Quantum STORNEXT FX User Manual

High Performance Workflow
and Intelligent Archiving
Command Options Description
Command Options Description
StorNext FX 2.0 File System
Syntax conventions:
italics = replace with a variable
[ ] = optional component
cvadmin Displays the active and
-H FSMHostName Connects to the
-F FileSystemName Sets the file system
[ -f filename ] Reads commands from
[ -e command ] Runs the cvadmin
debug [ [ + | - ] value ] Views or sets the
disable groupname [ read | write ]
disks [ refresh ] Displays StorNext FS
down groupname Disables access to the
standby SNFS server processes.Can be used to inspect and modify the state of active servers.
StorNext FS on the specified machine (FSMHostName).
(FileSystemName) as the active file system.
the specified file.
command and exits. (Commands are listed below.)
Activates the file system (file_system_name).
StorNext FS debugging flags.
Disables the stripe group (groupname) for either reads or writes.
disk volumes visible to this machine. If the refresh option is used, the volumes are re-scanned.
stripe group (groupname).
cvadmin enable groupname
[ read | write ]
fail file_system_name | index_number
filelocks [ yes | no ] Shows file record lock
fsmlist Displays the state of the
help [ command | ? ] Displays a usage
latency-test [ index_number | all ] [ seconds ]
paths Displays StorNext FS
proxy [ long ] Displays distributed LAN
proxy who hostname Displays all active
qos Displays per-stripe group
repof Creates a report
quit Disconnects cvadmin
quotas [ yes | no ] Enables or disables
quotas get [ user | group ] name
quotas set [ user | group ]
name hardlim softlim timelim
quotacheck Recalculates the amount
Enables the stripe group (groupname) for either reads or writes.
Fails over the file system (file_system_name).
FSM process.
summary of command.
Runs a network latency test between the FSM and a client or all clients.
labeled disks visible to the local system.
servers for the selected file system. With the long argument, the served disks are also displayed.
distributed LAN connections for the specified host.
QOS statistics.
showing all open files on the file system.
from the StorNext FS and exits.
quota accounting and enforcement.
Displays current quota parameters for the user or group (name).
Sets current quota parameters for the user or group (name).
of space consumed by all users and groups in the file system.
cvadmin repquota Generates quota reports
select [ file_system_name ]
show [ groupname ] [ long ]
start file_system_name [ hostname | IP address ]
stat Displays the general
stop file_system_name [ hostname | IP address ]
up groupname Enables the stripe group
who [ long [ client_index ] ]
for all users and groups in the file system.
Selects the file system (file_system_name) to view and modify.
Displays information about stripe groups (groupname) associated with the file system.
Starts the StorNext FS manager for the specified file system (file_system_name).
status of the file system.
Stops the StorNext FS manager for the specified file system (file_system_name).
Queries the client list for the selected file system.
Command Options Description
cvaffinity Establishes an affinity to
[ -k key ] Indicates where the file
[ -s key ] Associate affinity key
[ -l ] Lists the affinity for the
[ -d ] Deletes the affinity from
filename File or directory name.
a stripe group or lists the current affinity of a file.
system should place the data file. If the key parameter is defined, then the data file is placed on stripe groups specified to support this parameter.
with file or directory filename.
specified file.
the specified file or directory.
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Command Options Description
cvcp Provides a high speed,
Source Source file or directory.
Destination Destination file or
[ -A ] Disables file
[ -b buffers ] Sets the number of I/O
[ -k buffer_size ] Sets the I/O buffer size.
[ -l ] Copies the target of
[ -n ] Prevents recursion
[ -p source_prefix ] Only copies files that
[ -s ] Forces allocations to line
[ -t num_threads ] Specifies the number of
[ -u ] Only copies when the
[ -v ] Displays verbose output
[ -x ] Retains original
multi-threaded copy mechanism to copy directories and tar images to and from the StorNext FS.
Default value: Two times the number of copy threads started.
Default value: 4MB
symbolic links rather than copying the link itself.
through subdirectories.
begin with the value of the source_prefix parameter.
up on the beginning block modulus of the stripe group.
copy threads.
Default value: 4
source file is newer than the destination file.
about the copied files.
permissions from the source file. If set by the super user, also sets sticky and setuid/gid bits.
Command Options Description
cvcp [ -y ] If set by the super user,
[ -z ] Retains original
retains ownership and group information.
modification times.
Command Options Description
cvfsck Checks and repairs a file
[ -C ] Reset the inode free list.
[ -d ] Enables internal
[ -e ] Reports statistics on all
[ -f ] Reports fragmentation.
[ -g ] Prints the journal
[ -j ] Executes journal
[ -J ] Dumps the raw journal to
[ -K ] Resets the journal and
[ -l ] Logs problems to syslog.
[ -n ] Enables a file system to
[ -r ] Displays where files are
[ -t ] Reports on allocation
[ -T directory ] Places temporary files in
[ -v ] Displays verbose output.
file extents.
recovery log.
recovery and exits.
stdout and exits. For debugging use only.
WARNING: Resetting
the journal may introduce metadata inconsistency. Exercise extreme caution when using this option.
be checked in a read-only mode.
placed and moves them to a different stripe group.
covering restricted areas of a stripe group.
the specified directory.
Command Options Description
cvfsck [ -x ] Reports statistics for
FsName Specifies the file system
FsPath Specifies an alternate
input to a spreadsheet.
to check.
file system path (other than /usr/cvfs/data) to locate file systems.
Command Options Description
cvfsid Displays the StorNext
FS system identifier.
Command Options Description
cvlabel Labels StorNext FS disk
-l Lists available disk
-L Lists available disk
-u VolumeName Unlabels the specified
[ -s ] When used with the -l or
[ -v ] Displays verbose output
[ -a ] Prints unusable disk
[ -q tag_q_depth ] Used to set Command
[ -f ] Forces labeling.
-c Outputs a cvlabel format
-D VolumeName Writes label information
devices on the system.
devices (verbose format).
volume (VolumeName).
-L option, prints the disk device serial number.
about labeling.
devices when used with the -l or -L option.
Tag Queue Depth (tag_q_depth) on IRIX.
Default value: 16
template file to stdout.
of specified volume to stdout.
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