Service training (self-paced) should be completed before the first machine is delivered to users. The training will be performed
based on local training strategies for this product.
Due to the many servicing similarities between the J012/J013/J014/J015/J016 and the
J001/J003/J007/J010/J011 predecessor models, Service Professionals currently certified on the predecessor models have
been automatically certified by Ricoh University on the new GelSprinter series.
It is strongly recommended that all the information provided in this J012/J013/J014 and J015/J016
Service Documentation Update Package be thoroughly reviewed by all automatically certified
Service Professionals prior to performing any service. It is also strongly recommended that Service
Professionals review this material while they have access to a J012/J013/J014 or J015/J016 preferably with all options.
This update package is intended only for Service Professionals who currently hold certification on the J001/J003 and
J007/J010/J011 products (predecessor models). Service Professionals who are not currently certified on any of the
predecessor models can achieve certification on the J012/J013/J014 and J015/J016 by completing the GelSprinter series Selfpace CBT/WBT.
Call avoidance is a key of the training to minimize the service cost.
Self Pace Order Number
J015 Service Documentation Update Package: Order number 003285MIU
J015 Series CBT Package Order number 003206MIU
J015 Service Manual: Order number 003288MIU
J015 Parts Catalog: Order number 003289MIU
J015 Point to Point: Order number NA
Product Support Guide MODEL: J015
Version 1.1 (01/08/08)
I. General Information
A. Launch Status:
• Targeted Launch Date: 12/03/2007
1. Product Names
Product Code
J015 Not releasing GX2500 GX2500 GX2500
2a. EDP Codes
2b. Branding Kits:
2c. Serial Number Sequence:
Gestetner Lanier Ricoh Savin
Model GX2500
J015 Ricoh Aficio GX2500 405597
J015 Gestetner GX2500 405597
J015 Lanier GX2500 405597
J015 Savin GX2500
GX2500 Supplied by RLA
Branding Order number
GX2500 003273MIU
Branding Order number
GX 2500 003272MIU
Model Serial Number Prefix
J015 R18YMMxxxxx
Serial #: R18: Model code
Y: Last digit of production year (e.g. “7” = 2007)
MM: Production month + Factory code (e.g. “03” = 03 (March) + 00 (Factory code))
Shinzhen (China): 73 (Jan) to 84 (Dec)
Ena (Japan): 01 (Jan) to 12 (Dec)
Others : 85 (Jan) to 96 (Dec)
XXXXX: Production Number, Nth machine produced in that month (e.g.
“00003” = Third machine produced in that month)
Starter toners approximately 400 prints (5% cover)
Ink collector yield is confidential
Savin Memo for
RLA only
A. Product Concept
A. Product Concept
High productivity
Simplex Print Speed (Max: 29/29ppm, Full Page*: 8.5/10.5ppm)
Simplex Copy Speed (Full Page*:8.5/10.5cpm)
Duplex Print Speed (75% speed of simplex mode)
First Print/Copy Speed (Print: Less than 8 sec, Copy: Less than 13 sec)
*Full page – Color (J6 chart), Mono (J1 chart), Default mode
b) High image quality
Crisp & clear print image on plain copy paper (600 x 300dpi as default)
Max. 1,200 x 1,200 dpi, 2 bit (3,600 x 1,200 dpi equivalent)
High Image quality for graphics by improved pigment based ink for all colors (2pl)
Anti-sun lay and improved water proof*
Best-suited color for laser glossy paper
*Waterproof depends on paper selected and print mode used.
c) Low running cost & Affordable machine price
Competitive TCO
Best fit for plain paper, no special paper required for document quality
Medium print cartridge for low initial cost
“Level color” mode that enables monochrome-like color CPP
* Limited function
Product Support Guide MODEL: J015
Version 1.1 (01/08/08)
B. Comparison Chart vs. Previous model
There are no previous models for J015 (GX2500). It is a lower model to the J007, GX3000.
J015 vs J007 (GX 3000)
J015 (GX2500) J007 (GX3000)
Duplex units N/A Standard
B/W & Color ppm 28ppm 29ppm
First print speed (Color / Mono) 9.0 / 6.5 sec. 8.0 / 5.0 sec.
