Retsch PM User Manual

Manual PMGrindControl
Pressure and temperature measuring system
© Retsch GmbH, 42781 Haan, Retsch-Allee 1-5, Germany 08.02.2012 0000
Copyright by Retsch GmbH Haan, Retsch-Allee 1-5 D-42781 Haan Federal Republic of Germany
1 Notes on the Operating Manual ............................................................................................................ 5
2 Confirmation ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Method of Operation .......................................................................................................................... 7
3 Technical Data ........................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Operating Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 Temperature Range ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.2 Pressure ranges............................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.3 Rotational speed range .................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.4 Transmitter range .......................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.5 Operating Time .............................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Transport and Storage ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Packaging .................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.2 Transport ...................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.3 Temperature Fluctuations ............................................................................................................ 10
3.3 Care Instructions and Storage ......................................................................................................... 10
4 The First Start ....................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Complete Program Sequence up to First Measurement ................................................................. 11
5 Software ................................................................................................................................................ 15
5.1 System Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Software Installations ....................................................................................................................... 15
5.2.1 Installing the USB Drivers ............................................................................................................ 15
5.2.2 Installation of the PM GrindControl Software .............................................................................. 16
5.3 File System ...................................................................................................................................... 16
5.3.1 File Endings ................................................................................................................................. 16
5.4 Software Interface ............................................................................................................................ 18
5.5 Menu and Menu Bar ........................................................................................................................ 18
5.5.1 Menu File - Measurement task, new ........................................................................................... 19 Steps for Creating a New Measurement Task ..................................................................... 19 Menu File - Open Measurement Task ................................................................................. 21 Menu File - Close Measurement Task ................................................................................. 22 Menu File - Open Measurement Data ................................................................................. 22 Menu File - Export Measurement Data ................................................................................ 22 Menu File - End.................................................................................................................... 22
5.5.2 Menu View ................................................................................................................................... 22 Menu View - Diagram .......................................................................................................... 23 Menu View - Measurement Settings .................................................................................... 23 Menu View - Status Bar ....................................................................................................... 23 Menu View - Tool bar ........................................................................................................... 23
5.5.3 Menu Settings .............................................................................................................................. 24 Menu Settings - Measuring Systems Management ............................................................. 24 Menu Settings - Options ...................................................................................................... 24
5.5.4 Menu Help .................................................................................................................................... 24
5.5.5 Menu View ................................................................................................................................... 24
5.6 Status Bar for the Measuring Systems ............................................................................................ 26
5.7 Explanation of the Icons and Symbols ............................................................................................ 26
5.8 Measuring Rates .............................................................................................................................. 27
6 Wireless Grinding Jar Cover ............................................................................................................... 28
6.1 Wireless Grinding Jar Cover Components ...................................................................................... 28
6.2 Inserting the Batteries ...................................................................................................................... 29
6.3 Turning Off the GrindControl ........................................................................................................... 29
6.4 LED Display on the Wireless Grinding jar Cover ............................................................................. 29
6.4.1 Status indications ......................................................................................................................... 29
6.5 Cleaning the Air Duct in the Pressure Sensor ................................................................................. 30
6.6 Gassing Function ............................................................................................................................. 30
6.7 Exchanging the Cover Baseplate .................................................................................................... 31
6.8 Changing the Filter Fleece ............................................................................................................... 32
6.9 Replacing the Filter Fleece When Using the Standard Cover Baseplate ........................................ 32
6.10 Replacing the Filter Fleece When Using the Gassing Function ...................................................... 33
6.11 Clamping the Grinding jar with the Clamping Ring .......................................................................... 33
6.12 Wet Grinding with Highly Flammable Materials ............................................................................... 35
7 Telegesis (ZigBee) USB stick .............................................................................................................. 36
7.1 System Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 36
7.2 Technical Data ................................................................................................................................. 36
8 Operating Instructions for Powerline 5 LCD ..................................................................................... 37
8.1 Safety Instructions ........................................................................................................................... 38
8.2 Using the Charger ............................................................................................................................ 38
8.3 Overview of the Charger Functioning .............................................................................................. 38
8.3.1 Indicator Lamps for Batteries (1) ................................................................................................. 39
8.3.2 LCD Display (3)............................................................................................................................ 39
8.3.3 Discharge key (4) ......................................................................................................................... 39
8.4 Commissioning the Charger ............................................................................................................ 39
8.5 Maintenance and Care of the Charger ............................................................................................ 39
8.6 Environment Notice ......................................................................................................................... 40
9 Index ...................................................................................................................................................... 42
Appendix ............................................................................................................................... following pages
Notes on the Operating Manual
Please also follow the instructions in the operating manual for your planetary ball mill.
