Robert Bosch Car Multimedia 52R0 Users Manual

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f MAP 1.0 f PBAP 1.1 f SPP 1.1 f Vcards 2.1, 3.0
Opening the Select Bluetooth device menu
f Tap the direct-select button in the Home
f Tap the Call area in the Home menu. f Tap .
The Select Bluetooth device menu is displayed:
You will find the following information and con­trols in the Select Bluetooth device menu:
The currently connected device is always the first item in the device list.
8 Add device button: Start pairing a new
mobile phone
9 button: Delete a paired mobile phone : Supported Bluetooth® functions of the
f : Telephone f : Audio streaming f : Telephone and audio streaming
; Bluetooth® name of the device < Indication of Bluetooth® device type and
currently connected device:
f : Telephone f : Audio streaming device
Pairing and connecting a mobile phone for the first time
f In the Select Bluetooth device menu, tap Add
device 8.
The device is now available for setting up a connection (pairing). The Bluetooth® PIN of the device is displayed. Next, please follow the instructions provided by the device and your mobile phone.
f The Bluetooth® name of the device
is “Suzuki”.
f If 10 mobile phones are already
paired with the device, it will not be possible to pair and connect a fur-
ther mobile phone. In this case, first delete one of the paired mobile phones (see the section entitled “Deleting a paired mobile phone” (page 27)).
There are 3 methods of establishing a Blue­tooth® connection. Please proceed according to the method employed:
Please refer to your mobile phone’s instruction manual for information on how to set up a Bluetooth® connection on your mobile phone.
f Method 1:
Perform the connection setup process on your mobile phone. On your mobile phone, enter the displayed PIN.
f Method 2:
The connection setup does not require you to enter a PIN on the mobile phone. A notifica­tion appears in the display informing you that the mobile phone wants to connect.
f Tap . The rest of the connection setup process is performed automatically. An appropriate notification appears in the display.
f Method 3:
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The mobile phone receives the device’s PIN and displays it.
f Check that the mobile phone is displaying
the correct PIN and then tap .
f Confirm on your mobile phone that you
want to set up a connection.
If connection setup was successful, the mobile phone will connect to the device.
f If the connection attempt fails, a
notification is displayed. Make another attempt at setting up a connection from the mobile phone.
f As soon as a new mobile phone is
connected to the device, the list of calls appears in the display, and the phone book and call lists are down­loaded from the mobile phone onto the device. The time required to download the phone book and call lists may vary depending on the connected mobile phone.
Connecting an already paired mobile phone
The device stores the information for the 10 pre­viously paired mobile phones. These mobile phones are displayed in the Select Bluetooth device menu. To connect a mobile phone shown in this list,
f tap the relevant item in the Select Bluetooth
device menu.
If connection setup was successful, the mobile phone will connect to the device.
Deleting a paired mobile phone
To delete a paired mobile phone,
f tap 9 in the corresponding item of the
Select Bluetooth device menu. The selected mobile phone is unpaired and deleted from the list.
f If the mobile phone is unpaired
during an active call, the call is interrupted. The call can then be continued on the mobile phone if the mobile phone supports this.
f When the mobile phone is unpaired,
its phone book and call lists are also deleted from the device.
f To connect the mobile phone to the
device again, proceed as described in the section entitled “Pairing and connecting a mobile phone for the first time” (page 26).
4.11.7 Connecting a smartphone via
smartphone integration
f Information about which smart-
phones the device supports is avail­able at
f A smartphone can be connected to
the device using the smartphone integration function. The connec­tion can be made via the USB port.
f A simultaneous Bluetooth® connec-
tion with another smartphone is not allowed when a smartphone is connected using the smartphone integration function.
f You should disconnect any existing
Bluetooth® connection before con­necting a smartphone using the smartphone integration function. If, however, you want to continue using an existing Bluetooth® con­nection, you should cancel the smartphone integration setup pro­cess.
f If a smartphone is connected via
MirrorLink™ or Android Auto and a Bluetooth® connection from the same smartphone already exists, the Bluetooth® connection will be maintained.
f Smartphones that are integrated via
MirrorLink™ or Android Auto require a Bluetooth® connection in addition to smartphone integration via USB in order to provide full support for the telephone functions. Users can use the non-phone fea­tures of MirrorLink™ or Android
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Operation | FM/AM radio mode
Auto without a Bluetooth® connec­tion. If there is no Bluetooth® connection established before you integrate a MirrorLink™ or Android Auto smart­phone, you will have to establish the Bluetooth® connection manually (see the section entitled “Connect­ing a device via Bluetooth®” (page
f Smartphone integration via Apple
CarPlay does not allow any parallel Bluetooth® connection. If an Apple CarPlay smartphone is already connected via Bluetooth®, this Bluetooth® connection will be can­celled.
To connect a smartphone,
f connect it to the USB port. The smartphone is detected automatically and connected via smartphone integration.
To disconnect the smartphone from the device,
f unplug the smartphone from the USB port. An appropriate notification appears briefly in the display.
5 FM/AM radio mode
f AM reception: Generally, strong AM
signals provide stable sound quality with low signal noise. At night, however, atmospheric conditions may sometimes lead to interference from other stations.
f FM reception: The FM waveband
offers the highest sound quality; however, the signal may be suscep­tible to noise due to:
The limited reach of some trans-
Distortion caused by signals
reflected off local buildings and other obstructions.
“Shadow zones” wherein the
signal reception is obstructed or restricted.
5.1 Listening to the radio
f Tap the direct-select button in the Home
You will also find the button in the display of the currently playing media.
f Tap the Radio tab, if necessary.
f Tap the memory bank of the desired wave-
band. The tuner display for the selected memory bank is displayed and you can hear the radio broad­cast.
5.2 The tuner display
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You will find the following information and con­trols in the tuner display:
= button: Change frequency > button: Open the source menu ? Current memory bank @ Station information area A button: Change frequency B button: Start seek tuning C button: Start seek tuning D Tuning scale
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