Ricoh ft 4015 Parts Catalog m ft4015

RICOH Modification Bulletin PAGE: 1/3
Model: Kingfisher Date: 15-Apr-97
No: 1
Modified Article: Parts Catalog Correction Prepared by: M. Inohana From: QAC 1st Field Information Dept. Checked by: T. Inoue Reason for Modification:
Parts catalog correction To facilitate assembly Part standardization
Vendor change To improve reliability Other
To meet standards
( )
Correct your parts catalog as follows.
Page 31
1. Part Number Correction Incorrect Correct Description Index
part number part number
A219 3131 A219 3132 Development Cover 6
Page 53
1. Not Listed
Part number Description Index
1660 7473 Capacitor - 47000pF: +80,-20: 50V 177
Page 50
1. Illustration Correction
Item Symbol Incorrect Correct
No. Index number Index number
Capacitor C123 173 177
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Model: Kingfisher Date: 15-Apr-97
Page 30
1. Illustration Correction
No: 1
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Model: Kingfisher Date: 15-Apr-97
No: 1
RAI Production
Model Name V/Hz Destination Code Serial Number
Gestetner 2715z Nashuatec 3715 Savin 9115 Savin 9115 120/60 USA A219-15 7A4 Ricoh FT4015 120/60 Canada A219-17 A736 Ricoh FT4015 110/60 Taiwan A219-22 AJ9 Gestetner 2715z Nashuatec 3715 RexRotary 8715z infotec 5151z 230/50 Europe A219-27 A736 Ricoh FT4015 220, 230/
Ricoh FT4015 220/ 50,60 Asia, etc. A219-29 A736 Gestetner 2715z 110/60 Taiwan A219-50 AK1 Ricoh FT4015 110/60 Taiwan A219-59 A736 Ricoh FT4015 220/50, 60 China A219-69
120/60 USA, Canada A219-10 AJ0
220, 230/
50, 60
50, 60
Europe, Asia, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, etc.
Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America
A219-26 3L7
A219-27 A736
RICOH Modification Bulletin PAGE: 1/1
Model: Kingfisher Date: 30-Apr-97
No: 2
Modified Article: Parts Catalog Correction Prepared by: M. Inohana From: QAC 1st Field Information Dept. Checked by: T. Inoue Reason for Modification:
Parts catalog correction To facilitate assembly Part Standardization
Vendor change To improve reliability Other
To meet standards
( )
Correct your parts catalog as follows.
Page 29
1. Newly Added
Part Description Index
A219 3030 Toner Supply Unit (NA)(RIC) * A219 3034 Toner Supply Unit (EU)(RIC) * A219 3036 Toner Supply Unit (Others) *
2. Description Change
Part Old New Index
Number Description Description
A219 3314 Toner Supply Unit Case - 115V (RIC) Toner Supply Unit Case (NA)(RIC) 9 A219 3411 Toner Supply Unit Case - 230V (RIC) Toner Supply Unit Case (EU)(RIC) 9 A219 3416 Toner Supply Unit Case (OEM) Toner Supply Unit Case (Others) 9
RICOH Modification Bulletin PAGE: 1/1
Model: Kingfisher (Taiwan only) Date: 31-May-97
No: 3
Modified Article: Parts catalog Prepared by: T.Matsuno From: QAC 1st Field Information Dept. Reason for Modification:
Parts catalog correction To facilitate assembly Part standardization
Vendor change To improve reliability Other
To meet standards
( )
Old part New part Description Qty Int Page Index Note
number number
A2191265 A219 1266 A2191380 A219 1386 Decal : Abnormal Indication -Taiwan 1 X/O 55 1 A2192551 A219 2554 A2192648 A219 2658 A2192692 A219 2698 Decal : Operation Instructions -Taiwan 1 X/O 13 3 A2192694 A219 2699 Decal : Paper Set Direction -Taiwan 1 X/O 13 36 A1904476 A219 4477 Decal : Warning (High Temperature)
A2195581 A219 5583 Power Supply Cord -Taiwan 1 X/O 45 11 A2198608 A219 8609 Operating Instructions -Taiwan 1 X/O 55 6
Decal : Main Switch –Taiwan
Paper Tray Assembly –Taiwan Cover : Paper Tray – Taiwan
1 X/O 55 8
1 X/O 13 1 X/O 13 31
1 X/O 39
 
   
 
We have changed the machine code (A219 – 19) for the machines to be marketed in Taiwan, that were originally destined for Saudi Arabia. Therefore, all new necessary parts have been included in the former parts list.