This document only has instructions for the use of the PM GrindControl. Safe handling of the Planetary Ball Mill is a precondition for the use of the PM GrindControl.
Pos: 1.1 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0001 Hi nweise zur Bedien ungsanleitung/ 1 Hinweise zur Bedienungsa nleitung @ 0\mod_1213007 358760_9.doc @ 1573 @ @ 1
1 Notes on the Operating Manual
Pos: 1.2 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0001 Hi nweise zur Bedien ungsanleitung/M odul Hinweis z ur Bedienungsa nleitung @ 0\mod_1207 746013967_9. doc @ 191 @ @ 1
This operating manual provides all the necessary information on the topics specified in the Table of Contents.
It instructs the target group(s) defined for the respective areas on the safe and purpose-conformant use. Familiarity with the relevant chapter is a precondition for the safe and purpose-conformant use of the machine.
This technical documentation is a reference work and learning guide. The individual chapters are complete by themselves.
This operating manual does not contain any repair instructions. In case of any faults or repairs being required, please contact your supplier or directly get in touch with
Retsch GmbH
Pos: 1.3 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0001 Hi nweise zur Bedien ungsanleit ung/Modul B eachten Sie zusätzlic h die Bedienu ngs-Anleitung Ihrer Kugelm ühle! @ 0\mod_ 12143029768 06_9.doc @ 1 726 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.4 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0001 Hi nweise zur Bedien ungsanleitung/M odul Urheb errecht @ 0\ mod_12143031 03728_9.doc @ 1733 @ @ 1
Disclosure or reproduction of this documentation, use and disclosure of its contents are only permitted with the express permission of Retsch GmbH.
Pos: 1.5 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0001 Hi nweise zur Bedien ungsanleitung/M odul Änderu ngen @ 0\ mod_1214303 138712_9.doc @ 1739 @ @ 1
Infringements will result in damage compensation liability.
Pos: 2.1 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/- - - - S eitenumbruc h - - - - @ 0\mod _12088576884 13_0.doc @ 3 37 @ @ 1
Subject to technical changes.
Pos: 2.2 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1. Überschrif ten/1 Best ätigung (Formular f ür den Betrei ber) @ 0\ mod_1208870841 095_9.doc @ 430 @ @ 1 Bestätigung
2 Confirmation
Pos: 2.3 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0003 Bestä tigung/Eas ySieve Modul Bestä tigung @ 0\ mod_1208959 364569_9.doc @ 561 @ @ 1
I have read and taken note of the contents of the
Chapters on Notes on the Operating Manual, Safety
Instructions, Warnings and Summary of all Safety
Signature of owner/managing operator
Signature of service technician
Pos: 3.1 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/- - - - S eitenumbruc h - - - - @ 0\mod _12088576884 13_0.doc @ 3 37 @ @ 1
The wireless grinding jar cover cannot be used in the PM 200.
Comply with the operating instructions for your planetary ball mill too.
This document only has instructions for the use of the PM GrindControl. Safe handling of the planetary ball mill is a precondition for the use of the PM GrindControl.
