Robert Bosch Car Multimedia LCN20 User Guide

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Keep the antenna wire more than 8 in (20 cm) away from the electronic con­trol system harnesses. Do not route the antenna wire next to any harness.
Adjust the antenna standing-wave ratio as recommended by the manufacturer.
For details, consult a NISSAN dealer.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-INTRO.13ALT itdseq=525
Use a phone after stopping your vehicle in a safe location. If you have to use a phone while driving, exercise extreme caution at all times so full attention may be given to vehicle operation.
If you are unable to devote full attention to vehicle operation while talking on the phone, pull off the road to a safe location and stop your vehicle.
To avoid discharging the vehicle battery, use a phone after starting the engine.
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2013 Altima Sedan (asd)
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art=lha2289 TRANSLATE
Your NISSAN is equipped with the BluetoothT Hands-Free Phone System. If you have a com­patible BluetoothT enabled cellular phone, you can set up the wireless connection between your cellular phone and the in-vehicle phone module. With BluetoothT wireless technology, you can
make or receive a hands-free telephone call with your cellular phone in the vehicle.
Once your cellular phone is connected to the in-vehicle phone module, no other phone con­necting procedure is required. Your phone is automatically connected with the in-vehicle
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phone module when the ignition switch is placed in the ON position with the previously connected cellular phone turned on and carried in the ve­hicle.
NOTE: Some devices require the user to accept
connections to other BluetoothT devices. If your phone does not connect automatically to the system, consult the phone’s Owner’s Manual for details on device operation.
You can connect up to 5 different BluetoothT cellular phones to the in-vehicle phone module. However, you can talk on only one cellular phone at a time.
Before using the BluetoothT Hands-Free Phone System, refer to the following notes.
Set up the wireless connection between a compatible cellular phone and the in-vehicle phone module before using the hands-free phone system.
Some BluetoothT enabled cellular phones may not be recognized or work properly. Please visit for a recommended phone list and connect­ing instructions.
You will not be able to use a hands-free phone under the following conditions:
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– Your vehicle is outside of the cellular ser-
vice area.
– Your vehicle is in an area where it is
difficult to receive a cellular signal; such as in a tunnel, in an underground parking garage, near a tall building or in a moun­tainous area.
– Your cellular phone is locked to prevent it
from being dialed.
When the radio wave condition is not ideal or ambient sound is too loud, it may be difficult to hear the other person’s voice dur­ing a call.
Do not place the cellular phone in an area surrounded by metal or far away from the in-vehicle phone module to prevent tone quality degradation and wireless connection disruption.
While a cellular phone is connected through the BluetoothT wirelessconnection, the bat­tery power of the cellular phone may dis­charge quicker than usual. The BluetoothT Hands-Free Phone System cannot charge cellular phones.
If the hands-free phone system seems to be malfunctioning, see “Troubleshooting guide” in this section. You can also visit for trouble­shooting help.
Some cellular phones or other devices may cause interference or a buzzing noise to come from the audio system speakers. Stor­ing the device in a different location may reduce or eliminate the noise.
Refer to the cellular phone Owner’s Manual regarding the telephone charges, cellular phone antenna and body, etc.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-REGULATORY-INFO itdseq=526
FCC Regulatory information CAUTION: To maintain compliance with
FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, use only the supplied antenna. Unauthorized antenna, modification, or attachments could damage the transmitter and may violate FCC regula- tions.
Operation is subject to the following two con-
1. This device may not cause interference and
2. this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause unde- sired operation of the device.
IC Regulatory information Operation is subject to the following two con-
This Class B digital apparatus meets all re-
module=COM_BT-GEN3-USE itdseq=527
The NISSAN Voice Recognition system allows hands-free operation of the BluetoothT Phone System.
If the vehicle is in motion, some commands may not be available so full attention may be given to vehicle operation.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-INITIALIZATION itdseq=528
When the ignition switch is placed in the ON position, NISSAN Voice Recognition is initialized,
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ditions: (1) this device may not cause interfer- ence, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
quirements of the Canadian Interference- Causing Equipment Regulations.
