 1771-QDC/C.
For These Changes Refer to Page or Chapter
Lossofsensor detection input range changed back to 0.00 to 10V dc
Added the section, Record I/O Ranges 21
Added data codes to configuration worksheets. Chapter 3 and Appendix A
Reversed the order of chapters 3 and 4 to present the download procedure for the MCC block before the download procedure for the other data blocks.
Revised the download procedure for the MCC block (chapter 3) and for other command blocks (chapter 4).
Changed the chapter title to better describe the task. Chapter 6
Added data codes to Configuration Block worksheets.
Added headers to improve the organization
Added data codes to Profile Block worksheets.
Added headers to improve the organizatrion
36, 311 A3, A4
Chapters 3 and 4
Chapter 7 and Appendix A
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 and Appendix A
Chapter 8
Placed 2page worksheets on facing pages Chapter 8
Changed the title Test Your Values to Test for Linearity. Chapter 9
Changed our recommendation on module calibration. 113
Added Block ID codes to blank worksheets. Appendix A
Revised the index. Index
Minor corrections as found
To Help You Find Changes
To help you find these changes, we added change bars as shown to the left.

Table of Contents

Summary of Changes 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using This Manual P1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Objectives Audience P2 Use Related
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of T
erms P2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overview of the Clamp and Eject Mode 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter Clamp and Eject Mode Operation 11 Clamp Control 12 Ejector Control 18
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11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Install the QDC Module 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter Record Set Module Jumpers 22 Key Your I/O Chassis 25 Install Your QDC Module 26 Wire Ground and Shield Your I/O Devices 29 Plan for ESTOPs and Machine Interlocks 211
I/O Ranges
the QDC Module
21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configure the QDC Module's Inputs and Outputs 31. . . . . . . .
Chapter Select Module Parameters and I/O Ranges 32 Determine Initial Sensorconfiguration Values 35 Download Use the Setoutput Operation to Move the Clamp and Ejector 39 Complete your Sensor Configuration 311 Optional Configurations 317
alues to the QDC Module
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31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
Overview of Remaining Configuration Procedures 41. . . . . .
Chapter Configuration Concepts 41 Special Command and Status Blocks 42 Overview of the Remaining Configuration Procedures 43 Enter Data Table Values and Download Command Blocks 44
41. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Table of Contentsii
Jog Your Machine 51. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter Determine Jog Your Machine 54 Configure Jogs for the Screw and Injection Cylinder 56
Initial Clamp and Ejector Jog V
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
51. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
alues 52. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Select Command and Status Bits to Sequence
Machine Operation 61. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter Assess Your Logic Requirements 61 Use Chapter Use Configuration Command Block Worksheets 72 Procedure to Determine and Record Worksheet Values 724 Determine
Select the T Determine Word Selections: Set ERC Values and Timer Presets 726 Determine Unselected Valve Setoutput Values 728 Set your Accel/Decel Ramp Rates 731 Determine Setoutput Values for End of Profiles 732 Set Pressure Control Limits 733 Set V Set Profile Gain Constants and Pressure Alarm Setpoints 737 Enter and Download your Worksheet Values 738
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bit T
ables 62. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Bit Selections: Assign Module Outputs for
Your Control Valves 724. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ype of PID Algorithm
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elocity Control Limits
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61. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
71. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
725. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
735. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Initial Profile V
Chapter Determine and Enter Setpoints for the Clamp Close Profile (CPC) 81 Determine Bit Selections for Worksheet 8A 84 Determine Word Values for Worksheet 8A 85 Enter and Download Your Worksheet Values 87 Determine and Enter Clamp Open Profile (OPC) 88 Determine Bit Selections for Worksheet 8B 810 Determine Word Values for Worksheet 8B 811 Enter and Download your Worksheet Values 813 Determine and Enter Ejector Profile (EPC) 814 Determine Bit Selections for Worksheet 8C 816 Determine Word Values for Worksheet 8C 819 Enter and Download your Worksheet Values 822
alues for Machine Tuning 81. . . . . . . . . .
81. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Table of Contents iii
Span Your Clamp and Ejector Valves 91. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter Span Your Low Pressure Close Valve 93 Span Your Clamp Close Pressure Valve(s) 99 Span Your Clamp Close Velocity (Flow) Valve(s) 914 Span Your Clamp Open Pressure Valve(s) 918 Span Your Clamp Open Velocity (Flow) Valve(s) 923 Span Your Ejector Pressure Valve(s) 927 Span Your Ejector Velocity (Flow) Valve(s) 934
91. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Tune Your Machine 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter Chapter Assumptions 101 Openloop or Closedloop? 102 What to do Next 103 Tune in Closedloop Mode 103 Other Tuning Considerations 1011
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Troubleshoot with LED's 111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter Use Module
s to Troubleshoot Your QDC Module 111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
113. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blank Worksheets A1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using This Manual


