Robert Bosch Car Multimedia AUFPK20 Users Manual

Ch e cking and Filling
Checking and Filling
Gasoline grade
Applies to: vehicles with gasoline engines
The correct gasoline grade is stated on the inside
of the fuel filler door.
The vehicle is equipped with a catalytic converter and must only be driven with
Audi recommends using TOP TIER Detergent Gas­oline. Additional information on TOP TIER Deter­gent Gaso line can be found on the offic ial web­site (www .
unleaded gasoline.
· Blended gasoline
Use of gasoline containing alcohol or MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether)
You may use unleaded gasoline blended with al­cohol or MTBE (commonly referred to as oxygen ­ates) if the blended mixt ure meets the following
criteria :
Blend of gasoline methanol (wood alcohol or methyl alcohol)
- Anti-knock index must be 87 AKI or higher.
- Blend must contain no more than 3% metha­nol.
- Blend must contain more tha n 2% co-solvents.
The individua l gasoline grades are differentiated
octane ratings . This value is given with (R+M)/
2 equating to AKI or in RON. The following headings match the correspon ding
sticker in the fue l filler door .
Use regu lar gaso line with minim um 87 AKI/
91 RON ~ @.
The max imum engine power is only reached if
prem ium gasol ine
91 Regular
91 AKI/ 95 RON is used.
0 Note
- Filling the tank ju st one t ime with leaded fuel or other meta llic additives will cause
Blend of gasoline and ethanol (grain alcohol or
ethyl alcohol )
- Anti -knock index must be 87 AKI or higher .
- Blend must not contain mo re t han nol.
Blend of gasoline and MTBE
- Anti-knock index must be 87 AKI or higher.
- Blend must contain not more than 15% MTBE.
Seasonally adjusted gasoline
Many gasoline grades are blended to perform es­pec ially well for winter or summe r driving . Dur-
ing seasonal change-ove r, we sugges t th at you fill up at busy gas stat ions where the seasona l adjustment is more likely to be made in time.
15% etha-
permanent deteriorat ion to the catalyt ic
conve rt er func tion.
- Whe n gasoline with an octane rati ng that is too low is used, high speeds or heavy engi ne
load can lead to engine damage .
(D Tips
The vehi cle may be filled with f uel tha t has a
higher octane rati ng than wh at is required by the engine .
(D Note
- Meth ano l fuels which do not meet these re­quirements may cause corrosion and dam ­age to plastic and rubber com ponents in the
fuel system.
- Do not use fue ls that fa il to meet the speci-
fied criteria in th is chapter .
- If you are una ble to dete rmine whether or
not a part icu lar fuel blend meets the speci -
fications, ask your service station or its fue l
- Do not use fue l for which the contents can­not be ident ified .
Checking and Filling
- Fuel system damage and performance prob­lems resulting from the use of fuels differ-
ent from those specified are not the respon­sibility of Audi and are not covered under the New Vehicle or the Emission Control System Warranties.
- If you experience a loss of fuel economy or
driveability and performance problems due to the use of one of these fuel blends, we
recommend that you switch to unblended
Gasoline additives
A majo r concern among many auto manufactur-
Fueling procedure
Fig. 132 Right rear side of the vehicle: opening the fuel
filler door
ers is carbon deposit build-up caused by the type of gasoline you use.
Although gasoline grades differ from one manu-
facturer to another, they have certain things in
common. All gasoline grades contain substances that can cause deposits to collect on vital engine parts, such as fuel injectors and intake valves . Al-
though most gasoline brands include additives to
keep engine and fuel systems clean, they are not equally effective.
Audi recommends using TOP TIER Detergent Gas­oline . For more information on TOP TIER Deter­gent Gasoline, please go to the official website (
Fig. 133 Fuel filler door with attached fuel cap
The fuel filler door is unlocked or locked by the
central locking system. "' Press on the left side of the fuel filler door to
r=.> fig. 132 .
After an extended period of using inadequate
fuels, built-up carbon deposits can rob your en-
gine of peak performance.
(}) Note
- Damage or malfunction due to poor fuel
quality is not covered by the Audi New Vehi­cle Limited Warranty.
"'Unscrew the tank cap counterclockwise. "' Place the cap from above on the open fuel filler
r=.>fig. 133.
"' Insert the fuel pump nozzle all the way into the
fuel filler neck.
"' Start refueling. As soon as the fuel pump noz-
zle turns off the first time, the fuel tank is full.
Do not continue fueling, or else the expansion
space in the tank will be filled with fuel.
"' Pull the pump nozzle out of the tank filler neck
five seconds after it has switched off, so that the rest of the fuel can flow out of the pump
nozzle into the filler neck.
"'Turn the fuel cap clockwise until you hear it
"'Then press on the left side of the tank door un-
til it latches.
