Installation Instructions
P/N 49-4SS
Please Stop and Read these Instructions before proceeding. If you do
not fully understand the installation instructions you should seek
professional help. Failure to follow the proper installation and tuning
may result in damage or injury.
Quick Fuel Technology would like to thank you for purchasing this billet throttle cable
bracket. If you need assistance please call the QFT Sales and Tech Support Staff @
270-793-0900, Monday through Friday 8AM – 5PM central time.
NOTE: This bracket accommodates both Morse and GM-style throttle cables.
1. Install front section of throttle bracket using two T15 torx head screws and washers
supplied. (Place drop of RED LOCTITE on threads before installation)
2. Install the throttle return spring holder and the desired rear cable holder (Morse or GM-
style) to the slotted portion of the front and rear bracket arms. Leave the mounting screws
slightly loose for final adjustment. (Use screws and washers provided in the kit)
3. Mount the throttle cable bracket assembly to both the front and rear carburetor studs on
the drivers side.
4. Install the return spring lever onto the primary throttle lever of the carburetor. (Secure to
the larger hole at top of throttle lever)
5. Attach the two springs to the return spring lever.
6. Position the cable for full throttle. Set the desired tension and tighten all screws.
CAUTION: Check for W.O.T. and binding prior to starting or driving vehicle.
Quick Fuel Technology®
129 Dishman Lane
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Instruction Sheet P/N 99-49-4SS, 11/2011