Use this preface to familiarize yourself with this manual so you can use it effectively. This manual shows you how to apply the QDC module to your molding machine in the minimum length of time.
Since this manual is task oriented, we recommend that you perform these tasks in the following order:
Perform this task: As discussed in this chapter:
Browse through the entire manual to become familiar with its contents.
Overview of clamp and eject operation: how the QDC module controls the clamp and eject phases of your injection molding system.
Install the QDC module. This includes such tasks as wiring and setting jumpers.
Configure the QDC module mode to match your specific application. This includes configuring your QDC module to communicate to the different inputs and outputs.
Overview of remaining configuration procedures that you are to perform through the remainder of this manual.
Jog the Clamp and Ejector. This task requires jog setpoints to be configured along with jog pressure alarm setpoints.
Set up communications between your PLC and the QDC module. This task includes selecting command and status bits that you use when writing your ladder logic.
Load initial configuration values for the QDC module. This task requires you to determine and enter values into the clamp and ejector configuration blocks.
Load your initial profile values for the QDC module. This task is performed in preparation to run and span your machine's valves.
Span your clamp and ejector valves. This is done using setoutput and openloop modes.
Tune the machine in closedloop mode. Chapter 10
Troubleshoot problems that may occur during module operation.
Refer to this appendix for a blank copy of each worksheet contained in this manual.
All chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Appendix A
Using this Manual


