(for Windows® 98SE/Me, Windows NT® 4.0, Windows® 2000 and Windows® XP)
Renesas FLASH Microcomputer Programming System
User's Manual
Rev. 9.00
Revision Date: Oct. 31, 2006
Notes regarding these materials
1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate
Renesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the
accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any
intellectual property rights or any other rights of Renesas or any third party with respect to the information in
this document.
2. Renesas shall have no liability for damages or infringement of any intellectual property or other rights arising
out of the use of any information in this document, including, but not limited to, product data, diagrams, charts,
programs, algorithms, and application circuit examples.
3. You should not use the products or the technology described in this document for the purpose of military
applications such as the development of weapons of mass destruction or for the purpose of any other military
use. When exporting the products or technology described herein, you should follow the applicable export
control laws and regulations, and procedures required by such laws and regulations.
4. All information included in this document such as product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, and
application circuit examples, is current as of the date this document is issued. Such information, however, is
subject to change without any prior notice. Before purchasing or using any Renesas products listed in this
document, please confirm the latest product information with a Renesas sales office. Also, please pay regular
and careful attention to additional and different information to be disclosed by Renesas such as that disclosed
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5. Renesas has used reasonable care in compiling the information included in this document, but Renesas
assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of errors or omissions in the information
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6. When using or otherwise relying on the information in this document, you should evaluate the information in
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Renesas makes no representations, warranties or guaranties regarding the suitability of its products for any
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7. With the exception of products specified by Renesas as suitable for automobile applications, Renesas
products are not designed, manufactured or tested for applications or otherwise in systems the failure or
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especially high quality and reliability such as safety systems, or equipment or systems for transportation and
traffic, healthcare, combustion control, aerospace and aeronautics, nuclear power, or undersea communication
transmission. If you are considering the use of our products for such purposes, please contact a Renesas
sales office beforehand. Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of the uses set forth above.
8. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, you should not use Renesas products for the purposes listed below:
(1) artificial life support devices or systems
(2) surgical implantations
(3) healthcare intervention (e.g., excision, administration of medication, etc.)
(4) any other purposes that pose a direct threat to human life
Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of the uses set forth in the above and purchasers who
elect to use Renesas products in any of the foregoing applications shall indemnify and hold harmless Renesas
Technology Corp., its affiliated companies and their officers, directors, and employees against any and all
damages arising out of such applications.
9. You should use the products described herein within the range specified by Renesas, especially with respect
to the maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, movement power voltage range, heat radiation
characteristics, installation and other product characteristics. Renesas shall have no liability for malfunctions or
damages arising out of the use of Renesas products beyond such specified ranges.
10. Although Renesas endeavors to improve the quality and reliability of its products, IC products have specific
characteristics such as the occurrence of failure at a certain rate and malfunctions under certain use
conditions. Please be sure to implement safety measures to guard against the possibility of physical injury, and
injury or damage caused by fire in the event of the failure of a Renesas product, such as safety design for
hardware and software including but not limited to redundancy, fire control and malfunction prevention,
appropriate treatment for aging degradation or any other applicable measures. Among others, since the
evaluation of microcomputer software alone is very difficult, please evaluate the safety of the final products or
system manufactured by you.
11. In case Renesas products listed in this document are detached from the products to which the Renesas
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12. This document may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or in part, without prior written
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13. Please contact a Renesas sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in this
document, Renesas semiconductor products, or if you have any other inquiries.
Table of Contents
i. Cautions............................................................................................ i
ii. Preface.............................................................................................. ii
iii. Abbreviations ................................................................................... iii
iv. Document Conventions.................................................................... iv
Chapter 16 Upgrading to FDT3.07 .................................................................... 127
i. Cautions
Renesas neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Renesas’ or any third party’s patent, copyright,
trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document. Renesas bears
no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party’s rights, including intellectual property rights,
in connection with use of the information contained in this document.
Products and product specifications may be subject to change without notice. Confirm that you have
received the latest product standards or specifications before final design, purchase or use.
