2.1 Type plate description ........................................................................................................................ 9
3 Safety and occupational health instructions ..................................................................................... 10
3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Safety instructions on the handling of liquid nitrogen ...................................................................... 12
4 Operating the machine ........................................................................................................................ 17
4.1 Views of the Instrument ................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Overview table of the parts of the device ........................................................................................ 18
4.3 Technical Data ................................................................................................................................. 19
4.4 Vacuum closure and safety device .................................................................................................. 19
4.11 Admitting the test pressure .............................................................................................................. 22
4.12 Checking the seat tightness............................................................................................................. 22
4.13 Checking the response pressure ..................................................................................................... 22
5 Index ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
Pos: 1.2 /00010 Bedienungsanleitungen Kapitelsammlung en/CryoMill/ 0001 Hinweise z ur Bedienungsanl eitung/M odul Hinweis zur B edienungsanleit ung @ 0\mod _12223473417 73_9.doc @ 2 540 @ @ 1
This operating manual is a technical guide on how to operate the device safely and
it contains all the information required for the areas specified in the table of
contents. This technical documentation is a reference and instruction manual. The
individual chapters are complete in themselves.
Familiarity (of the respective target groups defined according to area) with the
relevant chapters is a precondition for the safe and appropriate use of the device.
This operating manual does not contain any repair instructions. If faults arise or
repairs are necessary, please contact your supplier or get in touch with Retsch
GmbH directly.
Application technology information relating to samples to be processed is not
included but can be read on the Internet on the respective device’s page at
Pos: 2.7 /00003 Standard Kapitel/General Modul Zielgr uppe und Sic herheit @ 0\mo d_12287229553 00_9.doc @ 41 00 @ @ 1
Target group : All persons concerned with the machine in any form
This machine is a modern, high performance product from Retsch GmbH and
complies with the state of the art. Operational safety is given if the machine is
handled for the intended purpose and attention is given to this technical
Pos: 2.8 /00003 Standard Kapitel/General Modul Sicher heitshinweise @ 0\mod_122 8722954800_ 9.doc @ 4086 @ @ 1
You, as the owner/managing operator of the machine, must ensure that the people
entrusted with working on the machine:
• have noted and understood all the regulations regarding safety,
• are familiar before starting work with all the operating instructions and
specifications for the target group relevant for them,
• have easy access always to the technical documentation for this machine,
• and that new personnel before starting work on the machine are familiarised
with the safe handling of the machine and its use for its intended purpose,
either by verbal instructions from a competent person and/or by means of
this technical documentation.
Improper operation can result in personal injuries and material damage. You are
responsible for your own safety and that of your employees.
Make sure that no unauthorised person has access to the machine.
Pos: 2.12 /00003 Standard Kapitel/Gen eral Modul Repar aturen @ 0\m od_122872295 4535_9.doc @ 4 079 @ @ 1
This operating manual does not contain any repair instructions. For your own
safety, repairs may only be carried out by Retsch GmbH or an authorized
representative or by Retsch service engineers.
I have read and taken note of the contents of all chapters in this operating
manual as well as all safety instructions and warnings.
Surname, first name (block letters)
Position in the company
Service technician or operator
Surname, first name (block letters)
Position in the company
Place, date and signature
Pos: 3.2 /00020 BDA Software/20005 PM GC Kapitelsam mlung/Überschrif ten/1. Überschrif ten/1 Best ätigung (Formular f ür den Betrei ber) @ 0\ mod_1208870841 095_9.doc @ 430 @ @ 1
2 Confirmation
Pos: 3.3 /00003 Standard Kapitel/General Modul Bestätigu ng @ 0\ mod_122872296 2707_9.doc @ 41 14 @ @ 1
This operating manual contains essential instructions for operating and maintaining
the device which must be strictly observed. It is essential that they be read by the
operator and by the qualified staff responsible for the device before the device is
commissioned. This operating manual must be available and accessible at the
place of use at all times.
The user of the device herewith confirms to the managing operator (owner) that
(s)he has received sufficient instructions about the operation and maintenance of
the system. The user has received the operating manual, has read and taken note
of its contents and consequently has all the information required for safe operation
and is sufficiently familiar with the device.
As the owner/managing operator you should for your own protection have your
employees confirm that they have received the instructions about the operation of
the machine.