G4 "D" KIT Type 90



1. Installation Guide
2. PWA, CVG4 (P/N: 28424-001)
3. MBU System ROM IC 3 – FAX5600L
4. MBU System ROM IC 4 – FAX5600L
6. PWA Mounting Bracket
7. Modified Rear Cover
8. Screws, M3 x 6 Philips with Flat Washer (3)
9. Screws, M3 x 8 Tapping with Flat Washer (3)
10. V.35 Data Cable (P/N: 28378-001)
11. RS366 Dial Cable (P/N: 28379-001)
12. Wire Routing Guide
13. Model Label, G4 Digital – FAX5600L
Optional: V.24 (V.28) Data Cable (P/N: 28382-001) Back to Back Cable (P/N: 28433-001)
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM1


CAUTION: The installation of this product will erase all system and document memory. The machine will return to default settings when power is restored.
Before installing this product check the character display and make sure that 100% is displayed. Print all lists and messages, and note all settings to aid in reprogramming the machine.
Function Print lists and messages: FAX5600L Memory File 51
Polling File 52 Quick Dial 31, 43 Speed Dial 32, 44 Group Dial 33, 45 User Function 35, 47 File 42 Program 46 Print Auto Document 53 Confidential File Message* 55 Memory Lock Message* 56
For Function 60 and higher enter password 2 2 2 2
Personal Code 71 Authorized Reception 72 Forwarding List* 75 Specified Cassette** 76 User Parameter List 91
For Service Level functions enter Function 6 0 1 9 9 1 Yes
System Parameter List (G3) 02
Note the settings: System Setup (TTI, RTI, CSI, etc.) 61
Economy Transmission 74 Number for Multi-Sort Reception* 77 On/Off Switches 81
* Machines with memory options ** Machines with extra paper feed unit
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM2


This product is to be used with the Ricoh FAX5600L. Users of this instruction document should be either service trained or certified by successfully completing a Ricoh Technical Training Program in English.
Tools Required
Metric Philips screw driver set PROM puller
Use the antistatic wrist strap as an antistatic safety measure during the installation of this product.
NOTE: Before installing this option read the Operator Safety, Laser Safety, and other notes, warnings and cautions at the beginning of this machine's Service Manual.
1. Turn off the fax machine power, and disconnect the machine.
2. Unfasten the rear cover, disconnect the speaker and remove the back cover. Figure 1 [A].
3. Raise the front cover and scanner cover [release buttons front and side].
4. Remove the left cover. Figure 1 [B].
5. Remove the MBU holder. Figure 2 [D]. The MBU holder will not be reused.
MBU System ROM Replacement
6. Move the MBU battery jumper, TB1, to OFF.
7. Remove MBU System ROMs from their sockets:
FAX5600L IC 3 and IC 4
8. Replace with the G4 Digital Option ROMs:
FAX5600L IC 3 and IC 4
9. Move the battery jumper back to ON.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM3
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM4
Grounding Plate and Bracket
10. Remove the NCU to attach the grounding plate. Figure 1 [C].
11. Attach the grounding plate using one tapping screw, and one threaded screw. Figure 3 [F, F , F ].
1 2
NOTE: The threaded screw connects to ground.
12. Attach the mounting bracket using two tapping screws. Figure 3 [G, G , G ].
1 2
13. Plug the CVG4 PWA connector, CN 1, into the FCU, and secure it to the mounting bracket using two threaded screws. Figure 3 [H H ].
1, 2
14. Replace the NCU and the left cover. Figure 1 [B, C].
Modified Rear Cover
15. From the original rear cover, remove the speaker and, if installed, the hard disk option cover and the memory card. Using the same fasteners attach them to the new G4 cover.
16. Attach the new G4 cover to the machine.
Communication Cables
17. Orient the wire routing guide so that the cables will feed down through the routing loop. Affix the guide above and to the right of the rear screw on the left panel. Figure 1 [J].
18. Connect the V.35 data cable and the V.24-200 auto-dial cable to the G4 networking equipment.
19. Feed the cables down through the routing loop. Twist the loop ends together to secure the cables.
NOTE: The test switches located beneath the auto-dial connector on the rear panel should all be OFF. These switches are used in back-to-back testing only.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM5
Final Steps
20. Affix the new model label over the old model name on the operator panel.
21. Connect the G4 cables to the G4 networking equipment.
22. Use the FAX5600L Installation Checklist, section 1.2 above, to complete the initialization procedure on page 3-13 in the Service
NOTE: Do not attempt to restore power until all connections have been made.
