3.9 Mounting the Feed Hopper .............................................................................................................. 18
3.9.1 Removing the Transport Saf eguard ............................................................................................ 18
3.9.2 Mounting the Feed Hopper .......................................................................................................... 18
3.10 Installation of the machine ............................................................................................................... 19
4 Technical data ....................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1 Use of the machine for the intended purpose.................................................................................. 21
4.6 Rated power .................................................................................................................................... 22
4.7 Dimensions and weight .................................................................................................................... 22
4.8 Required floor space ........................................................................................................................ 23
5 Operating the machine ........................................................................................................................ 23
5.1 Views of the Instrument ................................................................................................................... 23
5.2 Overview table of the parts of the device ........................................................................................ 26
5.3 Opening and closing of the grinding chamber ................................................................................. 27
5.4 Mounting the bottom sieve ............................................................................................................... 27
5.5 Replacing the rotor .......................................................................................................................... 27
5.5.1 Removing the Rotor ..................................................................................................................... 28
5.5.2 Inserting the Rotor ....................................................................................................................... 28
5.6 Inserting the filter unit and collecting receptacle.............................................................................. 29
5.7 Switching On and Off ....................................................................................................................... 29
5.8 Starting the grinding process ........................................................................................................... 30
Stopping the grinding process ......................................................................................................... 30
6 Cleaning and service ........................................................................................................................... 30
6.1 Adjusting the cutting bars ................................................................................................................ 30
6.2 Felt gasket – servici ng and replac ement ......................................................................................... 33
8 Index ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
Appendix ............................................................................................................................... following pages
Pos: 1.2 /00 010 Bedie nungsanlei tungen Ka pitelsam mlungen/Cr yoMill/00 01 Hinweis e zur Bedienu ng s a nl eitung/M odul Hinweis zur B edienungs a nl ei t ung @ 0\mod_1222347341773_9.doc @ 2540 @ @ 1
This operating manual is a technical guide on how to operate the device safely and
it contains all the information required for the areas specified in the table of
contents. This technical documentation is a reference and instruction manual. The
individual chapters are complete in themselves.
Familiarity (of the respective target groups defined according to area) with the
relevant chapters is a precondition for the safe and appropriate use of the device.
This operating manual does not contain any repair instructions. If faults arise or
repairs are necessary, please contact your supplier or get in touch with Retsch
GmbH directly.
Application technology information relating to samples to be processed is not
included but can be read on the Internet on the respective device’s page at
Pos: 1.3 /00 010 Bedie nungsanlei tungen Ka pitelsam mlungen/Cr yoMill/00 01 Hinweis e zur Bedi enungsanl eitung/M odul Änder ungen @ 0\ mod_1222347341241_9.doc @ 2526 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.4 /00 010 Bedie nungsanlei tungen Ka pitelsam mlungen/Cr yoMill/00 01 Hinweis e zur Bedi enungsanl eitung/Modul Urheberrecht @ 0\mod_12 22347342038_9.doc @ 2547 @ @ 1
Subject to technical changes.
Pos: 2.1 /00 010 Bedie nungsanlei tungen Ka pitelsam mlungen/------- Seit enumbruch ----------- @ 0\mod_1222344373758_0.doc @ 2386 @ @ 1
Disclosure or reproduction of this documentation, use and disclosure of its contents
are only permitted with the express permission of Retsch GmbH.
Infringements will result in damage compensation liability.
Notes on the Operating Manual
Type of danger / personal injury
Type of danger / personal injury
Nature of the property damage
Pos: 2.2 /00 005 Übers chriften/ 1.1 Übersc hriften/1. 1 Überschr i ft en BDA/11 Er klärungen z u d en Sic herheits w ar n ungen @ 0\mod_1222344569771_9.doc @ 2484 @ 2 @ 1
1.1 Explanations of the safety warnings
Pos: 2.3 /00 003 Stand ard Kapitel /General Modul War nhinweis e Erklärung neu @ 0\mod_1234858329746_9.doc @ 6190 @ @ 1
In this Operating Manual we give you the following safety warnings
Serious injury may result from failing to heed these safety warnings. We give you
the following warnings and corresponding content.
Source of danger
– Possible consequences if the dangers are not observed.
• Instructions on how the dangers are to be avoided.
We also use the following signal word box in the text or in the instructions on action
to be taken:
Moderate or mild injury may result from failing to heed these safety warnings.
We give you the following warnings and corresponding content.
Source of danger
– Possible consequences if the dangers are not observed.
• Instructions on how the dangers are to be avoided.
We also use the following signal word box in the text or in the instructions on action
to be taken:
In the event of possible property damage we inform you with the word
“Instructions” and the corresponding content.
Source of property damage
– Possible consequences if the instructions are not observed.
• Instructions on how the dangers are to be avoided.