Ch e cking and Filling
The correct fuel type for your vehicle can be found on a label located on the inside of the fue l filler door . For addit iona l information on fuel,
¢ page 152 .
For the tank capacity in your vehicle, refer to the
Technical Data
To reduce the risk of fuel leak ing out or vapo rs
escaping, make sure that the fuel tank is closed
correct ly. Otherwise th@
turn on.
If the central locking system malf unctions, the
fuel filler door may emergency release
¢ page 155.
¢ page 210.
indicator light may
ing an accident. This can cause explos ions,
fires and injuries.
- If you must transport fuel in a fue l contain­er, please note the following:
- Always place a fue l conta iner on the ground befo re filling . Never fill the fuel contai ner with fuel while it is in or on the vehicle. Elect rostatic charge can occur while refueling and the fuel vapo rs could
- For fuel con tainers made of metal, the fuel pump nozzle must always maintai n contact with the container to reduce the
risk of stat ic charge.
An improper fue ling procedure and improper
hand ling of fue l can lead to explosions, fires, severe burns and other injur ies.
- Do not smoke and keep away from open flames.
- The ignition must be switched off when re­fueling .
- Cell phones, radio devices and other radio
equipment should always be switched
when refueling. Electromagnet ic rays could
cause sparks and start a fire.
- If you do not insert t he fue l pump nozzle all the way into the filler tube, then fuel can
- Insert the fuel pump nozz le as far as pos­sible into the filler opening wh ile refuel-
- Follow lega l req uirements when using,
stor ing and transporting fuel conta iners .
- Make sure that the fuel container meets the industry standards, for example ANSI or ASTM F852-86.
(D Note
- Remove fue l that has overflowed onto any vehicle components immediately to reduce the risk of damage to the vehicle.
- Never drive unt il the fuel tan k is com plete ly
empty . The irreg ular supply of fue l that re-
leak out. Spilled fuel can ignite and start a
fire .
- Never get into the vehicle when refueling. If there is an exceptional situation where t he vehicle must be entered, close the door and touch a metal surface before touching the fuel pump nozzle agai n. This will reduce the
risk of electros t at ic discharge t hat can cause
flying spar ks. Sparks can start a fire when
ref ueling.
We recommend t hat you do not t ransport any fuel containers in the vehicle . Fuel could leak
out of t he container and ignite, especially dur-
sults from that can cause eng ine misfires .
Uncombusted fuel will ente r the exhaust system and increase the risk of damage to the catalytic converter .
For the sake of the environment
Do not overfill the fuel tank, otherwise fuel
can leak out when the veh icle is warming up.
(D Tips
The fuel filler door on your veh icle does not
lock if you lock the veh icle from the inside us­ing the centra l locking switch.
l) Market -specific
Checking and Filling
Fuel filler door emergency release
If the central locking system is faulty, the fuel
filler door can be unlocked manually.
Fig. 13 4 Right side tr im j:>anel in the luggage compart­ment: eme rgency release mec hani sm
- Never touch the exhaust tail pipes once they have become hot . This could resu lt in burns.
- Do not par k your vehicle over flammable mate rials such as grass or leaves because
the high temperature of the emissions con­trol system could start a fire.
- Do not app ly unde rbody protectant in the
exhaust system area, because this increases the risk of fire.
Engine compartment
' Working in the engine compartment
Special care is required if you are working in the
engine compartmen t
The emergency opening mechanism is located
behind the right side trim panel in the luggage compa rtme nt .
• Remove the cover in the side panel.
• Loosen the strap from its bracket -arrow- and pull on it carefully <=:> doo r is released .
• Press on the left side of t he fuel fille r doo r to open it
<=:>page 153, fig. 132 .
fig. 134 c:>(D. The filler
(D Note
Only pull on the loop until you feel resist ance.
You will not hear it relea se. Otherwise you
could damage the eme rgency release me cha­nism .
For work in the engine compartment, such as
checking and fill ing fluids, there is a risk of in-
jury, scalding, accidents, and burns. For this
reason, follow all the warnings and general safety precaution s provided in the following in­formation. The engine compartment is a dan­gerous area on the vehicle.
<=:> .&.
- Turn the engine off .
- Switch t he ignition off.
- Set the parking brake.
- Move the selec tor lever into the P position.
- Never open the hood whe n th ere is steam or coolant escaping from the engine comp art-
Catalytic converter
The vehicle may only be driven with unleaded
gasoline, otherwise the catalyt ic converter will be destroyed .
Never drive until the tank is comp letely empty .
The irregular supply of fuel t hat results from that
can cause engine misfires. Uncombus ted fuel will enter the exhaust system, which can cause over­heat ing and damage to the catalyt ic converter .
- The temperature in the exhaust system is high, both when driving and after stopping
the engine.
men t, because there is a risk that you could be burned. Wait unt il no steam or coolan t is escaping .
- Let the eng ine cool down.