Additional Equipment Back-to-Back Cable Part Number 28433-001
A back-to-back cable capable of testing V.35 and V.24 signals is used for the following V.35/V.24 tests.
1. The input port data. See Internal Switch 0F (ISW0F).
2. Back-to-back CSDN layer 1 and PSDN layer 2 network simulations. See section 4 below.
X.21 is not supported in this product at this time, and the back-to-back cable is not available.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM6



01 G4_ISW : G4 Internal Switches, one of two sets of G4 software switches. 02 03 DN_IP : Not used in the United States. Do not modify.
05 G4_SN1 : G4 Subscriber Number 1, one of two G4 subscriber numbers. 06 G4_SN2 : Not used in the United States. Do not modify.
07 ~ 11 Not used.
14 Not used.
15 Prints the commands sent between the FCU and the CVG4 as the
G4_PSW : G4 Parameter Switches, the second of two sets of G4 software switches.
ISDN_IP : Integrated Services Data Network International Prefix. A network access code, similar to the international dial access code, and used to receive transfer result reports when communicating through a terminal adapter to an ISDN network machine.
DNIC : Data Network Identification Code. A four-digit code which identifies the network the terminal is on, and used when communicating with a machine on another CSDN or PSDN network.
G4_TID : G4 Terminal Identification Code. A three-part code consisting of the network's country code, the terminal's network number, and the terminal name, and used when communicating through a terminal adapter to ISDN networks. It is similar to a TTI.
G4_DMP1 : G4 Memory Dump List. contents of a specified range of memory locations
G4_DMP2 : G4 Protocol Dump.
16 Prints a list of protocol signals exchanged during the last communication.
See also bit switches ISW12-0 and PSW0E-1. G4_LIST : G4 System Parameter List.
17 Prints a list showing the current G4 ISW and PSW bitswitch settings, and
other parameters programmed with G4 functions
18 Not used.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM7


1. To enter the G4 service mode, press
Function 6 0 1 9 9 1 Yes
The Service Function menu appears:
2. Press 1 8 The G4 service function menu appears:
G4 NO.$$
01.G4_ISW 02.G4_PSW
To review the menu pages, press the scroll and
Use the ten key pad to enter numbers. To return to the Service Function menu, press Yes or No
To exit the service modes and return to standby, press Function
SYSTEM RESET NOTE: The machine must be reset after completing G4 service mode operations: Turn off the main power to the machine; wait a few seconds; then turn it back on.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM8
2.2.1 ISW Internal Switch (Function 01)
1. Enter the G4 service mode. Press 0 1
G4_ISW DF: 00010001
SW:00 00010001
Bits are numbered from 0 to 7. Bit 7 is displayed at the left, and bit 0 at the right. The default settings (DF) are shown above the current settings (SW).
2. To display another switch, press or
Example: To display bit switch 3, press 3 times
G4_ISW DF: 00000000
SW:03 00000000
3. Press a bit 's number on the ten-key pad to toggle its setting between 0 and 1.
Example: To change bit 3 from its current setting, press 3 once.
G4_ISW DF: 00000000
SW:03 00001000
4. To continue adjusting bit switches, go to steps 2 and 3.
To return to the G4 service function menu, press Yes To exit the service modes and return to standby, Function
and perform system reset.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM9
2.2.2 PSW Parameter Switch (Function 02)
1. Enter the G4 service mode. Press 0 2
G4_PSW DF: 01000000
SW:00 01000000
Bits are numbered from 0 to 7. Bit 7 is displayed at the left, and bit 0 at the right. The default settings (DF) are shown above the current settings (SW).
2. To display another switch, press or
Example: To display bit switch 0E, press 2 times
G4_PSW DF: 10110010
SW:0E 10110010
3. Press a bit 's number on the ten-key pad to toggle its setting between 0 and 1.
Example: To change bit 0 from its current setting, press 0 once.
