Your RAY53 has the capability to transmit and receive on all available US,International and
Canada Marine VHF radiotelephone channels. There are channels that are FCC approved
but may only be used by authorized st atio ns for specif ic p urpos es, depend in g on the ty pe of
vessel (commercial or noncommercial.) Refer to Table 1-1 . These table list all of the marine
VHF channels available in your RAY53 for Canada,International and U.S. radiotelephone
use. Full familiarization with this table is essential when selecting your channels. The
International frequencies were agreed upon by the attending countries at the 1968
International Telecommunication Union meetin g in Genev a and ar e in activ e use around the
world. The US channels are t hose channels authorized for use in the U.S.A. by the FCC.
4) 5) 6) 7) 2) 3)
1.2.1 Controls
1) Channel Selecti on (Knob)
-. Turning to the right can increase the channel number and it can be
decreased by turning to the left.
-. When the Channel Selection Knob is rotated to the right at “88C H”, t he channel
number becomes “01CH”.
-. When the Channel Selection Knob is rotated to the left at “01CH”, the channel
number becomes “88CH”.
Rotate clockwise
Rotate counter clockwise
2) Squelch Knob
-. When Squelch knob is rota t ed, t he squelch level is adju st ed. If the knob is rotated
completely clockwise,all bars w ill illuminate.
3) V olume Knob
-. The volume knob controls the audio volume and is also switched to turn power on
and off. When the knob is rot at ed clockwise from the “OFF” pos ition,the power
becomes “Turned On”. Being rotated clockwise, t he audio volume will be
increased. Being rotated count erclockwise,the audio v ol ume will be decreased.
-. When the power is turned on, the receiv ing mode is in use after the follow ing
initial settin g .
Initial setting at power on.
Frequency mode--------: the frequency mode at power OFF
Channel --------: 16 CH (Working CH)
Priority CH --------: Priority CH at power OFF
Weather CH --------: Weather CH at power OFF
Transmitter Power---- : 25 Watt
-. When the power is turned on with pushing on SCAN/MEM key,all the memory
can be clear.
4) SCAN/MEM key
-. When SCAN/MEM key is pressed a nd released, Alarm 1 is heard and Scan
starts/stop. (To cancel the scan mode, press and release while rad io is scanning.
To start the scan mode, press and release while radio is not scann in g. )
-. If one or more channels are stored in memory, the radio will begin Memory Scan.
If no channels are stored in memory,the radio will begin All Scan.
-. To begin All Scan while memory are being stored in, A ll Scan can be begun by
pressing once more during flash in g on t he LCD.
-. When SCAN/MEM key is continuin g t o be pressed for more than three
seconds, Alarm 1 is heard and Memory of the current channel can be
stored/canceled.(When the current channel is stored,the current cha nnel will be
canceled. When no other channe l is st ored, the current channel will be stored.
5) WX/INT key
-. When WX/INT key is pressed a nd released, Alarm 1 is heard and Working CH
/Weather CH are toggled each ot her.
-. When WX/INT key is continued to be pressed for more than 2 seconds, Alarm 1 is
heard and frequency selection mode(US,Internation al or Canadian) can be
changed. There are 3 types of frequencies selection modes,US,International and
Canadian. The frequencies selection mode is changed like USA--
-. While the monitor operation is in use,Dual monitor and Triple monitor can be
6) MON/ 1/25 Key
-.When MON/ 1/25 is pressed and re leased, Alarm 1 is heard and Monitor operat i on
start.(Dual Monitor)
-. When MON/ 1/25 continues to be pressed for more than 2 seconds, Alar m 1 is
heard and Transmitter power can be changed. When transmitter power is 25W, it
can be 1 W. When transmitter power is 1 W, it can be 25 W.
7) 16/9 Key
-. When 16/9 key is pressed and released, Alarm 1 is heard and Channel can be
changed as follows.
The current channel is Working CH-------------- The current channel is Weather CH-------------- The current channel is Priority CH ---------------
Becomes Priority CH
Becomes Priority CH
Becomes Working CH
-. When 16/9 key continues to be pressed for more than 2 seconds, Alerm 1 is heard and
priority CH can be togg led. When the privat e channnel is 16CH,it can be changed to
9CH and when the priv at e channel is 9CH,it can be changed to 16CH.