BLUETOOTHt is a trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and licensed to Vis- teon.
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which takes a few seconds. If the button is pressed before the initialization completes, the system will announce “Hands-free phone system not ready” and will not react to voice commands.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-OP-TIPS itdseq=529
Operating tips
To get the best performance out of the NISSAN Voice Recognition system, observe the following:
Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet as possible. Close the windows to eliminate surrounding noises (traffic noises, vibration sounds, etc.), which may prevent the system from recognizing voice commands correctly.
Wait until the tone sounds before speaking a command. Otherwise, the command will not be received properly.
Start speaking a command within 5 seconds after the tone sounds.
Speak in a natural voice without pausing between words.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-GIVE-VOICE.13ALT itdseq=530
Giving voice commands
To operate NISSAN Voice Recognition, press and release the
steering wheel. After the tone sounds, speak a command.
button located on the
The command given is picked up by the micro­phone, and voice feedback is given when the command is accepted.
If you need to hear the available commands for the current menu again, say “Help” and the system will repeat them.
If a command is not recognized, the system announces, “Command not recognized. Please try again.” Make sure the command is said exactly as prompted by the system and repeat the command in a clear voice.
If you want to go back to the previous com­mand, you can say “Go back” or “Correc­tion” any time the system is waiting for a response.
You can cancel a command when the sys­tem is waiting for a response by saying, “Cancel” or “Quit.” The system announces “Cancel” and ends the VR session. You can
also press and hold the steering wheel for 5 seconds at any time to end the VR session. Whenever the VR ses­sion is cancelled, a double beep is played to indicate you have exited the system.
4-72 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
button on the
If you want to adjust the volume of the voice feedback, press the volume control switches (+ or -) on the steering wheel while being provided with feedback. You can also use the radio volume control knob.
In most cases you can interrupt the voice feedback to speak the next command by
pressing the wheel.
To use the system faster, you may speak the second level commands with the main menu command on the main menu. For example,
press the say, “Call Redial.”
module=COM_BT-GEN3-HTSN itdseq=531
How to say numbers
NISSAN Voice Recognition requires a certain way to speak numbers in voice commands. Refer to the following rules and examples.
Either “zero” or “oh” can be used for “0”. Example: 1-800-662-6200 – “One eight oh oh six six two six two oh
oh”, or
– “One eight zero zero six six two six two oh
Words can be used for the first 4 digits places only.
button on the steering
button and after the tone
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Example: 1-800-662-6200 – “One eight hundred six six two six two oh
– NOT “One eight hundred six six two sixty
two hundred,” and
– NOT “One eight oh oh six six two sixty two
Numbers can be spoken in small groups. The system will prompt you to continue en­tering digits, if desired.
Example: 1-800-662-6200 – “One eight zero zero” The system repeats the numbers and
prompts you to enter more. – “six six two” The system repeats the numbers and
prompts you to enter more. – “six two zero zero”
Say “pound” for “#”. Say “star” for “*” (avail­able when using the “Special Number” com­mand and the “Send” command during a call).
See “List of voice commands” and “Special number” in this section for more information.
Example: 1-555-1212 *123 – “One five five five one two one two star
one two three”
Say “plus” for “+” (available only when using the “Special Number” command).
Say “pause”for a 2-second pause (available only when storing a phone book number).
NOTE: For best results, say phone numbers as
single digits.
The voice command “Help” is available at any time. Please use the “Help” command to get information on how to use the system.
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art=lha2273 NO TRANS
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CTRL-BUTTONS.13ALT itdseq=532
The control buttons for the BluetoothT Hands­Free Phone System are located on the steering wheel.
PHONE/SEND Press the
button to initiate a VR session or answer an incom­ing call.
