Raymarine Raystar 120 User Manual

Raystar 120 & Raystar 112LP GPS Receivers

Owner’s Handbook

Document Number: 81203-1 Date: January 2002

Handbook information

Copyright Information

Autohelm®, Raymarine® and SeaTalk® are registered trademarks of Raymarine Ltd.
Raychart, Raynav and Raystar are trademarks of Raymarine Ltd. Handbook contents © Raymarine Ltd 2002.
Preface iii
About this Handbook .............................................................................................v
Important Information .................................................................vi
Warranty ...................................................................................... vi
Safety notices ...............................................................................vi
EMC conformance ......................................................................vi
Chapter 1: About SD-GPS (RS120 only) ............................................................1
1.1 Satellite Differential GPS on the Raystar 120 ...............................1
1.2 SD-GPS in North America (W AAS) ............................................1
How SD-GPS works .....................................................................1
1.3 SD-GPS coverage outside North America ...................................3
Europe (EGNOS) ..........................................................................3
Asia (MSAS) ................................................................................ 3
1.4 Accuracy & continuation of broadcast coverage .......................... 3
Chapter 2: Installation .......................................................................................5
2.1 Planning the installation ............................................................... 5
Parts supplied ................................................................................ 5
Cabling guidelines ........................................................................ 6
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) installation guidelines .....6
2.2 Selecting a suitable location ..........................................................8
Receiver location ..........................................................................8
Cabling route ................................................................................ 8
2.3 Mounting the receiver ...................................................................9
Pole mounting ............................................................................... 9
Surface mounting ........................................................................10
Chapter 3: NMEA/SeaTalk Connections .........................................................11
3.1 Raystar 120/1 12LP - NMEA versions ........................................ 11
Using the moulded 6-pin NMEA connector ............................... 11
Using an alternative NMEA connector .......................................12
3.2 Raystar 120/1 12LP - SeaT alk versions .......................................12
3.3 Using a connector block ............................. .................................13
Chapter 4: Product Support & Servicing .......................................................15
4.1 EMC, servicing and safety guidelines ........................................15
4.2 Product support ...........................................................................15
Specifications & Compatibility ..........................................................................17
Raystar 120/112LP specifications .............................................. 17
Raystar 120/112LP compatibility ............................................... 18
iv Raystar 120 & Raystar 112LP GPS Receivers - Owner’s Handbook
Preface v

About this Handbook


W elcome to the handbook for the Raystar 112LP GPS receiver and Raystar 120 SD-GPS receiver . This handbook provides i nstallation details for the following products:
Raystar 120 SD-GPS receiver with SeaT alk output (Part no: E32025)
Raystar 120 SD-GPS receiver with NMEA output ( Part no: E32026)
Raystar 1 12LP GPS receiver with SeaT alk output (Part no: E32001)
Raystar 1 12LP GPS receiver with NMEA output (Part no: E32002)
These products are designed to receive GPS (Global Positioning System) signals and convert this information to either SeaT alk or NMEA:
the Raystar 112LP receives standard GPS signals, providing a typical
position accuracy of 15 m (without Selective Availability)
the Raystar 120 uses Satellite Differential GPS (SD-GPS) signals to
provide enhanced typical accuracy of less than 3 m
Note: See Chapter 1: About SD-GPS (RS120 only) for more information about satellite differential GPS.
This handbook contains four chapters:
Chapter Contents Page
Chapter 1: About SD-GPS (RS120 only)
Chapter 2: Installation Explains how to mount the Raystar 112LP and
Chapter 3: NMEA/SeaTalk Connections
Chapter 4: Product Support & Servicing
Explains how Satellite Differential GPS enables the Raystar 120 to provide enhanced accuracy.
Raystar 120 receivers.
Explains how to connect the Raystar output cable to your GPS display unit or chartplotter.
Provides product sup port information for the Raystar 112LP and Raystar 120.
At the end of this handbook we have included product specifications and compatibility information, a mounting template & warranty information.
Note: This handbook contains important i nformation about installing , using and maintaining your new Rayma rine product. To get the best from the product, please read this handbook thoroughl y.
vi Raystar 120 & Raystar 112LP GPS Receivers - Owner’s Handbook