8) PTT Key(Microphone)
When pressed,puts the radio into the transmit mode
If the current channel is Weather CH or the channel prohibitted from TX, Alerm 2 is
heard and PTT key cannot be used. If the PTT key is pressed continuously for over
five minutes,transmission is forcibly inhi bited and Alarm 2 is heard until the PTT key
is released.
9) UP key(Microp hone)
The UP key is used to move the chann el numbers up(+1).
If the UP key is continuously pressed for over 0.5 seconds,the channel n umbers can be
continuously up every 100msec.
10)DOWN key(Microphone)
-. The DOWN key is used to mov e t he channel numbers down(+1)
If the DOWN key is continous ly pressed for over 0.5 seconds,the channel numbers
can be continueously down ev ery 100msec.
11) 16/9 key(Microphone)
-. When 16/9 key is pressed and released, Alarm 1 is heard and Channel can be
changed as follows.
The current channel is Working CH-------------- The current channel is Weather CH-------------- The current channel is Priority CH ---------------
Becomes Priority CH
Becomes Priority CH
Becomes Working CH
-. When 16/9 key continues to be press ed for more than 2 seconds in Priority CH mode,
Alerm 1 is heard and priority C H can be toggled. When the priv ate channnel is 16CH,it
can be changed to 9CH an d w hen the private channel is 9CH,it can be changed to
12) DISTRESS key
-. DISTRESS key is use d t o send a DSC Distress Call when pressed and held for 4
1.2.2 LCD Display
The items of LCD display on the Front panel are descr ibed as follows
1) DSC display:
2) WX display
Will be displayed when DSC mode is entered.
: Will be displayed when Weather CH is entered.
Will be displayed when Tri monitor mode is entered.
3) INT display
use. “INT” is not displayed when US or Canadian channels are
: Will be displayed when International ch annels are programmed for
programmed for use.
4) CAN display
: Will be displayed when Canad ian channels are programmed for use.
“CAN” is not displayed when US or Internat ional channels are
programmed for use.
5) MEM display
: Will be displayed when displayed CH is memory-registered.
Will blink at Scan Stand-by and be display ed at Memory Scan.
6) SCAN display
: Will be displayed at Sca n mode
Will blink at Scan at Scan mode and be displayed with “ME M” at
Memory Scan.
7) ACK display
: Will be displayed at DSC mode when the response to individual calls
are received after DSC call is transmitted.
8) MON display
: Will be displayed at Monitor mode
(Dual monitor or Triple monitor)
9) TX display
: Will be displayed when transmitter pow er is det ected at transmitter
10) 1 W display
: Will be displayed when the transmitter circuits are providing 1 Watt
of power to the antenna. When the transmitter is su pplying 25 Wat t
to the antenna, “1 W” will be extinguished.
11)VOL, Bar
Graph display
: The Vol. bar graph shows the level of volume of the audio output
to the speaker.
The volume means to be larger when the dot of the bar graph
become increased to the right.
Bar graph
: The Squelch bar graph shows the de pt h of squelch.
“AUTO” will be displayed when Auto-Squelch is activate.
The number of dot of SQL Bar graph will be increased when SQL
knob is turned to the right to make Squelch deeper.
(When SQL knob is furthermore turned to right from the
maximum squelch, the squelch becomes AUTO Squelch and
“AUTO” will be displayed.
13) NMEA display:
will be displayed at all of the modes while valid NMEA data is
being received.
When NMEA data is invalid or is not received,”NMEA” is
Applicable data: GLL,GGA,RMA,RMC,APA,APB
14) Channel display :
display(Large) shows its situation.
15) Channel display
Will display channel nu mb er in use.
When Own Ship’s MMSI ID is entered,etc,Channel
: Will display Priority CH number in use.
When Own Ship’s MMSI ID is entered,etc, Channel
display(Small) sh ows its situation.
1.3.1 Turning the Power O n
1) Rotate the VOLUME knob clockwise to turn t he radio on.
1.3.2 Setting the Volume
1) Rotate the VOLUME knob for the disired volume level.
1.3.3. Setting the Power Output
1) Simply press the “MON 1/25” key for two seconds to toggle bet w een 1 Watt output
and 25 Watt output. When “1 WATT” is d isp layed,the output power is 1 Watt.
