StorNext Licensing
StorNext licensing has changed significantly from previous releases. Beginning with release 4.0, StorNext licenses are now required and enforced for several features. If you do not have the appropriate license, you will not be able to use that StorNext feature.
StorNext License Types........................... 2
Auto-Generated and Evaluation
Licenses .............................................. 2
Licensing and Upgrades......................... 3
Obtaining Licenses................................. 3
StorNext License Agreement.................. 4
This document describes the license types and the procedure for obtaining licenses. Licensing implications on StorNext upgrades is also explained.
Also included in this document is a copy of the StorNext End User License Agreement, which you should read carefully before installing and using StorNext for the first time.

StorNext License Types

Here is a list of StorNext licenses:
File System: A File System license enables you to create and modify
StorNext-supported file systems.
LAN Client: You must have a Distributed LAN Client license for each
LAN client you use with StorNext (in addition to any SAN clients).
Storage Manager: A Storage Manager license provides full access to
StorNext's Storage Manager features that are not licensed separately.
Replication: A replication license is required if you want to use
StorNext's Data Replication feature.
Deduplication: A deduplication license is required if you want to use
StorNext’s Data Deduplication (blockpool) feature.
Vaulting: A Vaulting license provides the ability to move seldom-used
media to a manual archive vault, freeing room for media in the managed archives.
StorNext Licensing
Storage Disk: You must have a Storage Disk license to be able to configure and use
StorNext storage disks.
Checksum: A Checksum license enables you to verify data integrity by ensuring that
the checksum created when data was stored matches the checksum upon data retrieval.
Distributed Data Mover (DDM): A license is required for using DDM if you plan to
use additional machines besides the primary server to distribute data streams.
Failover (HA): A Failover (High Availability) license is required if you plan to use
StorNext's HA failover features.
Maintenance: A Maintenance license verifies that your site has purchased StorNext
upgrade licenses, and is required for StorNext upgrades. It is also used at run time to verify the revision number in the software matches what was purchased.

Auto-Generated and Evaluation Licenses

If the license.dat file does not contain permanent licenses, StorNext produces an auto-generated license with an expiration date for all StorNext products and features except Deduplication. In some cases Quantum may provide evaluation licenses for features. Evaluation licenses also have a fixed expiration date.
Beyond the evaluation period, you must have a permanent license to configure or use StorNext features.
Note: You cannot mix auto-generated/evaluation and permanent licenses. Once you
enter one or more permanent licenses in StorNext, all auto-generated/ evaluation licenses are deleted. If you are using an auto-generated or evaluation license period to evaluate new features, be aware that you will lose any remaining time on your temporary licenses as soon as you enter one or more permanent license.
After you have entered permanent licenses, you should not install an evaluation license.
For more information about licenses and obtaining a permanent license, see the StorNext User’s Guide or the online help.
2 StorNext License Types

Licensing and Upgrades

The new licensing implementation affects StorNext upgrades, both for release 4.0.1 and future releases. Be aware of the following upgrade-related implications and plan accordingly:
• A non-expired Maintenance license is required to perform a StorNext upgrade. This means you must contact Quantum Technical Support for a Maintenance license before you can upgrade to StorNext 4.0.1.
• The Maintenance license provided by Quantum Technical Support must be put into place prior to the upgrade, or you will not be allowed to proceed with the upgrade. This step is done by manually editing the license.dat file because the StorNext GUI has not been installed and therefore you cannot enter licenses through the GUI. This applies to upgrades to StorNext 4.0.1 and also to future upgrades.
• For future upgrades, for any StorNext feature or component currently in use, you must have a license in place prior to the upgrade. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to proceed with the upgrade.
• For future upgrades, after an upgrade you will still be allowed to run StorNext if the Maintenance license expires. However, no future upgrades will be allowed.
• The Maintenance license must remain in place even after expiration to allow the

Obtaining Licenses

To obtain permanent product/feature licenses, you must contact the Quantum Technical Assistance Center at licenses@Quantum.com
• The serial number from your product CD or box.
• A list of the products/features you wish to license
• The number of StorNext SAN clients and distributed LAN clients you want to
• The StorNext server identification number. You can find this number on the
After the Quantum Technical Assistance Center receives the above information, a representative will send you license strings for the products/features you specified. Enter these license strings on the Configuration > License > Entry screen to begin using StorNext features.
StorNext software to run, because it indicates which version of the software was purchased.
and give them the following information:
support, as well as capacity.
Configuration Wizard’s Configuration > License screen.
Licensing and Upgrades 3
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