Important Information

Before using this product, please read the followi ng information about:
Safety notices
EMC conformance
T o register your new Raymarine product, please take a few minutes to fill out the warranty card. It is important that you complete the owner information and return the card to us to receive full warranty benefits.
Safety notices
WARNING: Navigation aid
Although we have designed this pr oduct to be accurate and relia ble, many factors can affect its performance. As a result, it should only be used as an aid to navigation and should never replace comm on sense and navigational judgement. Always maintain a permanent watch so you can respond to s ituations as they develop.
WARNING: Product installation
This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with the instru ctions conta ined in this handbook. Fai lure to do s o could result in poor product performance, personal injury and/or damage to your boat.
WARNING: Electrical safety
Make sure the power supply is switched off before you make any electrical connections.
WARNING: Servicing
There are no user-serviceable parts in this unit. Do NOT attempt to open the unit or service the equipment. If the unit develops a fault, return it to your nearest distributor for service.
EMC conformance
All Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best industry standards for use in the recreational marine environment. The design and manufacture of Raymarine equipment and accessories conform to the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards, but correct installation is required to ensure that performance is not compromised.
Chapter 1: About SD-GPS (RS120 only) 1

Chapter 1: About SD-GPS (RS120 only)

1.1 Satellite Differential GPS on the Raystar 120

The Raystar 120 Satellite Differential GPS (SD-GPS) Receiver uses the new satellite differential system to improve the accuracy, integrity and availability of the basic GPS signals. This provides greater pos itional accuracy compared with standard GPS receivers (e.g. Raystar 112LP).
Three separate and compatible SD-GPS systems currently exist or are being developed:
1. Wide Area Augmentation System (W AAS), developed by the
Federal A viation Administration (F AA).
2. European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System (EGNOS),
being developed by a European consortium.
3. MTSA T Satellite-Bas ed Augmentation System (MSAS), being
developed by the Japan Civil A viation Bu reau (JCAB).

1.2 SD-GPS in North America (WAAS)

How SD-GPS works
The following description is based on WAAS, but the same principles apply to the EGNOS and MSAS networks.
1 About SD-GPS (RS120 only)
As shown in Fi gure 1- 1, the WAAS network consists of:
ground reference stations across t he USA
master stations located at East Coast and W est Coast
two geostationary satellites located above the equator
This network operates in conjunction with the existing GPS s atellites. The ground reference stations are located at known positions and receive
data continuously from the GPS satellites. The ground reference stations transmit their data to the master stations, which calculate the error of the GPS-received positions and generate correctional data.
The master stations send their co rrected ‘differential’ signals to the two geostati onary sat ellite s whi ch br oadcast the corrected data on the standard GPS frequency .
2 Raystar 120 & Raystar 112LP GPS Receivers - Owner’s Handbook
1 About SD-GPS (RS120 only)
Figure 1-1: The WAAS System
Y our Raystar 120 SD-GPS Receiver can then use this correctional data to refine the GPS positional data it receives. This results in improved accuracy (typically less than 3 metres) comp ared with standard GPS (typically 15 m) or land-based DGPS (typically 10 m).
Availability of WAAS in North America
The area coverage of W AAS includes the entire United States of America (see Figur e 1-2).
15˚W30˚W45˚W60˚W90˚W 75˚W105˚W120˚W135˚W150˚W165˚W 15˚E135˚E 150˚E 165˚E 180˚
Figure 1-2: WAAS Coverage Map
Chapter 1: About SD-GPS (RS120 only) 3
At the time of going to print, W AAS was bein g tested for aviation use. During this testing and certification period, continuous servi ce is expected although brief signal outages may occur as refinements and upgrades are made to the system.
Information about the status of WAAS and any planned outages are available via the Raymarine website at:

1.3 SD-GPS coverage outside North America

As well as being W AAS compatible, the Raystar 120 i s also compatible with the SD-GPS networks being developed for Europe (EGNOS) and Asia (MSAS). The combination of the W AAS, EGNOS and MSAS systems will provide global satellite based dif ferential GPS augmentation into the future.
Europe (EGNOS)
At the time o f going to print, EGN OS was in ea rly testing and qualification phases. As a result, signal outages may occur at any time. The status of EGNOS and any planned outages are available on-line at the Raymarine website:
1 About SD-GPS (RS120 only)
Satellite differential is currently disabled outside the W AAS reception area. When EGNOS is qualified for navigational use, we will publish a procedure on the Raymarine website to enable EGNOS operation.
Asia (MSAS)
An Asian satellite differential syst em (MSAS) is also being developed. When MSAS is qualified for navigational use, we will publ ish a procedure on the Raymarine website to enable MSAS operation.

1.4 Accuracy & continuation of broadcast coverage

The navigational accuracy of equipment using these satellite broadcast SD signal s during the testing and quali fication phases is not guaranteed by Raymarine Limited, nor is the continuation of the broadcast SD signal s the responsibil ity of Raymarine Limited.
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