If “1 WATT” is extinguished, 25w at t s is being output. The choice of p ower output is
dependent upon the distan ce of transmission and tran smitting conditions. I n cert ain
US harbors and on certain channe ls, the FCC requires the power to be limi t ed to
1 Watt. On these “required “ channels,the radio automatically selects 1 Watt power
output when the channel is selected.
1.3.4 Selecting the Channel
1) To select the appropriate channel, rotate CHANNEL SELECTION Knob clockwise /
counterclockwise or also press U P/ DOWN key of the microphone.
2) The channels which are not set on the frequency mod e are skipped .
3) When UP/DOWN key is continuously pressed for over 0.5 seconds,the channel is
continuously changed(+1 or – 1) every 100msec during pressing UP/DOWN key.
1.3.5 To select the frequency mode
1) The frequency mode(group) can be selected from US mode, International mo de and
Canadian Mode.
The frequency mode can be shown on the LC D as follows.
USA frequency mode--------------------------- CANADIAN frequency mode------------------
“INT” and “CAN” are eliminated
“CAN” is displayed and “INT” is
INTERNATIONAL frequency mode----------
“INT” is displayed and “CAN” is
When WX/INT key is pressed and held for ov er 2 seconds, one frequency mode
can be changed to the other frequency mo de and Alerm 1 is heard.:
For example:
When USA mode is in use,it can be changed to CANADIAN mode by doing above
When Canadian mode, it can bew ch anged to International mode. When
International mode,it can be changed to USA mode. The last changed frequency
mode can be memorized.
When the power is turned on,the last memorized frequency mode can be
used.(Channel number is16C H at t hat time.)
1.3.6 To Transmit
1) Press the Push-To-Talk switch(PTT switc h) and speak into the microphone using a
clear normal voice.
2) If the current channel is Weather CH or the Tx prohibit ed channel, PTT switch c annot
be used and Audible beep sound 2 is heard.
3) RAY53 is designed to meet the new FCC Rules Part 80.203, which states,i f the PTT
switch is pressed continuously for over five minutes, t r ansmission is forcibly in hibited.
If this occurs,audible b eep sound 2 will be heard until the PTT switch is released.
1.3.7 To select a Weather Chan nel
1) Simply press the WX/INT,then use Channel Selection Knob or UP/DOWN key to
select the desired Weather Channel from 0 to 9. When this mode is selected,the
transmitter is always inhibited.
2) When the Weather CH is finished by pressing WX/INT key,the last used Weather CH
number is memorized
3) When the power is re-turned on,t he memorized Weather CH number can be
activate on the Weath er CH mode.
1.3.8 Priority Channel
1)When 16/9 is pressed and released, Alarm 1 is heard and Pri orit y Channel is in use then
Channel Display(Sma ll) shows “P” on the LCD.(“P” display means “Priority CH”.)
2) When 16/9 key is pressed and rele ased again during “P” is diplayed, A lerm 1 is heard
and the channel will be returned to the privious Working CH. When the channel is
changed by UP/DOWN key during Priority CH is displayed, “P” display will be
eliminated and Workimg C H wil l be in use.
3) When 16/9 is continueously pressed for over 2 seconds, Alerm 1 is heard and Priority
channel can be changed either 16CH or 9CH.( When Priority CH is 16CH, it can b e
changed to 9CH and when Pr iority CH is 9CH,it can be changed to 16CH.)
1.3.8 Channel Memory
1) The RAY53 has the capability of memorizing all US,Internationa l and Canadian
Channels. The channels memorized will be scanned in the Me mory Scan mode.
2) Channel Memory: When SCAN/MEM key is pressed a nd held for over 3 seconds,the
audible beep sound 1 is heard and the selected current channel can
be put into memory.
When the displayed channel on the LCD is memor iz ed, “MEM” is
displayed on the LCD.
Memory Clear : To press and hold for 3 seconds w hen the memory channel is
stored, the audible beep sound 1 is heard and the channel c an be
When the displayed channel is not memorized,”MEM” is not
displayed on the LCD.
1.3.9 Scan Modes
The RAY53 is equipped with two types of scan options, All-scan and Memory Scan. How these
options are accessed is dependent upon whether there are any channels stored in memory.