120/60 U.S.A.,
Savin 9115 120/60 U.S.A. A219 – 15
Ricoh FT 4015 120/60
Ricoh FT 4015 110/60 Taiwan A219 – 19 Gestetner 2715Z
Nashuatec 3715 Rex Rotary 8715Z
220,230 / 50,60
Europe, Asia, Latin America,
M.East,Africa,etc. Infotec 5151Z 230/50 Europe A219 – 26 Ricoh FT 4015 220,230 /
Eupope, M. East,
Africa, Latin America Ricoh FT4015 220/50,60 Asia, etc. A219 – 29 Gestetner 2715Z 110/60 Taiwan A219 – 50 Ricoh FT4015 110/60 Taiwan A219 – 59 Ricoh FT4015 220/50,60 China A219 – 69
A219 – 10
A219 – 17
A219 – 22
A219 – 27
RICOH Modification Bulletin PAGE: 1/1
Model: Kingfisher (Taiwan Only) Date: 15-May-97
No: 4
Modified Article: Parts Catalog Prepared by: T.Matsuno From: QAC 1st Field Information Dept. Reason for Modification:
Parts catalog correction To facilitate assembly Part standardization
Vendor change To improve reliability Other
To meet standards
( )
Old part New part Description Qty Int Page Index Note
number number
11026537 Adapter 1 21 45
 
We registered this adapter, which will be added to the plug of the power supply cord on the main frame of the machine, as an after-sales service part.
Therefore, this will also be packed in the box with the other service parts.
RAI Production
Model Name V/Hz Destination Code Serial Number
120/60 USA, Canada A219-10 AJ0 2715z Nashuatec 3715 Savin 9115 Savin 9115 120/60 USA A219-15 7A4 Ricoh FT4015 120/60 USA,Canada A219-17 A736 Ricoh FT4015 110/60 Taiwan A219-19 A7367830001 Gestetner 2715z
220, 230/
50, 60
Europe, Asia, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, etc.
A219-22 AJ9
Nashuatec 3715 RexRotary 8715z Infotec 5151z 230/50 Europe A219-26 3L7 Ricoh FT4015 220, 230/
50, 60
Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America
A219-27 A736
Ricoh FT4015 220/ 50,60 Asia, etc. A219-29 A736 Gestetner
110/60 Taiwan A219-50 AK1 2715z Ricoh FT4015 110/60 Taiwan A219-59 A7367830151 Ricoh FT4015 220/50, 60 China A219-69
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Model: Kingfisher Date: 31-May-97 Modified Article: Parts Catalog Prepared by: T.Matsuno From: QAC 1st Field Information Dept. Reason for Modification:
Old part New part Description Qty Int Page Index Note
number number
A2194069 A2194068 Pressure Spring 2 x/o 37 19
As a result of our tests on the copies of OHP sheets, we’ve found that the straight lines on the bottom half of the sheet are slightly bent even though the tension of the pressure spring in the fusing unit has been standardized.
In order to prevent this, we will provide a new pressure spring, for which the tension has been changed from ± 10 to ± 5%.
Parts catalog correction
To facilitate assembly
Part standardization
Vendor change To improve reliability Other
No: 5
To meet standards
( )
RAI Production
Model Name V/Hz Destination Code Serial Number Gestetner 2715z Nashuatec 3715 Savin 9115 Savin 9115 120/60 USA A219-15 Ricoh FT4015 120/60 USA,Canada A219-17 Ricoh FT4015 110/60 Taiwan A219-19 Gestetner 2715z Nashuatec 3715 RexRotary 8715z Infotec 5151z 230/50 Europe A219-26 Ricoh FT4015 220, 230/
Ricoh FT4015 220/ 50,60 Asia, etc. A219-29 Gestetner
2715z Ricoh FT4015 110/60 Taiwan A219-59 Ricoh FT4015 220/50, 60 China A219-69
120/60 USA, Canada A219-10
220, 230/
50, 60
50, 60
110/60 Taiwan A219-50
Europe, Asia, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, etc.
Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America
A219-22 AJ97830665
7A47830001 A7367834584 A7367830001
3L78370001 A7367830201
RICOH Modification Bulletin PAGE: 1/1
Model: Kingfisher Date: 30-Jun-97
No: 6
Modified Article: Operating Instructions Prepared by: T.Matsuno From: QAC 1st Field Information Dept. Reason for Modification:
Parts catalog correction To facilitate assembly Part standardization
Vendor change To improve reliability Other
To meet standards
( )
Please add to your parts catalog as follows.
