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60% of the buildings that will be standing in 2050 are
already here with us today. So tomorrow, there will be a
great need for intelligent heating technology specifically
designed for refurbished buildings. This is where Remeha’s
advanced thinking is leading the way. To a future where our
highly efficient heating systems help to improve the overall
energy efficiency of refurbished buildings. Giving them new
life and a more sustainable future.
Remeha is committed to helping create a more
sustainable future with our comprehensive range of
energy-efficient, low-carbon heating solutions. Our
superior quality, British-manufactured hot water cylinder
range offers 24 options of Unvented Direct, Indirect
and Solar cylinders with 400l, 500l, 800l, 1000l, 1250l,
2000l and 2500l models available in each of the three
categories. A range of optional immersion heater units is
also available to provide boost and backup.
Remeha Commercial cylinders are manufactured from Duplex
2205 stainless steel to EN 1.4462, ASTM S3 2205/S31803 (with
PRE value of 35). This Ferritic-Austenitic steel combines high
strength, excellent corrosion resistance and stress corrosion
cracking resistance as well as excellent pitting resistance.
This marine-grade Duplex gives a low thermal expansion and
high chloride resistance. It has a great strength-to-weight
ratio which allows the finished cylinder to be substantially
lower than other materials.
2205 is a high specification grade of Duplex stainless steel,
making it highly suitable for commercial water cylinders. 2205
has approximately twice the proof strength of standard304
and 316 types of stainless steel, meaning it is well equipped
to deal with the system pressures involved. Thepitting and
crevice corrosion resistance in potable wateris greater than
that of 316 stainless and other leaner alloyed Duplex stainless
types often used in water cylinders.End users can therefore
be assured of a long trouble-free service life.
The Duplex metallurgical structure is carefully balanced to
provide dual austenitic and ferritic phases, which provides
the high strength level and acts as an effective impediment
to stress corrosion and cracking.
Remeha Commercial cylinders come with a 6 bar
operatingpressure as standard. The design options
beingmaximised by this choice.
Flow rates are crucial to today’s
We have all been in a hotel where the shower does not
perform and we have to run around to get wet. Why? Because
the hot water system was not designed correctly. Today this
all changes with Remeha Commercial, typicallymassive flow
rates in excess of 100 litres/min can be achieved. If you have
higher than that coming in, the cylinder will deliver that too.
Heat recovery in minutes, not hours
Remeha Commercial cylinders are designed in such a way
that if provided with the prescribed heat input, the units
willrecover from cold in less than 60* minutes. This is done by
the inclusion of super high performance coils or commercial
electrical elements.
Remeha Hot Water Cylinders are approved and certified by a
third party for safety and performance and manufactured in
the UK.
Remeha’s range of Hot Water Cylinders meets all British environmental legislation and regulation standards
as well as EU Directives. This includes the recommendations of HSE Document L8 relating to Legionella
Pneumophilia, with the cylinders containing a minimum of two inspection ports (three on larger models) and
three optional destratification loop kits to circulate the hot water and enable pasteurisation.
EU Directives
Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.
Low Voltage Direc tive (LVD) 2006/95/EC.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2004/1 08/EC.
Ecodesign Requirements for Energy Related Products (ERP) Directive
Building Regulations Part G and Part L (England and Wales).
Scottish Building Standards Section 4 and Section 6.
Building Regulations (Northern Irel and) Parts F1 and F2 and Part P.
Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (England and Wales).
The Water Byelaws 2004 Scotland.
Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (Northern Ireland).
Relevant clauses of the following standards are complied with:
EN 12897, EN 60335-2-21.
The stainless steel materials used comply with the relevant
clausesof:EN 1008 8.
Components supplied comply with the following standards:
BS EN 1490 Building Valves – Combined Temperature and
PressureRelief Valves.
BS EN 1491 Building Valves – Expansion Valves.
BS 6144 Specification for Expansion Vessels Using An Internal
Diaphragm For Unvented Water Supply Systems.
BS EN 1567 Building Valves – Water Pressure Reducing Valves and
Combination Reducing Valves.
BS EN 60730-2-9 Automatic Electrical Controls – Particular
Requirements for Temperature Sensing Controls.
BS EN 60730-2-8 Automatic Electrical Controls – Particular
Requirements for Electrically Operated Water Valves.
BS EN 13959 Anti-pollution Check Valves.
The use of these water heaters will aid in compliance with:
Health and Safety Executive Approved Code of Practice L8: The control of
legionella bacteria in water systems.
BS EN 806 Parts 1 to 5: Specification for installations inside buildings
conveying water for human consumption.
BS 8558 Guide to the design, installation, testing and maintenance of
services supplying water for domestic use within buildings.
Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers Guide B and Guide F.
Manufactured in a factory approved to:
BS EN ISO 9001 · OHSAS 18001 · ISO 14001
• It is the responsibility of us all to consider the safety of
others when designing and installing hot water systems.
Advice on doing so is contained in HSE document L8,
this advice is heavily detailed and precise
• Essentially, it is recommended that any cylinder should
have access for inspection and cleaning, a system of
pasteurisation and where possible dead legs in the system
are designed out
• Remeha Commercial provides features which meet
these needs.
• A minimum of two inspection ports (three on larger models)
• Three optional destratification loop kits (shunt pumps)
areavailable to circulate the hot water from top to bottom
toenable pasteurisation
Temperature vs state of legionella bacteria:
20°C and below Legionella bacteria are dormant
20°C to 45°C Legionella bacteria multiply
55°C Legionella bacteria die in five to six hours
60°C Legionella bacteria die in 32 minutes
66°C Legionella bacteria die in two minutes
Above 70°C Disinfection taking place
Some large cylinders have high heat losses, substantially
increasing fuel costs and pollution. All this ends with the
Remeha Commercial range.
• The Remeha Commercial range of cylinders are insulated
with 100mm of polyurethane foam of initial K-value 0.024
W/m.k, flammability to BS 4735
• The foam is applied to all surfaces of the cylinder including
around the legs and the lifting lugs at the top
Remeha Commercial cylinders are fully approved
Typically calorifiers are made to British and European
manufacturing standards. These units are generally
bespoke and essentially one-off, the performance
is nottested or qualified by any third party. Claims
madeforperformance will be based on calculations
That is not the case with Remeha Commercial
cylinders.The range has been tested by Kiwa and
Nemkofor safety and performance. They are built
entirelyin a purpose-designed manufacturing facility
inthe UK.
* Depending on incoming cold w ater temper ature and pr imary flo w conditions.
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24 models in the range:
400, 500, 800, 1000, 1250, 2000,
2500 in Direct, Indirect and Solar
400 Litre
Ø872 x H1500
500 Litre
Ø872 x H1800
800 Litre
Ø1024 x H1906
1000 Litre
Ø1024 x H2301
Remeha Commercial cylinders offer a range of
Each unit is equipped with a high performance coil which
is designed to heat the cylinder from cold, in less than 60*
minutes. No more do you have to turn the hot water system
on the day before you use it.
Optional immersion heater units are available to provide
boost and backup.
All units are delivered with a full unvented hot water kit
Expansion vessel and support
(WR AS approved, CE marked in accordance with Directive PED/97/23/CE
to BS6144/1980).
Pressure reducing valve to BS EN 1567
(WRAS approved, DVGW certified).
Single check valve to BS 6282 Part 1 1981
1250 Litre
Ø1224 x H1937
1450 Litre
Ø1224 x H2253
2000 Litre
Ø1476 x H2011
2500 Litre
Ø1476 x H2416
Expansion relief valve to BS 6283 Part 1 1991
Isolating ball valve to BS 5174
Isolating drain valve
Temperature and pressure relief valve
Commercial isolation zone valve
Nominal capacity (litre) 400 500 800 1000 1250 1450 2000 2500
A (mm) 150 0 1800 1906 2301 1937 2253 20 11 2416
B (mm) 872 872 1024 1024 12 24 122 4 1476 1476
Material Duplex 2205 Duplex 2205 Duplex 2205 Duplex 2205 Duplex 2205 Duplex 2205 Duplex 2205 Duplex 2205
Oper ating pressure (6 bar) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Insulation 100m mPU 100mmP U 100mmPU 100mmPU 100mmPU 100mmPU 100mmPU 100mmPU
Outlet 1" 1" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"
Inlet 1" 1" 1½" 1½" 1½" 1½" 2" 2"
Coil 1" 1" 1¼" 1¼" 1½" 1½" 1½" 1½"
Tappings ½" ½" ½" ½" ½" ½" ½" ½"
Secondary return 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"
Inspection por t (mm) 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115
Coil – ar ea/rating @ 30 l/min 2m
Element (kW) (Max) 24 24 45 45 54 54 54 54
Empt y weight (kg) 105 110 16 4 188 319 322 445 450
Full weight (kg) 505 610 96 4 118 8 1569 1872 2445 2950
/43.6kW 2m2/41.8kW 3m2/52 .7kW 3m2/51. 4kW 5m2/63.6kW 5m2/61.2kW 7. 5m2/98.4kW 7.5 m2/86.4kW
* Depending on incoming cold w ater temper ature and pr imary flo w conditions.