At Remington®, innovation is more than a mission, it’s
our history. It began in 1955, when we developed the
first through-the-wall, self-contained heating and cooling
system for individually-zoned applications.It was an
invention that revolutionized the heating and cooling
When it was first introduced, the Incremental
System, or
Packaged Ter minal Air Conditioning (PTAC) as it's known
today, was a new concept, built on the premise that by
using a small air conditioning unit in each space, multizone buildings could be heated and cooled more efficiently and at lower first costs versus using an expensive
central plant.This major breakthrough made a
lasting impact.
Since that first Incremental System was introduced,
hundreds of thousands of Packaged Ter minal Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps(PTHP) have been installed in
all types of buildings, all over North Amer ica. Residents,
employees, students, visitors and more now enjoy yearround comfort in a host of multi-room, multi-story buildings such as hotels/motels, office buildings, apartments,
dormitories, hospitals, nursing homes and schools.
Advantages of a "PTAC"
Lower First Cost
There is no need to pay for expensive ductwork, a central chiller/boiler plant or the miles of piping that are
required with central systems.This can significantly
reduce both design and installation costs. Capital costs
can also be reduced by providing a unit to the space
only when it becomes occupied.
Lower Design Costs
The overall system design is greatly simplified, allowing
designers to devote more time to other areas and
reducing overall costs.
Architectural Design Freedom
Eliminates the need for large mechanical equipment
rooms, which helps increase potential leasable space.
Expensive ductwork is also eliminated, so the floor to
floor distances can be reduced without lowering ceiling
Comfort on Demand
Each occupant determines their own comfort requirements for their space.By using Remington units, occupants can easily cool one room while simultaneously
heating another without continuously operating a central
chiller and central boiler.
Inherent Economy
Installing PTAC/PTHP units reduces the need to condition the entire building to provide comfort in one space.
For example, with this type of system, comfort conditioning can be provided in one area for an occupant working
after hours, while the rest of the building sleeps.
Easy Maintenance Without Disruption
Packaged Ter minal products require minimal maintenance because of their simple design and high-quality
construction. Routine maintenance can be easily performed by a facility's own staff. If a unit becomes
inoperable, it can be repaired or replaced without
disruption of adjacent spaces.The easy, slide-in, slideout chassis allows one person to quickly remove and
replace an inoperable unit, minimizing downtime in the
effected space.
The new Remington PTAC/PTHP unit has revolutionized
the industry with its superior options and innovations,
bringing you the highest quality air conditioners in the
industry, year after year.
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Introduction...Packaged Terminal Air Conditioning