Old part New part Description Qty Int Page Index Note
number number
A2198606 Operation Instructions – Chinese 1 55 6 A2198661 Operation Instructions – German 1 55 6 A2198662 Operation Instructions – French 1 55 6 A2198663 Operation Instructions – Italian 1 55 6 A2198664 Operation Instructions – Spanish 1 55 6
RAI PRODUCTION MODEL NAME V/ Hz DESTINATION CODE SERIAL NO. Gestetner 2715Z Nashuatec 3715 Savin 9115 120/60 Savin 9115 120/60 U.S.A. A219 – 15 7A4
Ricoh FT 4015 120/60 Ricoh FT 4015 110/60 Taiwan A219 – 19 A736 Gestetner 2715Z Nashuatec 3715 Rex Rotary 8715Z Infotec 5151Z 230/50 Europe A219 – 26 3L7 Ricoh FT 4015 220,230 /
Ricoh FT4015 220/50,60 Asia, etc. A219 – 29 A736 Gestetner 2715Z 110/60 Taiwan A219 – 50 AK1 Ricoh FT4015 110/60 Taiwan A219 – 59 A736 Ricoh FT4015 220/50,60 China A219 – 69
220,230 / 50,60
U.S.A., Canada
U.S.A Canada
Europe, Asia, Latin America, M.East,Africa,etc.
Eupope, M. East, Africa, Latin America
A219 – 10 AJ0
A219 – 17 A736
A219 – 22 AJ9
A219 – 27 A736
RICOH Modification Bulletin PAGE: 1/3
Model: Kingfisher Date: 15-Jul-97
No: 7
Modified Article: The bottom plate of the optics frame Prepared by: T.Matsuno From: QAC 1st Field Information Dept. Reason for Modification:
Parts catalog correction To facilitate assembly Part standardization
Vendor change To improve reliability Other
To meet standards
( )
Old part New part Description Qty Int Page Index Note
number number
AA150234 Mylar Seal – Base 4 23 27 A1901831 Shield Heater Rear 1 23 28
As a result of our observation concerning air flow in the optics section, we have found that air from outside flows through a few holes in the bottom plate into the inside of the optics frame and this may cause staining on the tip of the exposure glass.
Range of getting dirty (about 40 cm from the tip of the exposure glass)
Anti-condensation Heater
Exposure Glass
Note ¬~° : Air from outside flows through these holes. Measurement tools were inserted
through these holes to confirm process standardization for the frame and parallel standardization for the scanner.
Lens Cover
The length of the arrows indicates how much air flows through the five holes.
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Model: Kingfisher Date: 15-Jul-97
No: 7
To prevent dirty air from entering, we covered the holes with a seal as shown below. It is necessary to cover the entire hole with the seal.
Illustration & Procedure
1) Put a seal (A1901831) on the hole from the outside of the bottom plate.
2) Put a seal (AA150234) on each of these four holes from the inside of the bottom plate.
Hole (12±0.3x14)
( 6
( 6
x α12 )
Hole ( 6.4
x8 )
The bottom plate of the optics frame.
x 8 )
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Model: Kingfisher Date: 15-Jul-97
RAI PRODUCTION MODEL NAME V/ Hz DESTINATION CODE SERIAL NO. Gestetner 2715Z Nashuatec 3715 Savin 9115 120/60 Savin 9115 120/60 U.S.A. A219 – 15 7A47850001~
Ricoh FT 4015 120/60 Ricoh FT 4015 110/60 Taiwan A219 – 19 A7367852651~ Gestetner 2715Z Nashuatec 3715 Rex Rotary 8715Z Infotec 5151Z 230/50 Europe A219 – 26 3L78570001~ Ricoh FT 4015 220,230 /
Ricoh FT4015 220/50,60 Asia, etc. A219 – 29 A7367853681~ Gestetner 2715Z 110/60 Taiwan A219 – 50 AK1 Ricoh FT4015 110/60 Taiwan A219 – 59 A7367852981~ Ricoh FT4015 220/50,60 China A219 – 69 A7367854194~
220,230 / 50,60
U.S.A., Canada
U.S.A Canada
Europe, Asia, Latin America, M.East,Africa,etc.