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module=COM_BT-GEN3-GET-STARTED itdseq=533
You can also use the button to interrupt the system feedback and give a command at once. See “List of voice commands” and “During a call” in this section for more information.
PHONE/END While the Voice Recognition sys-
tem is active, press and hold the
button for 5 seconds to quit the Voice Recognition system at any time.
ENTER button / tuning switch While using the Voice Recogni-
tion system, tilt the tuning switch up or down to manually control the phone system. Press the EN­TER button to select an option on the display screen.
The following procedures will help you get started using the BluetoothT Hands-Free Phone System with NISSAN Voice Recognition. For ad­ditional command options, refer to “List of voice commands” in this section.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CHOOSE-LANG.13ALT itdseq=534
Choosing a language
You can interact with the BluetoothT Hands-Free Phone System using English, Spanish or French.
To change the language, perform the following.
1. Press and hold the than 5 seconds.
2. The system announces: “Press the PHONE/SEND (
hands-free phone system to enter the voice adaptation mode or press the PHONE/END
) button to select a different lan-
3. Press the For information on voice adaptation, see
“Voice Adaptation (VA) mode” in this sec­tion.
4. The system announces the current language and gives you the option to change the lan­guage to Spanish (in Spanish) or French (in
4-74 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
button for more
) button for the
French). To select the current language, press the PHONE/SEND (
select a different language, tilt the tuning switch (
You must press the seconds to change the language.
5. If you decide not to change the language, do not press either button. After 5 seconds, the VR session will end, and the language will not be changed.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-PAIR-PROC itdseq=535
Connecting procedure
NOTE: The connecting procedure must be per-
formed when the vehicle is stationary. If the vehicle starts moving during the procedure, the procedure will be cancelled.
Main Menu
“Connect phone”
“Add phone”
Initiate from handset
or ) up or down.
Name phone
) button. To
button within 5
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1. Press the button on the steering wheel. The system announces the available commands.
2. Say: “Connect phone” knowledges the command and announces the next set of available commands.
3. Say: “Add phone” edges the command and asks you to initiate connecting from the phone handset
The connecting procedure of the cellular phone varies according to each cellular phone model. See the cellular phone Own­er’s Manual for details. You can also visit for instruc­tions on connecting NISSAN recommended cellular phones.
When prompted for a Passkey code, enter “1234” from the handset. The Passkey code “1234” has been assigned by NISSAN and cannot be changed.
4. The system asks you to say a name for the
phone If the name is too long or too short, the
system tells you, then prompts you for a name again.
Also, if more than one phone is connected and the name sounds too much like a name
. The system ac-
. The system acknowl-
already used, the system tells you, then prompts you for a name again.
Making a call by entering a phone
module=COM_BT-GEN3-MAKE-CALL itdseq=536
Main Menu
“Phone Number”
Speak the digits
1. Press the wheel. A tone will sound.
2. Say: “Call” the command and announces the next set of available commands.
3. Say “Phone Number” knowledges the command and announces the next set of available commands.
Say: “Special Number” to dial more than 10 digits or any special characters.
4. Say the number you wish to call starting with the area code in single digit format system has trouble recognizing the correct phone number, try entering the number in the following groups: 3-digit area code, 3-digit prefix and the last 4-digits. For ex-
button on the steering
. The system acknowledges
. The system ac-
. If the
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-75
ample, 555-121-3354 can be said as “five five five” as the 1st group, then “one two one” as the 2nd group, and “three three five four” as the 3rd group. For dialing more than 10 digits or any special characters, say “Special Number”. See “How to say num­bers” in this section for more information.
5. When you have finished speaking the phone number, the system repeats it back and an­nounces the available commands.
6. Say: “Dial” the command and makes the call.
For additional command options, see “List of voice commands” in this section.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-REC-CALL.13ALT itdseq=537
Receiving a call
When you hear the ring tone, press the button on the steering wheel.
Once the call has ended, press the on the steering wheel.
