1. RAM Address Settings
00015E (Service Switch 1E)
Bits 0 and 1: Handshake modem rate (transmission)
Bit 0 Bit 1 Setting
0 0 300 bps
0 1 2400 bps
1 0 300 bps and 2400 bps
1 1 300 bps and 2400 bps
Bits 2 and 3: Handshake modem rate (rece pt ion )
Bit 2 Bit 3 Setting
0 0 300 bps
0 1 2400 bps
1 0 300 bps and 2400 bps
1 1 300 bps and 2400 bps
Bit 4: Erasure of Speed Dials and Quick Dials
0: Disabled, 1: Enable d
Bit 5: Display of all spaces if no CSI has been programmed
0: Disabled, 1: Enable d
Bit 6: Detection of 3-minute close during video data transmission
0: Disabled, 1: Enable d
Bit 7: Action taken after 3-minute close
0: Disconnect, 1: Send MPS and con tin ue commun icat ing
00015F (Service Switch 1F)
Bit 0: IT2 detection
0: Disabled, 1: Enable d
Bit 1: NCU parameter adjustment
0: Allowed, 1: Not allowed
Bit 2: Action if PRI-Q detecte d af ter DIS
0: Nothing, 1: The machine’s internal buzzer rings
Bit 3: Not used
Bit 4: NSF(RTI) enabled for tra nsmissio n
0: Enabled (if it is programmed ), 1: Disabled
Bits 5 to 7: Not used

2. Carrier Detection Test
1. After entering service mode, press
0 9 then 1
NO.01=V29 9600 BPS
2. Scroll through the available tests with the up and down arrow keys. The
available tests are as follows.
No. 29 = V.29 9600 RX: 9600 bps carrier detection
No. 30 = V.29 7200 RX: 7200 bps carrier detection
No. 31 = V.27 4800 RX: 4800 bps carrier detection
No. 32 = V.27 2400 RX: 2400 bps carrier detection
No. 33 = V.21 300 RX: 300 bps carrier detection
No. 34 = DUAL TONE RX: 330 Hz/440 Hz detection
3. Start
Tests 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33 - "FE DETECT" is displayed if carrier is detected.
Test 34 - "330HZ TONE DETECT" is displayed if 330 Hz is detected
"440HZ T ONE DETECT" is displayed if 440 Hz is detected
"DUAL TONE DETECT" is displayed if a combined 330/440 Hz tone
is detected
4. Stop