Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this
publication, those res ponsible for the application and use of thi s control
equipment must satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been
taken to ass ure that each appli cation and use meets all performance and
safety requirem ents, inclu ding an y applicabl e laws, re gulatio ns, codes
and standards.
The illustrations, c harts, sample programs an d layout example s shown
in this guide ar e inte nded so le ly for purpos es of e xample . Si nce th ere
are many variables and requirements associated with any particular
installation, Allen-Bradley does not assume responsibility or liability
(to include intellec tual property liabil ity) for actual use based upon the
examples shown in this publication.
Allen-Bradley publication SGI-1.1, Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid-State Control
(available from your local Allen-Bradley office), describes some
important differences between solid-state equipment and
electromechanica l devices that should be taken into cons ideration when
applying products such as those described in this publication.
Reproduction of the content s of this copyright ed publication, in whole
or in part, without writte n permission of Allen-Bradle y Company , Inc.,
is prohibited.
Throughout this manual we use notes to make you aware of safety
ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices
or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or
Attention statements help you to:
identify a hazard
avoid the hazar d
recognize the consequences
Important: Identifies information that is critical for successful
GML, ULTRA, IMC, SCAN bus, Flex I/O, DTAM, PanelView, and SLC are trademarks; PLC is a registered
trademark of Allen-Bradley Company, Inc.
death, property damage or economic loss.
application and understanding of the product.
Who Should Use this Manual ........................ P-1
Purpose of this Manual .................................. P-1
Read this preface to familiarize yourself with the rest of the manual.
This preface covers the following topics:
who should use this manual
the purpose of this manual
general safety precautions
receiving and storage information
Allen-Bradley support
Who Should Use this
Purpose of this Manual
Safety Precautions
Use this manual if you are responsible for designing, installing,
programming, or troubleshooting the Allen-Bradley IMC S Class
If you do not have a bas ic understandi ng of the Compact, contact your
local Allen-Bradley representative for information on available training
courses before using this product.
This manual is a installa tion and set up guide for the Compact. It gi ves
you an over view of the Compact an d describes the procedures yo u use
to install, set up, use, and troubleshoot the Compact.
The following general precautions apply to the Compact:
and associated machinery shoul d pl an or im pl ement the
installation, startup, and subsequent maintenance of the
system. Failure to comply can result in personal injury
and/or equipment damage.
Only those familiar with the Compact
devices. To avoid hazar d of electrical shock, ver ify that
all voltage on the capacitors has been discha rged before
attempting to service, repair, or remove this unit. You
should only attempt the procedures in this manual if you
are qualified to do so and familiar with solid-state
control equipment and the safety procedures in
publication NFPA 70E.
for local safety and electrical codes.
This product contains stored energy
The system integrator is r esponsible
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
P-2 Preface
Contents of this Manual
An incorrectly applied or installed
Compact can result in componen t damage or a reduction
in product life. Wiring or application errors, such as
undersizing the mot or, incorrect or in adequate AC supply ,
or excessive ambient temperatures can result in
malfunction of the product.
This product contains ESD
(Electrostatic Discharge) sensitive parts and
assemblies. Static control precautions are required
when installing, testing, servicing, or repairing this
assembly. Component damage can result if ESD
control procedures are not followed. If you are not
familiar with static control procedures, refer to
Allen-Bradley publication 8000-4.5.2, Guarding
Against Electrosta tic Dama ge or a ny other applic able
ESD Protection Handbook.
Describes the purpose, background, and scope
1SafetyLists safety information regarding the Compact.
2IntroductionProvides a feature overview of the Compact.
3Technical OverviewProvides a technical overview of the Compact.
Appendix ACable Information
Installation and
Understanding the
IMC-S23x Setup
Setting Up your
of this manual. Also specifies the audience for
whom this manual is intended.
Provides information that allows you to install and
hook up your Compact.
Provides information that allows you to
understand the setup procedures for the
Provides setup procedures for the Compact.
Explains how to interpret and correct problems
with your Compact.
Provides information about the cables used with
the Compact.