NOTE: If you do not wish to take the call when you
hear the ring tone, press the on the steering wheel.
For additional command options, see “List of voice commands” later in this section.
. The system acknowledges
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module=COM_BT-GEN3-VOICE-CMNDS itdseq=538module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL itdseq=539
Main Menu
“Call” “Phonebook” “Recent Calls” “Connect Phone”
When you press and release the the steering wheel, you can choose from the commands on the Main Menu. The following pages describe these commands and the com­mands in each sub-menu.
Remember to wait for the tone before speaking.
After the main menu, you can say “Help” to hear the list of commands currently available any time the system is waiting for a response.
If you want to end an action without completing it, you can say “Cancel” or “Quit” at any time the system is waiting for a response. The system will end the VR session. Whenever the VR session is cancelled, a double beep is played to indicate you have exited the system.
If you want to go back to the previous command, you can say “Go back” or “Correction” any time the system is waiting for a response.
button on
Main Menu
(Speak name) “Phone Number”
(Speak Digits) “Special Number”
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL.NAME itdseq=540
(Speak name)
If you have stored entries in the phonebook, you can dial a number associated with a name and location.
See “Phonebook” in this section to learn how to store entries.
When prompted by the system, say the name of the phone book entry you wish to call. The system acknowledges the name.
If there are multiple locations associated with the name, the system asks you to choose the loca­tion.
Once you have confirmed the name and location, the system begins the call.
“Call Back”
4-76 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL.NUMBER itdseq=541
(Speak Digits)
When prompted by the system, say the number you wish to call. Refer to “How to say numbers” and “Making a call by entering a phone number” in this section for more details.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL.SPECIAL itdseq=542
“Special Number”
For dialing more than 10 digits or any special characters, say “Special Number”. When the system acknowledges the command, the system will prompt you to speak the number.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL.REDIAL itdseq=543
Use the Redial command to call the last number that was dialed.
The system acknowledges the command, re­peats the number and begins dialing.
If a redial number does not exist, the system announces, “There is no number to redial” and ends the VR session.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL.BACK itdseq=544
“Call Back”
Use the Call Back command to dial the number of the last incoming call within the vehicle.
The system acknowledges the command, re­peats the number and begins dialing.
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If a call back number does not exist, the system announces, “There is no number to call back” and ends the VR session.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CALL.DURING itdseq=545
During a call
During a call there are several command options available. Press the
wheel to mute the receiving voice and enter com­mands.
“Help” — The system announces the avail­able commands.
“Go back/Correction” — The system an­nounces “Go back,” ends the VR session and returns to the call.
“Cancel/Quit” — The system announces “Cancel,” ends the VR session and returns to the call.
“Send/Enter/Call/Dial” — Use the Send command to enter numbers, “*” or “#” during a call. For example, if you were directed to dial an extension by an automated system:
Say: “Send one two three four.” The system acknowledges the command
and sends the tones associated with the numbers. The system then ends the VR ses­sion and returns to the call. Say “star” for “*”, Say “pound” for “#”.
button on the steering
“Transfer call” — Use the Transfer Call com­mand to transfer the call from the BluetoothT Hands-Free Phone System to the cellular phone when privacy is desired.
The system announces, “Transfer call. Call transferred to privacy mode.” The system then ends the VR session.
Toreconnect the call from the cellular phone to the BluetoothT Hands-Free System, press the
“Mute” — Use the Mute command to mute your voice so the other party can­not hear it. Use the mute command again to unmute your voice.
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NOTE: If a call is ended or the cellular phone
network connection is lost while the Mute feature is on, the Mute feature will be reset to “off” for the next call so the other party can hear your voice.
“Phonebook” (phones without automatic phonebook download
module=COM_BT-GEN3-PBOOK.WOPBAP itdseq=546
NOTE: The “Transfer Entry” command is not avail-
able when the vehicle is moving.