Renesas makes every attempt to ensure that its products are of high quality and reliability. However,
contact Renesas’ sales office before using the product in an application that demands especially high
quality and reliability or where its failure or malfunction may directly threaten human life or cause risk of
bodily injury, such as aerospace, aeronautics, nuclear power, combustion control, transportation, traffic,
safety equipment or medical equipment for life support.
Design your application so that the product is used within the ranges guaranteed by Renesas particularly for
maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installation conditions and
other characteristics. Renesas bears no responsibility for failure or damage when used beyond the
guaranteed ranges. Even within the guaranteed ranges, consider normally foreseeable failure rates or failure
modes in semiconductor devices and employ systemic measures such as fail-safes, so that the equipment
incorporating Renesas product does not cause bodily injury, fire or other consequential damage due to
operation of the Renesas product.
This product is not designed to be radiation resistant.
No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, the whole or part of this document without
written approval from Renesas.
Contact Renesas’ sales office for any questions regarding this document or Renesas semiconductor
ii. Preface
About this guide
This guide explains the use of the Renesas Flash Development Toolkit(hereafter referred to as FDT).
Chapter 1 , Introduction, provides a brief explanation to the tool and lists its key features.
Chapter 2 , System Overview, describes how the different facilities make up the FDT Graphical User
Chapter 3 , Using FDT, describes how FDT is activated and the FLASH ROM is written.
Chapter 4 , Wait For Script
Chapter 5 , Access Rights describes configuration of User Names and Passwords
Chapter 6 , Configuring the User Interface, provides a way to configure the FDT Graphical User Interface.
Chapter 7 , Menus, and Chapter 8 , Windows, give reference information about the operations and
facilities available through these respective areas.
Chapter 9 , Simple Interface Mode, describes use of FDT with a cut-down Graphical User Interface.
Chapter 10 , Basic Simple Interface Mode, describes use of FDT with a cut-down Graphical User Interface
without the need to setup a workspace and project.
Chapter 11 , Field Programming, describes use the Field Programming feature for publishing projects for
other FDT users, and use of published projects.
Chapter 12 , E8 Update, describes how FDT updates the E8 firmware.
Chapter 13 , E8Direct describes how an E8 can be used as an E8Direct
Chapter 14 , QzROM Programming describes the programming of the new style of Renesas Flash
Chapter 15, Locking describes FDT operation with those devices that support erase block locking.
Chapter 16 describes notes about upgrading to FDT3.07.
It is assumed that the reader is experienced in using Microsoft
Windows® applications on PC-compatible
iii. Abbreviations
Target / Device
DLL Dynamic Linked Library
FDT Flash Development Toolkit
QzROM One time programmable memory
HEW Renesas High-performance Embedded Workshop
PC Personal Computer
USB Universal Serial Bus 1.1 or above
FDM Flash Development Module (USB interface board)
UPB Universal Programming Board –
HMSE Hitachi Micro Systems Europe Ltd –
Flexible Zero Turn-Around Time
Refers to the
PC ready for programming.
Legacy HMSE interface board used with Protocol A (Legacy) kernels.
The former name of part of the Renesas Technology Europe Engineering Division.
Flash Configuration File – Used to store information about the device and flash
Device Data Image – a hybrid S-Record file format used for storing data for a device
with multiple flash areas.
rammable microcontroller or microcomputer that is connected to the
Micro Kernel
Main Kernel
E8 / E8USB
Field Programming Publishing
Code which takes control of the device and allows reprogramming functions. This
code is often downloaded to the device.
The part of the kernel which gets executed first and allows initial configuration and
downloading of the main kernel.
The part of the kernel which gets downloaded by the micro kernel and handles
downloading of additional modules (if required) to perform the read / write / blank
check / erase functions etc.
This is a USB interface board. It supports programming over the single wire interface
and clock synchronous programming using the four wire interface.
This is a USB interface board developed by RTA. It is used for Flash Programming
and in-circuit debugging. This is currently not supported by FDT in the Asia region.
The ability to package all kernel and data files into a single file for simplified sending
to another FDT user.
A firmware update to the E8 (using the existing E8 hardware), designed to be as
similar as possible to the FDM
iv. Document Conventions
This manual uses the following typographic conventions:
[Menu->Menu Option]
‘dialog name’ The ‘’ is used to indicate the name of a dialog box or menu.