Ink yield of print cartridge
(A4, 5%)
Life Duty 100,000pages / 5 years 150,000pages
Power consumption
Size W416 x D440 x H249mm W416 x D491 x H263mm
Weight 13.0 kg 14.0kg
Y, M, C – 1000
K – 1500
*Compatible with J007
Less than 4W (energy save
Less than 35W (Max)
Built in NIC (NIB GX3a)
*IPX/SPX not available
Y, M, C – 1000
K – 1500
Less than 6W (energy save
Less than 38W (Max
Built in NIC (NIB GX2)
* IPX/SPX available
C. Mainframe Specifications
Configuration: Desktop
On Demand Piezo inkjet system
Pigment-based ink (all 4 colors)
Duplex printing Standard.
Resolution: (dpi, bit/pix)
True 1200 x 1200 dpi / 2bit
600 x 600dpi /2bit (Default)
Dimensions: (W x D x H): 416 x 440x 249 mm (mainframe only)
RAM: 16MB Standard and Max
Temperature Range: 10°C to 32°C (50°F to 89.6°F)
Humidity Range: 1 5% to 80% RH
Ambient Illumination: Less than 1,500 Lux (never expose to direct sunlight).
Ventilation: More than 30 m3/hr/person in the work area
Ambient Dust: Less than 0.10 mg/m3
Altitude: Do not use the machine at any location higher than 2,000 m (6,500 ft)
above sea level.
D. Continuous Print Speed (PPM):
Paper Type Print mode dpi RPCS driver Macintosh driver
Machine comes with Starter Cartridges, approximately 400 prints
Level Color Mode
In order to conserve ink the printer can be set to the "Level Color Mode" to reduce the about of ink used in graphic
images only (text is not affected). Once Level Color Mode is selected the amount of ink used to print images and
graphics is reduced by almost 50%, the text remains at the same density of the normal color mode.
G. Interface Specification:
USB2.0 Interface Standard for J015
Host Interface Standard USB 1.1 / 2.0
Data Transmission Speed USB 1.1 / 2.0 480 Mbps (High Speed: USB 2.0), 12Mbps (Full Speed)
Protocol USB 1.1 / 2.0
Supported OS Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP (USB1.1) Windows 2000 XP Vista (USB2.0)
Distance between devices 5m
Network Interface Board (optional for J015)
Option network i/f card10BaseT / 100Base-TX
Data Transmission Speed 10Mbps, 100Mbps
Protocol TCP/IP
Supported OS Windows98SE/Me/2000/XP/vista
Distance between devices 100m
• You cannot use the USB cable to connect the printer and PC if you use Windows 95 or Windows NT
4.0. You must use a network connection.
• You can only use the USB cable with Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or
Product Support Guide MODEL: J015
Version 1.1 (01/08/08)
Windows Server 2003.
• You must use USB 1.1 if you use Windows 98 or Windows Me. The printer is set for "Auto Detection"
by default. In this mode the printer can use either USB 1.1 or USB 2.0.
H. Bundled Utilities:
# Utility Name Support Status
SmartNetMonitor for Admin Yes
SmartNetMonitor for Client (Prepachaged) Yes
Printer Utility for Mac TBA
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite No
Job Binding* No
I. Optional Utility
# Utility Name Support Status
DeskTopBinder V2 Professional No
J. Supported Environments:
Windows OS Type RPCS PCL5c PCL6
Windows 9x/Me - Yes *1 - Windows NT WorkStation 4.0 Yes *1 & *2
Server 4.0 Yes *1 & *2 - Server 4.0 TSE (*6) Yes *1 & *2
Windows 2000 Professional Yes
Windows XP Professional Yes *5
Home Edition Yes *5 - Windows Server 2003 Standard Yes
Enterprise Yes - Web Edition Yes
Windows XP
*1…To connect with Windows 95 / NT4.0 PC requires Network connection via optional print servers.
*2…Service Pack 6 or Later is required
*4…Cluster Server configuration is not supported.
*5…RPCS driver does not support "Fast User Switching" function of Windows XP.
*6…See 1-3. and 1-4. for Terminal Service and Citrix MetaFrame environment support
Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition
Server (*6) Yes - -
Advanced Server (*6) Yes *4
Datacenter Server No - -
Professional Yes *5
Home Edition Yes *5 -
Home Basic Edition Yes
Home PremiumEdition Yes
Business Edition Yes
Enterprise Edition Yes -
Ultimate Edition Yes - -
No - -
These limitations apply to the use of this printer:
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