of T
Before attempting to apply the QDC module to a molding machine we assume that you are:
an injection molding professional an experienced programmer (especially with A-B PLC-5 processors) familiar with hydraulics
We use these abbreviations:
Abbreviated Name: Item:
QDC module 1771QDC Plastic Molding Module
PLC Processor PLC5 Programmable Controller
T47 or T50 terminal 1784T47 or 1784T50 Industrial Terminal
ProSet 600 Software
PanelView Terminal PanelView Operator Interface Terminal (2711KC1) ERC
ProSet 600 Injection Molding Operator Interface Software (6500PS600)
Expert Response Compensation
The following table presents other terms we use in this manual:
Term: Definition:
Selected Valve In multivalve systems, depending on the configured profile, the QDC
module controls one valve and presets the setting of the remaining valves to produce moldingmachine profiles. We call the valve being controlled by the QDC module's algorithms the selected valve. Multiple axis of control, such as the clamp and ejector cylinders, may require additional control valves.
Unselected Valves In multivalve systems, depending on the configured profile, the QDC
module controls one valve and presets the remaining valves to produce moldingmachine profiles. We call the valves that are preset with an open loop percentage setpoint the unselected valves.
Profile A group of mold/part setpoints which define a given machine
operation to the QDC module.
Command Block Blocks downloaded from the PLC data table to the QDC module to
make configuration changes or to initiate machine actions.
Status Block Blocks used by the QDC module to relay information to the PLC
processor about the QDC module's current operating status.
Profile Block Command block containing mold/part setpoints.
Configuration Block Command block containing machine setpoints.
Direct Acting Valve An analog control valve that delivers increasing velocity or pressure
with increasing signal input.
Reverse Acting Valve An analog control valve that delivers increasing velocity or pressure
with decreasing signal input.
Using this Manual
Command Blocks
Command blocks provide the parameters that control machine operation. Command blocks are transferred from the PLC processor to the QDC module by means of block transfer write (BTW) instructions in software ladder logic. Command block abbreviations are:
Acronym: Description:
MCC Module Configuration Block
JGC Jog Configuration Block
FCC First Clamp Close Configuration Block
SCC Second Clamp Close Configuration Block
TCC Third Clamp Close Configuration Block
LPC Low Press Clamp Close Configuration Block
CPC Clamp Close Profile Block
FOC First Clamp Open Configuration Block
SOC Second Clamp Open Configuration Block
TOC Third Clamp Open Configuration Block
OSC Clamp Open Slow Configuration Block
OPC Clamp Open Profile Block
EAC Ejector Advance Configuration Block
ERC Ejector Retract Configuration Block
EPC Ejector Profile Block
DYC Dynamic Command Block
CLC Clamp & Eject ERC Values Block
Status Blocks
Status blocks report current status of molding-machine operation. Status blocks are returned from the QDC module to the PLC processor by means of block transfer read (BTR) instructions in software ladder logic. Status block abbreviations are:
Acronym: Description:
SYS System Status Block
CPS Clamp Close Profile Status Block
OPS Clamp Open Profile Status Block
EPS Ejector Profile Status Block
CLS Clamp & Eject ERC Values Status Block
Using this Manual
Word and Bit Numbering
The QDC module stores data in command and status blocks. Each word location in a command or status block is identified by an alphanumeric code containing the block acronym and word number. For example, word 09 of the Module Configuration Command Block (MCC) is identified as MCC09.
Identify bits in a word location by adding bit numbering to the abbreviated word location. For example:
Specific: MCC09-B15 General: MCCxx-Byy
MCC = Module Configuration Command Block xx=word number (01-64) B = bit identifier yy = bit number (00-15)
The following table lists documentation necessary for the successful application of the QDC Module:
17856.6.1 PLC5 Family Programmable
6200N8.001 6200 PLC5 Programming
17716.5.88 Plastic Molding Module
17716.5.85 17716.5.86 17716.5.93
17714.10 Plastic Molding Module
Use this documentation: To:
Controller Installation Manual
Software Documentation Set
Reference Manual
Plastic Molding Module User Manual for other modes
Application Guide
Install the PLC processor and I/O modules.
Select instructions and organize memory when writing ladder logic to run your machine.
Information on block transfers between PLC processor and QDC module. Also, information on PLC data transfer logic.
Configure, program, install, and operate your QDC module to control molding operations.
Help select the module mode and match your QDC module to your hydraulic layout.
Using this Manual
Reference information for the QDC module is contained in a separate document titled “Plastic Molding Module Reference Manual”. Take time now to familiarize yourself with this reference manual’s content and purpose. The four sections, in brief, include:
a summary of each data block used by the QDC module for all
command and status blocks (abbreviated command and status blocks)
the programming error codes returned by the QDC module on a block
by block basis as well as recommended procedures to correct these errors
a detailed listing and explanation of each command word and bit used
by the QDC module, as well as each status word and bit returned from the QDC module
operational, mechanical, electrical, and environmental specifications
about your module
If you have purchased the Pro-Set 600 software, you also need the following documentation:
65006.5.11 ProSet 600 Software
65006.5.12 ProSet 600 Software
65006.5.13 ProSet 600 Software
65006.5.14 ProSet 600 Software
65006.5.15 ProSet 600 Software
Use this documentation: To:
Designer's Guide
Assembly Manual
Overlay Installation Manual
Customization Manual
Reference Manual
Select the ProSet 600 software that matches the requirements of your molding machine.
Transfer your ProSet 600 software from a floppy to your hard drive. Add overlays into your PLC processor and PanelView application files.
Install ProSet 600 overlay(s) into your application files.
Customize your ProSet 600 build for your machine control requirements.
Support customizing your software control system.
Overview of the Clamp and Eject Mode