‘Filename.ext’Bold Courier Font is used to indicate filenames.
“enter this string” Used to indicate text that must be entered (excluding the “” quotes).
(The “how to” symbol)
Table 1: Typographic Conventions
F-ZTAT is a trademark of Renesas, Ltd.
is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Bold text with ‘->’ is used to indicate menu options (for example,
[File->Save As...]).
Used to indicate required key presses. For example. Ctrl+N means
press the Ctrl key and then, whilst holding the Ctrl key down, press
the N key.
When this symbol is used, it is always located in the left-hand
margin. It indicates that the text to its immediate right is describing
“how to” do something.
Chapter 1 Introduction
The RenesasFlash Development Toolkit (FDT) is an on-board FLASH programming tool for Renesas FZTAT microcomputers that provides a high-performance and user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Embedded software development projects created using the Renesas High-performance Embedded
Workshop (HEW) may be programmed into Renesas F-ZTAT devices using FDT.
FDT may also be used as a general purpose S-Record or Hex editor.
1.1 Key Features
• Standard window operation based on the 32-bit Windows
• Various online help functions.
• Selectable messaging levels.
• Simple programming environment; optionally controls an adapter board.
• Serial communication.
• USB communications supported via USB Interface Boards.
• USB communications directly to selected target devices.
• Wait for Script File facility
• Multiple flash areas in a single image (DDI)
• QzROM programming
1.2 New Features
FDT3.07 has the following new features:-
• Support for Lock Bit commands
• Support for R8C/2x Blank Check embedded function
• BPS (synchronous) selection support for QZ-ROM
• Display Clock Frequency / CKM / CKP in output Window
• SH2A Data Mat Support
Chapter 2 System Overview
FDT provides a method of programming, erasing and reading from Renesas Flash devices. Workspaces and
Projects can be used in order to save the settings between sessions, for easy switching between different
settings, and to allow experienced users to configure the settings for less experienced operators. FDT is
designed to provide a common look and feel, independent of the actual device to be programmed.
FDT employs a hierarchical structure so that work can be organised in a logical manner. The top level of
the structure is the workspace.
To be useful, the workspace must contain at least one project. In order to create a project, a workspace must
be created first.
Each project specifies its own target device configuration (specified when creating the project) and set of
target files (S-Record / Hex / Binary) that can be used toprogram the device.
The project settings for the target device connection need only be set once, as they can be stored between
sessions by saving the Project.
A single project within the workspace is active at any point in time. The active project is the context to
which all ‘Device’ Menu, ‘Project’ Menu and ‘Project’ Toolbar commands will be directed.
When a project has been created, target files can be added to it. These files may:
• Be used to program the device.
• Be used to build a Device Image.
• Be opened in the hex editor.
• Be marked as being destined for the User Boot Area (for devices which support this).
• Have their checksum calculated
• Have their data block usage displayed
• Be compared against the data already programmed to the device
When using a project it is possible to take advantage of the following FDT features:
• Advanced messaging levels.
• Device Image builder.
• Uploading data from the target device.
• Viewing uploaded data in big or little endian, or floating point representation.
• Simple Interface Mode – for simplifying the user interface once the project is configured.
• Automatic masking of non-Flash areas in files upon opening project open
• Automatic masking of reserved sections within Flash areas
2.1 User Interface
The FDT Graphical User Interface is a Windows® application that presents a work environment, which
allows the user to program FLASH memory.
Figure 2-1 FDT Graphical User Interface
2.1.1 Menu bar
Commands are grouped into related areas on the Menu bar as indicated by the menu titles. Using the mouse
the user can select a command operation, invoke a dialog box or a window to interact with the system.
Clicking the left mouse button on a menu title will pull down that menu, from which a selection can be
If a menu item does not perform an action directly, but instead displays a dialog box or window for further
user interaction, then its name is appended with an ellipsis (three dots, ...).
Figure 2-2 Menu Ellipsis
If a menu item can also be invoked by pressing a hot key (a combination of keys), then the hot key is
displayed to the right of the item.