We also use the following signal word in the text or in the instructions on action to
be taken:
Pos: 2.4 /00 010 Bedie nungsanlei tungen Ka pitelsam mlungen/------- Seit enumbruch ----------- @ 0\mod_1222344373758_0.doc @ 2386 @ @ 1
Pos: 2.6 /00004 War nhinweis e/ V0002 VORS I CH T Be di e nungsanl ei t ung lesen @ 2\mod_1263894982815_9.doc @ 18630 @ @ 1
Non-observance of these operating instructions
– The non-observance of these operating instructions can
result in personal injuries.
• Read the operating manual before using the device.
• We use the adjacent symbol to draw attention to the
necessity of knowing the contents of this operating
Pos: 2.7 /00 003 Stand ard Kapitel /General Modul Ziel gruppe un d Sicher heit @ 0\mod_1228722955300_9.doc @ 4100 @ @ 1
Target group : All persons concerned with the machine in any form
This machine is a modern, high performance product from Retsch GmbH and
complies with the state of the art. Operational safety is given if the machine is
handled for the intended purpose and attention is given to this technical
Pos: 2.8 /00 003 Stand ard Kapitel /General Modul Sic herheitshi nweise @ 0\mod_1228722954800_9.doc @ 4086 @ @ 1
You, as the owner/managing operator of the machine, must ensure that the people
entrusted with working on the machine:
• have noted and understood all the regulations regarding safety,
• are familiar before starting work with all the operating instructions and
specifications for the target group relevant for them,
• have easy access always to the technical documentation for this machine,
• and that new personnel before starting work on the machine are familiarised
with the safe handling of the machine and its use for its intended purpose,
either by verbal instructions from a competent person and/or by means of
this technical documentation.
Improper operation can result in personal injuries and material damage. You are
responsible for your own safety and that of your employees.
Make sure that no unauthorised person has access to the machine.
Pos: 2.10 /0001 0 B edienung sa nleitungen Kapitels ammlunge n/------- Seitenumbr uch ----------- @ 0\mod_1222344373758_ 0.doc @ 2386 @ @ 1
– Changes to the machine may lead to personal injury.
• Do not make any change to the machine and use spare parts and accessories that have been approved by Retsch exclusively.
– The conformity declared by Retsch with the European Direc ti ves w ill lose
its validity.
– You lose all warranty claims.
• Do not make any change to the machine and use spare parts and
accessories that have been approved by Retsch exclusively.
Pos: 2.12 /0 0003 Stan dard Kapit el/Gener al Modul R eparaturen @ 0\mod_1228722954535_9.doc @ 4079 @ @ 1
This operating manual does not contain any repair instructions. For your own
safety, repairs may only be carried out by Retsch GmbH or an authorized
representative or by Retsch service engineers.
In that case please inform:
The Retsch repr es e ntative in your country
Your supplier
Retsch GmbH directly
Your Service Address:
Pos: 3.1 /00 020 BDA So ftware/2 0005 PMGC Kapitelsa mmlung/- - - - S eitenumbr uch - - - - @ 0\mod_1208857688413_0.doc @ 337 @ @ 1
Pos: 3.2 /00 10 BDA S oftware/Üb erschrift en/1. Übers chriften/ 1 Bestätig ung (Form ular für d en Betreib er) @ 0\mod_1208870841095_9.doc @ 430 @ 1 @ 1
2 Confirmation
Pos: 3.3 /00 003 Stand ard Kapitel /General Modul Bes tätigung @ 0\mod_1228722962707_9.doc @ 4114 @ @ 1
This operating manual contains essential instructions for operating and maintaining
the device which must be strictly observed. It is essential that they be read by the
operator and by the qualified staff responsible for the device before the device is
commissioned. This operating manual must be available and accessible at the
place of use at all times.
The user of the device herewith confirms to the managing operator (owner) that
(s)he has received sufficient instructions about the operation and maintenance of
the system. The user has received the operating manual, has read and taken note
of its contents and consequently has all the information required for safe operation
and is sufficiently familiar with the device.
As the owner/managing operator you should for your own protection have your
employees confirm that they have received the instructions about the operation of
the machine.
I have read and taken note of the contents of all chapters in this operating
manual as well as all safety instructions and warnings.
Pos: 5.8 /00004 War nhinweis e/H 0016 HINW EI S Temperatur s chwanku ng e n @ 0\mod_1233564121287_9.doc @ 5570 @ @ 1
The machine may be subject to strong temperature fluctuations during transport
(e.g. aircraft transport)
– The resultant condensed water may damage electronic components.
• Protect the machine from condensed water.