Clamp and Eject Mode Operation

Clamp Phase: Description:
1st Close 2nd Close 3rd Close
Low Pressure Close
This chapter presents an overview of the 1771-QDC Plastic Molding Module’s Clamp and Eject Mode. A summary of clamp and eject features is followed by sample applications of the QDC Module in Clamp and Eject Mode.
Important: This manual assumes you have already read your Plastic Molding Module Application Guide (pub. no. 1771-4.10) and have chosen Clamp and Eject as your QDC module’s mode of operation.
When you select the Clamp and Eject mode of operation, you can use the following phases:
Table 1.A Glossary
You can program a singlestep clampclose profile and not use a second or third profile. Or, you can program up to three clampclose profiles that let you do the following at up to three different points in the clampclose phase:
pick up a third mold plate
set cores
pick up or drop out pumps to change clamp speed or pressure
To guard against damaging the mold when the two mold surfaces make contact and to detect part obstructions, you close the mold slowly with low pressure in closedloop or openloop control. Low Pressure Close can only be controlled through a pressure vs. position profile.
of Clamp and Eject Mode
1st Open 2nd Open 3rd Open
Open Slow
Eject Phase: Description:
Ejector Advance You advance the ejector in a singlestep or in multiple steps using closedloop or openloop control. Multiple strokes
Ejector Retract You retract the ejector in a singlestep or in multiple steps using closedloop or openloop control. Multiple strokes
Tip Strokes You can shake the part off the ejector tip by programming rapid singlestroke interim ejector cycles starting after the
Forward Dwell You can pause after the first advance stroke or before the last retract stroke to let a robot remove the part when the
You can program a singlestep clampopen profile and not use a second or third profile. Or, you can program up to three clampopen profiles that let you do the following at up to three different points in the clampopen phase:
drop out a third mold plate
pull cores
drop out or pick up pumps to change clamp speed or pressure
To decelerate the moving platen to accurately position it before ejecting of the part.
may be programmed.
may be programmed.
first advance stroke and ending before the last retract stroke.
ejectors are extended.
Chapter 1
Overview of the Clamp and Eject Mode

Clamp Control

Ejector retract
Ejector advance
You control clamp operation with these phases:
clamp close low pressure close clamp open open slow
Figure 1.1 Clamp
1st Close
Open Slow
Portion of a T
ypical Machine Cycle
2nd Close
3rd Open
3rd Close
Low Pressure Close
2nd Open
Clamp Close
1st Open
Three separate clamp close profiles may be configured:
first close second close third close
You may select from these control modes:
velocity vs. position pressure vs. position
Use Clamp Close to move the platen from the fully open position (L) to some position X at a relatively high velocity or pressure. X is a position relatively close to the stationary platen yet far enough away to allow deceleration into Low Pressure Close. This prevents the platens from coming together at a high velocity.
Chapter 1
Overview of the Clamp and Eject Mode
Clamp Cylinder
Moving Platen
Figure 1.2 Example
Clamp Close
Stationary Platen
1st Close Profile
2nd Close Profile
3rd Close Profile
Three different close profiles have been provided to allow you to initiate the following operations between profiles:
pick up the 3rd plate of a mold (on a floating 3-plate mold) or set cores program other events for all valves either automatically bridge between profiles or allow user programming
to decide when to begin the next profile
Each of these three profiles is subdivided into three position segments (shown above each profile as in Figure 1.3). You can change clamp velocity or pressure up to three times in each profile, or up to nine times for the entire clamp close phase.
Clamp Cylinder
Moving Platen
Figure 1.3 Example
Clamp Close Position Segments
Stationary Platen
1st Close Profile
2nd Close Profile
3rd Close Profile
Important: You may use as many or as few profiles and/or segments within profiles as needed for your molding application. If using a single close fast motion, use the first segment of the 1st close profile. The Low Pressure Close Profile must follow.
After completing the last segment in each profile, the QDC module either switches immediately to the next programmed segment of the next desired profile or waits for a command from your PLC program to continue.
After completing the last configured close profile, the QDC module either switches immediately to the first programmed segment of Low Pressure Close, or waits for a command from your PLC program to continue.
Chapter 1
Overview of the Clamp and Eject Mode
Low Pressure Close
Use the Low Pressure Close Profile to decelerate closing motion to guard against damaging the mold halves and detect for part obstructions. The pressure setpoint that you select to control low pressure close should prohibit the mold from fully closing if there is an obstruction. Up to two low pressure close profile segments may be used.
You will use the pressure vs. position control mode for low pressure close.
Clamp Cylinder
Figure 1.4 Example
Low Pressure Close
Moving Platen
Stationary Platen
Low Pressure Close
Important: If you need only one Low Pressure Close segment, configure the 1st segment of the Low Pressure Close Profile.
The QDC notifies your PLC program when this profile is complete and automatically uses end-of low pressure close set-output values to build tonnage (on a hydraulic machine) or lockup your toggle (on a toggle machine).
Chapter 1
Overview of the Clamp and Eject Mode
Clamp Open
You can open the mold fast with three profiles of the Clamp Open phase:
first open second open third open
You may select from these control modes:
velocity vs. position pressure vs. position
Use Clamp Open to move the platen from the fully closed position (0) to some position Y at a relatively high velocity or pressure. Y is a position relatively close to your fully open position (L), yet far enough away to allow deceleration into Open Slow. This is to increase positioning accuracy at the full open position (L).
Clamp Cylinder
Moving Platen
Figure 1.5 Example
Clamp Open
Stationary Platen
Three different open profiles have been provided to allow you to initiate the following operations between profiles:
drop off the third plate of a mold (on a floating 3-plate mold) or pull
cores program other events for all valves either automatically bridge between profiles or allow user programming
to decide when to begin the next profile.
Each of these three profiles is subdivided into three position segments (shown above each profile in Figure 1.6). You can change clamp velocity or pressure up to three times in each profile, or up to nine times for the entire clamp open phase.
3rd Open Profile
2nd Open Profile
1st Open Profile
Chapter 1
Overview of the Clamp and Eject Mode
Clamp Cylinder
Moving Platen
Figure 1.6 Example
Clamp Open Position Segments
Stationary Platen
3rd Open Profile
2nd Open Profile
1st Open Profile
Important: You may use as many or as few profiles and/or segments within profiles as needed. If using a single open motion, use the first segment of the 1st open profile. The Open Slow Profile must follow.
After completing the last segment in each profile, the QDC module either switches immediately to the next programmed segment of the next programmed profile or waits for a command from your PLC program to continue.
After completing the last configured open profile, the QDC module either switches immediately to the first programmed segment of Open Slow, or waits for a command from your PLC program to continue.
Chapter 1
Overview of the Clamp and Eject Mode
Open Slow
Use the Open Slow Profile to accurately position the clamp for ejecting the part(s). You may decelerate clamp motion twice with this profile using up to two profile segments.
You may select from these control modes:
velocity vs. position pressure vs. position
Figure 1.7 Example
Clamp Cylinder
Open Slow
Moving Platen
Stationary Platen
Open Slow
Important: If you need only one open slow motion, configure only the 1st segment of the Open Slow Profile.
Chapter 1
Overview of the Clamp and Eject Mode