- Keep children away from th e eng ine com­partme nt.
- Never sp ill fluid s on a hot engine . These flu-
ids (such as t he free ze protect ion contained in t he coolant) can catch fire.
- Avoid short circuits in the electrical system.
- When working in t he engine compartment,
remember that the radiator fan can switch on even if the igni tion is sw itched off, which
increases the risk of person al injury.
Checking and Filling
- Never open the cap on the coolant expan­sion tank when the engine is warm. The
cooling system is under pressure.
- To protect your face, hands, and arms from
hot steam or coolant, cover the cap with a large cloth when opening.
- Do not remove the engine cover under any
circumstances. This increases the risk of burns.
- If tests need to be performed with the en-
gine running, there is additional danger due
to moving components (such as the ribbed
belt, alternator and radiator fan) and from
the high-voltage ignition system.
- Do not under any circumstances give gas in-
advertently (for example, by hand from the engine compartment) if the vehicle is sta-
tionary but the engine is running and a gear
is engaged. Otherwise, the vehicle will start
to move immediately and this could result
in an accident.
- Pay attention to the following warnings list-
ed when work on the fuel system or on the electrical equipment is required.
become caught in the radiator fan, fan belt or other moving components or do not come into contact with hot compo­nents. Tie back long hair before beginning
work and do not wear clothing that can
hang down into the engine.
- Limit your exposure to exhaust and chemi­cals to as short a time as possible
¢ &,.
California Proposition 65 Warning:
- Engine exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit chemicals known to the State of Cali-
fornia to cause cancer and birth defects and
reproductive harm . In addition, certain flu­ids contained in vehicles and certain prod­ucts of component wear contain or emit chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer and birth defects or other
reproductive harm.
- Battery posts, terminals and related acces­sories contain lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known to the State of California
- Do not smoke.
- Never work near open flames.
- Always have a working fire extinguisher nearby.
- All work on the battery or electrical system in your vehicle can result in injuries, chemi­cal burns, accidents or burns. Because of
this, all work must be performed
authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility.
- To reduce the risk of electric shock and in-
jury, never touch the following components
when the engine is running or is being start-
- Ignition cable
- Other components in the electronic high-
only by an
to cause cancer and reproductive harms.
Wash hands after handling.
@ Note
When filling fluids, be sure not to mix the flu-
ids up. Otherwise severe malfunctions and en-
gine damage will occur.
@ For the sake of the environment
You should regularly check the ground under
your vehicle in order to detect leaks quickly. If
there are visible spots from oil or other fluids,
bring your vehicle to an authorized Audi deal­er or authorized Audi Service Facility to be checked.
voltage ignition system
- If you must check or perform work on the engine while it is running:
- Set the parking brake and place the selec­tor lever in the P (park) position first .
- Always proceed with extreme caution so
that clothing, jewelry or long hair do not
Checking and Filling
Opening/closing the hood
The hood is released from inside the vehicle.
Fig. 135 Driver footwell: release lever
"' 0
0 0
.. Raise the hood slightly ¢ ,& . .. Press the rocker switch under the hood upward
¢fig . 136. This releases the catch .
.. Open the hood.
Closing the hood
.. Push the hood down until you override the
force of the strut .
.. Let the hood fall lightly into the latch.
press it in.
c> ,& .
Do not
- Never open the hood when there is steam or coolant escaping from the engine compart-
ment, because there is a risk that you could be burned. Wait until no steam or coolant is
Fig. 136 Rocker switch under the hood
Make sure the wiper arms are not raised up from the windshield. Otherwise the paint could be damaged.
Opening the hood
.. With the driver's door open, pull the lever be-
- If the hood is not latched completely, it could fly up while you are driving and ob­struct your vision.
- For safety reasons, the hood must always be closed securely while driving. Because of
this, always check the hood after closing it to make sure it is latched correctly. The
hood is latched if the front corners cannot
be lifted.
- If you notice that the hood is not latched
while you are driving, stop immediately and
close it, because driving when the hood is
not latched increases the risk of an accident .
low the instrument panel in the direction of the
Che ck ing and Filling
Engine compartment overview
The most important check points.
Fig. 137 Typical location of the rese rvoir and the engine oil filler open ing
(D Coolant reservoir (-L) ¢ page 162
@ Oil dipstick ¢ page 160
Engine oil
Engine oil specifications
® Engine oil filler opening ('t:::r.) ¢page 160
© Eng ine oil label* with VW standard
evpage 158
The engine oil used must conform to exact speci-
® Brake fluid reservoir ((0)) ¢ page 163
The serv ice interval display in the inst rumen t
® Vehicle battery(+) ¢ page 164, evpage 203
(?) Jump start point( -) with hex head screw
ev page 164, ev page 203
@ Washer fluid reservoir (O) ev page 165
® Fuse housing c:::> page 199
The oil dipstick (item @ ) and the engine oil filler
cluster of your vehicle will inform you when it is time for an oil change . We recommend that you
have your oil changed by an authorized Audi Se rv­ice Advisor.