Pos: 5.9 /00 005 Übers c hr i f t en / 1. 1 Ü b er s c hr if ten/1.1 Über schrift e n BD A/ 11 Beding ung en für den Aufs tel l ort @ 0\mod_1226497029322_9.doc @ 3428 @ 2 @ 1
3.4 Conditions for the place of installation
Pos: 5.10 /0000 3 S t an d ard Kapitel/ General M odul Umge bungstem peratur 5°C - 40°C @ 0 \mod_1228918538881_9.doc @ 4745 @ @ 1
Pos: 5.11 /0 0004 Warn hinweise/H 0021 HIN WEIS Umge bungstemp eratur 5°C bis 40°C @ 0\mod_1228918883441_9.doc @ 4816 @ @ 1
– Electronic and mechanical components may be damaged and the
performance data alter to an unknown extent.
• Do not exceed or fall below the permitted temperature range of the
machine (5°C to 40°C / ambient temperature).
Pos: 5.12 /0000 3 S t an d ard Kapitel/ General Mod ul Luftfeuchtigkeit @ 0\mod_1228918538693_9.doc @ 4738 @ @ 1
Atmospheric humidity:
Pos: 5.13 /0000 4 W arnhinwei s e/ H 0011 HINWE IS Luf tfeuchtig keit @ 0\mod_1228918882628_9.doc @ 4788 @ @ 1
Maximum relative humidity 80% at temperatures up to 31°C, decreasing linearly up
to 50% relative humidity at 40°C
Transport, scope of delivery, installation
Atmospheric humidity
– Electronic and mechanical components may be damaged and the
• Do not exceed the admissible range for atmospheric humidity.
Pos: 5.14 /0 0005 Über schriften/ 1.1 Übersc hriften/ 1.1 Übersc hriften BD A/11 Ele ktrischer A nschluss @ 0\mod_1226565067445_9.doc @ 3500 @ 2 @ 1
3.5 Electrical connection
Pos: 5.15 /00 00 3 S t an d ard Kapitel/ General Mod ul Elektris c h er Ans chluss @ 0\mod_1228918538521_9.doc @ 4731 @ @ 1
When connecting the power cable to the mains supply, use an external fusethat
complies with the regulations applicable to the place of installation .
• Please check the type plate for details on the necessary voltage and
frequency for the device.
• Make sure the levels agree with the existing mains power supply.
• Use the supplied connection cable to connect the device to the mains power
Pos: 5.16 /0 0004 Warn hinweise/H 0008 HIN WEIS Ele ktrischer A nschluss @ 0\mod_1228918882424_9 .doc @ 4781 @ @ 1
performance data alter to an unknown extent.
Pos: 5.17 /0 0010 Bedi enungsanl eitungen K apitelsa mmlungen/------- Seit enumbruc h ----------- @ 0\mod_12223443737 58_0.doc @ 2386 @ @ 1
Electrical connection
– Mechanical or electronic components may be damaged.
• Please observe the information on the type plate.
Transport, scope of delivery, installation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Pos: 5.18.1 /00005 Üb erschrifte n/1.1 Über schrifte n/1.1 Übers chriften B DA/11 T ypenschild Beschreib ung @ 3\mod_1280933953941_9.doc @ 22302 @ 2 @ 1
3.6 Type plate description
Pos: 5.18.2 /00 003 Standar d K apitel/Ge n er al M od ul T yp enschild @ 3\mod_1280931092443_9.doc @ 22278 @ @ 1
Fig. 1: Type plate lettering
1 Device designation
2 Year of production
3 Part number
4 Serial number
5 Manufacturer’s address
6 CE marking
7 Disposal label
8 Bar code
9 Power version
10 Mains frequency
11 Capacity
12 Amperage
13 Number of fuses
14 Fuse type and fuse strength
In the case of questions please provide the device designation (1) or the part
Pos: 5.19 /0 0005 Über schriften/ 1.1 Übersc hriften/ 1.1 Übersc hriften BD A/11 Trans porthilf e entfern en @ 0\mod_1229076673566_9.doc @ 5020 @ 2 @ 1
number (3) and the serial number (4) of the device.
3.7 Removing Transport Safeguards
Pos: 5.20 /0 0010 Bedi enungsanl eitungen K apitelsa mmlungen/ SM100/0010 SM100 Tr ansport, Li eferumfa ng und Auf stellen/1 010 SM100 M odul Tra nsporthil fe entferne n @ 3\mod_1284973889130_9.doc @ 23629 @ @ 1
Transport, scope of delivery, installation
Fig. 2: Removing the transport aid
Only use the transport aid (TH) when lifting the device. The device weighs approx.
73 kg. Select secure lifting equipment that is approved for this weight.
Keep the eyebolt (TH) for transportation at a later date.
Pos: 5.21 /0 0010 Bedi enungsanl eitungen K apitelsa mmlungen/------- Seit enumbruc h ----------- @ 0\mod_12223443737 58_0.doc @ 2386 @ @ 1
The eyebolt must be removed before assembling the hopper.