G4_PSW DF: 10110010
SW:0E 10110011
4. To continue adjusting bit switches, go to steps 2 and 3.
To return to the G4 service function menu, press Yes To exit the service modes and return to standby, press Function
and perform system reset.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM10
2.2.3 ISDN International Prefix (Function 04)
1. Enter the G4 service mode. Press 0 4
To change an entry, press Clear or No
2. Enter the code provided by the network.
Example: Press 1 2 3 4 Yes
G4 NO.$$
01.G4_ISW 02.G4_PSW
To exit the service modes and return to standby, press Function and perform system reset.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM11
2.2.4 Subscriber Number 1 (Function 05)
1. Enter the G4 service mode. Press 0 5
To change an entry, press Clear or No
2. Enter the the subscriber number (up to 20 digits), including a pause (–).
Example: Press Pause 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yes
G4 NO.$$
01.G4_ISW 02.G4_PSW
To exit the service modes and return to standby, press Function and perform system reset.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM12
2.2.5 DNIC Network Identification (Function 12)
1. Enter the G4 service mode. Press 1 2
To change an entry, press Clear or No
2. Enter the code provided by the network.
Example: Press 1 2 3 4 Yes
G4 NO.$$
01.G4_ISW 02.G4_PSW
To exit the service modes and return to standby, press Function and perform system reset.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM13
2.2.6 TID Terminal Identification (Function 13)
1. Enter the G4 service mode. Press 1 3
To change an entry, press Clear or No
2. Enter the country code of the terminal. The US county code is 011.
Example: Press 0 1 1 Yes
3. Enter the terminal's fax number.
Example: Press 4 0 8 4 7 1 9 8 1 1 Yes
=$$$$$$$$$$$ ABC
4. Enter the terminal's identifcation provided by the customer. Use the Quick Dial (QD) keys to enter letters, spaces (QD key 30)
and symbols (QD key 31).
Example: Press L 8 0 + D G 4 C C U
–L80+DG4CCU $$
5. Press Yes to program the entry and return to G4 service mode.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM14
2.2.7 Memory List Printing (Function 15)
This function disgorges the machine memory for engineering development purposes; it is impractical to use in the technical service environment. See Function 16 which prints a hex code listing of the protocol exchange for a more useful tool.
1. Enter the G4 service mode. Press 1 5
Use the Quick Dial keys to enter letters. To erase an entry, press No
2. Enter the starting address of the range to be printed.
Example: Press 2 2 A A
3 Enter the final address of the range to be printed. Example: Press 2 2 B B
4. Press Start to print the contents of the range.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM15
5. When the list is printed, the display of step 1 reappears.
To return to the Service Function menu, press Yes or No To exit the service modes and return to standby, press Function
2.2.8 Protocol List Printing (Function 16)
1. Enter the G4 service mode. Press 1 6
2. Press Start to print.
3. When the list is printed, the display of step 1 reappears.
To return to the Service Function menu, press Yes or No To exit the service modes and return to standby, press Function
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM16
2.2.9 System Parameter List Printing (Function 17)
1. Enter the G4 service mode. Press 1 7
2. Press Start to print.
3. When the list is printed, the G4 service function menu reappears.
G4 NO.$$
01.G4_ISW 02.G4_PSW
To return to the Service Function menu, press Yes or No To exit the service modes and return to standby, press Function
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM17


2.3.1 Internal Switches (ISW)
CAUTION Do not adjust a bit switch that is described as "not used", as this may cause the machine to malfunction, or to operate in a manner that is not accepted by local regulations. Such bits are for use only in other areas, such as Japan.
NOTE: Internal bit switches are changed using procedures described in section 2.2.1.
Bit Switch ISW00
Bit Function Default
Country Code. Set 5 bit switches:
Bit 4 3 2 1 0 Country Bit 4 3 2 1 0 Country
0 0 0 0 0 France 0 1 0 1 0 Sweden 0 0 0 0 1 Germany 0 1 0 1 1 Switzerland
0 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 1
5 Not used. Do not change factory setting. 0 6 Not used. Do not change factory setting. 0 7 Not used. Do not change factory setting. 0
0 0 0 1 0 UK 0 1 1 0 0 Portugal 0 0 0 1 1 Italy 0 1 1 0 1 Holland 0 0 1 0 0 Austria 0 1 1 1 0 Spain 0 0 1 0 1 Belgium 0 1 1 1 1 Israel 0 0 1 1 0 Denmark 1 0 0 0 1 USA 0 0 1 1 1 Finland 1 0 0 1 0 Asia 0 1 0 0 0 Ireland 1 0 0 1 1 Japan 0 1 0 0 1 Norway
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM18
NOTE: Bit switches ISW01 and ISW02 are not used in the United States. Do not change the factory settings.