Eupope, M. East, Africa, Latin America
A219 – 10 AJ07850001~
A219 – 17 A7627850001~
A219 – 22 AJ97850001~
A219 – 27 A7367850401~
No: 7
RICOH Modification Bulletin PAGE: 1/2
Model: Kingfisher Date: 15-Jun-97
No: 8
Modified Article: Parts Catalog Correction Prepared by: M. Inohana From: QAC 1st Field Information Dept. Checked by: T. Inoue Reason for Modification:
Parts catalog correction To facilitate assembly Part Standardization
Vendor change To improve reliability Other
To meet standards
( )
Please correct your Parts Catalog as follows.
Page No. 37
Parts number correction
Old part New part Description Qty Page Index
number number
A219 4055 Fusing Unit 1 37 *
A219 4021 Fusing Unit - 120V 1 37 * A219 4022 Fusing Unit - 230V 1 37 *
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Model: Kingfisher Date: 15-Jun-97
No: 8
RAI Production
Model Name V/Hz Destination Code Serial Number
Gestetner 2715z Nashuatec 3715 Savin 9115 Savin 9115 120/60 USA A219-15 7A4 Ricoh FT4015 120/60 Canada A219-17 A736 Ricoh FT4015 110/60 Taiwan A219-22 AJ9 Gestetner 2715z Nashuatec 3715 RexRotary 8715z infotec 5151z 230/50 Europe A219-27 A736 Ricoh FT4015 220, 230/
Ricoh FT4015 220/ 50,60 Asia, etc. A219-29 A736 Gestetner 2715z 110/60 Taiwan A219-50 AK1 Ricoh FT4015 110/60 Taiwan A219-59 A736 Ricoh FT4015 220/50, 60 China A219-69
120/60 USA, Canada A219-10 AJ0
220, 230/
50, 60
50, 60
Europe, Asia, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, etc.
Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America
A219-26 3L7
A219-27 A736
RICOH Modification Bulletin PAGE: 1/1
Model: Kingfisher (China Only) Date: 30-Jun-97
No: 9
Modified Article: China Standardization Prepared by: T.Matsuno From: QAC 1st Field Information Dept. Reason for Modification:
Parts catalog correction To facilitate assembly Part standardization
Vendor change To improve reliability Other
To meet standards
( )
Old part New part Description Qty Int Page Index Note
number number
A2195681 A2195682 Power Supply Cord – 230V 1 X/O 45 11
So far, the power supply cords used in the Chinese market are the same as those used in Europe.
Owing to new regulations in China, we will provide a new type of power supply cord as shown above.
RAI PRODUCTION MODEL NAME V/ Hz DESTINATION CODE SERIAL NO. Gestetner 2715Z Nashuatec 3715 Savin 9115 120/60 Savin 9115 120/60 U.S.A. A219 – 15
Ricoh FT 4015 120/60 Ricoh FT 4015 110/60 Taiwan A219 – 19 Gestetner 2715Z Nashuatec 3715 Rex Rotary 8715Z Infotec 5151Z 230/50 Europe A219 – 26 Ricoh FT 4015 220,230 /
Ricoh FT4015 220/50,60 Asia, etc. A219 – 29 Gestetner 2715Z 110/60 Taiwan A219 – 50 Ricoh FT4015 110/60 Taiwan A219 – 59 Ricoh FT4015 220/50,60 China A219 – 69
220,230 / 50,60
U.S.A., Canada
U.S.A Canada
Europe, Asia, Latin America, M.East,Africa,etc.
Eupope, M. East, Africa, Latin America
A219 – 10
A219 – 17
A219 – 22
A219 – 27
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Model: Kingfisher (China Only) Date: 31-Aug-97 Modified Article: China standardization Prepared by: T.Matsuno From: QAC 1st Field Information Dept. Reason for Modification:
Old part New part Description Qty Int Page Index Note
number number
A2195682 A2195680 Power Supply Cord – 230V 1 X/O 45 11 MB9
In order to meet the new standardization in China, we changed the length of the Power Supply Cord for China and will provide the new type of Power Supply Cord. This time, we have found that the regulation length of the Power Supply Cord is changed from 2.0m to 2.7m by the new standardization in China.
Parts catalog correction To facilitate assembly Part standardization
Vendor change To improve reliability Other
No: 10
To meet standards
( )
Page 44
Power Supply Cord
+ 34 hidden pages