1) All-Scan mode
If no channels are stored in me mory,when the SCAN/MEM key is pressed and
released, the audible beep sound 1 is heard and ”SCAN” will begin to flash on the LCD for
three seconds. If no other keys are pressed in these three seconds,the radio will begin
scanning all channels(exce pt weather chann els) as long as no signal is receiv ed. If a signal is
received,the scan will stop on the receiving channel. If the signal is lost for five seconds, the
radio will resume scanning. While the radio is s cannin g ALL-Scan, ”SCAN” is disp layed on the
To cancel the scan mode,press the SCAN/M EM key while the radio is scanning.
2) Memory Scan mode
If one or more channels are stored in me mory,when the SCAN/MEM key is pressed and
released, the audible beep sound 1 is heard and “SCAN” and “MEM” will begin to flash
simultaneously on the LCD for 3 seconds. If no other key is pressed in these three seconds,
the radio will begin scanning all channels currently in memory.(Begin Memory scanning) As
with All-Scan, If a signal is received,t he scan will stop on the receiving ch annel until the s ignal
is lost for five seconds, the radio w i ll resume scanning.
While the radio is scanning M emory Scan, “SCAN” and “MEM” are displayed on the LCD.
To cancel memory scan,press the SCAN/MEM key w hil e t he radio is scanning.
When SCAN/MEM key is pressed again during “MEM” flashing within these three
seconds, the audible beep soun d 1 is heard and “SCAN” will flash on t he LCD and the
radio will begin ALL Scan mode. “MEM” will disaprear from the LCD leaving only “SCAN”
1.3.10 Monitor operations
1) The RAY53 is equiped with 2 types of monitor operations, Dua l Watch opeartion and
Tri Watch operation.
Working CH and Priorit y CH can be monitored altern at ely in Dual Watch operat ion.
Working CH, Priority CH and Weather CH can be monitore d by turns in Tri Watch
2)Dual Watch and Tri Watch can be changed each other by usin g WX/INT key.
When WX/INT key is pressed and released in the monitor mode, Alerm 1 is heard
and Dual Watch and Tri Watc h can be changed each other alter nat ely.
Dual Monitor Tri Monitor
Dual Watch operation
-. “MON” is displayed on the LCD.
-. Working CH number is displayed at Channel Display ( Large) on the LCD.
-. Priority CH(16CH or 9CH ) number is displayed at Cha nnel Display(Small) on the
. If the signal of Working CH i s detected, the Channel D isplay(Small) will be
extinguished and the monitor will stop tem por arily. Then the Re ceiver will be done for
7 seconds.( Even if there is no carrier for these 7 seconds, the monitor will stop for 7
seconds.) After 7 seconds is passed,the rad io wi ll mo nitor Priority CH.
-. If the carrier of Private CH is detect ed , the Priority CH number is disp layed at the
Channel Display(Large) and the Channel Display (Small) will be extinguished and the
monitor will stop te mporarily.
Tri Watch operation
-. “MON” is displayed on the LCD.
-. Working CH number is displayed at Channel Display ( Large) on the LCD.
-. Priority CH(16CH or 9CH ) number is displayed at Cha nnel Display(Small) on the
-. “WX” is displayed on the LCD
-. If the carrier of Working CH is detected, the Channel Displ ay(Small) will be
extinguished and the monitor will stop temporarily. Then the R eceiver will be done
for 7 seconds.( Even if there is n o carrier for thse 7 seconds, the monitor will stop for 7
seconds.) After 7 seconds is pas sed, t he radio will monitor Priority CH.
-. If the carrier of Private CH is detect ed, the Priority CH number is disp layed at the
Channel Display(Large) and the Channel Display (Small) will be extinguished and the
monitor will stop te mporarily.
7 seconds has been passed after the carrier is eliminated, t he radio will monitor
Weather CH.
-. If the carrier or the alert of Weather CH is detected, t he monitor operation will stop
and Weather CH will become in use with “WX” flashing every 0.5 sec and Alerm 3 is
heard for 5 seconds.
The Variation by carrier detecti on during Monitor operation
Carrier Detection at Working CH
Carrier is detected 7 seconds is passed
at Working CH after the carrier is OFF
Carrier Detection at Priority CH
Carrier is detected 7 seconds is passed
at Priority CH after the carrier is OFF
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