Quick Charge corporation warrants the Battery Fuel Gauge (BFG) for Five (5) years from the date
of purchase.
After the warranty period, units returned to the factory for repair will be charged a minimum rate of
$25.00 each. BFG will be returned, freight and repair charges, C.O.D. unless other arrangements
have been made.
This warranty covers all defects in manufacture and performance, provided the unit is operated in
compliance with manufacture’s operating instructions. For repairs to be made at the Quick Charge
factory, a FM and/or component(s) should be sent, freight prepaid to Quick Charge at:
Quick Charge Corp.
1032 S.W. 22nd St.
Oklahoma City, OK. 73109
Quick Charge, will at it’s option, repair or replace the BFG or component in question. The repaired
item will then be returned, freight prepaid by Quick Charge. This warranty is void if the BFG or
component have been altered, changed, or repaired by anyone not authorized by Quick Charge, or
if the BFG or component, have been subjected to misuse, negligence, or harsh environmental
conditions. Field repairs are made at the user’s own risk. “Authorization” by Quick Charge to repair
refers to maintaining the warranty only. Quick Charge assumes no responsibility or liability for field
servicing, and shall not be responsible for incurred travel or labor charges.
Quick Charge corporation shall not in any event be liable for the cost of any special, indirect or
consequential damages to anyone, product or thing. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties
expressed or implied. Quick Charge neither assumes nor authorizes any representative or other
person to assume for us any liability in connection with the sale of this product.
The Fuel Gauge is designed to monitor and display the state of charge on m otive power
(deep cycle) batteries.
Golf cars, pallet trucks, forklifts, personnel carriers, scissor lifts, floor scrubb ers, EV’s,
bass boats.
CAUT IO N: Always wear protective eye shields an d clothing when working with
batteries. Batteries contain acid s which can cause bodily harm. Do n ot
put wrenches or other m etal objects across the battery terminal or
battery top. Arcing or explo sion of the battery can result. Do not wear
jewelry when working around batteries. Arcing can cause sever burns.
Locate a place to mount the gauge. M ark th e tw o mounting tab holes on the surface to b e
mounted. Use a 1/8" drill. Use a 3/8" drill b it to pass a ll the w ires through so that the gauge
mounts flu sh.. B e sure hole is bur free. Use sh eet m etal or appropriate screws to mount.
Attach red wire of meter to +b attery . B lack wire to - battery. Id eally, the wires need to go
directly to the battery. If this is not po ssible, use leads from studs, terminals or any other
contact points as close to the b attery as po ssible. The m eter must see battery voltage all the
tim e, connect before switches, contactors or anything else.
The fuel gauge may be connected with the key switch so that it w ill illuminate only when
switch is turned o n. C on nect the blue wire to a positive wire at the key sw itch so that when
it is turned on, power is ap plied to the blue wire. NOTE: If you do not want to use the key
sw itch fea ture, yo u must connect the blue w ire to the red w ire.
When conn ected for the first tim e, the gauge will read static battery voltage. The bars will
light in in crements as the battery is charged or dis ch arged giving you an accurate reading
of your battery’s capacity all the time. W hen the battery is being discharged you will n otice
a secondary gho st light bar o perating in the background tha t will give you an indication
of how m uch energy you are usin g. The last bar of th e prim ary light b ar will flash at 1.75
volts per cell. The battery should not be discharged beyond this point, and sho uld be
recharged as soon as is possible. Never charge a hot battery, let it coo l down first. The last
LED bar will also flash at a static voltage of 2 volts per cell.

It should be noted, that the gauge will not be accurate during long discharge cycles, an d w ill
require a 20-30 second rest before it can update itself. This is d ue to th e in herit voltage sag
and recovery associated with lead acid batteries.
It is impo rtant for the gauge to be con nected to the battery at all times, connecting and
disconnecting will interfere with the gau ges ability to register accurately.
There is a certain amo un t o f training for the o perator to become intuitive with the gauges
movements. O nce understo od, the ga uge will b e a valuable tool in m aximizing your batteries
New batteries will n ot deliver their full performance until after several cycles. In genera l,
batteries should be discharged between 50-80 % before recharging.
The tops of the b atteries and b atte ry h old dow ns must be kept clean and d ry at all times to
prevent excessive self discharge and flow of current between th e battery post an d frame.
For wet batteries, maintain the proper electrolyte level by adding water when necessary.
Never allow the electrolyte level to fall below the top of the b attery plates. Electrolyte levels
fall during discharge and rise during charging. T herefore, to prevent the overflow of
electrolyte when charging, add water ONLY AFTER the batteries h ave been fully charged
DO NOT OVE RFILL. Old batteries require more frequent ad ditio ns of w ater than do new
Do not over discharge your batteries. Excessive discharge can cause polarity reversal of
individual cells resulting in complete battery failu re.
See th e battery manufactures instructions for more in fo rm ation.