If a menu item toggles a feature ON or OFF then a check mark (9) will be displayed next to its text when it
is ON:
Figure 2-3 Checked Menu Items
If a menu item has the symbol (8) next to it then a cascading or hierarchical menu is available. Clicking on
the menu item will reveal the cascading menu:
Figure 2-4 Cascading Menus
Menus can also be selected directly from the keyboard by pressing the ALT key followed by the
corresponding key of the underlined letter or number for the menu item that the user wants to select, e.g.
press ALT+F, S in sequence to Save the active file ([F
2.1.2 Toolbars
FDT has several toolbars located below the Menu bar. This provides quick access to FDT features by
clicking the respective button with the mouse.
Figure 2-5 FDT Toolbars
The buttons on each toolbar are arranged in associated groups.
To find out the function of the button, move the mouse over the button and a hint will be displayed next to
the button and in the status bar.
The toolbar buttons can be customised to provide a button for the majority of the features available in FDT
and can be arranged in an order that the user finds convenient.
For more details about changing the arrangement of the toolbar buttons and a detailed description of each
button’s function, see Chapter 6 .
Edit toolbar
Figure 2-6 Edit Toolbar
Save File – saves the active file.
Cut – cuts data to the clipboard.
Copy – copies data to the clipboard.
Paste – pastes data from the clipboard.
Open an S-Record – Opens an S-Record or data file.
FDT toolbar
Figure 2-7 FDT Toolbar
Connect - connects the device to the interface.
Disconnect - disconnects the device from the interface.
Erase Blocks - launches the ‘Erase Block’ dialog box to erase all or individual blocks of the device FLASH
Blank Check - checks whether or not the FLASH section of the target device is blank.
Upload - launches the ‘Upload Image’ dialog box to allow data to be obtained from the target device.
Download Active File - downloads the file which is active in the hex editor.
Checksum – returns a checksum of the data in the FLASH.
Go from Address – launches a dialog to select the address to execute from.
Cancel – Cancels the current FLASH operation.
Configure Flash Project - launches the ‘Project Properties’ dialog box (or the Project Wizard if the project
is not yet configured).
S Record toolbar
Figure 2-8 S Record Toolbar
View as Bytes - view the file data as 8 bit bytes.
View as Words - view the file data as 16 bit words.
View as DWords - view the file data as 32 bit double words.
Align view to 8 bytes - data is displayed on each line as 8 bytes. The number of bytes that can be
accommodated on each line is dependent upon the size of the window.
Toggle ASCII - turns ASCII data ON or OFF
Find - launches the ‘Find’ dialog box.
Find and Replace - launches the ‘Replace’ dialog box.
Create Selection - selects a block of the specified size in the active file.
Fill selection - launches the ‘Fill’ dialog box.
Properties – launches a dialog with information about the active file.
QzROM toolbar
Figure 2-9 QzROM Toolbar
Automatic Protection – Set QzROM security protection automatically on disconnect (if more than one
option is available a dialog will appear to select which type to automatically apply)
Query Protection – Ask the user whether to set QzROM security protection on disconnect.
No Protection – Never set QzROM security protection on disconnect.
NB – setting the protection may stop any further connections to that particular target device
Search toolbar
Figure 2-10 Search Toolbar
Find in Files – finds selected data in selected files.
Data – is used for the searches.
Find – locates data in active file.
Find Next – locates next occurrence of search criteria.
Find Previous - locates previous occurrence of search criteria.
2.1.3 Status Bar
The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the FDT application window. It provides the user with
information about what the application is doing.
The left section of the Status Bar describes the action of the Toolbar items as the mouse arrow is positioned
over a button, as well as displaying operation status information.
When an action is being performed, a progress bar is displayed to show the progress of the current
The last section of the bar indicates the state of the toggling keyboard keys such as the Caps Lock, Insert
and Number Lock keys.
2.1.4 Pop-up menus
Many windows have local pop-up menus in order to make commonly used features easier to access. These
menus are invoked by clicking the right mouse button in the window (or pressing SHIFT+F10) and then
selecting the required menu option. An example pop-up menu is:
Figure 2-11 Pop-up Menu
The contents and operation of specific pop-up menus are explained in detail in the description of each FDT
window, see the Chapter 8 ,Windows.