Pos: 3.2 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1.1 Überschri ften/11 Fun ktionsweise @ 0\mod_1208 870493457_9.d oc @ 406 @ @ 1 Method of Operation
2.1 Method of Operation
Pos: 3.3 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Warnhinw eise/Hinweis nic ht in PM20 0 verwendbar @ 0\ mod_121 0056716286_9. doc @ 766 @ @ 1
Pos: 3.4 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Warnhinw eise/Modul Be achten Sie zusä tzlich die Bedien ungs-Anl eitung Ihrer Kug elmühle! @ 0\ mod_1214301 374239_9.doc @ 1720 @ @ 1
Pos: 3.5 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0004 Vor wort/Modul Arb eitsweise @ 0\ mod_120885 8606206_9.doc @ 345 @ @ 1
This wireless grinding jar cover and the PM GrindControl software serve to continuously acquire the parameters pressure and temperature in a grinding jar. The measured values read by the sensors located in the grinding jar cover are transmitted wirelessly to a receiver system in the PC.
The temperature sensor is thermally separate from the grinding jar cover and measures only the gas temperature in the grinding chamber. As a result, even rapid or slight changes in temperature are registered.
Pos: 4.1 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/- - - - S eitenumbruc h - - - - @ 0\mod _12088576884 13_0.doc @ 3 37 @ @ 1
The transmitted data is displayed and stored in the software. For every measurement, the values measured are stored in a file (dat-file) and are then available for extensive evaluations.
The wireless grinding jar cover permits the use of the system in the PM 100 and PM400.
Essentially, the following steps are necessary for using the PM GrindControl software to monitor the temperature and the pressure in the grinding jar:
1. Definition of a measurement task
2. Integration of the measurement systems involved
3. Execution of the measurement
4. Evaluation of the measurement data
The evaluation can be conducted at a separate time from the measurement, i.e. the raw data can be inputted again later and evaluated. The raw data contains all the settings and protocol inputs stored in the measurement task.
Technical Data
Monitor the temperature of the measurement unit inside the wireless grinding jar cover at regular intervals to avoid damage to the measurement electronics.
Screw the clamping screws on the clamping ring tight!
Maximum internal pressures of 5.0 bar are only permissible where there is sufficient initial tension on the clamping ring.
Pos: 4.2 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1. Überschrif ten/1 Technis che Daten @ 0\ mod_120 8870877356_9. doc @ 436 @ @ 1
3 Technical Data
Pos: 4.3 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1.1 Überschri ften/11 Betrie bsbedingung en @ 0\mo d_12093889492 88_9.doc @ 656 @ @ 1
3.1 Operating Conditions
Pos: 4.4 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1.1.1 Übersc hriften/111 T emperaturbereich @ 0\mo d_12093889810 03_9.doc @ 66 2 @ @ 1
3.1.1 Temperature Range
Pos: 4.5 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsa mmlung/0005 T echnische Dat en/Modul Temp eraturbereich @ 0\mod_12106 68712505_9.d oc @ 935 @ @ 1
The temperature range is determined by the max. permissible temperature inside the wireless grinding jar cover (measurement electronics) of 70°C.
An additional sensor measures the temperature of the measurement unit inside the wireless grinding jar cover. On exceeding 70°C, a warning is outputted on the screen.