Main Menu
“Transfer Entry” “Delete Entry” “List Names”
For phones that do not support automatic down­load of the phonebook (PBAP BluetoothT pro­file), the “Phonebook”commandisused to manu­ally add entries to the vehicle phonebook.
The phonebook stores up to 40 names for each phone connected to the system.
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NOTE: Each phone has its own separate phone-
book. You cannot access Phone A’s phone­book if you are currently connected with Phone B.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-WOPBAP.TRANSFER itdseq=547
“Transfer Entry”
Use the Transfer Entry command to store a new name in the system.
When prompted by the system, say the name you would like to give the new entry.
For example, say: “Mary.”
If the name is too long or too short, the system tells you, then prompts you for a name again.
Also, if the name sounds too much like a name already stored, the system tells you, then prompts you for a name again.
The system will ask you to transfer a phone number stored in the cellular phone’s memory.
Enter a phone number by voice command: For example, say: “five five five one two one two.”
See “How to say numbers” in this section for more information.
To transfer a phone number stored in the cellular phone’s memory:
Say “Transfer entry.” The system acknowledges the command and asks you to initiate the transfer from the phone handset. The new contact phone number will be transferred from the cellular phone via the BluetoothT communication link.
The transfer procedure varies according to each cellular phone. See the cellular phone Owner’s Manual for details. You can also visit for instructions on transferring phone numbers from NISSAN recommended cellular phones.
The system repeats the number and prompts you for the next command. When you have finished entering numbers or transferring an entry, choose “Store.”
The system confirms the name, location and number.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-WOPBAP.DELETE itdseq=548
“Delete Entry”
Use the Delete Entry command to erase one entry from the phonebook. After the system rec­ognizes the command, speak the name to delete or say “List Names” to choose an entry.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-WOPBAP.LIST.13ALT itdseq=549
“List Names”
Use the List Names command to hear all the names in the phonebook.
The system recites the phonebook entries but does not include the actual phone numbers.
4-78 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
When the playback of the list is complete, the system goes back to the main menu.
You can stop the playback of the list at any time by pressing the
wheel. The system ends the VR session.
“Phonebook” (phones with automatic
module=COM_BT-GEN3-PBOOK-PBAP itdseq=550
phonebook download function)
NOTE: The “Transfer Entry” command is not avail-
able when the vehicle is moving.
Main Menu
Speak a Name “List Names” “Record Name”
For phones that support automatic download of the phonebook (PBAP BluetoothT profile), the “Phonebook” command is used to manage en­tries in the vehicle phonebook. You can say the name of an entry at this menu to initiate dialing of that entry.
The phonebook stores up to 1000 names for each phone connected to the system.
button on the steering
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When a phone is connected to the system, the
phonebook is automatically downloaded to the vehicle. This feature allows you to access your phonebook from the BluetoothT system and call contacts by name. You can record a custom voice tag for contact names that the system has difficulty recognizing. For more information see “Record name” in this section.
NOTE: Each phone has its own separate phone-
book. You cannot access Phone A’s phone­book if you are currently connected with Phone B.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-PBAP-LIST.13ALT itdseq=551
“List Names”
Use the List Names command to hear all the names and locations in the phone book.
The system recites the phone book entries but does not include the actual phone numbers. When the playback of the list is complete, the system goes back to the main menu.
You can stop the playback of the list at any time by pressing the
wheel. The system ends the VR session. See the “Record name” command in this section for infor­mation about recording custom voice tags for list entries that the system has difficulty pronounc­ing.
button on the steering
module=COM_BT-GEN3-PBAP.RECORD itdseq=552
“Record Name”
The system allows you to record custom voice tags for contact names in the phonebook that the vehicle has difficulty recognizing. This feature can also be used to record voice tags to directly dial an entry with multiple numbers. Up to 40 voice tags can be recorded to the system.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-RECENT-CALLS itdseq=553
“Recent Calls”
Main Menu
“Recent Calls”
Use the Recent Calls command to access out­going, incoming or missed calls.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-RECENT.OUTGOING itdseq=554
Use the Outgoing command to list the outgoing calls made from the vehicle.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-RECENT.INCOMING itdseq=555
Use the Incoming command to list the incoming calls made to the vehicle.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-RECENT.MISSED itdseq=556
Use the Missed command to list the calls made to the vehicle that were not answered.