Ejector Control

Ejector retract
Ejector advance
In this section, we describe Eject operation for expelling parts from the mold. The operation consists of:
ejector advance ejector retract
Figure 1.8
and Eject Portion of a T
Clamp Close (Multiphase)
Open Slow
ypical Machine Cycle
Low Pressure Close
Clamp Open (Multiphase)
Ejector Advance
The QDC module starts advancing the ejector after detecting either one of these events that you configure/program:
clamp position reaching a pre-determined setpoint command from the user PLC program
You may advance the ejector while the clamp is still opening the mold, or wait until the mold is fully open.
Up to three ejector advance profile segments may be used. You may select from these control modes:
velocity vs. position pressure vs. position
Chapter 1
Overview of the Clamp and Eject Mode
Figure 1.9 Example
Ejector Advance
Fully Advanced Position
Ejector Advance
Important: If you need only one ejector advance motion, configure only the 1st Advance segment.
Ejector Retract
After the ejector advance is completed, ejector retract is executed. Similar to advancing the ejector, you retract it with up to three profile segments. You may select from these control modes:
velocity vs. position pressure vs. position
Figure 1.10 Example
Ejector Retract
Fully Advanced Position
Ejector Retract
Chapter 1
Overview of the Clamp and Eject Mode
Other Eject Features
The QDC Module gives you the following additional features:
the ability to repeat the ejector cycle a number of times, changing from
advance to retract determined either automatically or by command from
your PLC program
Ejector Forward Dwell - the ability to pause after completing the first or
last ejector advance stroke. Use this feature so a robot can pick off a
part when ejectors are fully extended
Ejector “Tip” Strokes - the ability to “shake” the part off the ejector.
You may program interim single-segment advance and retract tip strokes
that occur after the first advance stroke and before the last retract stroke
Full Retract
Figure 1.11 Advance,
First Full Advance
Tip Retract
Tip Advance
Tip Retract
Retract and T
: :
Last Retract
Tip Strokes
ip Strokes
Full Advance
= Ejector Forward  Dwell
Install the QDC Module