When you move the mouse cursor over the text box of the grinding jar, the momentary temperature inside the wireless jar cover is displayed as a small tool tip beside the mouse cursor. (See image: Temperature inside the wireless grinding jar cover)
Fig. 1: Temperature inside the wireless grinding jar cover
Measurement Resolution of the Temperature Measurement : 0.1 °C
Pos: 4.6 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1.1.1 Übersc hriften/111 Dr uckbereiche @ 0\mod_12 09389035861 _9.doc @ 668 @ @ 1
Accuracy of the Temperature Measurement: 1%
3.1.2 Pressure ranges
Pos: 4.7 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0005 Tec hnische Daten/M odul Druckb ereich @ 0\ mod_121066871 3068_9.doc @ 942 @ @ 1
Maximum permissible pressure range
Pos: 4.8 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Warnhinw eise/Modul Sp annschrauben d es Spannring es fest anziehe n! II @ 0\m od_12227783 13010_9.doc @ 26 96 @ @ 1
Pos: 4.9 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1.1.1 Übersc hriften/111 Dr ehzahlbereich @ 0\mod _120938907178 2_9.doc @ 674 @ @ 1
inside the grinding beaker: up to 5.0 bar (500 kPa)
3.1.3 Rotational speed range
Pos: 4.10 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PMGC Kapitelsa mmlung/0005 T echnische Daten/M odul Drehza hlbereich @ 0 \mod_12106 68713599_9.doc @ 949 @ @ 1
Rotational speed range: corresponds to the maximum rotational speeds of the PM
Pos: 4.11 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PMGC Kapitelsa mmlung/Überschri ften/1.1.1 Übersc hriften/111 S ender Reichw eite @ 0\ mod_1209389149 595_9.doc @ 686 @ @ 1
100 or PM 400 respectively
3.1.4 Transmitter range
Pos: 4.12 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PMGC Kapitelsa mmlung/0005 T echnische Daten/M odul Sender R eichweite @ 0\mod_121 0668715647_ 9.doc @ 977 @ @ 1
Pos: 4.13 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PMGC Kapitelsa mmlung/Übersc hriften/1.1.1 Üb erschriften/1 11 Betriebszeit @ 0\mod_120 9389101579_ 9.doc @ 680 @ @ 1
Transmitter range: approx. 15 m in buildings
3.1.5 Operating Time
Pos: 4.14 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PMGC Kapitelsa mmlung/0005 T echnische Daten/M odul Betrie bszeit @ 0\ mod_1210669318 768_9.doc @ 984 @ @ 1
Technical Data
Operating time with full battery charge:
highly dynamic measuring rate (200 Hz) - 40h
Pos: 5.1 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1. Überschrif ten/1 Transp ort und Pfleg e @ 0\mod_ 1213010453912 _9.doc @ 1587 @ @ 1 Pos: 5.2 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/- - - - S eitenumbruc h - - - - @ 0\mod _12088576884 13_0.doc @ 3 37 @ @ 1
long-time measuring rate (0.2 Hz) - 80h
Technical Data
Caution – Damage to electronic components!
Do not clean the radio grinding jar cover under running water.
Pos: 5.3 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1.1 Übersc hriften/11 Tr ansport und Lager ung @ 0\ mod_1216808117 898_9.doc @ 2072 @ @ 1
3.2 Transport and Storage
Pos: 5.4 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0006 Kapit el Transport und Lieferumf ang/Modul Transp ort und Lageru ng @ 0\mo d_121680807 6180_9.doc @ 20 78 @ @ 1
3.2.1 Packaging
The packaging has been adapted to the mode of transport. It complies with the generally applicable packaging guidelines.
Please retain the packaging for the duration of the warranty period because returning in unsuitable packaging in the event of a complaint can jeopardize your warranty claims.
3.2.2 Transport
Do not subject the PM GrindControl to impacts, jolts or vibrations during transportation as this can damage the electronic and mechanical components.
3.2.3 Temperature Fluctuations
Where temperature fluctuates greatly (during shipment by air, for instance), protect the PM GrindControl from condensation. The electronic components could
Pos: 5.5 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1.1 Übersc hriften/11 Pfl egehinweise und Lagerung @ 0\mod_12173 17546169_9. doc @ 2150 @ @ 1
otherwise be damaged.
3.3 Care Instructions and Storage
Pos: 5.6 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0006 Kapit el Transport und Lieferu mfang/Modul Pfleg e der Deckelgr undplatten @ 0\mod_1214 826413589_9.doc @ 1849 @ @ 1
The two cover baseplates are made of hardened stainless steel (1.4034).
