Ricoh FAX2500L Technical Bulletin FX2500

Technical Bulletin No. CRO-001
SUBJECT: Service Manual Correction
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
This information includ es corre ctions to the CRO service manual.
FROM: 1st T.S. Section
MODEL: CRO Europe and Asia Version
October 25, 1993
1. Section 3.2.4. (Page 3-6)
The item 4 has been changed, because the CRO does not have the monitor speaker.
4. Take off the rear cover [A] and disconnect the monito r sp ea ker [B ].
4. Take off the rear cover [A].
Technical Bulletin No. CRO-002
SUBJECT: Service Manual Crrection
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
The attached page is addition al inf orma tion for the service manual.
FROM: 2nd T.S. Section
MODEL: CRO Europe and Asia version.
DATE: Nov. 2, 1993 Reissued Jan.10. 19994
2-1-2. NCU
1. Signal and Jumper Settings
The following table shows the jumper po sitio ns fo r each country, and the status of the relay control signals (CN3-A7, B7 and A8 ). The coun try is selected by the Country Code for NCU Parameters (NCU Parameter 00 ; use Function 96 ).
Standby Mode
CN-3 CN-3 TB1 TB2 TB3 TB5 TB4 TB7 TB8 TP2-3
Country A7 B7 A8 A7 B7 A8
Germany L L L H H L O S A S O S S U.K. L H L H H L O S A S O S S Italy H H L H H L O S B S O S S Austria H H L L L L O S A S O S S Belgium H H L L L L O S A S O S S Denmark H H L L L L O S A O O S S Finland H H L H H L O S A S O S S Ireland HHLLLHOS C SOSS Norway L H L L L H O S A S O S S Sweden H L L L L L O S A S O S S Switzerland L H L L L L S S A O S S O Portugal H H L L L L O S A S O S S Holland H H L L L H O S A S O S S Spain H H L L L L O S B S O S S Israel H H L H H L O S A S O S S Asia L H L H H L O S A S O S S Hong Kong L H L H H L O S A S O S S S. Africa HHLHHLOS C SOSS Australia L H L H H L O S A S O O S New
Zealand Singapore H H L H H L O S A S O S S Malaysia L H L H H L O S A S O S S Turkey
(U.K.) Keys H = High; L = Low O = Open; S = Short.
In Turkey, use the “U.K.” country code, NCU parameters manually.
After Ring
Jumper Tips and Wires
For “A”, “B” and “C” in the TB3/TB5 columns, refer to the following diagrams.
Technical Bulletin No. CRO-003
SUBJECT: Paper not lifted up
DATE: Dec. 10. 1993
PREPARED BY: H. Yokoyama CHECKED BY: FROM: 2nd T.S. Section
MODEL: CRO Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
The bottom plate of the A4 (letter) size standard cassette is not lifted up eve n if the cassette is inserted into the machine.
When installing the cassette, the slider [A] should contact the Boss [B ] on t he base . However [A] does not contact [B], because of the warp of the cassette and the base plate of the machien.
Temporary: Insert a washer (t=0.5mm, P/N: 07010030B) between the Boss [B] and the
Base plate of the machine <Effective Date>
H510-20: R8831000001~ • H5 10-30: 4671130001~
H510-21: 6403100136 ~ H510-40: U2731100001~
H510-22: L4231000309~ H510-51 : A1431000001~
H510-27: 0831000146 ~ H510-60: 6353110001~
Permanent: The heig ht of the Boss [B] (P/N: H081 35 61 ) has be en chan ge d fro m 6 mm to
7mm. <Effective Date>
From December 1st production
Install a plastic cap (which packed with this RTB) on to the Boss.
Use a glue for plastic.
Insert a washer(P/N: 07010030B) or an M4 E-ring (P/N: 07200040E) between the Boss and
the Base Plate.
Technical Bulletin No. CRO-004
SUBJECT: Paper not lifted up
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
To improve image quality, the OBM (mast er un it) has bee n mod ifie d, as shown below.
FROM: 1st T.S. Section
Dec. 15. 1993
Paper path
When the paper passes over the maste r belt , to ne r sometimes does not transfer to the pape r properly.
Therefore, the paper path inside the master has been changed, and the paper makes be tter contact with the master.
This has been executed from October production.
Paper path
Technical Bulletin No. CRO-005
SUBJECT: Hot Roller Down
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
FROM: 2nd T.S. Section
CRO(Europe & Asia)
Apr, 11th , 1994
Auto service call (Hot Roller Down) may occur during sta nd by mod e.