Record I/O Ranges

This chapter guides you through the process of installing your QDC module to assure reliable, safe performance. Major topics described in this chapter include how to:
set module jumpers key your I/O rack install your module wire I/O devices to your module ground your system plan for E-STOPs and Machine Interlocks
To match your QDC module to your I/O devices, record the I/O ranges of your I/O devices on Worksheet 2-A. You will use this information in this chapter for setting jumper plugs, and in chapter 3 to configure the module’s inputs and outputs with software.
Circle or check your selections for I/O ranges on Worksheet 2-A.
Worksheet 2A
I/O Ranges
I/O Connection: Voltage 1: Voltage 2: Current:
Input 1 (Ejector position) 0 to 10V dc 1 to 5V dc 4 to 20 mA
Input 2 (Ejector pressure) 0 to 10V dc 1 to 5V dc 4 to 20 mA
Input 3 (Clamp position) 0 to 10V dc 1 to 5V dc 4 to 20 mA
Input 4 (Clamp pressure) 0 to 10V dc 1 to 5V dc 4 to 20 mA
Output 1 10 to 10V dc 0 to 10V dc 4 to 20 mA
Output 2 10 to 10V dc 0 to 10V dc 4 to 20 mA
Output 3 10 to 10V dc 0 to 10V dc 4 to 20 mA
Output 4 10 to 10V dc 0 to 10V dc 4 to 20 mA
Chapter 2
Install the QDC Module

Set Module Jumpers

Before installing the QDC module, you must use jumper plugs to configure the I/O ranges that you selected with Worksheet 2-A.
Access and Position the Jumpers
Access the jumpers and set them as follows:
ATTENTION: To avoid damage to internal circuits, observe handling precautions and rid yourself of any electrostatic charge. Also, this should be done on an anti-static work station.
1. Remove the label-side cover plate by removing the four screws.
2. Remove the circuit board from the module housing by removing the
two screws located center-front at the swingarm catch.
3. Carefully turn over the circuit board so it is oriented as in figure 2.1.
Handle it by the edges to avoid touching conductors or components.
4. Locate the jumpers (Figure 2.1).
5. Set the jumper plugs as shown in Table 2.A using a small needle-nose
pliers (Figure 2.1).
6. After setting the jumper plugs, re-assemble the module.
Chapter 2
Install the QDC Module
Figure 2.1 Jumper
Locations on the QDC Module'
s Circuit Board
Important: We define jumper plug positions as left, right, top, and bottom. This represents the position of the jumper plug on the 3-pin connector relative to the orientation of the circuit board shown above.
Chapter 2
Install the QDC Module
Table 2.A Jumper
Jumper: Function: Setting:
E1 Run/Calibrate Calibrate = right
Run = left
E5 I/O Density Standard = top
Do not use bottom position
E6 E7 E8 E9
E10 E14 E13 E17
E11 E12 E15 E16
Factory Defaults
Input 1 (Ejector position) Input 2 (Ejector pressure) Input 3 (Clamp position) Input 4 (Clamp pressure)
Output 1 (Valve 1) Output 2 (Valve 2) Output 3 (Valve 3) Output 4 (Valve 4)
Output Range 1 (Valve 1) Output Range 2 (Valve 2) Output Range 3 (Valve 3) Output Range 4 (Valve 4)
Voltage = right Current = left
Current = top Voltage = bottom
-10 to +10V dc = top 0 to +10V dc or 4 to 20mA = bottom
Important: If you select current output with jumper plugs E10, E14, E13, and/or E17, then you must select the 4 to 20mA jumper position with E11, E12, E15, and/or E16.
ATTENTION: If an output is unconnected, set the jumper (E11, E12, E15, and/or E16) that corresponds to that output to 0
- 10V dc (bottom position). Setting the jumpers for –10 to +10V dc and later configuring the output as “unconnected” may cause the QDC module to output –10V dc on that channel. This occurs when the system is stopped or when a system reset occurs and all outputs are forced to 0% (i.e. 0% output equals –10V dc).
Chapter 2
Install the QDC Module
Important: Selecting –10 to +10V dc with jumper E11, E12, E15, and/or E16 sets the QDC module for bi-directional valve operation. The relationship to percentage output is as follows:
8 5 3 0
Output Voltage
0 102030405060708090100
Output Requested