2.2 Help
FDT has a standard Windows® help system. This provides on-line information for using the system.
Help can be invoked by pressing the F1 key or via the Help menu.
2.3 Hot Keys
There are various hot keys for frequently used operations. These are as follows by category:-
Help F1
File Commands
lose File
Open S-R
Save Al
ave Ctrl+S
it Alt+F4
Edit Commands
ndo Ctrl+Z
edo Ctrl+Y
opy Ctrl+C
aste Ctrl+V
Select A
ind Ctrl+F
Find I
Tools Commands
Login Ctrl+Shift+U
Simple Interface Commands
Login Ctrl+Shift+U
tput Alt+U
Hot Key
ecord Ctrl+R
l Ctrl+Shift+H
ll Ctrl+A
n Files F4
space Alt+K
Hot Key
View as A
View as B
View as W
View as D
Align to 8
ytes Alt+1
ord Alt+2
word Alt+4
Bytes Alt+8
onnect Ctrl+Alt+C
rase Flash Blocks Ctrl+Alt+E
lank Check Ctrl+Alt+B
pload Image Ctrl+Alt+U
oad Active File Ctrl+Alt+P
Flash Checks
o From Address Ctrl+Alt+G
Block Lock
cel Operation Ctrl+Break
Configure Flash P
um Ctrl+Alt+S
ing... Ctrl+Alt+L
roject Alt+Shift+R
Data File
Suppress request to save changes to a
Hold Shift key when closing data file
data file when closing it (do not save
Chapter 3 Using FDT
3.1 Quickstart
The stages required in order to program a device are as follows:
1) Start FDT by selecting ‘Start’->‘Programs’ -> ‘Renesas’ -> ‘Flash Development Toolkit3.07’, then
the ‘Flash Development Toolkit3.07’ shortcut [see section 3.3]
Create a Workspace and Project [see section 3.4.1]
Configure the Project using the Flash Project Wizard (select device, kernel, port, mode etc) [see
sections 3.4.2 to 3.4.8 or section 3.5 for Generic Boot]
Add the file or files that you want to download to the project [see sections]. You can
now download individual files by right clicking on them in the Workspace Window, or merge multiple
files into a device image (using the Project-> Rebuild Image menu item) and download that (using the
Project-> Download Image menu item).
Alternatively, to start in FDT Basic Simple Interface Mode:
Select ‘Start’->‘Programs’ -> ‘Renesas’ -> ‘Flash Development Toolkit3.07’, then the ‘Flash
Development Toolkit3.07 Basic’ shortcut [see section 3.3]
Configure the settings using the Wizard (select device, kernel, port, mode etc) [see sections 3.4.2 to
3.4.8 or section 3.5 for Generic Boot]
Select the flash area that you want to program (User Area or User Boot Area). Select the file to program for each enabled area
Select the Program Flash Button.
Disconnect when programming is completed
3.2 Background Information
3.2.1What are the User Area, User Boot Area and Data Areas?
The normal area of (internal) flash for Renesas devices, for user programs is known as the User Area. This
is where the code is stored which gets executed when the device is reset into User Mode. The User area
can normally be programmed from a Boot Mode or User Mode connection.
On some devices there is an additional area of flash known as the User Boot Area. This is where the code
is stored which gets executed when the device is reset into User Boot Mode. The User Boot Area tends to
be much smaller than the User Area and is typically used for storing an alternative boot stub, for setting up
communication via some other communications medium / protocol. Normally, the User Area and the User
Boot Area both start at the same address – this is possible because only one is ever mapped into the
memory map at one time. It is only possible to program the User Boot Area from Boot Mode - not from
User Mode.
On some devices there is an additional area of flash known as the Data Area. This area normally resides at
the other end of the memory map to the User Area, and unlike the case of the User Boot Area, the Data Area is not contiguous with the User Area and always exists in the memory map.
What is the difference between Boot Mode and User Mode?
The Renesas Flash devices have different modes of operation which are controlled by the state of the mode
pins when the device is brought out of reset. Most devices have an asynchronous serial Boot Mode and a
User/User Program Mode.