TRC (Triac)1 and/or 2 on the PSU may be damaged (short ed ) in the field by severe impulse noise or power supply drop out. (The TRCs switch the ac power supply to the fusing lamp on/off.) This may cause continuou s power supply to the fusing lamp an d this will genarate the above auto service call condition. (There are two safety circuits for the power supply to the fusing lamp . The safety circuits cut the power supply to the fusing lamp.)
Change the capacitors (C8 and C9) to th e surg e killers (10 0Ω +0.01µF) to increase the safety margin against unstable ac power conditions in the field. This will be effective from Feb. 1994 production.
Europe: H51 0 56 01B C Asia: H510 5602B C
Technical Bulletin No. CRO-006
SUBJECT: Rx problem from PC Fax modems
"Paper Size Error" indication
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
FROM: 2nd T.S. Section
CRO (Europe only)
May 26th, 1994.
<Rx problem from PC Fax modems>
-Problem­CRO may not receive messages from PC Fax modems.
-Cause­Some PC Fax modems can not recognize th e extended DIS frame (6 bytes) which was recently recommended by CCITT.
-Action­Ask your customer to request th e sen de r (PC Fa x modem o wne r) to con tact a service engineer to modify their software to solve th e pro ble m. However we have prepared a coun te rmea sure ROM for this problem. This RO M should be used only when the problem is not solved even if the sen der co nt acts the PC Fax board maker. When this ROM is used, the DIS fra me is f ixed at 4 byt es so that the Fine Resolution (8 X 15.4 l/mm) will not be used for transmittion.
<"Paper Size Error" indication>
-Problem­The machine may display "Pape r Size Erro r" in the following conditions.
⋅ Machine Software : H5107130C, D or E ⋅ Printer Firmware : 930801 or 930319
-Cause­Software of the machin e
-Action­We have prepared a counterme asu re ROM fo r this problem.
Technical Bulletin No. CRO-006
SUBJECT: Rx problem from PC Fax modems
"Paper Size Error" indication
There are two kinds of problem for the CRO, so the following is a summary of the countermeasure ROMs.
EB51 H5107130E 24 DEC. ’93 Norma l ma ss prod uction
E64F Same as above PC Fax problem
E387 Same as above "Paper Size Error"
E305 Same as above PC Fax problem and
Indication on the System
Parameter List
"Paper Size Error" problem
May 26th, 1994.
The solution for the "Paper Size Error" indication problem will be introduced into the production machines from Septembe r prod uction. (This is not fixed yet.)
Technical Bulletin No. CRO-007
SUBJECT: Rx problem from PC Fax modems
"Paper Size Error" indication
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
FROM: 2nd T.S. Section
MODEL: CRO (Asia only)
July, 30, 1994.
<Rx problem from PC Fax modems>
-Problem­CRO may not receive messages from PC Fax modems.
-Cause­Some PC Fax modems can not recognize th e extended DIS frame (6 bytes) which was recently recommended by CCITT.
-Action­Ask your customer to request th e sen de r (PC Fa x modem o wne r) to con tact a service engineer to modify their software to solve th e pro ble m. However we have prepared a coun te rmea sure ROM for this problem. This RO M should be used only when the problem is not solved even if the sen der co nt acts the PC Fax board maker. When this ROM is used, the DIS fra me is f ixed at 4 byt es so that the Fine Resolution (8 X 15.4 l/mm) will not be used for transmittion.
<"Paper Size Error" indication>
-Problem­The machine may display "Pape r Size Erro r" in the following conditions.
⋅ Machine Software : H5107132C, D or E ⋅ Printer Firmware : 930801 or 930319
-Cause­Software of the machin e
-Action­We have prepared a counterme asu re ROM fo r this problem. Please contact us if this prob lem happ en ed.
Technical Bulletin No. CRO-008
SUBJECT: Rx problem from PC Fax modems
"Paper Size Error" indication
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
FROM: 2nd T.S. Section
July, 30, 1994.
<Rx problem from PC Fax modems>
-Problem­CRO may not receive messages from PC Fax modems.
-Cause­Some PC Fax modems can not recognize th e extended DIS frame (6 bytes) which was recently recommended by CCITT.
-Action­Ask your customer to request th e sen de r (PC Fa x modem o wne r) to con tact a service engineer to modify their software to solve th e pro ble m. However we have prepared a coun te rmea sure ROM for this problem. This RO M should be used only when the problem is not solved even if the sen der co nt acts the PC Fax board maker. When this ROM is used, the DIS fra me is f ixed at 4 byt es so that the Fine Resolution (8 X 15.4 l/mm) will not be used for transmittion. Please contact us if this prob lem happ en ed.