Key Your I/O Chassis

Use the plastic keying bands, shipped with each I/O chassis, for keying I/O slots to accept only one type of module. This is done to prevent the inadvertent installation of the wrong module into the wrong slot.
The QDC module is slotted in two places on the rear edge of the circuit board. The position of the keying bands on the backplane connector must correspond to these slots to allow insertion of the module.
Place keying bands between the following terminal numbers labeled on the backplane connector of your I/O chassis (see Figure 2.2):
between 20 and 22 between 26 and 28
Figure 2.2
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
Chapter 2
Install the QDC Module

Install Your QDC Module

To install your QDC module in an I/O chassis, complete the following:
1. First, turn off power to the I/O chassis.
ATTENTION: Remove power from the 1771 I/O chassis
backplane and wiring arm before removing or installing a QDC module.
Failure to remove power from the backplane could cause injury or equipment damage due to possible unexpected operation.
Failure to remove power from the backplane or wiring arm could cause module damage, degradation of performance, or injury.
2. Place the module in the plastic guides on the top and bottom of the
slot that slides the module into position.
Important: Be aware that Pro-Set 600 software expects your Clamp and Eject QDC module to be placed in slot 1 of your I/O rack. If you choose to install your QDC module in some other slot, some modifications to your PLC application program may be necessary (refer to your Pro-Set 600 documentation for details).
3. Do not force the module into its backplane connector. Apply firm,
even pressure on the module to seat it properly.
4. Snap the chassis latch over the top of the module to secure it.
5. Connect the wiring arm to the module.
Chapter 2
Install the QDC Module

Wire the QDC Module

Customer PS
Ejector Position Sensor
Ejector Pressure Sensor
Clamp Position Sensor
Clamp Pressure Sensor
Use the swingarm (1771-WF) supplied with the QDC module to wire I/O devices (Figure 2.3). The field wiring arm lets you install or remove the QDC module from the I/O chassis without rewiring. Swingarm terminals are numbered in descending order, from the top down, starting with terminal 18 (Table 2.B).
Figure 2.3
iring and Grounding
Input 3
Input 4
Input 1
Input 2
Customer PS
Amplifier Valve 1
To Valve 1
Amplifier Valve 2
Amplifier Valve 3
To Valve 2
17 16 15 14 13 12
10 9
8 7
5 4
3 2 1
Output 1
Output 2
Output 3
Earth Ground
Wiring Arm 1771WF
Output 4
Amplifier Valve 4
To Valve 3
To Valve 4
Chapter 2
Install the QDC Module
Table 2.B
and Eject Mode
Clamp I/O Terminal Designations
Transducer: I/O Designation: Terminal:
Ejector position Input 1 (+)
Ejector pressure Input 2 (+)
Input common 14
Clamp position Input 3 (+)
Clamp pressure Input 4 (+)
Valve 1 Output 1 (+)
Output common
Valve 2 Output 2 (+)
Output common
Valve 3 Output 3 (+)
Output common
Valve 4 Output 4 (+)
Output common
Not used 01
18 17
16 15
13 12
11 10
09 08
07 06
05 04
03 02
ATTENTION: The QDC module has ESD protection to 20KV, but you can damage the module by accidental application of the wrong voltage to the I/O terminals. Do not exceed:
This voltage: On these terminals: When in:
+12V dc input (18 thru 10) any mode
+12V dc output (09 thru 02) voltage mode
+24V dc output (09 thru 02) current mode
Chapter 2
Install the QDC Module
Ground and Shield
our I/O Devices
Input Sensor
Analog inputs and outputs are sensitive to electrical noise interference. Take care to shield them properly.
Use 22-gage (or larger) twisted-pair cable, 100% shielded with drain
wire, such as Belden 8761 (or equivalent). For cable distances over 50 ft, use 18-gage cable such as Belden 8760 (or equivalent)
Ground the cable shield at one end only; generally at the sensor or
amplifier end, not at the I/O chassis (see Figure 2.4 and Figure 2.5)
Figure 2.4 Shielding
Differential Inputs
QDC Module Input
18 17
Connect the cable shield and case ground to earth ground at the Input Sensor
No User Connections. For Test Purposes, Only.
Input Module Common should float
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