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
Related Documentation
The following documents contain additional information concerning
related Allen-Bradley products. To obtain a copy, contact your local
Allen-Bradley office or distributor.
ForRead This DocumentDocument Number
A description and specifications for the CompactCompact Motion Controller Product Data4100-2.3
A user guide for GML programming to be used with the Compact.GML Programming ManualGML-DOC-S
An overview of the Flex I/O productsFlex I/O Product Profile1794-1.14
Specifications for the Flex I/O productsFlex I/O Product Data1794-2.1
Published by the
An article on wire sizes and types for grounding electrical equipmentNational Electrical Code
A complete listing of current Allen-Bradley documentation, including
ordering instructions. Also indicates whether the documents are
available on CD-ROM or in multi-languages
A glossary of industrial automation terms and abbreviationsAllen-Bradley Industrial Automation GlossaryAG-7.1
Schematics related to the Compact.Schematics4100-5.0.01
Allen-Bradley Publication IndexSD499
National Fire
Protection Association
of Boston, MA.
Compact Prod uc t
Receiving and Storage
Allen-Bradle y Support
You, the customer, are responsible for thoroughly inspecting the
equipment before accepting the shipment from the freight company.
Check the item(s) you r eceive aga inst your purchase or der. If any items
are obviously damaged, it is your responsibility to refuse delivery until
the freight agent ha s n oted the damage on the freight bil l. Shoul d you
discover an y concealed damage during unpacking, you are responsible
for notifying t he freight agent. Lea ve t he shipping container i ntact and
request that the freight agent make a vi sual inspection of the equipment.
Leave the pro duct in its shi pping contai ner prior to instal lation. If you
are not going to use the equipment for a period of time, store it:
in a clean, dry location
within an ambient temperat ure range of -40 to 70 ° C (-40 to 158° F)
within a relative humidity range of 5% to 95%, non-condensing
in an area where it cannot be exposed to a corrosive atmosphere
in a non-construction area
Allen-Bradley offers support services worldwide, with over 75
Sales/Support Of fices, 512 auth orized Distrib utors and 260 authorized
Systems Integrators located throughout the United States alone, plus
Allen-Bradley representatives in every major country in the world.
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
P-4 Preface
Local Product Support
Contact your local Allen-Bradley representative for:
sales and order support
product technical training
warranty support
support service agreemen ts
Technical Product Assistance
If you need to contact Allen-Bradley for technical assistance, please
review the information in the
your local Allen-Bradley representative. For the quickest possible
response, we recommend that you have the catalog numbers of your
products av ailable when you call . The Rockwell Automation T echnical
Support number is (
603) 443-5419
chapter first. Then call
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
Read This Manual
Read and understand this instruction manual. It pr ovides the nece ssary
information to allo w you to install, connect, and se t up your IMCñS/23x
for safe, reliable operation.
Operation and maintenance of automatic equipment
involves potential hazards. Control Operators, Setup
Personnel, and Programmers should each take
precautions to avoid injury.
Injury and entanglement may occur if hands and limbs
come in contact wit h moving machinery . KEEP HANDS
CLEAR of dangerous moving machinery. Loose fitting
clothing or ties ca n become entangled in the machinery.
These items should not be worn while operating,
servicing, or programming the machine.
Electric shock can ki ll. Be sure the con troller is safely
installed in accordance with the Installation and
Hookup Section of this manual. Avoid contact with
electrical wires and cabling while power is on. The
electrical cabinet should be opened only by trained
service personnel.
The internal modules of the IMC S Class Compact motion
controller contain staticñsensitive electronic
components. Remove and handle the internal modules
only at a staticñsafeguarded work area. Failure to do so
may result in a dra st ica lly shortened life of your moti on
A disposable wristñstrap for grounding yourself is
included with this product. Please follow the directions
for use of this strap when removing and handling the
motion controller s internal modules.
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
1-2 Safety
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
IMC-S/23x Description
The IMC-S/23x is a compact, rugged, microprocessor-based two- or
four-axis servo motion controller. By including the logic and field
power supplies, t he IMC-S/23x pro vides a comp letely programmabl e,
stand-alone motion and logic controller suitable for a wide variety of
industrial applications.