Bit Switch ISW03 (Application Task)
Bit Function Default
Frame Save Area Clear Mode (troubleshooting tool)
0 0: Clear with each communication 0
1: Not cleared 1 Debugging tool. Do not change factory setting. 0 2 Debugging tool. Do not change factory setting. 0 3 Debugging tool. Do not change factory setting. 0 4 Not used. Do not change factory setting. 0 5 Not used. Do not change factory setting. 0 6 Not used. Do not change factory setting. 0 7 Not used. Do not change factory setting. 0
Bit Switch ISW03 Comments:
Bit 0: Provides a save area of 2K bytes for communication protocols.
0: The area is cleared after each communication. 1: Saves communication exchanges until memory is used up. Exchanges are printed with Function 16, G4 Protocol Dump.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM19
Bit Switch ISW04 (Data Link Task – Layer 2) Bit Function Default
T3 time.The time in seconds (s) available to receive an acknowledging
frame sent in response to a command frame. When this time is 0
exceeded, the link channel is considered to be non-operational and will
be reset to continue normal link operations.
0: Ricoh mode T = 10 s.
1: CCITT T.90 (X.75) mode T = 30 s.
Shift-up Mode. Modulo 8 to modulo 128 1 0: Immediate (negotiation available) 0
1: Indirect (call disconnect/reconnect)
Fallback Mode. Modulo 128 to modulo 8 2 0: Immediate (negotiation available) 0
1: Indirect (call disconnect/reconnect) 3 Not used. Do not change factory setting. 0 4 Not used. Do not change factory setting. 0 5 Not used. Do not change factory setting. 0 6 Not used. Do not change factory setting 0
PSDN Back-To-Back Testing (Set one machine to 1) Reset after testing. 7 0: DTE 0
1: DCE
Bit Switch ISW04 Comments:
Bit 0: 0: T = 10 s. Sufficient time to ensure continuous link operations for most
circumstances. 1: T = 30 s. This setting is used for satellite communication paths, high traffic congested networks, and when CCITT compliance is required for overseas acceptance tests.
Bit 1: 0: Immediate. The DCE can respond to the modulo 8 SABM command frame
with DM, and will not disconnect the call. In turn, the modulo 8 machine shifts up and sends the modulo 128 SABME link set up command frame. 1: Indirect. When SABM is received from the modulo 8 machine, the DCE disconnects and does not send the DM frame. When the call is reconnected, the modulo 8 machine shifts up and sends SABME to establish the data link.
Bit 2: 0: Immediate. The DCE can respond to the modulo 128 SABME command
frame with DM; the call is not disconnected. The modulo 128 machine will fallback by sending SABM, the link setup command for modulo 8 machines. 1: Indirect. When SABME is received from a modulo 128 machine, the DCE will disconnect the call. SABM is sent when the call is reconnected.
Bit 7: When doing a PSDN back-to-back test, one of the fax machines must appear to
be a DCE. This is done by setting this bit to 1 in one of the machines before doing the test.
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM20
Bit Switch ISW05 (Network Task – Layer 3)
Bit Function Default
Calling-up Packet 0 0: CR Packet (S:CR) Call Request 0
1: SQ Packet (S:SQ) Reset Request 1 Not used. Do not change factory setting. 0
Protocol ID Check 2 0: Yes (TYMNET) 0
1: No 3 Not used. Do not change factory setting 0 4 Not used. Do not change factory setting. 0
Received Charge (Collect Call) 5 0: Refuse 0
1: Accept
Ricoh Mode (57 second) Timer 6 0: Disabled 0
1: Enabled
Packet Size (P) and Window Size (W) T.90 CSDN (ISO8208) 7 0: Fixed 0
1: Variable
G4 "D" KIT Type 90 SM21
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