Hardened steel has a lower chromium content and so it does not form any oxide protective layer. Therefore, it distinguishes itself not by its corrosion resistance, but by its greater hardness.
We therefore use a special oil to protect these grinding tools. Please remove the oil before using it the first time; water and detergent are enough for this purpose. Please dry the grinding tool well.
After the grinding operations, the grinding tools must be cleaned in as dry a state as possible. However, if they are extremely dirty, they can be cleaned with a damp cloth and some household detergent. It is important to ensure sufficient drying.
If the grinding tools are to be stored for a long time, we recommend the use of a corrosion protection oil. If corrosion occurs nonetheless, it can be removed with household scouring agents.
Also recommendable for long-time storage is to store the parts in the accompanying VCE bags. (blue plastic bags).
Pos: 6.1 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/- - - - S eitenumbruc h - - - - @ 0\mod _12088576884 13_0.doc @ 3 37 @ @ 1
The First Start
Read all chapters in this operating manual!
This description of the first activation of a wireless grinding jar cover does not replace the need to read the operating instructions. Read the other chapters in this manual too.
Please also read and observe the operating instructions for your planetary ball mill!
Do not pull the Telegesis (ZigBee) USB Stick out of the USB port as long as the PM GrindControl software is active.
If the PM GrindControl software does not find the USB wireless unit (Telegesis), you must connect the USB-stick manually once again. This requires the following steps:
Confirm the warning with OK.
(the PM GrindControl software starts)
In program, PM GrindControl prodram select
Settings > Options > .
Click on the Connect Again button
The measurement tasks must be saved to a local drive.
Pos: 6.2 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1. Überschrif ten/1 Der erst e Start @ 0\ mod_120885 4281759_9.doc @ 324 @ @ 1 Der
4 The First Start
Pos: 6.3 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1.1 Ü berschriften/11 V ollständiger Progr amm-Ablauf bis zur ersten Me ssung @ 0\ mod_1218549 278088_9.doc @ 2270 @ @ 1
4.1 Complete Program Sequence up to First Measurement
Pos: 6.4 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0005 Der erste Start/Mo dul Der erste St art @ 0\mod _1209020476 978_9.doc @ 60 0 @ @ 1
The following sequence presents only the steps necessary for the first activation and the test to see if the wireless grinding jar cover is functioning perfectly.
1. First, charge the three storage batteries completely using the charging adapter in the accompanying charger. Read the chapter on OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS POWERLINE 5 LCD beforehand
2. Follow the instructions in the Software Installation chapter and install the USB driver for the ZigBee USB – wireless unit, the USB driver for the TG­ETRXn USB port and the PM GrindControl software.
3. Start the PM GrindControl software.
4. Insert the 3 fully charged batteries 1 into the wireless grinding jar.
The status indicator lamp starts to flash red and then glows a steady red.
Execute the following command in the PM GrindControl software::
5. Menu File Measurement task, new
6. Assign a new name to the first measurement task and save the file to a local drive (e.g. C:\).
The Configure Measurement Systems program window is displayed.
7. Go to the MAC address filed and enter your grinding jar’s MAC address number sequence.
The First Start
After 15 minutes without assignment to a measurement task, the wireless grinding jar cover switches off. If the status indicator lamp is not glowing red any longer, take out one of the batteries and then put it back in again.
Fig. 2: Enter into the MAC address field.
You will find the MAC address on the cover page of your operating manual:
Fig. 3: MAC address
8. Click on the button Add measurement system..
Once the system corresponding to the MAC address has been found,
9. confirm with the OK button.
The status indicator lamp now glows green.
The System Information program window is displayed.
10. In the Name field, enter a name for the wireless grinding jar cover.
Fig. 4: Name field
11. After clicking on the Accept button,
12. you can end the procedure by clicking on the Close button.