If you must add oil betwee n oil changes, use an
oil that matches the Audi oil quality standard
open ing (item @ ) can be located in different po­sitions depend ing on the engine version.
Read and follow all WARNINGS before check­ing anything in the engi ne compa rtment¢ &.
in Working in the engine compartment on
page 155 .
listed on the sticker. The sticker is located at the
front of the eng ine compartment ¢
page 158,
fig. 137 .
Audi recommend s
~ Castrol /fg/j;Sf.g;fg f'r<OJ-:-,:;~J.D,'lAl.
Audi recommends Longlife high performance engine oil from Audi Genuine Parts
Ch e cking an d Filling
Using the prope r engine oil is important for the functionality and service life of the engine. Your engine was factory-filled with a high-quality oil which can usually be used throughout the entire year .
Your Limited New Vehicle Warranty does not
cover damage or malfunctions due to failure to follow recommended maintenance and use requirements as set forth in the Audi Owner's
Manual and Warranty & Maintenance booklet .
- Use only a high quality engine oil that ex­pressly complies with the Audi oil quality
standard specified for your vehicle's engine.
Using any other oil can cause serious engine
- Do not mix any lubricants or other additives into the engine oil. Doing so can cause en-
gine damage.
break-in period (see ¢ page 57) consume more
oil during th e break-in period than they consume
after oil consumption has stabilized. Under normal cond itions, the rate of oil con-
sumption depends on the quality and viscosity of the oil, the RPM (revolutions per minut e) at which the engine is operated, the amb ient tem-
perature and road condit ions. Further factors are the amount of oil dilution from water condensa­tion or fuel resid ue and the oxidation level of the
oil. As any engine is subject to wear as mileage
builds up, the oil consumption may increase over time unt il repla cement of worn components may
become necessary. With all these variables coming into play, no
standard rate of oil consumption can be estab-
lished or spec ified . There is no alte rnative to reg-
ular and fre quent checking of the oil level, see
@ Tips
If you need to add oil and there is none availa­ble that meets the Audi oil quality standard
your eng ine requires, you may add a total of
no more than 0.5 quart/li ter of a high-quality "synthet ic"oil that meets the following speci­fications.
- ACEA A3 or API SM with a viscosity grade of SAE OW-30, SAE SW-30 or SAE SW-40.
- For more information about engine oil that
has been approved for your vehicle, please contact either your authorized Audi dea ler or Audi Custome r Relat ions at
1 (800) 822-2834 or visit our web site at or www.audicanada .ca.
If the yellow engine oil level warning symbol II
in the instrument cluster lights up, you should check the oil level as soon as possible
¢ page 160 . Top off the oil at your earliest con-
Before you check anything in the engine com­partment, always read and heed all WARN­INGS¢ .&.
ment on page 155.
(D Note
Driving with an insufficient oil level is likely to
cause severe damage to the engine .
in Working in the engine compart-
0 :::,
Engine oil consumption
The engine in your vehicle depends on an ade-
quate amoun t of oil to lubricate and cool all of its moving par ts.
In order to provide effective lubrication and cool-
ing of internal engine components, all internal combustion engines consume a certain amount of oil. Oil consumption varies from engine to en­gine and may change sign ificantly over the life of the eng ine. Typically, eng ines with a spec ified
(D Tips
- The oil pressure warning display. is not an indicator of the oil level. Do not rely on it. Instead, check the oil level in your en­gine at regular intervals, preferably each
time you refuel, and always before going on a long trip.
- If you have the impression your engine con­sumes excessive amounts of oil, we recom­mend that you consult an author ized Audi dea ler to have the cause of your concern
Che ck ing and Filling
properly diagnosed. Keep in mind that the
accurate measurement of oil consumption
requires great care and may take some time. An author ized Audi dealer has instruc­tions about how to measure oil consump­tion accurately.
Checking the engine oil level and adding
engine oil
Areas on the oil dipstick c::> fig. 138.
If the engine oil level is just before the
mark ing
Do not add engine oil.
(D, then engine oil must be added .
c:>@ .
Adding engine oil
- Unscrew the cap oil filling open ing
't=:rl c:> fig. 139 for the engi ne
c:>page 158, fig. 137.
- Carefully add 0.5 quart (0.5 lite r) of the correct
<=>page 158.
- Check the oil level again after two minutes .
- Add a smaller amount of engine oil if necessa­ry. The mark ing @ c:>
fig. 138 must not be ex-
Fig. 138 Oil dipstick (example): checking the engine oil
ceeded c:>Cl).
- Screw the eng ine oil filler cap
't=:rl and slide the
dipstick all the way in .
- When adding eng ine oil, do not let oil drip ont o hot engine components. This increases the risk of a fire.