The IMC-S/23x, in conjunction with external drive systems and
feedback encoders, provides two or four axes of closed-loop
point-to-point positioning with profile (trapezoidal, parabolic, or
S-curve), velocity, acceleration, and deceleration control as well as
multi-axis linear, circular, or helical interpolation. The electronic
gearing feature allows any axis to be slaved to another at a
programmable ratio. The electronic cam feature allows coordinated
motion profiles which are functions of ti me or position of another axis.
Sophisticated phase shift, auto-registration, and auto-correction
capabilities allow many complex motions and synchronizations to be
easily programmed. General-purpose discrete I/O, analog inputs,
analog outputs, et c. are provided by dire ct connection of Allen-Bradl ey
Flex I/O modules. Up to eight Fle x I/O modules–pro viding a total of
128 discrete I/O poi nts –may be connected directly to the IMC-S/23x.
Analog inputs and outputs can be substituted for discrete I/O blocks
for increased I/O flexibility.
Application programming of the IMC-S/23x for any application is
accomplished with GML, the exclusive Graphical Motion Control
Language from Allen-Bradley. Using GML, over 100 different
commands are available to completely customize operation of the
IMC-S/23x for your specific application. Complete application
programs are downloaded to the IMC-S/23x via a field-configurable
RS-232C or RS-422 port where they are store d in non-volati le memory
(write-protected battery-backed RAM).
A prompted, English-language machine setup procedure, complete
hookup diagnostics, an d improved Automatic Servo Setup routines for
self-tuning the se rvo paramet ers make setti ng up the IMC-S/23x q uick
and easy.
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
2-2 Introduction
A dedicated serial port–which can be field-configured for RS-232,
RS-422, or Allen-Bradley DH-485 communications–is prov ided for the
man-machine interface (MMI). Connection of the MMI device is via
an AT-compatible DB-9 connector (RS-232 or RS-422) or RJ-45
connector (DH-485), both locate d on the f ront pan el. If DH-485 is not
used, a multi-unit addressing scheme (Multidrop) allows up to eight
IMC-S/23x motion controll ers to share a single RS-422 communication
channel in sophisticated multi-axis systems. The address of each unit
is set by a recessed front panel rotary switch.
The Remote I/O option allows the IMC-S/23x to communicate directly
with an A-B PLC® via Remote I/O using both discrete and block
transfers. The AxisLink option allows axes on other IMC S Class
controllers or ALECs (AxisLink Encoder Converter modules) to be
used as master axes for electronic gearing and cams. This ability
provides real-time coordination for distributed, multi-axis systems in
electronic gearing, cam, lineshaft, and synchronization applications.
Powerful graphical software development system (GML) makes
application programming easy and fun.
State-of-the-art Intel i960 RISC microprocessor.
Fast application program execution (most commands executed in
less than 1 µs) ensures highest machine performance and
Completely digital–no potentiometers or other adjustments
required; wi ll not drift with time temperature or humidity.
Multitasking operating sy stem allows simult aneous execution of up
to 10 tasks for efficient utilization.
Electronic gearing for synchronization of any axis to another at a
programmable ratio. Ratio may be specified as a floating-point
number of integer fraction (1/3, 3/10 etc.).
Electronic cam for co ordinated motion profil es on one or more axes.
Profiles may be position versus time or slave axis position versus
master axi s position.
Sophistic ated phase shift and advance/r etard capabilities for
electronic gears and cams allows complex motions to be easily
Auto-registr ation and auto-corr ection make high-spe ed registratio n
applications easy.
Exclusive Imaginary Axi s provi des addit ional command-onl y axis
for precise generat ion of master motion in master-sl ave applications
or correction moves in registration and synchronization
Concurrent, independent, or synchronous motion on all axes.
Interpolated motion on up to three axes.
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
Wide position, speed, acceleration, and deceleration ranges for
precise control.
Separately programmable acceleration and deceleration rates for
maximum versatility.
