S206 Surround Channel Loudspeaker
Owner’s Manual

tAble of ContentS
About Revel Performa3 S206 Surround Channel Loudspeakers.............................................................................................. 2
S206 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Installation Considerations ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Placement in a 5.1-Channel System, Placement in a 7.1-Channel System, Wall-Mounting the S206
Making Connections ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Observe Proper Polarity, Speaker Cable, S206 Connections
Caring for Your Loudspeakers .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Loudspeaker Volume Levels, Finish
Specifications ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
About Revel PeRfoRmA3 S206
SuRRound ChAnnel loudSPeAkeRS
Thank you for purchasing Revel Performa3 S206 surround channel
loudspeakers. This dedicated surround-channel loudspeaker features
smooth, unifom response over a very wide listening area, enabling it
to produce a lifelike surround-sound environment that enhances your
entertainment’s realism for multiple listeners. The speaker’s two sets
of transducers operate in a bi-polar configuration, which maximizes the
speaker’s timbre match with that of other Revel Performa3 speakers and
further integrates the entire system’s sound into a spacious, enveloping
surround-sound environment.
The S206 tweeters feature an integrated acoustic lens waveguide that is
based on a breakthrough mathematical approach that accurately matches
the tweeters’ dispersion to that of the low-frequency transducers in
the crossover region. This gives the loudspeaker very smooth sound far
off-axis – an important contributor to overall sound quality, providing
consistent sound over an exceptionally wide listening area. In fact, this
new waveguide actually increases the tweeter’s dispersion at higher
The S206 enclosure features strategically-oriented bracing that eliminates
the possibility of enclosure-induced coloration.
Revel Performa3 crossover networks feature carefully-selected
components that contribute to great performance and benchmark-setting
value. These high-order crossover networks dramatically reduce distortion
and dynamic compression for clear sound that maintains the same quality
over a very wide dynamic range. These precision networks optimize the
speakers’ timbral accuracy, enhancing musical enjoyment for listeners
who are anywhere in the room, not only those seated on-axis to the
During development, every Revel loudspeaker model is compared to
competitive models in our unique position-independent double-blind
listening lab. This process utilizes the latest psychoacoustic research
to assure that these listening tests are valid, enabling us to verify that
all Revel loudspeakers are superior to their competitors before they are
allowed to go into production.
Revel Performa3 S206 Surround Channel Loudspeaker
Owner’s Manual

S206 oveRview
6.5" Aluminum
Cone Woofer
with Cast Frame
1" Aluminum
Dome Tweeter
with Acoustic
Lens Waveguide
1" Aluminum
Dome Tweeter
with Acoustic
Lens Waveguide
6.5" Aluminum
Cone Woofer
with Cast Frame
Revel Performa3 S206 Surround Channel Loudspeaker
Owner’s Manual