- You must sea l the cap on the oil filler open­ing correct ly so that oil does not leak out onto the hot engine and exha ust system
when the engine is running, beca use this is
a fire hazard .
- Always clean skin thoro ughly if it comes into contact with engine oil.
Fig. 139 Engine compartment: engine oil filler opening
Observe the safety precautions c:> page 155,
Working in the engine compartment .
Checking the engine oil level
- Park the vehicle on a level surface.
- Shut the engine
off when it is warm. Wait ap-
prox imately two minutes so that the engine oil can flow back into the oil pan.
- Open the hood
c:> page 157.
- Remove the oil dipstick <=>page 158, fig . 137,
wipe it off with a clean cloth and insert it all the way in again .
- Remove the oil dipstick again and then read the
(D Note
- The engine oil level mus t not be under the marking of engine damage .
- After add ing engi ne oil, the oil leve l must not be above t he mar king @ , because this increases the risk of catalytic converte r and/ or engine damage . Do not start the engine . Contact an authorized Audi dealer or au ­thorized Audi Service Facility to have excess engine oil extracted if necessary.
- Do not mix any addit iona l lubr icants into the engine oil. Damage caused by such addi­t ives is not covered by the warranty. .,_
(D, because t his increases the risk
oil level
c:> table on page 160.
- Add engine oil if necessary.
Ch e cking an d Filling
@ For the sake of the environment
- Engine oil should never enter the sewer sys­tem or come into contact with the ground
under any circumstances.
- Pay attention to legal requirements when disposing of empty oil containers.
The engine oil consumption may be up to
0.5 quart/600 miles (0.5 liter/1,000 km), de­pending on driving style and operating condi­tions. Consumption may be higher during the first 3,000 miles (5,000 km). The engine oil level must be checked regularly . It would be best to check each time you refuel your vehi­cle and before long drives.
your oil changed by an authorized Audi dealer or
a qualified service station .
If you choose to change your oil yourself, please
note the follow ing important info rmation:
To reduce the risk of persona l injury if you
must change the engine oil in your vehicle
- Wear eye protect ion.
- To redu ce the risk of burns from hot eng ine oil, let the engine cool down to the touch.
- When remov ing the oil drain plug with your fingers, stay as far away as possib le. Always
keep your forearm parallel to the ground to he lp prevent hot oil from running down your arm.
Changing the engine oil
We recommend that have your oil changed by an
authorized Audi dealer or a qualified service sta-
Before you check anyth ing in the eng ine compart­ment,
always read and heed all WARNINGS Q .&.
in Working in the engine compartment on page 155.
The engine oil must be changed according to the
intervals specified in your Warranty nance booklet. This is very important because the lubricat ing propert ies of oil diminish gradually
during normal vehicle use.
& Mainte-
- Drain the oil into a container designed for this purpose, one large enough to hold at
least the tota l amount of oil in your engine.
- Engine oil is poisonous. Keep it well out of
the reach of children.
- Continuous contact with used engine oil is
harmful to your skin. Always protect your skin by washing oil off thoroughly with soap and water.
(D Note
Never mix oil additives with your engine oil. These additives can damage your engine and adverse ly affect your Audi Limited New Vehi­cle Warranty.
0 :::,
Under some circumstances the eng ine oil should
be changed more frequently . Change oil more of­ten if you drive mostly short distances, ope rate the vehicle in dusty areas or under predominant ly stop-and -go traffic conditions, or have your vehi­cle where temperatures remain below freezing for extended periods.
Detergent additives in the oil will make fresh oil
look da rk after the engine has been running for a short time. This is normal and is not a reason to change the oil more often than recommended.
Because of the problem of proper disposal, along with the special tools and necessa ry expertise re­qu ired, we strong ly recommend that you have
@ For the sake of the environment
- Before chang ing your oil, first make sure you know where you can properly dispose of the used oil.
- Always dispose of used engine oil properly.
Do not dump it on garden soil, wooded areas, into open streams or down sewage drains.
- Recycle used engine oil by tak ing it to a used eng ine oil collection fac ility in your area, or contact a service station .
16 1
Ch e cking and Filling
Cooling system
The engine cooling system is filled with a mixture of purified wate r and coolant addit ive at the fac­tory. This coolant must not be not changed .
The coolant level is monito red throug h the . in­dicator light
mend occasionally checking the coolant level manually.
If you must add coolant, use a mixture of water and coolant additive. Mixing the coolant additive with distilled water is recommended.
¢ page 12. However, we do recom-
gine. If this happens, only use wat er and re­store the correct mixture ratio with the specified coolant additive as soon as possi­ble.
- Only refill with new coolant .
- Radiator sealant must not be mixed with the coolant .
Adding coolant
Coolant additive
The coolant additive is made of ant i-freezing and corrosion protection agents. Only use the follow-
ing coolant additives. These addit ives may be mixed with each other.