Trapezoidal, parabolic, and S-curve velocity profiles.
Rotary mode with electronic unwind allows unlimited position
range for rotary axes.
Merge motion functi on allows seamless trans ition between all types
of motion.
Most motion parameter s (including master axis for electr onic gears
and cams) can be changed on-the-fly with no delays.
Powerful floa ting-poi nt math ca pabilitie s includi ng trans cendental
functions (sin, cos, log, etc.).
Sophisticated Nested Digital Servo Control Loop with automatic
servo setup for quick and easy servo tuning.
Isolation of all e xternal connections fr om the microproces sor logic
for reliable performance.
4 MHz maximum feedback count rate allo ws high s peed opera tion
without sacrificing resolution.
Encoder loss detection protects operators and machinery from
damage in the event of encoder feedback failure.
Isolated 16-bit DA Cs for smooth motion. Software offset correction
eliminates drift with analog servo drives.
Field-configurable servo outputs allow independent selection of
±10V or ±150 µΑ signal format for each axis.
Programmable position lock and posit ion error toler ances for serv o
fault protection.
Programmable directional software travel limits for enhanced
overtravel protection.
Vel ocity Feedforward to reduce following error.
Four optically isolated limit switch inputs for a home switch,
positive and negative overtravel switches, and a drive fault signal
for each axis.
Relay-contact drive enable output for each axis.
Optically isolated high-speed position registration input for each
axis for position synchronization and registration applications.
CPU Watchdog with front-panel LED indicator for fail-safe
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
2-4 Introduction
AxisLink option allows real-time axis coordination between
controllers for distributed, multi-axis systems.
Non-volatile storage (write-locked battery-backed RAM) of
application program, setup parameter and default variable values.
Memory Lock keyswitch on front panel prevents accidental or
unauthorized changes to application program, default setup
parameters, and default variable values.
Model Numbering System
The IMC-S/23x is available as a two- or four-axis motion controller
with optional Remote I /O Adapter and AxisLin k. The complete model
number is specified as shown below:
2 = Stand Alone
3 = Compact Package
Number of Axes
2 =Two Axes
4 = Four Axes
Pre-Engineered Cable
Remote I/O Option
R = Remote I/O Adapter
AxisLink Option
L = AxisLink Multi-Axis Synchronization Link
Pre-engineered cable assemblie s are used for connec ting the Fl ex I/ O,
servo amplifiers, feedback devices, axis-specific (dedicated) I/O, and
the CPU watchdog. The table below shows the available cable
connections to the IMC-S/23x while the power is on!
Doing so risks damage to the IMC-S/23x, external
components, and your health!
TerminationUser-selectable 220Ω resistor via internal switch.
Node AddressUser-selectable between 0 and 31 inclusive.
Node TypeToken-passing master.
Accessible Data
1 Binary file (B3) for up to 16,384 bits
1 Integer file (N7) for up to 1,024 16-bit values
1 Floating-point file (F8) for up to 512 32-bit values
1 ASCII string file (A) for up to 2, 048 characters
9 user-configurable files; each can be individually configured as any of
the above types or as a BCD file for floating point simulation (required
for certain A-B MMI devices).
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
2-10 Introduction
Flex I/O Compatibility
Maximum Number of
Flex I/O Modules8.
S Class InterfaceDirect-no 1794-ASB or other adapter required.
Servo Performance
Servo Loop
Sample and Update
Maximum Feedback
Frequency4 MHz (4,000,000 feedback counts per second).
Position Range
Absolute Position
Speed Range0.00001 feedback counts per servo update to 4,000,000 feedbac k counts
Speed Resolution15 position unit digits or
Deceleration Range
Electronic Gearing
Gear Ratio Range0.00001:1 to 9.99999:1 (slave counts : master counts).
Electronic Gearing
Gear Ratio Resolution8 position unit digits or 32 feedback count bits.
Servo Gain Resolution32 bit floating point.