Generally, (asynchronous serial) Boot Mode connections, start with an autobaud – sending synchronisation
data packets to setup initial communications at a given baud rate. Additionally, for most devices, the entire
flash will be erased as part of the connection process, thus preventing any Intellectual Property held on the
device from being read from Boot Mode.
For a User Mode connection, the device must already be programmed with some code which talks to FDT
and allows programming. Most kernels are supplied with a User Mode micro kernel and test program
(*usually called “uGenU.mot” and “xxxxtest.mot”). These files provide a demonstration of User
Mode programming and must be programmed into the device and be executing before FDT tries to connect
in User Mode. User Mode does not normally force an erase of the flash during the connection process and
does not autobaud to setup initial communications. The demonstration User Mode test programs have the
required Bit Rate Register value compiled into them for setting up initial communications at 9600 baud;
hence User Mode kernels need to be rebuilt for different clock frequencies.
* Note that where the files are to be used as part of an embedded monitor, the User Mode kernel
files may be also output as binary files (.cde) without the reset vector populated. Some kernels
use only a single file for the User Mode test program (e.g. Protocol C kernels).
What is the difference between User Mode and User Program Mode?
Some devices use an additional mode pin to protect the flash from being written or erased by mistake; this
pin is normally known as the “Flash Write Enable” pin (FWE) if it has to be logic high to allow
programming, or the “Flash Write Protect” pin (FWP) if it has to be logic low to allow programming. For
these devices, this pin distinguishes “User Mode” from “User Program Mode”. An FDT User Mode
connection expects the device to be in User Program Mode at the point of programming and erasing, and if
using the FDM, can reset the device into User Mode to execute the programmed code on disconnection.
What are “Protocol A”, “Protocol B”, “Protocol C” and “Protocol D” Kernels?
“Protocol A” - For some 0.8μm, 0.6μm and 0.35μm flash devices using FDT 1.5 style kernels.
These are legacy kernels that are not supported and not included in the FDT installer. Protocol A kernels
are not available in the Japanese versions of FDT. Protocol A kernels support use of the UPB but not the
FDM. The kernel needs to be rebuilt for different crystal frequencies in Boot and User Modes, and for
changing the PMODE pin if using the UPB. Please refer to the documentation supplied with the kernels for
additional information.
“Protocol B” – For 0.35μm devices. These support the FDM but not the UPB.
Boot Mode - The kernel (made up of the Boot Mode Micro Kernel, Boot Mode Main Kernel, and the Write
and Erase modules) is held on the PC and downloaded as required. The Boot Mode kernel does not need to
be rebuilt for different crystal frequencies; this information is stored in the FDT project and downloaded at
runtime and initial communication is achieved by the autobaud (where FDT sends 0x00 data until the
device synchronises with it).
User Mode – The User Mode Test Program and User Mode Micro-Kernel need to be already programmed
and executing on the device. The initial Bit Rate Register value is held in the ‘gentest.h’ file and is
compiled into the User Mode Test Program; this allows the kernel initialise the serial communications
interface to 9600 baud. If the clock frequency changes from the default supplied value, the initial Bit Rate
Register setting in ‘gentest.h’ [normally MA_BRR_SCI or MA_BRR_SCI1] will need to be modified and
the kernel recompiled. The User Mode Main Kernel and the Write and Erase modules are held on the PC
and downloaded as required.
“Protocol C” – For devices with embedded kernels (Currently 0.18μm). These support the FDM but not
the UPB.
Boot Mode – A configuration file is stored on the PC which provides FDT with details about the device,
but the kernel (including the Write and Erase modules) resides internally on the device. There is no need to
rebuild anything for different clock frequencies in Boot Mode; this information is stored in the FDT project
and downloaded at runtime and initial communication is achieved by the autobaud (where FDT sends 0x00
data until the device synchronises with it).