Coolant additive
G13 TL 774 J G12++ TL 774 G
The amount of coolant additive that needs to be
mixed with water depends on the climate where the vehicle will be operated . If the coolant addi­tive percentage is too low, the coolant can freeze and damage the engine.
Coolant Freeze protec­additive tion
Fig. 140 Engine compart ment: coo lant expans ion ta nk
Observe the safety precautions ¢ page 155,
Working in the engine compartment .
Checking the eng ine coolant level
.,. Park the vehicle on a level surface . .,. Switch the ignition off. .,. Read the coolant level on the coolant expansion
tank ¢ must be betwee n the markings when the en­gine in cold. When the engine is warm it can be slightly above the uppe r marking.
page 158, fig. 137. The coolant level
Warm min. 40% min. -13 °F
regions max. 45% Cold
regions max. 55% (-40 °C)
min. 50% max. -40 °F
(-25 °C)
CJ) Note
- Before the start of winter, have an author­ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility check if the coolant additive in your
vehicle matc hes the percentage approp riate for the climate . This is especially important when driving in colder climates.
- If the approp riate coolant additive is not
available in an emergency, do not add any other additive. You could damage the en-
Adding coolant
Requirement: there must be a residual amount of coolant in the expansion ta nk
.,. Let the engine cool down. .,. Place a cloth over the coolant expansion tan k
cap and unscrew the cap counterclockwise
¢ .&._.
.,. Add coolant mixed in the correct rat io
c;,page 162 up to the upper marking .
.,. Make sure that the fluid level remains stab le.
Add more coolant if necessary.
.,. Close the cap securely. Coolant loss usually indicates there is a leak. Im-
mediate ly drive your vehicle to an author ized .,.
Checking and Filling
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility and have the cooling system inspected . If the cooling system is not leaking, a loss can come
from the coolant boiling through overheating
and being pushed out of the cooling system.
- The cooling system is under pressure. Do not open the coolant expansion tank cap
when the engine is hot. This increases the
risk of burns.
- The coolant additive and the coolant can be
dangerous to your health. For this reason,
keep the coolant in the original container and away from children. There is a risk of poisoning.
- When working in the engine compartment, remember that the radiator fan can switch
on even if the ignition is switched off, which
increases the risk of injury.
Level must be between the MIN and MAX mark­ings
The brake fluid Level is monitored automatically.
Changing the brake fluid
Have the brake fluid changed regularly by an au-
thorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
- If the brake fl uid level is below the MIN marking, it can impair the braking effect
and driving safety, which increase the risk of an accident. Do not continue driving. See an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility for assistance.
- If the brake fluid is old, bubbles may form
in the brake system during heavy braking .
This would impair braking performance and
driving safety, which increases the risk of an
CD Note
Do not add coolant if the expansion tank is empty . Air could enter the cooling system and damage the engine. continue driving. See an authorized Audi deal­er or authorized Audi Service Facility for assis-
Brake fluid
If this is the case, do not
accident .
- To ensure the brake system functions cor­rectly, only use brake fluids that comply
with VW standard 501 14 or
FMVSS-116 DOT 4.
CD Note
- If the brake flu id level is above the MAX
marking, brake fluid may Leak out over the edge of the reservoir and result in damage
to the vehicle.
- Do not get any brake fluid on the vehicle
paint, because it will corrode the paint.
Fig. 141 Engine compartment: cap on brake flu id reservoir
Observe the safety precautions ¢ page 155,
Working in the engine compartment .
Checking the brake fluid level
Read the brake fluid Level on the brake fluid reservoir ~
page 158, fig. 13 7. The brake fluid
General warnings about batteries
Because of the complex power supply, all work on batteries such as disconnecting, replacing, etc. should
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility
¢ .&,.
The term "vehicle battery " refers to the 12 Volt
battery in your vehicle.
only be performed by an authorized
Che ck ing and Filling
Detailed warnings for the vehicle battery:
Wear eye protection .
Battery acid is high ly corrosive . Wear pro-
tective gloves and eye pro tect ion.
Fire, spark s, open flame an d smok ing are
forb idden . A highly explosive mixture of gases can
form when charging batteries.
Keep children away from battery acid and batteries .
Observe the safety precautions 9 page 155,
Working in the engine compartm ent.
Requirement: only use chargers with a maximum
charging current of 30 amps/ 14 .8 Volts.
hicle battery cables remain connected .
The battery is located in the engine compart-
ment . The ground point
the veh icle body .
.,. Read the warnings
about batteries on page 164
.,. Switch off the ignit ion and all electrica l equ ip-
men t .
.,. Open the hood
9 page 157 .
0 is always located on
9 .&. in General warnings
and 9 ,&..