<"Paper Size Error" indication>
-Problem­The machine may display "Pape r Size Erro r" in the following conditions.
⋅ Machine Software : CS1: H5117140 E, F or G CRO: H5107140 D, E or F ⋅ Printer Firmware : 930801 or 930319
-Cause­Software of the machin e
-Action­Use the following ROMs if this problem happened.
CS1: H5117140H CRO: H5107 140G
The above ROMs will be used for massproduct ion from July production.
Technical Bulletin No. CRO-009
SUBJECT: Printing Problem
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
Intermittent resideual image on receptions and reports when the unit has a PIF60 installed. See below.
FROM: 2nd T.S. Section
MODEL: CS1 America version CRO America and Europ e version
July, 30th, 1994
Imcomplete switching at the clock to the fax and report page memory. The clock to the printer page memory may be mixed with the clock to the fax and report page memory sometimes.
[Countermeasu re]
The following ROMs will be changed. <America>
H5117140G → H Programmed ROM - CS1 (From July production) H5107140F G Programmed ROM - CRO (From July production)
H5107130E → F Programmed ROM - EUR -CRO (From Aug. production) H5107133B → C Programmed ROM - FRN -CRO (From Aug. production)
Technical Bulletin No. CRO-010
SUBJECT: New CRO Information
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
The New CRO will be launched from Sept. ’94 prod uct ion . Please find the attached she et s which are described the additional information and the
difference of the parts numbers for the old CRO prod uct .
FROM: Over Sea T.S. Section
Aug 30th, 1994
Throughout this manual, the machin es are re­ferrend to as follows: CRO: FAX 2500L CS1: FAX3500L New CRO: FAX2600L
Additional In formation for New CRO
The new CRO is a successor to the CRO. Theref ore, most features of the new CRO are the same as the old CRO. The differences betwe en the new CRO and old CRO are listed below.
1. Hardware
Items New CRO Old CRO
1.1 Specification *Memory Capacity *Paper Size
2.1.1 FCU *SAF Memory Battery back-up(1H) No battery back-up
2. Software
Almost same as the CRO, excep t th e following
256 Kbytes
Letter , Legal
128 Kbytes
-The Direct Number Entry feature is available by pressin g the quick dial key(8 ). This feature is programmed in the quick dia l key, as a de fault setting.
Part Number Information for FAX2600L Parts Catalo g
Item New CRO CRO
1. Cassette H081 3350 H081 3355 1-13- 8
2. Paper Size Detector Pin-LG H081 3388 1-13-28
3. PCB - FCU H081 6064 H510 6110 1- 5-49
4. Operators Manual H081 4444 H510 4300 1- 3- *
5. Op-Port ass’y H081 4725 H510 4200 1- 3-11
6. Standard Pin H081 3409 1-11-78
7. Film - Regist Guide Rail - Left H081 3521 1-13-17
8. Connector - Cover H081 3558 1-11-82
9. Quick Dial List: NA H081 4728 H510 4255 1- 3- 2
Parts Catalog Index
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Technical Bulletin No. GENERAL-004
SUBJECT: Black bands/lines on the receive d cop y
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
FROM: 2nd T.S. Section
November 11th, 1993
On the received copies, bla ck ban ds or line s may be printed, especially on the right hand side.
Toner or dust is attached to the charge corona wire.
The electric current of the charge coron a will be increased to avoid applying uneren charg to the master which is caused by a dirty corona wire. Because of the increase of the ele ctric curre nt , th e distance betwee n th e grid plate and the coro na wire will be changed to keep the charge on the master belt the same as before modification.
H081 2870 → H081 2854 Eraser Ass’y
H081 5030 → H081 5020 Power pack (CSO/CFO)
H510 5030 H510 5020 Power pack (CRO/CS 1)
<Eraser Ass’y>
The thickness of the clean ing blad e of the cleaner will be changed to incre ase the
cleaning ability (4mm 5mm)
The distance between the gride pla te and charg e wire will be cha ng ed (6mm → 8mm)
<Power pack>
The range and initial value of the VRC (VR for the charg e coro na ) will be change d.
The above modification will ta ke pla ce fro m t he De cemb er 1st prod uction.
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Technical Bulletin No. GENERAL-004
SUBJECT: Black bands/lines on the receive d cop y
November 11th, 1993
[Countermeasure in the field]
The countermeasu re method depends on the CV (Cop y Volume) of the machine.