The changed name is the name that is stored in the measurement system. On connecting the next time, the measurement system will identify itself with this new name.
13. Double-click to open the active system and click on the Assign field
Fig. 5: Assign active system to the measurement.
The First Start
This adds the wireless grinding jar cover to the current measurement task as one of the four possible measurement systems.
14. After clicking on the Accept button, you can end the procedure by clicking on the Close button.
15. Now, click on the Continue button in the Assign measurement systems program window.
In the Measurement Task window, you can input a remark for the measurement task.
16. Click on the Continue button.
17. In the measurement file window, input a name for the first measurement of the measurement task.
In the measurement file window, you can also input the operator and a remark for the measurement.
18. You can end the creation of the measurement task with the Finish button.
19. In the program window, in the Run Settings area, click on the protocol inputs button.
Fig. 6: Protocol Inputs
20. After making these inputs, you can store the data with the Accept button
21. With the Close button, you are taken back to the program window.
22. Start the measurement with the Start button.
The First Start
Pos: 7.1 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsa mmlung/- - - - S eitenumbruc h - - - - @ 0\mod _12088576884 13_0.doc @ 3 37 @ @ 1
Fig. 7: Start - Pause - Stop
Do not pull the Telegesis (ZigBee) USB Stick out of the USB port as long as the PM GrindControl software is active.
After the software for the Telegesis USB device has been installed, the installation for the TG-ETRXn USB port follows automatically.
Pos: 7.2 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1. Überschrif ten/1 Softw are @ 0\mod_ 12088711013 24_9.doc @ 4 48 @ @ 1
5 Software
Pos: 7.3 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1.1 Überschri ften/11 Syste m-Vorrauss etzungen @ 0\ mod_1209389 491118_9.doc @ 711 @ @ 1
5.1 System Requirements
Pos: 7.4 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0006 Software/Modul System- Vorr aussetzungen @ 0\mod_12100 73353541_9.d oc @ 790 @ @ 1
Windows XP SP II and Windows Vista
USB port (Version 1.1 or 2.0)
The user must have local administrator rights.
All energy saving functions on the PC system must be turned off.
No screen saver with password input may be turned on.
No programs that consume additional resources may be active.
Pos: 7.5 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1.1 Ü berschriften/11 S oftware - Installa tionen @ 0\m od_12149247 91889_9.doc @ 1 924 @ @ 1
Use a CPU with at least two cores (dual-core CPU)
5.2 Software Installations
Pos: 7.6 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1.1.1 Übersc hriften/111 Ins tallation d er USB - Treib er @ 0\mod_1 214924749688_9. doc @ 1918 @ @ 1
5.2.1 Installing the USB Drivers
Pos: 7.7 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/0006 Soft ware/Modul Install ation USB Trei ber @ 0\m od_12100733 74165_9.doc @ 796 @ @ 1
Before you can install the software for PM GrindControl, the driver software of the ZigBee USB wireless unit must be installed:
Insert the installation CD included in the scope of supply into the CD ROM
drive in your PC.
Insert the ZigBee USB wireless unit (Telegesis) into a free USB port on
your PC. And follow the installation instructions
1. “Wizard for searching for new hardware”
Select "Yes, only this time"
2. “Wizard for searching for new hardware” window
Select "Automatically install software (recommended)" and click on
3. "Hardware Installation" window
In the following windows warning, select "Continue installation"
1. "Wizard for searching for new hardware" window
Select "Yes, only this time"
2. "Wizard for searching for new hardware" window
Select "Automatically install software (recommended)" and click on
3. “Hardware Installation” window
Pos: 7.8 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsa mmlung/Überschrif ten/1.1.1 Ü berschriften/11 1 Installation d er Software PM Grin dControl @ 0\mod_12149 24611772_9.d oc @ 1905 @ @ 1
At the following Windows safety instruction select "Continue installation"
+ 33 hidden pages