The ve-
All work on the battery or electrical system in your vehicle can result in injuries, chemical
burns, accidents or burns. Because of this, all
work must be performed
ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Serv ice Facility.
only by an author-
California Proposit ion 65 Warning :
- Battery posts, termina ls and related acces­sories contain lead and lead compounds,
chem icals known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive problems . Wash hands after handling .
.,. Fold the battery cover upward 9 fig. 142. .,. Clamp the terminal clamps on the charger cor-
rectly onto the ground point termin al(v .
.,. Now insert the power cable for the charging de-
vice into the socket and switch the device on .
.,. At the end of the charging process, switch the
charger off and pull the power cable out of the socket.
.,. Now remove the charging device term inal
clamps. .,. Close the batt ery cover. .,. Close the hood
¢ page 15 7.
O and the pos itive
(D Note
Protect the vehicle battery against freezing if the vehicle wilt be parked for long periods of time so that it is not destroyed by "freezing"
9 page 164, Charging the vehicle battery .
Charging the vehicle battery
- A high ly explosive mixture of gases can form when charg ing batteries . Only charge the veh icle battery in well-ventilated areas .
- A drained vehicle battery can freeze at tem-
peratures around 32 QF (0 QC). A frozen or
thawed vehicle battery must not be charged
and must not be used anymo re. The battery housing can crack and batte ry acid can leak out if ice forms, which increases the risk of an explosion and chemical burns. Contact an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility for more information.
- Do not connect or disconnect the charging
cable wh ile charging because this increases
the risk of an explosion .
Fig. 142 Engine compartment: connectors for a charger
and jump st art cables
Checking and Filling
@ Tips
- Only charge the vehicle battery through the connections in the engine compartment.
- Read all of the manufacturer's instructions for the charger before charging the vehicle
Windshield washer
Service interval display
The service interval display detects when your ve-
hicle is due for service.
The service interval display works in two stages:
- Inspection or oil change reminder : after a cer-
tain distance is driven, a message appears in the instrument cluster display every time the
ignition is switched on. The remaining distance
or time is displayed briefly.
- Inspection or oil change due: if your vehicle
has reached an inspection or oil change interval or both intervals at the same time, the mes­sage
Inspection due! or Oil change due! or Oil
Fig. 143 Engine compartment: windshield washer fluid
Observe the safety precautions q page 155,
Working in the engine compartment.
The windshield washer fluid reservoir W contains
the cleaning solution for the windshield and the
rear window
capacity can be found in
q page 158, fig. 137,. The reservoir
qpage 210.
change and inspection due!
appears briefly af-
ter switching the ignition on.
Checking service intervals
You can check the remaining distance or time un­til the next oil change or next inspection .
- Select: the
Service intervals .
Resetting the indicator
I CARI function button > (Car) Sys-
control button > Servicing & checks >
An autho rized Audi dea ler or auth orized Audi
Service Facility will reset the se rvice interva l dis­play after performing service .
To reduce the risk of lime scale deposits on the spray nozzles, use clean water with low amounts of calcium. Always add window cleaner to the wa­ter. When the outs ide temperatures are cold, an anti-freezing agent should be added to the water so that it does not freeze.
- The concent ration of anti-freezing agent
must be adjusted to the vehicle operating conditions in the respective climate. A con­cent rat ion that is too high can lead to vehi­cle damage.
- Never add rad iator anti-freeze or other addi­tives to the washer fluid.
If you have changed the oil yourself, you must re­set the oil change interval.
Perform the follow ing to reset the display:
- Select: the
tems * control button > Servicing & checks >
Service intervals . Turn the control knob down-
ward to
I CARI function button > (Car) Sys-
Reset oil change interva l and press the
control knob .
- Only reset the oil change indicator if the oil was changed.
- Following the service intervals is crit ical to
ma intaining the service life and value of
0 :::,
- Do not use a glass cleaner that contains paint solvents, because this could damage
the paint .
your vehicle, especially the engine . Even if the mileage on the vehicle is low, do not ex-
ceed the time fo r the next service.
Wheels Wheels and Tires
General information
1>-(heck your tires regularly for
damage (punctures , cuts, cracks and bulges). Remove foreign ob-
jects from the tire tread.
.,. If driving over curbs or similar
obstacles, drive slowly and ap-
proach the curb at an angle.
1>-Have faulty tires or rims re-
placed immediately.
tions. Drive carefully and re-
duce your speed on icy or slip­pery roads. Even winter tires can lose traction on black ice.
(D Note
- Please note that summer and winter tires are designed for the conditions that are typical
in those seasons. Audi recom­mends using winter tires dur­ing the winter months . Low
temperatures significantly de-
1>-Protect your tires from oil,
grease and fuel.
.,. Mark tires before removing
them so that the same running
direction can be maintained if
they are reinstalled.
1>-Lay tires flat when storing and
store them in a cool, dry location
with as little exposure to light as
-Never drive faster than the maximum permitted speed
for your tires . This could cause the tires to heat up too much.