User Mode – Some boards are supplied with a User Mode kernel. Similarly to the Protocol B User Mode
kernels, User Mode Kernel needs to be already programmed and executing on the device. The initial Bit
Rate Register value is held in the ‘gentest.h’ file and is compiled into the User Mode Test Program; this
allows the kernel initialise the serial communications interface to 9600 baud. If the clock frequency
changes from the default supplied value, the initial Bit Rate Register setting in ‘gentest.h’ [normally
MA_BRR_SCI or MA_BRR_SCI1] will need to be modified and the kernel recompiled. The main
difference to the Protocol B User Mode Kernels is that the Write and Erase modules are held internally on
the device.
“Protocol D” – For R8C and former Mitsubishi family devices (eg. M16C, M32 etc).
The E8 and FoUSB boards can be used with some Protocol D devices. The kernels are internal to the
device, but FDT uses configuration files to store information about the device characteristics.
What are the fcf and fdm files, can I edit them?
Stored alongside the other kernel files, the .fcf (Flash Configuration File) and .fdm (Flash Development
Module) files hold details about the device and kernel. Each supported device in each kernel directory has
its own .fcf and .fdm file. Information such as the RAM size, Flash size, Erase Block Register details,
default baud rate and default crystal frequency is stored in the fcf file and details about the allowed pin
settings for the FDM is stored in the FDM file. Each of these files is protected with a checksum, so editing
will render them invalid and FDT will detect this. Upon detection of an invalid checksum an fcf or fdm file
FDT will warn the user but will not prevent use of the modified files.
Can I use FDT if I do not have Local Machine Administrator rights for my PC?
Yes, but only once it is installed and configured. To install FDT and for various configuration tasks, you
must have local administrator rights; this is because some settings are stored in the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry area. Once FDT is installed and configured you will be able to use it
with certain limitations. Configuration tasks such as adding new kernel entries to the registry so that they
will be available in the Project Wizard in future requires Local Machine Administrator rights. This includes
adding the Prior Generic Device entry (an administrator must first connect to the Generic Device to allow
the Prior Generic Device entry to be created. Additionally the FDT Advanced Setup utility which is used
for changing settings such as fine tuning of timeouts, requires the Local Machine Administrator rights to
save the settings. Password administration also requires Local PC Administrator rights.
3.2.7 How do I recompile a kernel?
It is recommended that the original kernel is copied to another directory and that this copy is edited, thus
leaving the original kernel unmodified. When using the kernel for the first time, you will need to browse to
the alternate location to find the fcf file.
If the kernel has been written using Hew, there will be a Hew workspace file in the project subdirectory of
the kernel. This should be opened from Hew.
If the kernel has been written based upon compilation from the command line, you will need to run the
buildall.bat file from a Dos shell session after setting up the environment variables for the compiler so that
it can be run from the command line. Please refer to the compiler manual for full details of how to do this.
An example environment batch file used to set the environment settings for the Renesas H8 compiler
version 4.0a is shown below:
SET CH38=C:\hew\tools\Renesas\h8\4_0_A\INCLUDE
set DOS16M= @1M-31M
From some operating systems (eg Windows 2000), cmd.exe should be used rather than command.com.
The above batch file should be modified to reflect the path of your compiler.
Ensure that the specified temporary directory exists and is writeable.
How do I use the supplied demonstration User Mode Kernels?
To use the demonstration User Mode kernels, you must first add the User Mode Micro Kernel and User
Mode Test Program from the kernel directory (“uGenU.mot” and “xxxxtest.mot”) to a Boot Mode
Project and build the User Area Device Image. Next, connect in Boot Mode and program the image to the
device, disconnect and reset the device into User Mode. Create another project in the workspace, but this
time set it as a User Mode Connection Type, and connect in User Mode. FDT will start communications
with the User Mode Test Program at 9600bps and then change to the baud rate set in the project. Note that
the device does not automatically erase during connections in User Mode. It is not possible to reprogram
the FLASH whilst the reprogramming code is executing from the FLASH so all of the kernel modules
needed to keep the connection to FDT are copied into the RAM to leave the FLASH ROM available for
reprogramming. Because of this, it is possible to erase the entire flash and reprogram it in user mode, but
note that if the device is reset after erasure and before it is reprogrammed, it will not be possible to
reconnect in User Mode until the device has had the User Mode Micro Kernel and User Mode Test
Program reprogrammed into it Boot Mode.
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