C2168122C2168123Main Control Board - 230V
C2168112C2168113Main Control Board - 115V
C2158045C2158057IC - Main Board
New Parts
Q’ty Used
Old → New
1 → 1
1 → 1
1 → 1
Date of
Part needed for replacement by new part
Part No.Description No. Page
Rank: A : Replace with new parts immediately.B : Replace with new parts at time of repair.C : Replace with new parts at time of overhaul.
I Interchangeability:
(1) When old and new parts are not mutually interchangeable, use additional parts or an assembly part as indicated in "Parts needed for
replacement by new part" to install the new part.
(2) The mark to the left of the slash indicates whether the old part can be used in the new machine, and the mark to the right indicates whether
the new part can be used in the old machine. x = Not interchangeable o = Interchangeable
It has been found that a horizontal thin white line appears 64 mm from the lead ing edge of prints. The line may be visible whe n
the image is made using the photo mode . This line is caused by a shock wave when the master is clamped by the drum master
1. To erase this white line, th e software has been changed to de lay th e timing of the master clampin g. Wit h th e old software,
the reverse roller solenoid [A] and the ma ste r clamper solenoid were turned of f at the same time . (Due to th e slow resp on se of
the old spring clutch, th e reve rse rolle r st ops f eeding the master after the maste r was cla mpe d. ) Th e new so ft ware ena ble s tha t
the master is clamped when the master is fed 2 mm further after the reverse roller stops feeding the master. This allows t o
make a small buckle of the master, which ab sorb s the shock wave , be twe en the plat en roller an d th e reverse roller before the
leading edge of the mast er is clamped.
The new ROM can be used also for existing machines. The only side ef fe ct is t hat the image on prints is forwarded about 1 or 2
mm due to the slow response of the old mechan ism. (This valu e varies due to ratchets of the clutch gea r.) If the old ROM is
used for a modified ma chin e (this is the same situation as the ne w clu tch me cha nism installed on the old machine), the image
is shifted approximately 0.6 mm backwards.
NOTE: The part numbers of the RO Ms and main PCBs for the VT2000 series have been changed. The main PCB s have not
been changed except for the ROMs. The old PCBs and the ne w PCBs are in te rchangeable.
2. To enable the proper reverse rolle r stop timing , the reverse roller clutch mechanism ha s been cha ng ed from th e con bination
of a solenoid [A] and a spring clutch [B] to an elect rical clutch [C]. To cope with the strictly contro lled reverse roller stop timing,
the electrical clutch respo nds a lit tle bit quicker than the old clutch mechanism. (If the old sprin g clutch is used, the only side
effect is as mentioned above.)
To make assembly of the clutch sto pp er [E ] in the factory easier, a pro ject ion [F] is added on the right side plate [D]
(C2164005). Even if the side plate does not have this projection, the clutch stopp er can be installed on the side plate with one
screw [G] (09604008Z). So, the part number of the righ t side plat e ha s not been changed. Also, th e shape of th e up pe r re verse
roller shaft [H] has been changed to match the elect rical clut ch. The old spring clutch [B] can be replaced with the new electrical
clutch [C] (C2158240) with the clutch stopper [G ] (C21 54 200) an d the upper reverse roller (C2154046).
C2168113 C2168052 Main Control Board - 115V
C2158057 C2168057 IC - Main Board
New Parts
Description Rank
Q’ty Used
Old → New
1 → 1
1 → 1
1 → 1
1 → 1
1 → 1
Date of
X/X 25 67
X/X 31 67
X/X 31 67
X/X 32 67
Part needed for replacement by new part
Part No. Description No.Page
O/O as a set
(X/O, if the computer
link up is necessary.)
19 67
C2169501 Flat Cable - Main Board
Rank: A : Replace with new parts immediately.B : Replace with new parts at time of repair.C : Replace with new parts at time of overhaul.
I Interchangeability:
(1) When old and new parts are not mutually interchangeable, use additional parts or an assembly part as indicated in "Parts needed for
replacement by new part" to install the new part.
(2) The mark to the left of the slash indicates whether the old part can be used in the new machine, and the mark to the right indicates whether
the new part can be used in the old machine. x = Not interchangeable o = Interchangeable
0 → 1
Connected with
the new board
ISSUED ON: October 15, ’93
To enable computer link up, the main cont rol bo ard and the image proce ssing boa rd have be en change d,
including the ROM on the main board (IC - main board). Due to this modification, the numbe r of connector
pins between the main cont rol bo ard and the image processing boa rd ha s bee n incre ase d. This is the
reason why the interchangeability of each board is X/X.
To enable to connect the new bo ard and the old board, the flat cable - main board (C2169501) has been
registered as a service part. A new board can be installe d on the old mach ine with this cable. Also, an old
board can be installed on th e ne w machine with this cable. To enable comp ut er link up , the new main
control board, image processing board, and flat cable must be used as a set.
C2158088C2078088Flat Cable - Main Board
C2158002C2168002Image Processing Board
C2168123C2168062Main Control Board - 230V
C2168113C2168052Main Control Board - 115V
C2158057C2168057IC - Main Board
New Parts
Q’ty Used
Old → New
1 → 1
1 → 1
1 → 1
1 → 1
1 → 1
Date of
X/XO/O as a set1967
Part needed for replacement by new part
Part No.Description No. Page
Rank: A : Replace with new parts immediately.B : Replace with new parts at time of repair.C : Replace with new parts at time of overhaul.
I Interchangeability:
(1) When old and new parts are not mutually interchangeable, use additional parts or an assembly part as indicated in "Parts needed for
replacement by new part" to install the new part.
(2) The mark to the left of the slash indicates whether the old part can be used in the new machine, and the mark to the right indicates whether
the new part can be used in the old machine. x = Not interchangeable o = Interchangeable
C2169501Flat Cable Main PCB
0 → 1
Connected with
the new board
ISSUED ON: October 15, ’93
Due to parts standardization, the main contro l b oa rd and the image processing board have been
changed, including the ROM on th e main board (IC - main board). Due to this modifica tio n, the number
of connector pins betwe en the main con trol board and the Image proce ssing boa rd ha s bee n
increased. This is the reason why the interchangea bilit y of ea ch bo ard is X/ X.
To enable to connect th e ne w boa rd an d th e old board, the flat cable - main boa rd (C21 69 50 1) ha s
been registered as a service part. A new board can be inst alle d on the old mach ine with this cable.
Also, an old board can be installed on the new machine with th is cable.