Printing Equipment | Supplies | Training | Services
subli-trans XPRES™ GXe7700N
Dye Sublimation Printer System
Instruction Manual
Last Updated: Monday, 18 June 2012

2 Last Updated: 18/06/2012
gjsMACHINERY subli-trans XPRES™ GXe7700N Instruction Manual
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Cartridge Installation ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Installing the GelSprinter GX e7700N Printer Drivers......................................................................................................... 4
subli-trans Printer Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
ICC Profile Installation............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Before You Print ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
General Printer Maintenance .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Printing With subli-trans ICC Profiles .................................................................................................................................. 10
Adobe Products ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
CorelDRAW X3 .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
CorelDRAW X5 .................................................................................................................................................................. 18
The screenshots shown in this instruction manual where taken using Microsoft Windows Vista Business
computer running CorelDRAW X3. Other operating systems and applications may vary.
Prices shown in $AUD and exclusive of GST and freight. Products are subject to availability. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.

3 Last Updated: 18/06/2012
gjsMACHINERY subli-trans XPRES™ GXe7700N Instruction Manual
Cartridge Installation
Remove the cartridges from their packaging.
Open the right front cover on the printer.
Insert the cartridges in the indicated order.
Install the SubliJet®R cartridges into the colour-coded slots in
the following order starting from left to right. Press each
cartridge body until it engages securely.
Black , Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Do not shake or agitate ink carts before or after installation.
Once all cartridges are in place, close the cartridge cover.
Do not install the Ricoh Inks provided with the printer. Do not power
ON the printer before installing the cartridges.
Prices shown in $AUD and exclusive of GST and freight. Products are subject to availability. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.

4 Last Updated: 18/06/2012
gjsMACHINERY subli-trans XPRES™ GXe7700N Instruction Manual
Installing the GelSprinter GX e7700N Printer Drivers
1. Insert the GelSprinter GX e7700N software CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The CD will auto run.
Select your installation langue from the first screen, as shown in Figure 1 below.
2. If the included CD-ROM does not support your current Operating System. Visit the official Ricoh
Australia website http://ricoh.com.au/ and click through to ‘Downloads’ > ‘Product Drivers’> ‘Office
Printers’. Select the GX e7700N from the list. Then select download the most recent driver for your
Operating System.
3. When Figure 2 appears choose whether you want to set up the printer via ‘usb’ or ‘network’ and
follow the on-screen instructions.
4. Accept the terms of use (Figure 3). The driver will be installed.
5. Make sure the USB (or network cable) is connected to the PC (or network) and the printer. Turn on
the printer as instructed in Figure 5.
6. After the utility has found your printer it will then complete the installation as shown in Figure 6.
Prices shown in $AUD and exclusive of GST and freight. Products are subject to availability. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.

5 Last Updated: 18/06/2012
gjsMACHINERY subli-trans XPRES™ GXe7700N Instruction Manual
7. Setup your monitoring preference and click next.
8. The process has completed, restart your computer.
Prices shown in $AUD and exclusive of GST and freight. Products are subject to availability. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.

6 Last Updated: 18/06/2012
gjsMACHINERY subli-trans XPRES™ GXe7700N Instruction Manual
subli-trans Printer Settings
1. Browse to the Printers configuration window in your operating
system. Right click on the ‘GelSprinter GX e7700N’ and choose
'Printing Preferences'.
2. On the ‘Setup’ tab, change all the settings as shown below and
in Figure 9:
1. Paper type > ‘Inkjet Plain Paper’
2. Print Quality > User settings
3. Click ‘Change’ - Quality Options (see Figure 12)
i. High Quality
ii. Color Profile > ‘Off’
4. Color Mode > ‘Color’
5. Job Type > ‘Normal Print’
3. On the ‘Page Settings’ tab, change the settings below and
shown in Figure 11:
1. Select your preferred paper size
2. Click ‘Save...’
3. Name the setting ‘GJS GX7700’
4. Click ‘OK’
4. Click ‘OK’ until all open boxes are closed.
Ensure you always use the Beaver TexPrint-R paper in the Ricoh printer.
Prices shown in $AUD and exclusive of GST and freight. Products are subject to availability. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.