1794-IB1616 24V DC Discrete Inputs
1794-IA88 115V AC Discrete Inputs
1794-IE88 Current/Voltage Analog Inputs
1794-OB1616 24V DC Discrete Outputs
1794-OA88 115V AC Discrete Outputs
1794-OE44 Current/Voltage Analog Outputs
1794-IE4XOE2 4 Current/Voltage Analog Inputs
2 Current/Voltage Analog Outputs
Rate250 Hz to 2 kHz for each of 2 or 4 axes.
± 1,000,000,000 feedback counts for Linear AxisAxi s:Lin earli near ax es ;
R for rotary a xes.
15 position unit digits or
32 feedback count bits, whichever is less.
per second.
15 feedback count bits, whichever is less.
0.00001 feedback counts per servo update2 to 4,000,000,000 feedback
counts per second2.
15 position unit digits or
15 feedback count bits, whichever is less.
Range0 to 100%.
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
Servo Gain Units
IMC-S/23x Servo Gain Units
Proportional Gain
Integral Gain
Velocity Gain
Feedforward Gain
Deadband Compensation
Offset Compensation
Counts per Millisecond
Count of Error
Counts per Millisec ond2
Count of Error
Millivol ts
Count per Mi llisecond
Counts per Millisecond
Count per Mi llisecond
Remote I/O Adapter
Baud Rate
Rack Address
Rack Width
I/O Group Address
IMC-S/23x-R and IMC-S/23x-RL models only.
57.6K, 115.2K or 230.4K (User-selectable).
User-selectable between 0 and 31 decimal.
User-selectab le in quarter-rack increment s (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, Full).
User selectable as shown below:
12 dedicated inputs,
12 dedicated outputs,
User-defined as shown below:
IMC-S/23x Remote I/O Adapter
Number of User-Defined Discrete I/O Bits
Rack WidthInputsOutputs
Maximum Block
Transf er Length64 words (128 bytes).
Block Transfer
Data Types
User Variable values,
Axis Data Parameter value,
Axis Data Bit state,
Master Cam Posi tion Point values,
Master Cam Time Point values,
Slave Cam Position Point values,
Axis or System Variable value.
Belden 9182, Carol C8014 or equivalent.
25 meters (82 feet) maximum total. Minimum of 1
node configurations
Extended length
Standard and extended
meter (3 feet) between controllers.
125 meters (410 feet) maximum total. Minimum of 1
meter (3 feet) between controllers.
8 maximum for a total of 32 possible axes.
length configurations
Extended node
16 maximum for a total of 64 possible axes.
User-selectable address via rotary selector switch on
length configurations
Extended node
front panel.
User-selectable address via GML.
Standard configuration 4 maximum total; 1 per motion controller maximum.
Any axis on any motion controller can be a virtual
master axis to any ot her motion controller . Each motion
controller can de fine a total of tw o separate axes on an y
other motion control lers as virtual master axes, b ut only
one can be active at any time. A tot al of f our di fferent
axes can be active as virtual master axes at any time.
Extended length and
extended node
2 maximum total; 1 per motion controller maximum.
Any axis on any motion controller can be a virtual
master axis to any ot her motion controller . Each motion
controller can de fine a total of tw o separate axes on an y
other motion control lers as virtual master axes, b ut only
one can be active at any time. A total of two different
axes can be active as virtual master axes at any time.
All configurations2: Command and Actual. Each virtual mast er axis may
be defined to report its command or actual position.
31 maximum total per virtual master axis (3 local + 4
length configurations
Extended node
x 7 other motion controllers = 31).
63 maximum total per virtual master axis (3 local + 4
x 15 other motion controllers = 63).
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
2-14 Introduction
Number of
Discrete I/O
Discrete I/O
All configurations112 inputs maximum total and 16 user-definable
outputs per motion controller. Any motion controller
can read the 16 discrete outputs of any other motion
controller, giving a maximum total of 7 x 16 = 112
discrete inputs per motion controller. For extended
node configuration, discrete I/O can still only be
obtained from a maximum of 7 other controllers (112
inputs maximum total), n ot from all 15 other controllers
available in a 16 node maximum extended node
All configurations≤1 millisecond.
Publication 999-122 - January 1997
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