The best way to get acquainted with how your winch operates is to make test runs before you actually use it.
Plan your test in advance. Remember, you hear your winch, as well as see it operate. Get to recognize the
sounds of a light steady pull, a heavy pull, and sounds caused by load jerking or shifting. Avoid conditions
where load shifts or jerks occur, as they may indicate a dangerous situation.
The uneven spooling of cable, while pulling a load, is not a problem, unless there is a cable pileup on one end of
drum. If this happens, reverse the winch to relieve the load and move your anchor point further to the center of
the vehicle. After the job is done you can unspool and rewind for a neat lay of the cable.
When pulling a heavy load place a blanket, jacket or tarpaulin over the cable about five or six feet behind the
hook. In the event of a broken cable, this will slow the snap back of the cable and could prevent serious injury.
The winch clutch allows rapid unspooling of the cable, from cable drum, for hooking onto the load. The clutch is
operated by the clutch shifter lever or air shifter.
TO DISENGAGE CLUTCH: Run the winch in the reverse (reel out) direction until load is off the cable. Pull handle
out and rotate 90
TO ENGAGE CLUTCH: Pull handle out, rotate 90
handle snaps fully into the "ENGAGED" position. DO NOT attempt to pull a load unless the handle is fully at the
"ENGAGED" position. If manual shift indicator light is present, the green light is lit when clutch is fully
"ENGAGED". DO NOT attempt to pull a load unless the green light is lit. To hookup light to the vehicle electrical
system refer to the Electrical Schematic on page 15.
. With handle in the "DISENGAGED" position cable may now be free-spooled from drum.
(Refer to page 14)
and release handle. Run the winch in reverse until the clutch
TO DISENGAGE CLUTCH: Run the winch in the reverse (reel out) direction until load is off the cable. Apply air
pressure to the .125-27 NPT port: 80 PSI (min.), 150 PSI (max.).
TO ENGAGE CLUTCH: Remove air pressure form the cylinder (a return spring engages the plunger). Run winch
in reverse until the clutch engagement indicator light (green light) is lit.
green light is lit. To hookup light to the vehicle electrical system refer to the Electrical Schematic on page 15.
Pressure must not exceed 150
attempt to pull a load unless the
1. Inspect the cable for damage and lubricate frequently. If the cable becomes frayed with broken strands, re-
place immediately. Cable and hook assembly (100' lg. cable) P/N 524118 ("Y" drum) or (150' lg. cable) P/N
524119 ("STD" drum) may be purchased from a Ramsey distributor.
Check that the clutch is fully engaging. See OPERATION instructions, above,for the appropriate clutch shifter.
FOR MANUAL CLUTCH ONLY: Monthly disengage clutch, put several drops of oil on the shaft and work
clutch IN and OUT several times to lubricate inside of clutch cylinder
3. Check brake for drift. Refer to page 7.
Check oil level of winch brake housing every month. Remove oil level plug (refer to pg.13). Oil level should
be kept up to oil level hole (plus or minus 1/8"). Replace oil annually or more often if winch is used frequently.
Use 1/2 pint of Mobilfluid 424, Phillips HG Fluid, Texaco TDH, Shell Oil Co. Donax TD high performance tractor transmission fluid or equivalent, and for quietest operation, add 1/4 fl. oz. of an oil additive (available from
the factory).
5. Check to see that drum cable does not overrun (BIRDNEST) when freespooling. Refer to page 3.
Replace drum bushings and seals when seals begin to seep grease. Refer to OVERHAUL INSTRUCTIONS,
page 8. Add additional lubricant, Mobilith SHC 007, to gears if required.

DRUM WILL NOT ROTATE Winch not mounted squarely, Check mounting. Refer to
AT NO LOAD causing end bearings to bind up drum. WINCH MOUNTING page 2.
Brake damaged. Inspect and replace brake.
Gears damaged. Inspect and replace damaged gears.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DRUM WILL NOT ROTATE Load greater than rated Refer to Specifications pg.1
UNDER LOAD capacity of winch. for line pull rating.
Low hydraulic system Check pressure. Refer to HYDRAULIC
pressure. SYSTEMS performance charts pg. 4.
Winch not mounted squarely, Check mounting. Refer to
causing end bearing to bind WINCH MOUNTING pg. 2.
up drum.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WINCH RUNS TOO SLOW Low hydraulic system flow rate. Check flow rate. Refer to
HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS flow chart page 4.
Motor worn out. Replace motor.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DRUM WILL NOT Clutch not disengaged. Check OPERATION. Refer to page 5.
FREESPOOL Check ADJUSTMENT. Refer to page 12.
Winch not mounted squarely, Check mounting. Refer to WINCH
causing end bearings to bind drum. MOUNTING pg. 2
Side-mount bolts (item #18, Check bolt length. Bolt thread MUST NOT
Page 17) too long causing engage threaded holes in sides of end
binding of ring gear. bearing by more than the .50 inch thread
depth in the end bearing. Refer to page 15.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OIL LEAKAGE Damaged brake housing Replace gasket. Check for plugged
gasket or breather. breather. Refer to pgs. 8 & 10.
Damaged brake hub seal. Replace seal. Refer to pg. 10.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OIL LEAKAGE FROM Breather below oil level. Check oil level.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOADS DRIFT Brake needs adjusting. Adjust brake. Refer to pg. 7.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CABLE BIRDNESTS WHEN Drag screw improperly Adjust nylon drag screw.
CLUTCH IS DISENGAGED adjusted. Refer to pg. 3.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXCESSIVE NOISE Brake torque too high. Reduce torque. Refer to page 7.
Hydraulic system flow too high Check flow rate. Refer to HYDRAULIC
SYSTEMS flow chart pg. 4.
Brake oil level low. Check oil level, add oil if necessary.
Drum in bind, winch not Check mounting. Refer to
mounted squarely. WINCH MOUNTING pg. 2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DRUM CHATTERS, Low hydraulic system flow. Check flow rate. Refer to HYDRAULIC
in "REEL IN" direction SYSTEMS flow chart pg. 4.
Low hydraulic system Check relief valve setting. Refer to
relief pressure setting. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS pg. 4.