“Outgoing” “Incoming” “Missed”
“Connect Phone”
NOTE: The Add Phone command is not available
when the vehicle is moving.
Use the Connect Phone commands to manage the phones connecting to the vehicle or to enable the BluetoothT function on the vehicle.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT.ADD itdseq=558
“Add Phone”
Use the Add Phone command to add a phone to the vehicle. See “Connecting procedure” in this section for more information.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT.SELECT itdseq=559
“Select Phone”
Use the Select Phone command to select from a list of phones connected to the vehicle. The sys-
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-79
Main Menu
“Connect Phone”
“Add Phone” “Select Phone” “Delete Phone” “Replace Phone” “Bluetooth OFF” “Phonebook Download OFF” “Display Settings”
s s
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tem will list the names assigned to each phone and then prompt you for the phone you wish to select. Only one phone can be active at a time.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT.DELETE itdseq=560
“Delete Phone”
Use the Delete Phone command to delete a phone that is connected to the vehicle. The sys­tem will list the names assigned to each phone and then prompt you for the phone you wish to delete. Deleting a phone from the vehicle will also delete that phonebook for that phone.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT.REPLACE.13ALT itdseq=561
“Replace Phone”
Use the Replace Phone command to replace an existing phone pairing with a new phone. The system will keep all voice tags assigned to your phonebook.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT.BT-OFF.13ALT itdseq=562
“Bluetooth OFF”
Use the Bluetooth OFF command to prevent a wireless connection to your phone.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT-PBOOKOFF.13ALT itdseq=563
“Phonebook Download OFF”
Use the Phonebook Download OFF command to turn off the automatic downloading of the hand­set phonebook to the available (if supported by the cellular phone). When the command is rec­ognized, “Sync Contacts OFF” will appear on the audio display.
To turn the feature back on, say “Phonebook Download”. When the command is recognized, “Sync Contacts ON” will appear on the audio display.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-CONNECT-DISP.13ALT itdseq=564
“Display Settings”
Use the Display Settings command to control where incoming call notifications are displayed in the vehicle. Say “Driver Only” to have call notifi­cations shown on the vehicle information display only. Say “Both” to have call notifications shown on both the vehicle information display and the center audio display.
To turn the feature back on, say “Phonebook Download”. When the command is recognized, “Sync Contacts ON” will appear on the audio display.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-SPKR-ADAPT itdseq=565
Voice Adaptation allows up to two out-of-dialect users to train the system to improve recognition accuracy. By repeating a number of commands, the users can create a voice model of their own voice that is stored in the system. The system is capable of storing a different voice adaptation model for each connected phone.
module=COM_BT-GEN3-SA-TRAIN.PROC.13ALT itdseq=566
Training procedure
The procedure for training a voice is as follows.
4-80 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
1. Position the vehicle in a reasonably quiet outdoor location.
2. Sit in the driver’s seat with the engine run­ning, the parking brake on, and the transmis­sion in P (Park).
3. Press and hold the than 5 seconds.
4. The system announces: “Press the PHONE/SEND (
hands-free phone system to enter the voice adaptation mode or press the PHONE/END
) button to select a different lan-
( guage.”
5. Press the For information on selecting a different lan-
guage, see “Choosing a language” in this section.
6. Voice memory A or memory B is selected automatically. If both memory locations are already in use, the system will prompt you to overwrite one. Follow the instructions pro­vided by the system.
7. When preparation is complete and you are ready to begin, press the
8. The VA mode will be explained. Follow the instructions provided by the system.
button for more
) button for the
2013 Altima Sedan (asd) Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna) 03/22/12—root
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