If the CV is less than 400 sheets/month
Turn VRC on the power pack to the maximum (Turn the VR clockwise until it stops)
If the CV is more than 400 sheet s/mo nth
Change the Eraser to the modified one and turn VRC on the power pack to the maximum.
Note:The increase in the powe r of VRC may de crease the life time of the master unit, so for
customers whose ACV/month is more than 400 sheets, the Erase r sh ould be change d.
The essence of this problem is a dirty cha rge corona wire, so please do the follo wing
When a sales or service person visits a customer (at PM or EM), clean the charge
corona wire with the built-in cleaner
Advise the customer to clea n th e charge corona wire at a certain interval or if the
customer sees black bands/lines on the received copy.
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Technical Bulletin No. GENERAL-005
SUBJECT: Black bands/lines on the receive d cop y
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
FROM: 2nd T.S. Section
MODEL: Europe, Asia CSO, CFO, CRO
Feb. 3rd, 1994
On the received copies, bla ck ban ds or line s may be printed, especially on the right hand side.
Toner or dust is attached to the charge corona wire.
The electric current of the charge coron a will be increased to avoid applying uneren charg to the master which is caused by a dirty corona wire. Because of the increase of the ele ctric curre nt , th e distance betwee n th e grid plate and the coro na wire will be changed to keep the charge on the master belt the same as before modification.
H081 2870 → H081 2854 Eraser Ass’y
H081 5030 → H081 5020 Power pack (CSO/CFO)
H510 5050 H510 5051 Power pack (CRO)
<Eraser Ass’y>
The thickness of the clean ing blad e of the cleaner will be changed to incre ase the
cleaning ability (4mm 5mm)
The distance between the gride pla te and charg e wire will be cha ng ed (6mm → 8mm)
<Power pack>
The range and initial value of the VRC (VR for the charg e coro na ) will be change d.
The above modification will take pla ce fro m t he Feb. 1st pro du ctio n.
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Technical Bulletin No. GENERAL-005
SUBJECT: Black bands/lines on the receive d cop y
Feb. 3rd, 1994
[Countermeasure in the field]
The countermeasu re method depends on the CV (Cop y Volume) of the machine.
If the CV is less than 400 sheets/month
Turn VRC on the power pack to the maximum (Turn the VR clockwise until it stops)
If the CV is more than 400 sheet s/mo nth
Change the Eraser to the modified one and turn VRC on the power pack to the maximum.
Note:The increase in the powe r of VRC may de crease the life time of the master unit, so for
customers whose ACV/month is more than 400 sheets, the Erase r sh ould be change d.
The essence of this problem is a dirty cha rge corona wire, so please do the follo wing
When a sales or service person visits a customer (at PM or EM), clean the charge
corona wire with the built-in cleaner
Advise the customer to clea n th e charge corona wire at a certain interval or if the
customer sees black bands/lines on the received copy.
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Technical Bulletin No. GENERAL-008
SUBJECT: Replacing th e toner cassette
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
The instruction of the operator’s manual for replacing the toner cassette (CTM) is wrong. We will insert the errata sheet to the operator’s manual.
Wrong: 1. Switch off the machine. Correct: Keep the power switch on whe n replacing the toner cassette.
FROM: 2nd T.S. Section
April, 11th, 1994
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Technical Bulletin No. GENERAL-009
SUBJECT: Vertical Black Lines
Action Required Revision of service manual Troubleshooting Information only Retrofit Information Other
[Problem] Vertical black lines appear on the printed image.
The toner may stick on the Hot Roller, Fusing Stripper, Thermisto r, and Thermostat and this toner may damage the surf ace of th e Hot Roller. Then, during copying toner is transferred by the scratched part of the roller to cause vertical bla ck lines on the print ed image .
FROM: 2nd T.S. Section
Jury. 30, 1994
[Countermeasu re]
The material of the surface of the Hot Roller ha s bee n cha nged to pre ven t th e tone r from sticking on the Roller by the following modification
H0812100D E
Because of the ab ove mo dif ication, the vender has been changed.
[Effective S/N]
H081-24, 40, 46, 51, 54, 59, 60: Oct., 1993 ~ H510-20: R8831000609 ~ 21, 22, 27, 30, 40, 51, 59, 60: Nov., 1993 ~ H082-20, 23, 30, 40, 51 , 59 , 60 : Nov. , 19 93 ~ H511-20, 21, 22, 27: Nov. , 19 93 ~
Clean the Fusing Stripper, The rmisto r and Thermo stat and take out the tone r from them when visit the customer.
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