This increases the risk of an
accident because it can cause
the tire to burst .
crease the elasticity of summ­er tires, which affects traction and braking ability. If summer tires are used in very cold temperatures, cracks can form on the tread bars, resulting in
permanent tire damage that can cause loud driving noise and unbalanced tires.
-Burnished, polished or chromed rims must not be
used in winter driving condi­tions. The surface of the rims does not have sufficient corro­sion protection for this and could be permanently dam­aged by road salt or similar substances.
-Always adapt your driving to the road and traffic condi-
Tire designations
© Tire construction
R indicates a radial tire.
® Rim diameter
Size of the rim diameter in inche s.
@ Load index and speed rating
The load index indicates the tire's
load-carrying capacity.
The speed rating indicates the
maximum permitted speed. Also
Fig. 144 Tire designations on the side-
(D Tires for passenger vehicles
(if applicable)
"P" indicates a tire for a passenger
vehicle. "T" indicates a tire desig-
¢ &.in General information
on page 166.
"EXTRA LOAD", "xl" or "RF" ind i- cates that the tire is reinforced or
is an Extra Load tire .
Speed rat­ing
Maximum permitted speed
up to 93 mph (150 km/h) up to 99 mph (160 km/h) up to 106 mph (170 km/h) up to 110 mph (180 km/h)
nated for temporary use.
@ Nominal width
Nominal width of the tire be­tween the sidewalls in millime­ters. In general: the larger the number, the wider the tire.
@ Aspect ratio
Height/width ratio expressed as a percentage .
V up
a) For tires above 149 mph (240 km/h),
tire manufacturers sometimes use the code "ZR".
to 118 mph (190 km/h)
up to 124 mph (200 km/h) up
to 130 mph (210 km/h) to 149 mph (240 km/h?)
above 149 mph (240 km/h)a)
up to 168 mph (270 km/h)a) up to 186 mph (300 km/h)a)
Wh e el s
(J) US DOT number (TIN) and
manufacture date
The manufacture date is listed on
the tire sidewall (it may only ap-
pear on the inner side of the tire) :
DOT ... 2217 ...
means, for example, tha t the tire was produced in the 22nd week of the year 2017.
@ Audi Original Tires
Audi Original equipment tires
with the designation
been Audi. When used correctly, these
tires meet the highest standards
specially matched to your
"AO" have
tire can carry. Tire manufacturers
must also specify the materials used in the tire . These include steel, nylon, polyester and other
materials .
@ Maximum permitted load
This number indicates the maxi-
mum load in kilograms and
pounds that the tire can carry.
@ Uniform tire quality grade
standards for treadwear,
traction and temper ature
Treadwear, traction and tempera-
ture ranges
¢ page 182.
for safety and handling. An au-
thorized Audi dealer or author-
ized Audi Service Facility will be
able to provide you with more in-
formation .
® Mud and snow capability
"M/5" or "M+S" indicates the tire
has properties making it suitable to drive in mud or snow. cates a winter tire.
@ Composition of the tire cord
and materials
& indi-
@ Running direction
The arrows indicate the running
direction of unidirectional tires. You must always follow the speci­fied running direction
¢ page 196 .
@) Maximum permitted
inflation pressure
This number indicates the maxi-
mum pressure to which a tire can be inflated under normal operat­ing condit ions.
The number of plies indicates the
number of rubberized fabric lay­ers in the tire . In general: the more layers, the more weight a
Glossary of tire and loading
Accessory weight
means the combined we ight (in excess of those standard items
which may be replaced) of auto-
matic transmission, power steer­ing, power brakes, power win­dows, power seats, radio, and heater, to the extent that these items are available as factory- in-
stalled equipment (whether in-
stalled or not) .
Aspect ratio
means the strands forming the plies in t he tire.
Cold tire inflation pressure
means the t ire pressure recom-
mended by the vehicle manufac ­tu rer for a tire of a designated size that has not been driven for
more than a couple of miles (kilo-
meters) at low speeds in the three hour period before the t ire
pressure is measured or adjusted .
Curb weight
means the weight of a motor ve-
means the ratio of the height to
the width of the t ire in percent .
Numbers of 55 or lower indicate a low sidewal l for improved steer­ing response and better overall handling on dry pavement.
means the part of t he t ire that is made of steel wires, wrapped or reinforced by ply cords and that is shaped to fit the rim.
Bead separation
hicle with standard equipment in­cluding the maximum capacity of fuel, oil, and coolant, air cond i­tioning and additional weight of optio nal eq uipment .
Extra load tire
means a tire designed to operate at higher loads and at higher in­flat ion pressu res than the corre­sponding standard t ire. Extra load tires may be ident ified as "XL",
"xl", "EXTRA LOAD", or "RF" on
means a breakdown of the bond between components in the bead .
the sidewall. .,.
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